Stan walks at a hill with the moon infront of his eyes, he sits for a minute on the hill with his knees bend, and sitting in a squat like position, he takes a look at the moon, ihalling deeply and lettin it out, taking his eyes from the moon and looking around the endless sand with the vaporizing water rising and feeling his sweat coming down to his body, at the horizon he sees a small creature with no fur, walking very slowly with its fat and bend legs, its four eyes twisting left and right , up and down and with three smaller of tis kind with two eyes at its back and coming towards him, he descends the hill and runs closer and cover himself on another small hill, targeting the mother now lookig at almost his height he shoots her and falls down, the small ones start to cry and drag themselves close to their mother, Stan approach them and sees how many bullets he have left, he place them inside the weapon again and look at the ground, finding a small melted stone resembling a knife, he takes it and walks closer to the small ones, they scream as much as they could with their light and faint voices, he raise his hand and impale with the stone the little ones one by one as they stay beside their mother, he takes the mother to his back as blood falls to his armors and slowly walk towards the cave, he holds the mother tight and climb in the hill starting to feel weaker and weaker as his stomach rumble, the wound start to create a trail of blood on the sand.
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In front of him he sees large black animals with their bodies layed on the ground, consuming sand and then spitting it, eating the bones and meat of other dead creatures from a hole in their belly, Stan takes his gun and continue onward, walking meters away from creatures and looking at them, the creatures make contact with their gaze and start running away, Stan continue with the body on his back, reaching a flat horizon, seeing the cave as a small black dart, he let the animal down and he sits down, breathing slow and steady and taking the animal to his back, from the distance he hears the same distant sound he heard when the monsters attacked them, He start running with the animal on his back,the distant sound is heard again and adrenaline flows through his body, he look behind him seeing nothing, he hears the sound again and falls feeling his legs numb and from behind he sees the spikes dragging the body, he grit his teeth and target at them, his mind becoming blurry but he hold the trigger and kills two of them, the others taking the animal away and leaving him, he make a useless try to move his legs and at the end he use his arm to bring it closer and sees a deep wound on his legs along with pieces of the armo pierce on his feet, he scream loud and wraps the wound, looking around himand seeing nothing exept sand,he stays looking at the stars and after many minutes he suddenly feel his legs, he gets up and screams, feeling like burning knifes pass through him and stay there, he falls almost losing his councious but drag himself and after enough pain he continue his way , walking and wanding enough for the moon to move right above him, he look around finding waves upon waves of sand and far a dart that rise to the sky, the wind becoming intense and the sand raising and scatering along with it and in an instant the dart vanishes, leaving no sound,Stan continue to walk and as the moon comes down and again infront of him a fat leg sticking out fron the sand caught his attention , he walks towards it and dig at the sand, finding a body as long as his leg, its bell open and eaten from inside with enough meat on its legs to at least stop the hunger for a while, Stan try look for another animal with no sign of one, he find another rockaand with ease he break the legs of the animal and carries them and as the moon descend to its lowest Stan sees from afar the cave reflecting upon the moon.
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As he walk with the sand covering his view, he sees tiny holes in the sand, he continue onward and the sand starts to fall beneath his feet, Stan tries to run but the sand pulls him to the holes they create, he holds his gun and legs tight, his footstep on the hole and from beneath a fat animal with its children beside it open its mouth and grabs Stan with its two hands while the body create tentacles to help it from getting crashed by the sand.
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The monster place Stan's legs in its mouth, making pressure on its mouth to try and eats them, Stan starts to feel the armor breaking and shoots the small ones and the mother, he reloads the gun feeling more pressure and abruptly teeth piercing his legs, He scream and veins popped from his head, he pull the trigger with more strength and as the last round is fired the creature dies, he drop the gun and drag himself to the surface as the sand crashed the creature, he gets up and with each step he grits his teeth, feeling his legs like they are burning.
