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On a peculiar day, young Temmy awoke, ready to face another day at school. She donned her uniform and descended the stairs for breakfast, indulging in her usual bowl of chocolate cereal. As she scrolled through her phone, an ad caught her eye. It bore a cryptic message, "Check if you've passed the test!" and a peculiar skull-like logo.
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Intrigued, she clicked the link, leading her to a series of unanswerable questions. They probed her personal interests and hypothetical reactions to certain situations, many of which were philosophical in nature. Among these questions was one that stood out: "What do you think about this world?" To which she responded, "It's insane."
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Upon submitting her answers, she waited anxiously for the results. A few minutes later, a notification popped up, declaring her successful completion of the test. The message promised to send the results to her email. As she opened the email, a blinding flash emanated from her phone, followed by a voice declaring, "You have completed your quest." The screen then went black, leaving her staring at her own reflection in the dark screen. A wave of dizziness washed over her, accompanied by a throbbing headache. She dismissed it as a side effect of a malicious ad and proceeded with her day.
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As she walked to school, she noticed something strange in her reflection in a shop window. A man with long black hair, pale skin, red eyes, and pointed teeth stood behind her. Fear gripped her, but she forced herself to walk calmly towards a more crowded street until she reached the safety of the school grounds.
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Upon reaching her locker, she found her backpack missing. After a frantic search, she found it in the girls' bathroom, soaked with dirty water. Inside, she found a note from someone named "A" that read, "I'm watching you, Temmy."
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As the school bell rang, she felt a mix of fear and anger. She followed the crowd to her first class, where she noticed her classmates whispering and laughing quietly, their eyes on her. In the midst of the sea of faces, a boy sitting by the window caught her attention. He had short brown hair, blue eyes, and a peculiar smile.
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As she stared at the boy, she heard a voice in her mind, "I wonder if she can hear me too." The boy's voice echoed in her mind, growing louder and louder. She looked around the room and noticed all her classmates staring at her. Another voice echoed, "Serves her right, I filled her backpack with water, now she looks stupid in front of the whole class, she shouldn't be such a little bitch!"
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Tears welled up in her eyes, and she couldn't stop herself from crying. Her friends rushed to comfort her. She decided to report the incident to the teacher and, with the help of a security guard, found security footage that showed a group of students taking her bag to the girls' bathroom. As she was escorted to the office, the boy's voice echoed in her ear, "You'll never escape from us, we've got you trapped, Temmy!"
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In the principal's office, she was seated across from three boys, all wearing grey hoodies and dark clothing. One was tall and skinny with a crooked smile, another was shorter with a hooked nose, and the third had a scar running along his left cheek and eye sockets. All of them glared at her with malicious smiles. The principal questioned the boys about the morning's events.
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The skinny boy responded, "We just wanted to freak her out a bit. We're sick of her attitude, so we thought it would be fun to mess with her stuff."
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The principal continued his questioning, but the boys remained silent. He then turned to Temmy and asked, "Now Temmy, what happened this morning?"
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"They broke my locker and stole my backpack," she replied.
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As soon as she finished speaking, the boy with the crooked smile snorted. He laughed maniacally and said, "Why didn't you tell me that before? I bet you fifty dollars it was you who did it."
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But the skinny boy interrupted, "No, it wasn't her, it was us. Look at her, she's dumber than a box of rocks."
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The room erupted in laughter. The principal, having none of it, yelled, "I don't care which of you did it, but this isn't funny. Now apologize to Temmy and let's end this nonsense."
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The skinny boy shrugged and said, "Okay, whatever man, sorry for your loss, Temmy."
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The other two boys echoed his apology. Then the skinny boy added, "Hey, Temmy, why don't you just forget about it and go home. You won't be able to make it to school now anyway."
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Temmy was left stunned and speechless. She wanted to retort, but her mouth was dry, and words failed her. She managed to muster, "How dare you call me dumb!"
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The skinny guy laughed and shouted back, "Oh yeah, that's rich! You talk big when you don't even know what it's like to live in this world."
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He continued, "This place is teeming with people like you; ignorant individuals who think they're superior to everyone else. We're sick of it. People are wicked, and you're a prime example of that. Just remember, the school bell eventually rings, but we're always around." His words were so harsh that even the principal was taken aback. Shortly after, the principal adjusted her stance and suspended the boys for three days.
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The incident left Temmy too shocked to continue going to school. She barely slept and ate. Whenever she thought about what had happened, she was filled with such rage that she wanted to hit someone. But after calming down, she realized that she could hear other people's inner voices for no reason. At school, she had brushed it off as a minor coincidence due to her anger, but it was more than that. She couldn't seem to control it. There was a voice in her mind that kept echoing. She tried to ignore it as much as possible, but the voices of others wouldn't leave her alone.
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That night, she stayed in her bed, trying to sleep. But the voices kept echoing in her mind. As soon as she closed her eyes, she heard these words, "You're so pathetic." "Look at how weak and helpless you are." She awoke in the middle of the night to see a man with long black hair and pale skin creeping towards her. His face bore a twisted smile that made Temmy tremble. He was holding a knife above her throat.
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Temmy screamed and tried to fight him off, but she couldn't move. The knife went deeper and deeper into her neck. Blood started flowing from her mouth, and she lost consciousness.
