With his plan coming to fruition, Death went back to present in Vincent's room and see if he's there. There he sees Vincent sleeping soundly in the bed. He walks over to the bed and touches the kid gently on the shoulder. To his surprise, the kid opened his eyes and sat up.
"What wrong, Mr, Death?" Vincent asked with a soft heartwarming voice.
"Nothing wrong, Vincent. I just want to say hi to you."
Vincent looks at Death and smiles. "I'm glad," Vincent said as he reached out his hand to Death. "Come sit beside me. I'll make us some tea."
As they sip their tea, Death asks Vincent about his life from the moment he became a vampire. As they talked, Death learned a lot about the kid.
"How did you get your name, Vincent?" Death asks.
"Well," Vincent answered with a soft warm voice. "When I was a baby, my parents told me that I was special and that someday I would do great things. From that day on, I always knew that I would be able to accomplish something important. When I was six years old, I woke up in the middle of the night with a strange feeling in my stomach. I went to the bathroom and saw myself in the mirror. Something was different about me! My face was pale and my hair was turning white. At first I thought it was because it was so late at night and the light was too dim for me to see clearly. Then I remembered that I had eaten nothing that night, so I must have turned into a vampire. The fear that came over me when I realized what had happened was unlike anything I ever felt before! The feeling scared me so much that I ran out of the bathroom and into my bedroom.
"I thought you don't remember your past." Death asked inquisitive.
Vincent shook his head no.
"I only remember some while I was dreaming."
"Then how come you know you're a vampire?"
"Because the next morning when I woke up, I recognized the smell in the air. I didn't understand why I was smelling it. That was when I knew that I was a vampire and that I was going to live forever!"
"That's amazing!" Death said genuinely. "Just think, Vincent, you could have lived several hundred years and not aged a bit. How do you feel about that?"
Vincent smiled. "I love it. I guess you could say that I was proud of it. I can feel the beauty and strength of the world around me at first. But as I grow older, I begin to lose myself and forget about the outside world. Until now, I forgot about the world I used to know. I never thought about it until today. Thanks to you, Mr. Death. You remind me of things that I've forgotten."
"So, Vincent," Death asks. "What do you want to do now? Do you want to go back to the other world?"
Vincent shakes his head. "No, I would like to stay here with you, Mr. Death."
Death nods in agreement. "All right then, Vincent. We'll have to do our best to keep you alive, so that we both will be happy. How about that? " Death and Vincent were getting along very well. The two of them were happy together and cared deeply for each other. Death was trying to take care of the kid and make sure that he would be alright. Death wanted to make sure that Vincent would live a long and healthy life and wouldn't suffer any pain or regret. Vincent and Death spend another hour talking about the past of Vincent. Death enjoyed every moment of it and wished that he could have known Vincent when he was human.
After the time was up, Death and Vincent decided that they should go outside and enjoy the rest of the day. They walked hand in hand outside and looked at the beautiful landscape of the countryside. Death decides to kiss Vincent in the head and let him know that he cares for him. Vincent smiled and accepted the gesture. Death then told Vincent of how he was his friend and promised to look after him until the end.
Later that night, Death and Vincent spent the night together in the bedroom. Death starts kissing Vincent in the mouth but stopped when he noticed that Vincent was blushing furiously.
"Don't worry, Vincent. I won't bite. I just want to take care for you. Just relax."
Death kissed him again but this time it was the beginning of their eternal love affair. Death took the kid in his arms and held him close. Vincent looked up at Death with a loving expression. Death felt an indescribable sense of joy and happiness as he watched Vincent's expression change. He felt as if he was the happiest person in the world. Their kissing was slow and passionate. Death was tender and gentle with Vincent. He wanted him to experience the most pleasurable pleasure that there was. Death wanted to make Vincent feel as if he was the most important man in the world.
They continued to kiss each other passionately and stroke one another's bodies lovingly. After some time, Death stops and lays down beside Vincent. He rolled on top of the kid and started kissing him again. This time, Vincent responded with equal passion. The two of them continued to kiss for hours and finally fell asleep in each other's embrace.
In the morning, Vincent woke up to the sound of music coming from downstairs. He goes down and finds Death cooking breakfast in the kitchen.
"Good Morning, Vincent," Death said as he set a plate full of eggs and bacon in front of the him. "It looks like you're having a good time last night."
"Yes," Vincent answered. "Did you sleep well?"
"Yeah, I slept like a baby."
"Well, I wish you could have seen me last night," Vincent said with a laugh and still blushing uncontrollably.
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"You mean you were having a good dream?"
Vincent nodded yes. "A very good dream. I dreamed about you. It was the best dream I ever had."
"Oh," Death said with a grin. "Are you sure it was a dream?"
Vincent laughed a little embarrassed."Don't tell to me that you..."
"Hey, I was kidding, Vincent. I was just teasing you."
Vincent smiles and eats his breakfast. While he eats, Death start to explain what he was doing last night.
"I went to the other world to see if I could find out a little more about you. I learned that your name is Vincent and that you were born in a small village. Your parents' names were Mathias and Marie. They were poor peasants and they sold their blood to a vampire named Jean-Claude. The two of them knew that they would die soon so they decided to give you away to Jean-Claude, in exchange for his protection. When Vincent was six years old, Jean-Claude turned him into a vampire so that he would protect him from the hunters that were sent by the king to kill vampires. Since then, Vincent has lived a long and happy life. That's the story of Vincent."
"Wow!" Vincent said with joy. "Thanks for telling me, Mr. Death."
Death finished eating and started to clean up the dishes. "You're welcome, Vincent. By the way, how do you feel about your new life?"
"I love it, Mr. Death. But I miss my family and friends."
"Don't worry," Death said reassuringly." I'm sure that they will rest easy knowing you finally find a place to call home."
The two of them had a nice talk about various things. Death also tells the kid about his job and tries to make him as comfortable as possible. After breakfast, they decided to go out for a walk around town.
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