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After hundreds of painful steps he reach the cave with his wounds painting his armor red and falls, Aphrodite and Kalevi rush and turn him to lay on his back, Jorogumo throws at Aphrodite a bandage, covering one of his leg, and Stan look at them and says " let me rest for a while" he gets up walking with slow and painful steps and laying beside Jorogumo, Kalevi look at him and asks "Stan you are wounded and we don't know if the wound is infected"
Stan raise his voice as he tore his clothes from inside and wraps them around the wound" and what can we do about it? We are left with only the energy source and the device"
Kalevi moves its eyes on the bag and says "Jorogumo when will USS come?" "I don't know the time exactly but they will know our location thanks to the device" Kalevi sits down and Aphrodite does the same, looking at Stans'wounds, Stan says "I bought you these legs, I'm sorry I couldn't find something better" they all put their masks off and grab a leg and Kalevi says "can't we start a fire first, or do something to prevent a disease," Jorogumo says "you can only resist the temptation of eating it" Kalevi let it down and Aphrodite and Stan eats them, Stan asks "Jorogumo aren't you hungry?" "I can operate in normal condition without eating for some time" Stan look at his food and eats it, then placing a syringe of water in him and sleeps with Aphrodite and Kalevi mimicking him.
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Stan starts feeling something grabbing him shaking his legs, he swiftly gets the gun and targets Jorogumo, keeping her lips tight and breathing rapidly, pointing at the bag, Stan opens it and looks inside it, finding the source and empty syringes except one, he takes it and Jorogumo look him at the eyes and extend her arm, Stan place the syringe and Jorogumo breaths normal and whispers "how many syringes have left?" "that was the last, explain me what this syringe contained " "carry me outside and I will explain it to you" Stan fell to his knees and turn his back on Jorogumo, grabbing him and carrying her outside and letting her down "now I can explain you, this syringe had enhance drugs on it, it helped me stay focused and be awake day and night, it is used very often by athletes or politicians in small doses, however the continue usage of these drugs can kill you if you stop using them or until the body stops responding an" "how long does the effect last?" "it doesn't matter, its impossible to reach help before the effect runs out"
she makes a brief pause and says
"Stan now that everyone is dead I need someone willing to help me" "what do you need?" "first I need to know if I can trust you" Stan raise his voice and says "you've seen everything I did and you still believe I'm not worthy of trust?" Jorogumo place her finger in front of her mouth "I know Stan, but this is not about the survival of the few, it is about what future of humanity you will choose " Stan says with a soft and perplexed voice says "why should I choose a side, and what sides are you referring to?"
"I refer to the earthlings and martians or the mercurians"
"first of all I will choose my kind over mercurians and second why should I make a choice?"
"I didn't intend to tell you this or make you choose, to be exact I didn't calculate that you will live until now but you are the only one who is left now, Stan there is a plan on motion from the USS they want the source so they can occupy planets beyond our galaxy" Stan interrupts her "and why should I be worried about this?" "Let me finish, they want to inhabit new planets so they can escape the radiation waves that are coming to our system, and they want to take themselves and maybe save us if they have time or resources" Stan look at the sun "and how do I know you are telling me the truth? " "Because I know you wouldn't be here if the USS treated you like they treat the rich, I know that even the people haven't treated you right because of your problems" Stan says nothing, Looking at the first rays of the sun as they hit his face, Jorogumo looking at Stan with small drops of water dripping from her forehead.
After many minutes Jorogumo says "have you finally decide?" Stan look at her with his eyes narrow "even what you said is true what " "if i have to be honest weight every desicion i made then i am like them, but it is for the greater end, the rebelion i told you it was a lie, they never wished to use the planet for their peroknal desires, they wished to be free of the Martians and earthlings, free of labour and escape from the economic crisis that made famine and war kill one quarter of our population, and i sided with martians and earthlings, propagating my people into believing my lies i fed them and leading them to their death as well the death of the rebelion and then making my way here by selling my body and execting their orders and finally bringing my people here along with others and making a war against eac other and here i am again so we can finally save our planet" Stan still looking at the sun says with a slow and painful tone "so thats why they sacrificed themselves for you" i said to you before i have many regrets, but i will die for my people, because in the end we kept fighting for our humanity"
Stan look into her eyes and says "I will help you, tell me what do you want me to do?" "Inside the bag I have a small device that can hijack their ship and send the signal to mercury, when the USS arrive place this device anywhere in the ship and it will drive itself to mercury while they will come and rescue you" Stan gives his hand to Jorogumo and from the cave he hears peddles moving, he takes the gun and goes inside the cave, seeing Kalevi and Aphrodite sleeping, he wataches them for minutes and walks back to Jorogumo "and then what is next?" "I will give you a place for you to leave with the mercurians and start a new, better life along with a new self, without your problem?" Stan's eyes wide open "do you mean they can fix me?" "yes, even if it costs a wealth for someone to free themselves from problems like this we will hand it to you" Stan's face curve a bright smile, his eyes glisten and a tear drops from his right eye, Jorogumo still looking at him with sadness in her face says "Stan, what will you say to Kalevi and Aphrodite after they see that they haven't went to their planet?" Stan look at the cave, watching a peddle jumping outside it, He goes inside holding Jorogumo at her back, finding Kalevi commanding the suit to clean itself and him, Aphrodite extending her hands and commanding her suit to do the same, Stan goes inside the cave " good morning" they feel their stomach rumbling and they look at Stan as he close his eyes and sigh "I'm feeling the same, but we have to be patient, they will come and rescue us eventually" Kalevi says "so how exactly will we know when they come? Will the device beep or something?" Jorogumo answers "you predict it correctly" suddenly the same distant sound is echoe, everyone's eyes wide open and Stan grabs the gun and next Jorogumo to his back and give a warning gaze to the others.
