“So, you’re really doing it, huh?” Lily asked the groggy Raegan as they placed their head on a textbook. They stayed up the whole night, afraid of swallowing the leaf*.240Please respect copyright.PENANAmnY1EOgvOl
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(*[A/N]: A portion of the steps to becoming an animagus was to place a mandrake leaf under your tongue for about a month, etc, etc, until a lighting storm/ thunderstorm… etc… full moon…incantation, yada, yada, AMATO ANIMO ANIMATO ANIMAGUS! WOOO~~! FULL MOON! TRANSFORM!)
The only sound Raegan could make was a lisped, “Ehuh” (Uh, huh) giving the girl a thumbs up. “Gosh… don’t mess it up. That would be very bad,” Lily added.
“Yeuhp… fuhlleh awehr…” (Yup… fully aware…)
“Have you taken any precautionary measures? Maybe there’s a spell to keep it from sliding down–” “Eh Dehd… Et wohks buht Eh doh wahha wihsk eht.” (I did… It works but I don’t wanna risk it.)
“So what have you been telling the professors?” She continued. “I mean, you can’t really be going all month like this…”
“Eh tohl ehm I goh hehs toh tahfk lihf his for a mohf.” (I told ‘em I got hexed to talk like this for a month.)
“Behifs, theyh lohf meh. Ahs logh ah Eh kehhp gehhing Ehxsehllehs ogh meh grehs, theh woh tofh a blih eyh toh meh prehdehecment.” (Besides, they love me. As long as I keep getting Excellent on my grades, they would turn a blind eye to my predicament.)
Lily chuckled. “Oh, woe is you, indeed…” She bent down and planted a soft kiss on their black and frumpled hair. “See you later…”
As she left the Great Hall, there was one thing on Raegan’s mind. “Shit.”
“Shih. shih. SHIH!” (Shit. Shit. SHIT!) They tried to verbalize. Their face burned a soft red as Sirius approached, clapping his back way too hard, nearly making Raegan swallow the leaf. 240Please respect copyright.PENANAmXXroyif0q
“PAHFOOH!” Raegan yelled, jumping back and shielding their face from them.
“What did Lily do just now?” Sirius asked curiously with James standing a short way from them, talking to Remus. “Eh doh noh!” (I don’t know!) Raegan seemed to sob out loud through a flushed face. “Sheh juh behn dowh euh kihh mah heah!” (She just bent down and kissed my head!)
“SHE DID WHAT?” James slid over, incredulous jealousy spread over his face.
“PROHS!” (Prongs!) Raegan screamed out for his life. “PROHS EH SWEAH! SHEH JUHS DIH IEH!” (Prongs, I swear! She just did it!) “EHM NOH TREHYEH TOH STEH HERH!” (I’m not trying to steal her!)
“Hah, even Eyewart here has won Lily’s heart!” Sirius nudged a shell-shocked James. “Ol’, stupid, Eyewart who does jack shit for all anyone knows and Lily finds something interesting about them–”
“SHUH TUH FUH UH PAHFOOH YOH NOH HEHPINH!” (Shut the fuck up, Padfoot! You’re not helping!) Raegan yelped, standing up as James tries to strangle him. “PAHFOOH, HOH EHM BAHK!” (Padfoot, hold him back!)240Please respect copyright.PENANAJgpvB4U6WM
240Please respect copyright.PENANA2tUsL6REKe
[A/N]: This a much more laid-back and humorous chapter for you all. I hope you liked it. Also, I want to clarify that I wrote the initial draft without WIFI, and no way to know if I got my facts straight. I am just now revising them to be accurate and free from Plotholes. I'm so glad to know that I got that "animagus steps" part somewhat right.
It's funny to think that Lily would literally kiss anyone, BUT James...