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In the morning, she woke up on the kitchen floor. Her throat was sore, and she felt dizzy and faint. Her mother came into the kitchen and found her lying on the ground. She rushed over to her daughter and saw her bloodied clothes and cuts on her body. Her mother was horrified and tried to comfort her. Soon after, an ambulance arrived and took Temmy to the hospital where she stayed overnight for observation. It turned out the boys were angry at Temmy for ratting them out and decided to pay her home a visit for revenge. She was lucky enough they didn't slit her vital area on her throat.
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Upon arriving home from the hospital, she found a note on the table that read, "You're welcome."
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Temmy felt terrified and confused. She went to her room and locked the door. She stared at the mirror for hours until the sun rose. She noticed that the mirror was starting to crack. The cracks spread throughout the glass and began forming lines. Wherever the cracks were, the image of the boy was appearing.
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While staring at the mirror, a voice echoed in her head, "What will you do to protect yourself?" Temmy looked at the mirror and saw a distorted reflection of herself with her hands raised in front of her. Then her hand moved on its own, grabbing something from underneath the broken mirror. She realized that she was controlling the mirror with her mind.
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She looked at the mirror again and saw the boy standing behind her with a sinister smile on his face. He said, "See? You are powerless without me."
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Temmy was freaked out and tried to resist the voice by closing her eyes. But she could still see the distorted image of the boy. Her eyes flew open, and she saw the boy with a knife in his hand. She didn't know what to do. She just wanted to run away. She reached out to grab him, and then suddenly, the mirror crashed onto the ground, breaking into thousands of fragments. The room was filled with shards of mirrors and broken glass everywhere. The boy was gone. She stood up and walked over to the mirror to inspect the damage. To her horror, the window pieces fell three floors to the ground and hit someone below. The person was badly injured. She jumped out of her bed and ran towards the window to see a bloody corpse lying in the yard. She rushed downstairs and looked at the dead body. It was one of the bullies who had come to her house to try to kill her. The police investigation showed that the boys were trying to break into the hospital to murder Temmy. But in a twist of fate, the glass pieces fell to the ground and stabbed directly into the boy's head, killing the skinny kid instantly. The other two boys were injured and escaped before the authorities could catch them. When the police arrived, the boys were nowhere to be found.
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For the next few weeks, Temmy didn't have any nightmares about the incident, but she felt empty and numb. She felt nothing about the death of one of her bullies. She was convinced that it was all an act of fate. She also started to realize that she could hear other people's inner voices. She had no idea that she was hearing everyone's inner voice, including the voices of people who never spoke a word to her.
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As time passed by, she was able to control the ability to hear other people's inner voices. Instead of letting the voices echo in her mind, she decided to listen to them. She did it whenever she was bored or needed answers to her questions. She discovered that she could hear the thoughts of anyone around her. She used it to eavesdrop on conversations and learn new things about the people she knew. The voices were so loud at times that she had trouble concentrating on anything else. She tried to ignore it and focus on her studies, but that was almost impossible.
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Her best friend, Kate, noticed that she was acting differently than usual and asked her if everything was alright. Temmy admitted to her that she was hearing the inner voice of everyone and she couldn't ignore it anymore. Kate told her that she started to hear voices too and told her that almost all of the classmates were starting to hear other people's feelings too, especially when they were scared or excited.
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Kate explained how she discovered her powers. "It was during gym class one day. I was supposed to play volleyball, but there were too many people, so they split us into two groups to have a competition. We were paired up with the girls in our class. There was this girl named Ashley, she was short with blonde hair and green eyes. Our teacher gave us each a ball and told us to start playing. I was nervous because we were supposed to keep score, and we were both good players. Before we started, I looked at Ashley and saw that she was fidgeting with her hands and looking in the corner of the court. We were about to start, and I think she heard my thoughts because she took the opportunity to jump high in the air and slam the ball hard at me. She missed and hit the wall. Everyone in the gym laughed and jeered at her. The next thing we knew, she was screaming and crying uncontrollably. She was scared but couldn't tell us why. After everyone stopped laughing, we asked her if she was okay, and she said yes." Then all of the classmates that jeered at her started apologizing to her very sincerely. It was all honest and without any hidden disliking. It was then that I realized that we all somehow felt her inner voice as well. That inner voice ability stuck to us as if it was spreading with feelings by Ashley.
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Temmy was amazed at how much information she could gain from the inner voice. She was able to understand the true intentions of people and the motives behind their actions. All she had to do was listen carefully to the thoughts of those around her, and she could easily figure out what they were thinking and feeling. Kate then brought up the death of the skinny kid. "After the news broke out about his death, our classmates had mixed feelings about him. Some of them were sad and felt sympathy for the victim, while others were happy that he was gone. They all felt guilty for being glad that he was dead."
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Temmy felt absolutely terrible. She tried to justify her feelings by saying it wasn't her fault, but deep down, she knew it was her doing. She was disgusted with herself. She had used her power to hurt someone and took pleasure in it. She decided not to hurt others unless it was absolutely necessary and to use her powers for good instead of evil. She vowed never to hurt another human being again. She promised that she would learn how to control the inner voice and make sure she never hurt anyone else ever again. Kate then brought up the two bullies that were with the skinny kid. "They are freaks, and they deserve to die. After the death of the skinny kid, they have not attended school for a week now, and I'm not expecting them to ever come back again. Some of our classmates were forming a hit squad to take them out if necessary, although most of the students opposed the idea. They were hoping to convert them to be better human beings rather than erase them from the earth. There was a strong disagreement between the two groups. After a long argument, we decided to give them a chance if they ever come back to school again. If it doesn't work out, they got to go..."
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Days passed by. Temmy was getting better and was finally able to leave the hospital.
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