Stan wakes up, looking around finding no one in the barrack, he stare at the roof for many minutes, he then close his eyes images of Alina and Mason coming to his mind, good and bad, then the previous night with Jorogumo talking about the humanlike creatures, he opens them and hits the wall with force, making a small create.
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the door slowly open and Stan sees Egine and Hierme coming close to him, he looks at them and says fast and cold "good morning" Egine and Hierme say the same and Egine looks at the create and says "Stan, did you made that create?" "yes" "you seem to have many things in your mind" Stan says nothing and Hierme says "Stan you have to get up, the others are on their posts" Egine gives her hand and Stan grabs it, she then says "do not get mad for the guys that didnt wake you, we have a strict program most of the time so our minds always running" Egine and Hierme wait for Stan to get ready, small machines cleaning his suit from inside and injecting him with nutrients and water, Egine says "Stan fpllow me" they continue on a hill, Stan looking the scenery with no trees or animals disrupting him, Egine says "its beatiful from up here" Hierme respond " lets go now to our posts" "always so strict and lawful, goodbye Stan" Stan waves at them and look at the scene, Thin mist at the height of his knees, some trees medling togethet and then extend theur branches, small animals with large eyes, green fur and small nails and ears jumping from one tree to the other, while the young ones hold their parents tight, other animals a bit smaller with slim legs covered by their fur gathered up in the trees and the females and males dance and offering a gift, ranging from food to tiny pets to a beatiful rock or to a beatiful accesory, Stan sits on a rock beside him and watch, his eyes taking no minute away from the view.
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With time the animals leave the trees and suddenly snap from the wonderful view, he gets up and goes behind a tree to urine, thee suit opening a hole and when he do it the hole closes and opens another one, throwing the urine to the ground and then the suit cleaning itself and then opening to clean the excessive fluids the suit left , as the time pass and sees more animals and from behind Egine, Hierme and Sia and the guys from the barracks come to him.
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They sit right beside him and they all shake hands with Stan, Egine look at the scenery and says "so beautiful" Hierme says "just monsters that want to it us" Sia respond to her "they are just animals with no hate or love, just their instinct for as far we know" the soldiers just look at the scenery and then turn their eyes on the cards, Egine look at Stan and says "are you feeling well?" Stan look at her and with an ironic tone says "yeah, why I shouldn't be?" "I don't know, it's just a feeling that you always have something in your mind, something bad enough to think about it all the time but never letting it out" Stan place his hand back and says with a sad tone "everything is the same as always" a soldier grabs Egine, placing his hand on the shoulder and pulling her to his place saying "do you want to play with us?" Egine look at him with a smile and her eyes shine "Of course" she kisses him and says "Stan do you wanna play?" Stan says "no" and before she turns to the cards she leaves another gaze at him and he continue looking at the scenery and peace comes to his mind.
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as the time pass a soldier comes, saying "Jorogumo tells you to go back to your posts" they gather the cards and leave, shaking hands with Stan and saying goodbye, and suddenly out of the woods Eremis comes "your orders have changed, we have to scout the area ahead until the night" the soldiers sigh and follow her, she then goes to close to Stan and with her calm and slow voice she says"that includes you" Stan look at her blunt eyes behind the mask and grab his weapon and go with the others, he stands beside Sia and says "this is your first expedition right?" Stan shake his head "then that makes me more sure that it will be a small and fast expedition" Eremis pass through the soldiers, standing in front of them and saying "today we are assigned to investigate the areas close to the mountain, we have to finish before dawn" the soldiers march forward and as they leave they make small teams scattered all around but close to each other, Stan follows Eremis with Egine and the others.
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As they maneuver through the forest seeing small insects that run away from them, in their sign they see burned trees and trails of animals crawling, Eremis kills them in the first sign and burns them, with slow and steady movements, the others look at the area, watching the water that flows from the mountain to the thick trees, the high gathering of the animals in the area, making the fungus more dangerous and frequent, they continue close to a dark narrow entrance at the mountain, watching if they are more ways to enter.
