A week had passed with no word from Mr. Grim, prompting Death to resume his work on the Time Teller and the first chapter of The Third Revelation of Cthulhu. As he delved into the details of the Second Coming, he intermittently checked his messages. One day, a postcard from Mr. Grim arrived, bringing a smile to his face.
“I apologize for the delay. I will be in touch soon regarding our plan. Looking forward to our conversation,” the message read.
After placing the card on his desk, Death continued his work. The following day, he decided to reach out to Mr. Grim. He dialed the number on the postcard, and a man answered.
“Hello! How may I assist you?”
“I’m looking for Mr. Grim,” Death responded.
“Ah, yes. Mr. Grim is here. Please hold while I connect you.”
After a brief wait, a familiar voice resonated from the speaker.
“Mr. Grim speaking. How may I assist you?”
“Hello, Mr. Grim. This is Death. I wanted to inform you that I’ll be initiating our plan soon. Could we meet sometime this week?”
“That sounds excellent, Mr. Death. Let’s arrange a meeting. Where should we convene?”
“How about the grand meeting room at headquarters? All the agents, including Vincent, will be there.”
“That works for me. I’ll inform Vincent. What time should I arrive?”
“Let’s meet on Friday night at 7:30 PM. Does that work for you?”
“Perfect! I’ll see you then.”
“Thank you for your cooperation. Goodbye.”
After the call, Death felt a sense of relief. He trusted Mr. Grim’s reliability and punctuality. Everything was falling into place.
One afternoon, Vincent paid a visit to Death’s residence. Upon his arrival, Death greeted him warmly, offered him a seat, and served him a cup of Jasmine tea. Vincent accepted the offer and settled down. After a few minutes of casual conversation, Death proposed a game of chess. Vincent agreed, and they immersed themselves in the game. Death was impressed with Vincent’s skills.
During their game, Death shared his plans for the Time Teller. The device, he explained, was designed to travel through time, allowing them to observe past events and explore future possibilities. If necessary, they could even alter history.
“Why don’t we test it now?” Vincent suggested. “We could travel back to the early twentieth century and observe the events.”
“I intend to use it only when absolutely necessary, like if our plan goes awry and we need to make adjustments,” Death clarified.
“I understand. I’m excited about it!”
They continued their game until Vincent conceded defeat. Before leaving, Vincent expressed his gratitude and promised to return soon.
When Death finished his conversation with Vincent, he began preparing for the meeting. He ensured everything was in order, donned his black suit, and cloaked himself in a long cape. He pulled up his mask to completely cover his face. Satisfied with his appearance, he left his house and headed towards headquarters. Upon his arrival, he found everyone waiting for him. They looked at him with curiosity. He introduced them to Vincent and explained the plan in detail. He then divided them into groups and assigned each a specific task. After finishing his explanation, he announced that they would begin immediately.
“Before we proceed, I want to clarify something. We won’t be working on this project every day. Each of you will have free time to spend with your family and friends. This is a significant undertaking; therefore, we must keep our minds clear and focused. Okay? Let’s get to work.”
Everyone immediately got busy, each contributing to some aspect of the Final World Project.