the training has been completed and some soldiers and the volunteers go in a another forest in the south,they reach the open forest and depart from the vehicles and Jorogumo making them split up to teams.
Stan join the same team with Mason,the girl who sang and an old short man with no hair and wrinkles in his face,his eyes showing tireness
Jorogumo then announce "you will go inside the forest with your group, unfotunatly we have no ways of communication so you will stick together and come back before the dawn and remember,if you found any large creature attack it all together or fall back with slow steps"
Jorogumo left with her soldiers inside and the others follow too,expanding in the forest and breaking up,as they continue onwards Mason starts talking "so we will be together for a long time,maybe we should start introducing ourselves"
the girl turn quickly towards him and says with a excitement "then i want to start first,my name is aphrodite and im twenty four years old"
"so you are one year younger than me and Stan"
"so you are one of the many on our age"
aphrodite then points her finger on them "so you are Stan and you are?"
"im Mason"
"nice to meet you both of you"
the old man shouts at them "can you please shut up? You are going to drive off the animals"
Stan says "but there are not animals here"
the old man sign massively "of coure they are not if you are all pf you talking like fucking idiots"
Stan feel his hurt beating fast,his eyebrows pulled together and grit his palms "then just leave,simple"
the old man pull his eyebrows together too and make a hiss "what did you said to me you little sit?"
both look one another with their flaming eyes,aphrodite look at both of them and before doing anything Mason goes beside them "sir my friend didnt really mean it,he is just a bit overwelmed lately,im sure we can forget that and continue onward"
the old man blue eyes lower and says "all right but dont make me repeat myself,im two hundread sixty years old, and i dont have time for that"
"i assure you sir my friend will not do anything like this again"
the man turned and mumurs "i hope so"
they continue onwards in the forest without talking .
Out of nowhere they see a two leg figure in the trees,they follow it through the forest, finding a creature almost on their size,large legs and small body ,its neck being almost non existent,his head showil like watching the sky and the earth at the same time ,with only its two grey eyes showing in this widely face and its also thin black fur covering its lower body , the creature fall down and starts ripping the grass,small drops of water comming from it, he then starts digging small holes with its long fingers and hard nails and then extends two small tubes thin like tree branches and places then to the holes.
the old man kneel with his one leg and shot at the creature but miss,the creature turn only his face to look at them, making a cry and start running with incredible speed and the others chase it.
They followed until they lose sign of it and stop, the old man follows them behind breathing heavy and murmuring "fuck,fuck,fuck" the man manage to get close to them and stops to breathe ,saying from his heavy breathes "dont stare at me,go and find the creature" they continue following its traces up until they found it uncouncious eight meters behind some fungus, Stan goes first to the hand like fungus and says "should we take these mushrooms with us?"
Mason and aphrodite look at them carefully and Mason says "we do not know if they are poisonous,we better leave then as they are" they continue forward
looking at the creature with its yellow eyes still open
"should we take it with us?,it might have something dangerous inside it"
aphrodite responds "we waste so much time for this creature,we will not go back empty handed"
"but we can find another one"
aphrodite look at the creature and says with confidence in her voice "we will take it,we will not let it here"
mason agrees and Stan grabs the creatures leg.
He starts draging it slowly and
Mason look at aphrodite and says "lets go help him"
they too grab the other leg of the creature and they all start walking back to the old man.
They found him still breathing heavy and as they approach him they lower the creature and the man says "do not drop it,lets get it right back to the vehicles" everyone look at him with sweat flowing over their faces and Stan says "just leave us a moment to rest" the man look at them with his muscles in his face tighten and says "fine,just hurry up,we have to catch more of them"
Stan look at the man with his eyes open wide "we did all the work and are you going to order us?"
"yes,because we need food to survive until we leave this damm planet"
Stan starts walking towards him but mason stops him whispering "the last thing we need is bad relationships with one another"
Stan looks at Masons calm face and he stops.
