Jay walked down to the cafeteria. When he spotted Rose, his mood was lighten up by 25% almost instantly. He went to her and sat down in front of her. Rose, who was already sat down, smiled when she saw him.
Jay smiled back, hiding his sadness. He was a bit late for lunch because he needed to brace himself to meet Rose. He couldn't show her that he was upset. That would be a bad idea.
"Why are you so late?" Rose asked, chewing her fries while rechecking her math homework. Jay smiled a bit wider. Rose was a pretty laid-back person and she liked making things comfortable for herself and the people around her. That was why Jay liked her.
"It's only five minutes, and I went to the toilet," Jay said. It wasn't a lie, it just wasn't the full truth. He went to the toilet to check his expression.
"Riiiiiight...." Rose said, dragging the 'right'. She got closed to him, as if she was trying to read his mind or something.
"I'm serious, Rose-"
"You weren't with another girl, were you?" Rose accused with her finger pointed at him. She looked like she actually meant it and so, Jay couldn't help but laugh at her.
Rose smiled softly as Jay chuckled. Rose knew that making him laugh once wasn't enough. She needed to get to the bottom of whatever problem he was having. The question was, how?
"So, how are you?" Rose finally asked, looking back at her math book.
"Fine," Jay said. When Rose looked up at him in a not-believing manner, Jay corrected his answer. "Um, spectacular." He shrugged and made a fake grin that was intentionally very noticable.
Rose furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. Jay didn't look fine to her, but what was wrong?
The whole day went on like that. Rose trying to find out what was wrong with Jay, and Jay not giving an answer.
At last, after Rose had asked Jay for the umpteenth time regarding his mood, Jay just exploded saying, "Why do you care so much?!"
When school ended, Rose decided she wanted to go home by herself. Good thing her father approved. A thirteen-year old like her sure had a lot on their minds, didn't they?
Rose already knew where she was going to go. It was a garden. And she had quite the memory there.
You see, five-year old Rose was naughty. She ran away because she thought, why not? Then, her instincts and intuition brought her to this garden.
Little Rose fell asleep on the grass. She woke up when she heard something - or someone - that sounded like little bells ringing.
She opened one of her eye to check. She was surprised to see a little figure, dancing a bit above the roses. Some kind of sparkly glitter was falling from the small figure's back. Then, she realized the small person had wings.
In surprise, Rose jumped up, resulting in the fairy flying backwards when she saw Rose waking up. And yes, the fairy was a she.
The fairy hit some bushes of rose and was stuck in there. Rose had to stood up and get on her tiptoes to see the fairy. She was worried when she was the fairy's arm and leg bleeding.
Bracing herself, little Rose reached down for the fairy - which seemed impossible at first because of her weight. Then, she pulled her up. Rose hissed a little when a thorn wounded her left hand. Just a little, because she was afraid the fairy would be scared if she screamed because of a thorn.
After Rose got the small fairy out of the bushes, she laid her on the grass gently.
"Hi, there," Rose said calmly.
"P-please don't hurt me!" the small fairy pleaded. She was kneeling on the ground, her eyes closed and her face facing down. Her hands were in a praying position to Rose. It was as if she was begging
"Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you," Rose said calmly. She sat down in front of the fairy, just watching her.
"T-thank you for saving me," the small fairy said.
Rose nodded. "No problem. I'm happy to help."
The small fairy played with her fingers as if she was nervous. Rose, who was still watching the little fairy, couldn't help but ask, "What's wrong?"
The fairy shook her head violently. "Uh, nothing! I just want to say thanks... Oh and... From the rule, if a human found a fairy, the fairy has to grant her three of her wishes."
"Oh? Is that so?" little Rose asked. She clapped her hand excitedly. She had always known what her wish was. "Can I say my wish now?"
"Um, well, sure," the fairy said. She nodded, then suddenly, she steadied herself and said, "I promise I'll try my best to grant your wish."
"Ah, okay." Rose raised an eyebrow in surprise. "Well, I want to know who my soulmate is," Rose stated.
The fairy, who was holding her bag nervously, sighed in relief. It was as if a large burden was taken off of her shoulders.
"Well, that's easy. I don't even need pixie dust to grant that one. Usually, humans want to have wings or some powers or some other thing - ah, sorry, I'm rambling here," the fairy stopped talking.
When the fairy faced Rose and saw that she was waiting, she remembered, "Right, your wish. Um, your soulmate... Ah, it's that guy!"
The fairy pointed at some guy that was walking pass them, and suddenly flew down when he faced this way. The guy, in Rose's opinion, was one hundred percent random.
When Rose was about to ask the fairy, she was already gone and the boy was heading this way. Rose shook her head in disbelief as the boy stopped and smiled down at her.
That was how Rose and Jay first met.