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Eremis look around to see if there is even a slight chance for danger when they bring the others, as she ends her observation she gives a signal for the soldiers to turn back and with their firsts steps on mulch leaves on the ground a large group of animals comes from the trees and water, the animals that were drinking run away and the group comes with great speed at them with the help of their lean muscle mass and their light bones and the help of their eight legs, showing their large teeth and small insects covering their bodies, making a natural chained armor with their hard body, floating centimeters above the creature they protect with some of them only touching its skin so they will not be taken by the wind, the soldiers shoot at them, piercing only at the surface without reaching its bones.
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One of them runs straight at Stan, he stays still and shoots it, the bullets spreading everywhere with half of them hitting it, the creature reach at him and jumps, Stan place the weapon forward and close his eyes, from the dark he hears the animals breath and a male voice, he open his arms seeing a man having his gun inside the monster's mouth and pulling the trigger, the old man look at Stan asking "are you alright?" Stan responds by shouting and pointing his finger forward.
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Another one comes and wounds the old man, he shoot with his gun and the animal unaffected tear his legs, the old man cry "someone help me" he reach his hand on Stan and Stan sit there looking at him as he find the strength to endure the pain and the animal drag him inside the forest, at the end they leave with ten soldiers dead and taken and only one animal dead.
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Egine move to Stan's side, she speak to him with a low and sas voice and Stan stays still, his heart beating crazy and staring at the trail of blood, Hierme and Sia come speaking with no effect, even if they go in front of him Stan still sees the trail and the man begging for help,Hierme then push him with strength to and he come to his senses, Egine extend her hand on him and he hits her, Sia grabs her and Hierme says "Stan what the hell was that?" Stan just hit Hierme again, with the soldiers coming and grabbing him and Stan resisting with every vein from his body popping up and his head becoming red.
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Egine gets on her feet and Sia says "Egine better leave him some time to get on his senses" Egine says "leave him free" they look at each other and leave him but still stay close, Stan goes to hit Egine again, screaming like crazy and Egine evade his punch, hugging him tight, even with the armor Stan feeling warm and Egine says "this is what it happens in circumstances like this, people die and its no one's fault" Stan calm down and his hands hang like they have no muscles and bones "I could save him" "yes you could have done it, but you are a man without experience, you froze" Stan push her and walks away, the soldiers looking at him and eventually taking their eyes away, murmuring at Eremis, Hierme and the others keep their distance and the memory replaying again and again in Stan's head.
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They reach the camp, seeing people fighting with nails, teeth and sticks and others running behind the soldiers that try to calm the crowd, the people rush to them and the soldiers get ready to fire but Jorogumo tells them "use non lethal weapons, even if it means your body"the soldiers use the back of the gun or blunt sticks or their bare hands, the crowd rush and Jorogumo raise her hand,the soldiers making a straight line with some behind and many right and left some steps forward, trying to circle them qhen they attack, she rush first kicking with force many of them and she continue with them trying to circle her and she mavouvering around, after many tries they finaly circle her, they first hit her legs with sticks but she feels nothing, they hit her right hand with the same result and her knocking them out, they strike her to her back and her left arm falling to her knees and biting her lips, the soldiers ruah and so does Eremis and the others, Stan knocks two with ease, he watch over his shoulder seeing one running to Egine with a sharp edge on a metal bar.
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Stan rush and block the bar with his gun, Egine turn and cold sweat flow on her face, She hit the person and as they take a breath they see blood everywhere and the people trying desperately to fight back and the others looking from afar with stocks and rocks on their hands.
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Stan sees Eremis holding Jorogumo, a soldier bringing a capsule and placing it on the wound of jorogumo, taking a platelets and protein from the plasma and copying it and duplicating it fast enough to heal within minutes.
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Eremis lets Jorogumo rest and with the soldiers they gathered them on a wide circle made by soldiers, people from venus,jupiter and neptune, the people not responsible for the attack stare them from afar as Jorogumo speaks with Eremis for a minute and comes back, siting and making no eye contact, talking low and slower "first of all i want you to know i will not punish you for your crimes" the people stay with their heads down "i just belive you own this people an explaination" one of them a venurian with his body lean and his facial black hair walks closer to Jorogumo and she look at him in the eyes with her muscles of her face calm "tell me your name" mordax " "mordax,can you please tell me why you attacked this people?" He point his finger on the erthlings and martians "this people stole us food, harassed us and now they want us to give them half our food or else they will make us give it by force" Jorogumo look at the men and women he pointed, suprised that she stood up against them.
