As Sam open the door to his house , he see his wife eyes watery with tears after hearing the the long awaited hasband return after all most no seeing eachother a month. His son stand beside her mother with eyes full of hurt and worry while she stared down at her feet.
"Hey...Molly, Peter, sorry for leaving you two this 2 weeks, I promise for now on, I'll spend every day of my life with you." he kneel down until he at the level of the boy so he look him directly in the face.
"Where did daddy go?" Peter voice broken with little cries that shakiness as he asks, his dad put his hand gently to his face as his ears down trying to not break the sensitive kid feelings.
"I'm sorry, Buddy, Daddy has been in some things, you have to believe in me, okay? Everything is gonna be alright..." he says smiling at his son while wiping his tear from his eye.
Peter holds on tightly to his father's shirt as the boy began sobbing silently in his chest. His wife just watched them in sadness that she couldn't tell him when she was home alone most of the time to support her husband. As she can't continue her job anymore due to the grief, their money begins to run low, however she never considered about taking another job. He was the only provider for the household now.
Before she goes upstairs and helps Peter go back to bed. Moments went by before her husband entered the living room where she looked over in concern.
In front of his desk; papers were laid everywhere on his hands to arrange in neatness. Just then he looks up and sees Molly, wearing a robe sitting right beside the fireplace waiting patiently, thinking everything might change after all his efforts to change to a healthier lifestyle and be reunited with his loved ones again. Her eyes start watering to hear he did arrive back safely at home without knowing she had suffered alone since last night without knowing his whereabouts.
“ I'm sorry for not returning sooner ... Molly." his face become strained by the bitter feeling caused by weeks of neglect in hiding such sensitive issue, yet a glimmer of happiness ran threw his soul because she's at home again, his joy only becoming heavier and easier to hold down under his heart. So his decided to kiss her cheek as if nothing is wrong but before his lips came close to her she look up and smack her lips together and slapped both her fore palms in front of face as fast as a slap of thunderstorm that shocks him dumbfounded for the whole period till his brains catch up with what just happen. Tears streamed down from her face but soon disappeared after wiped away with wet napkins in her kitchen drawer, sniffle runny nose with slight breathing hiccup sound to stop the weeping noises from breaking the peace in silence place. They stared blankly for some moments as she thought to herself while examining if there is any marks left on her body aside from this cold shock in a blink of an eyelids, before his nervous smile got into motion to convey everything and started the story for them; perhaps telling it is going to help ease down the intense anxiety hanging around with expectation.
" Sam, I recently received a manage by the police, they said that Finn... He dead, They find him by the river with his dismember body." Tears welling up faster than anticipated she needed to take deep breaths to keep composure as Sam grab one of the empty shot glasses and pour vodka to his glass so she can breath while leaning on the fireplace beside the wall where she stand in hope her beloved husband didn't hate her for spilling out this news. But surprisingly instead of getting mad he comfort her so she knew it wasn't because she reveal all this but just because he thought something serious that threatens all future families...
" Sam, I'm finally free, free from my past! There was so much is all gone! Maybe that's why these recent events haven't affect me completely, this fear to step foot forward and let everybody knows about everything.. but when he die in his own words, we shared same thoughts and we seemed to understand what needs to be done from this mess. From my eyes, if Finn haven't been dead, I may never be turely free. " Molly blurted out with uncontrolled anger for bringing up what Finn bring up inside her. She clamped her jaw shut afterwards. Stifling tears of vengeance that start to appear for that woman she once care so deeply of, knowing exactly who did such sick things to them. Then she started bawling her tears letting Sam caress her hair quietly as if a voice repeating and repeated soothing instructions all through until its not her tears. Instead of receding eventually the grief continues building within her heart as hot wind gushes furiously within, with icy slaps across her body; colder than a wintry temperature of ice storms blowing throughout country side.
They cuddles closer towards the fireplace as warm glow covers them nicely. All is quiet except a hint of whisping fire as its leaves dance. After taking few moment to get calm again he explain with further detail on his adventures so far away, Molly was in shock of the mayhem that Sam been through, "Are you sure you can still trust Uno, even after everything he did?" She ask sounding skeptical with all this un-speakable thing he shared to them regarding his personal issues but the voice felt nice by having someone around at home. His stories only turned more complicated and impossible but somehow kept hoping for good fortune no matter which way they took this trail to try to make things better; ultimately, all outcomes they imagine isn't working, that left them absolutely devastated.
" I think keeping him in check is the best option we got, if I left or betray him now, the results will only be catastrophic. There is a saying "keep your friends close and your enemies closer." and this time around it applied perfectly to that so-called friend," As for you, do not fear anything, we still got a few years, plenty enough to finalize everything for us to stay alive long enough to tell anyone anything! Just remember there are lots of ways to bring Uno to the truth." said Sam to relieve all this stress on hers as it settled with a heavy stone resting inside her mind with confidence she hasn't felt before, except for those couple fleeting seconds.