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They go outside and Stan says "let's wait to see if they come for us" they wait and they see the giant creature and the dust rising in the distance, the creature lowering its neck and trying to move its legs only to fall, spikes piercing its body, making it bleed to death and the creatures climbing its body and cutting its body and placing it on the spikes, groups of creatures cutting the legs and moving it simultaneously away.
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Jorogumo says "it will be better for us to move as far away as possible" Stan and the others agree and they start walking in the opposite direction from the creatures, Aphrodite and Kalevi go forward and Stan with Jorogumo walk behind them with Stan pointing the gun at their bodies, abruptly Aphrodite stops and fall to her knees vomiting, Stan Grabs her from the shoulder and Kalevi watch, Stan asks "how do you feel?" Aphrodite says "I feel ready to throw up again" Jorogumo says "it must be the food, it can be a transient illness or dangerous enough to kill you" Aphrodite let a scream and place her hands on her mouth, Stan says "even if it is dangerous we are close from leaving this planet and get you to a hospital" Aphrodite let a massive sigh with her eyes lower and looking on the ground, Stan look behind him and helps Aphrodite get up,
They move on and the device signaling starts intensify
Jorogumo makes a faint smile and Stan takes a large breath, Kalevi watch the bag with the edge of his eyes and turn forward again as Stan turn his eyes on him,
Suddenly Stan curl his back and vomits and slowly Jorogumo slide from his back and fall, a feeling of need to close his eyes gets on his body but he gets up, dragging his legs towards her, Kalevi runs and pushes him and grabs his gun, saying "Aphrodite, take Stans bag" Aphrodite stays froze and Kalevi screams "take Stans bag" she snaps out and says "Kalevi why are you doing this?" "have you forget that she fed people to the creatures? And the fact that ia conspiring together with Stan so they can give the source to the mercurians " Aphrodite shouts "you must get something wrong, Stan would never do that" Kalevi shouts louder "I heard them planning on how they will hijack the ship and bring the source to mercury" he changes his voice a low and slow one "so Aphrodite, take the bag and bring to me " Aphrodite tries to grab it and Stan move it away, Kalevi shit to the sand and says "Stan give it to me" Jorogumo crawls towards him and he shoot to the sand again, Stan says "Kalevi do you wish to give the source to the earthlings and martians? After all this hate and unfairness you feel?" "Yes Stan I believe they are good people among them" "you are lying, Aphrodite you saw the neptunians, do you believe his words?" Aphrodite turn towards Kalevi, opening her mouth and letting out a cry, clutching her fist and raising it, only for Kalevi to hit her to head with the gun, making her bleed, Stan makes a step and Kalevi shouts as his heartbeat from fear and point his gun on Aphrodite's head "do not make another move" Stan stops "Kalevi I know you want revenge for your people" "it's not only that Stan, I want to free my kind, I made terrible mistakes but now I can fix them, the blood and tears of my people will finally be over, I will free them" Jorogumo point her hand at him "and how will you be able to save them when the whole population is under the oversee of the earthlings and martians and the radiation wave is coming upon us?" "It is worth the try, if i dont try what am i living for?" he makes a brief pause "Stan, i beg you ,give me the bag" Stan only stares inside Kalevis soul, Kalevi shoot at the sand again "just give it already" "i will not" Kalevi touch the gun on Aphrodites head, her long hair moving up and down from the shaken gun,suddenly he feel something raising to his mouth and curls and vomits as he sistaine his gun and view in Stan, Jorogumo crawls as fast as she can to Kalevi as he rise up and shoot at her shoulder, letting a scream and Stan heart starts beating fast bashing his shoulder against him and move the gun away, taking a rock and hitting Kalevi, painting his hands and the rokred from kalavis blood while Kalevi raise his arms only for Stan to broke it with the rock, Kalevi try to scream with as little oxygen is left on his lungs, only for Stan to silence him, Stan leaves the rock and proceed to grab him from the armor and thorws him at two boulders, hearing Kalevi scream after that a crack like something broke.