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Jorogumo look at them in the eyes "is he saying the truth?" one of the earthlings move fore and says "no miss Jorogumo, they attacked us first because they only know about violence, especially the neptunias" Kalevi steps from the crowd and says "how would you feel if they took everything from you and change your planet, your life without even caring about you and then you come here and you hear the people treat you like a trash " the neptunias loudly agree with Kalevi and a martian says "all of you here are against us, like we are the same people who did this to you" Kalevi responds " but you treat us the same way" the neptunias and the martians and earthlings start shouting like mad dogs at one another, the others leave from the middle that kept them apart and now they grab one another and fight, the soldiers and Stan run and try to keep them apart with many holding the captured neptunias.
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The soldier's numbers makes it impossible to contain them and many neptunias fall down unconsious or dead, outnumbered by the earthlings and martians, as the fight continue Jorogumo and Eremis shoot in the air but they don't stop, she shouts to the soldiers "use nonlethal force" she attacks both sides, hitting them enough to fall and stop.
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The soldiers carry the wounded, some come and report "half of them are dead" Jorogumo says "place them all in different sections of the camp and do not let them make contact with each other" the soldiers continue and Jorogumo speaks with them and leaves with Eremis.
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Stan look around the red painted bodies, finding Aphrodite bury in them, he quickly grabs her and check her pulses, beating in a slow rate, she carry her to a soldier and place the capsule on her wounds and after a deep breath they start closing and the soldier says "let her rest and tomorrow she will be fine" Stan takes her to her apartment and leaves her to her bed, staring her for some seconds with a sad gaze before he snaps and leaves, closing the door behind him with almost no force, his eyelids down and feeling a twist in his stomach and a pain in his chest, he continues on the way to the barracks, hearing from the shadows Jorogumo and Eremis, he follows the voices seeing Jorogumo sitting in a rock and opposite of her Eremis sitting too, he hide behind the trees and eavesdrop them, saying "infrom the soldiers that in the next two days we will leave" Eremis says "its like we imagined, letting them in the same place will only cause violance" Stan hears Eremis boots louder and louder and he goes to Jorogumo, almost hitting with Eremis, she tells at him "in the next two days we will leave" she continues walking and Stan notice Jorogumos red eyes looking at him, a silent cold aura surround Stan and he says "you seem to need some rest Jorogumo" she take her eyes away "im thinking about the situation" "then i should leave you take your time" as he goes back to the barracks he sees the soldiers gathered and speaking, Stan rush to them and the words get more clear but still couldnt understand, as he approach closer Egine comes out amd stops him, saying "Stan, wait in the trees there, we have something to discuss" "cant i listen too?" "we are sorry but this is something about us" "I'm a soldier too now" Sia comes out and says "Egine I will explain it to him, Stan we discuss something important and we want only our people to attend" Stan clunch his arm, saying " thank you for the trust" and walks away, sitting on the tree, hitting it and red leaves falling together with drops of water, as he wait for the soldiers to end and hearing their voices making no sense of forming words, the murmurs and the nature make it an opportunity to let his mind dream and recall.
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Memories of Mason, Alina, Aphrodite come to his mind and grit his teeth, hitting the foot up and down and tearing his skin with his nails, the things he witness with Kalevi and the conversation with Jorogumo, the humanlike creatures and Egine, Hierme, Sia and the others in the barrack and with a faint voice he says "I wish they were still here, I wish I never came here and let people die" he sat silent with his mind completely black, Sia comes back saying with a serious face "you can now come inside" and she left for her barrack together with Egine and Hierme.
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He goes back seeing the soldiers standing still the suit cleaning itself and them, giving them nutrients and water while some look with their eyes extended as much as they can on the floor or one another, or some having their eyes tightly close or calmly closing them and moving their lips, Stan let his suit do its things and lay on his bed and close his eyes, hearing from the dark forced laughs or with a tone of pain and despair, almost like they try to cry or they try to forget everything.
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