They then hear the sound of bones cracking and footsteps,they all turn and watch the creature start walking with weird moves,his knees curving ,its body going back and fotrth and its head tilt all the way back like its watching them,its eyes and mouth open,the old man shoots the body of the creature but it didnt stop,it continues with little to no blood coming from its wound and vanishes from their view,everyone watch with their eyebrows up and feeling their stomach twist,they turn their backs and look one another.
The three of them then turn again hearing Aphrodite screaming,Stan goes close to her and she points with her fingers the trees without words coming out from her mouth, Stan stand beside her and see a white figure with a hairy face and another small figure on its back,they both look with wonder and suddenly a rock fly towards them,Stan push Aprodite and she evade the rock,with another one coming and hitting Stan on his arms,almost ripping it,Stan starts screaming ,everyone look with shock and Mason and Aphrodite drag Stan with their andrenaline pumping, the old man gets up and starts running away.
Mason shouted "where are you going?"
"im sorry but i cannot die yet"
Mason and Aphrodites drag Stan with all their strengh,not knowing or seeing where the creatures are or if they still hunt them,they give all their strengh to leave the forest,their heart beating fast and tears coming out of Aphrodites eyes and Stan screaming with his hand crawling with him only because his nerves and his half destroyed bone are still attached,Mason look around only to see for a bried moment a rock passing sligly passig his head with increndible speed,his heart beat even faster ,feeling it ready to burst from his chest,Aphrodite starts murmuring and sobbing "im sorry, im sorry,its all my fault"
Mason look behind him to see that they are almost outside,another rock flies to them and hits masons fingers,Mason screams without leaving Stan and then another rock hits him again in his other hand,losing total four fingers,blood come out from his wound and he starts to feel dizzy,Aphrodite stare at him and then watch the creature coming at them,then come at them and the creature vanish in the forest.
they take Stan and Mason at a vehicle and Aphrodite with tears still dropping from her eyes sits beside them and the old man standing away with his back on them ,the three of them feel hard to breathe,almost like the ocygen is lower ,two soldier comes to them with bandages ,a small device and a knife, the one soldier grabs Stan and the other put a syringe on him,Stan eyes start to flicker and the soldier drown to his sheat slowly cuts the limb with Stan feeling nothing, he then starts putting the device on Stans detached hand and hes wound and epxanding it from the broken bone and nerves all the way to the back of his head, he then goes to Mason wraping his wounds and saying "after him we will attach you the cell restorator" Mason nod his head and look at Stan,now with his pain easing and his arm slowly regenarating,he then look at Aphrodite as she watch Stan with care "he will be alright"
"i know but it was me who caused all these"
the soldier removes the cell restorator from Stan and places it in his one hand and then the other.
Jorogumo comes back with many dead creatures like they previously saw and says "what happened?"
Aphrodite speaks "we've been attacked by a beast,it throwed us rocks with great force and Stan protected me from getting hurt"
"he helped you?"
Jorogumo move infront of her face and kneel "can you tell me more about this creature?"
"we didnt saw it clearly,it was taller than us and with fur in his head,looking like us"
"anything else you have to tell me"
"we catched a creature like them, we find it dead and then suddenly it starts moving away,we shot him but it didnt stop"
Jorogumo stand up and says "ypu should be grateful,we lost many more in these woods"
she stays with the same unemotional and then leaves them to talk with the soldiers and other groups who made it.
Aphrodite looks at Mason and Stan with their limbs and fingers regrown again
"how do you feel?"
Stan tries to move his hand with no result "maybe in two days i can move it again"
"maybe the same" Mason says
and then continues
"are you alright? you seem a bit pale"
"im fine,it was just the blood and the feeling of death that made a small headache"
Mason place his hand on one of his pockets and takes a small tube,he opens it and give it to Aphrodite
"thank you"
Aphrodites colour slowly goes back to normal and the green light of sun slowly vanishes.
Jorogumo and the soldiers tell everyone to go to the vehicles,soldier here and there start disagreeing if they must wait more or leave,but Jorogumo make it to them clear that they should leave.
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