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Stan raise his eyes and look at the body of Kalevi with no emotion , he walks and grabs Jorogumo as her blood fall on his armor, Jorogumo with her hand on the ground and her armor broken she whisper with pain "Stan now you will be alone, follow the plan as we said and soon mercury and you will be free" Stan let her body down, placing her hand inside her clothes and show a pistol to Stan,and with her final breath she whispers "i will fially pay for my sins"he takes the gun and with his eyes still emotionless, he walks back and sees Aphrodites glistening eyes looking at him as she hold the gun "Stan please dont resist until the USS arrive" the device starts signalling louder and more frequent, Stan with his emotionless eyes still looking at the Aphrodite starts walking towards her, she shoot above Stans head and says "you are not you i know that" she makes a pause and says "Stan just wait a little longer and you can be on your house, playing the guitar you always wanted with the money they will give you, like you told me" Stan continue forward, his chest almost touching the barrel of the gun, Aphrodite make a small scream and Stan move his hand towards the barrel, Aphrodite scream and pull the trigger, shooting at the armor of stan and him taking the gun away and shooting with the pistol Aphrodites ribs, standing with her knees bend and placing still shooting with her gun as stan hide beneath the hill, she move closer to him and as she got closer a feeling of burned start gathering in her wound,she dtart screaming as she reach at Stan and she falls, Stan comes out and check her pulses, wrapping her eound with parts of her clothes and taking her to his back and his gaze lock at the bodies of Kalevi and Jorogumo, Hestart walking away enough for the bodies to not be seen and his legs start
Hurting like never before, he lay Aphrodite on the sand and falls, feeling a small relief but still feeling the pain, he device Let a loud sound and turn his eyes to the sky, seeing the grey, a tall ship flying and landing behind him, stan gets up as the door opens and soldiers with armor and guns come and carry Aphrodite inside, a soldier look at the wound and asks "are you the only survivors?" "Everyone else is dead" Stan walks with the bag inside the ship, the soldier says "let me carry this for you" Stan drag his bag to his side and goes inside the ship, he sits on one of two sides with seats and the soldiers examine Aphrodites wound, the soldier asks "can you please tell us how this happened?" "We were left five people and suddenly they attacked us, everyone panicked and start shooting everywhere, one accidentally shooting Aphrodite" the soldier look at the girl and back to Stan "and what happened to miss Jorogumo?" She died two days ago by some creatures" the soldiers look at one another with their faint smile inside the mask betraying their words "we are sorry so sorry for what you passed, the USS will reward you with enough money to become rich and a sure job, if you like to work after that" Stan look around, seeing the soldier in front of him, two at the other side checking Jorogumo and two at front seats, Stan take his view back at the soldier "I just want to rest after this hell" he lean back and close his eyes, the soldier does the same, Stan look around when nobody sees him and opens the bag and place the small device at the ship, he then close his eyes and slowly let his hand slip inside the bag.
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As they leave the atmosphere he hears the soldier in the front shouting sir the plane is not moving" he shout back "can we do anything to fix it soldier?" The two soldiers who look at Aphrodite get up and stab says "please help her" the soldiers say "we let some of our nanodrones find the bullet and destroy it, you should not worry anymore" the soldier look at Stans wound and says "let me check your wound, it might be infected, and i can say you havent done the best job to treat it" Stan says "i will be fine" the soldier goes to speak and the one in the front interrupts him "I dont know sir, its like someone place an override device on us" the soldiers draw their eyes on Stan and he show the gun from the bag and grabs thr soldier, placing the gun on his head, the soldiers get closer to Stan and from outside thei hear the metal colliding with the atmosphere, the soldiers start feeling nausea and Stan too but he shoot directly to the heads of the two and the chest of the other, the last one change fire with his general and Stan, shooting his general and the bullets passing through and hitting Stan as he shoot the last one with every last bullet, making him fall back and at the end killing him.
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All the soldier's bodies lay down, one of them touching something inside his armor, Stan kill him with a quick shot and watch his wound
He feels a strong burn all over his body, he walk toward the robots, extending his hand and commanding them to heal him and Aphrodite, he falls looking at the roof, his eyes slowly closing as he makes a final gaze at Aphrodite.
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