Eva's POV
I opened one eye and realized my alarm clock wouldn't shut up. My hand slammed down with a force on the snooze button. Damn. Fuck. One of these days I'm gonna break it.
Not again. It can only mean one thing: back to school. The first day is always a confusing for everyone. Even for people who say they have it all figured out. But in my eyes, it's just another day I have to get through. I lump through it barely aware.
I am finally going to be a senior and you can just hear my excitement from miles away. It's supposed to be the best year of high school, so people keep saying, but if you go to John Adams High, you know it's nothing special.
Honestly I was never a fan of school. I always thought it was a prison filled with zombies and hormonal teenagers.
Let's not exclude the bullying. When I was a freshman, I felt invisible. In high school, it's all about having confidence. You have that and things get smooth sailing from then on. Having a pretty face doesn't hurt either.
I managed to secure a few people who were on my side. One of them stayed truer to the rest: my best friend Delilah.
Come to think of it, I realized she was probably up by now and I can expect her to be waiting outside in half an hour. I thought about sending her a text but she is more prompt than I'll ever dream to be.
Ugh. I hate this. Fuck. It's the same story every semester. I keep thinking something exciting will happen, but it never does. I pulled my long brown locks out of my eyes and hit my head against my pillow in a huff. I dragged my body out of bed and attempted to get ready for the boredom I'll be walking into. I hope they at least change the cafeteria menu. Some of that shit has been around since the school first opened.
I stripped off my PJs and stepped into a warm shower. Not scolding but warm. Nice. Yes, this is a good feeling. I like when showers are this temperature. Just warm enough. It almost makes me not want to leave them. But alas, some good things come to an end. I rinsed the remainder of soap from my body and my hair came last.
I have a lot of hair, big volumes of it so I have to normally maintain it, my mom would be so proud. She supposedly had a lot too. She walked out on my dad when I was barely one. Of course I have no memories of her and don't plan on contacting her so it's fine.
I sullenly stepped out of the shower and into an awaiting fuzzy towel. My long chocolate hair was pulled into another towel and twisted on top of my head. I towel dried my hair the best I could. Don't wanna catch a cold.
After I dressed, I jogged down the stairs, tying my damp hair into a ponytail. I thought, fuck it. Who am I trying to impress anyway? I've been a ponytail and bun girl for as long as I can remember. I think I'm just too lazy to style it. I noticed my dad had the morning news switched on the TV and breakfast already made by the time I came into the kitchen. I love my dad. I feel sorry for him sometimes. I know he still hangs on to the memory, or rather, the good memory of my mother but he doesn't accept that she's really gone. I walked over and hugged him, kissing his cheek.
"Morning dad."
He pulled away from the news and looked at me. He looked at my hair, running his hand through the semi wet ends and giving me a warm smile. "Evie, morning. It's your first day, right?"
Did he have to mention it like it requires a parade? "Yep, don't wanna be late. De is waiting for me soon. Thanks for making breakfast."
My dad paused for a moment and watched me serve myself eggs, bacon, pancakes and toast with butter. My favorite. I sat down next to him, aimlessly glancing at the screen, picking at my food; which smelled delicious. I dove right in, couldn't help myself.
I started thinking about today, I don't know why but I kept thinking today was different. It's just another school day. I closed down those thoughts and took a long sip of my OJ to distract myself.
"I'm working a later shift today so I can't come to pick you up. I'm sorry honey." My dad said gently.
I sighed outwardly as well as on the inside. "It's OK, I'll carpool with De. I'm sure her mom will be fine with it."
Ouch. I caught myself. I said the word. I placed down my fork, wiped my mouth with a napkin and wrapped my arms around my dad's shoulders. He took my hands, removing them gently. "It's OK honey. I know."
"So do I." I mean that. Even though she did walk out and my dad rarely says why, I still think about it. I think about why a lot. What really happened that made him hold on this long. Even the word makes my dad feel uneasy. I have to be more careful next time.
I awkwardly ate my food, glancing at my dad. He took my free hand, holding it. "You don't have to worry, it's alright." I knew it wasn't but I nodded, smiling all the same.
My dad was surprisingly more sensitive than other dads I've seen. I learned not to question so much and enjoy what I have in my life. It's not perfect but it's mine. My dad means everything to me and I feel very protective over him since it's just the two of us here in this obsolete house.
I stood up when I was halfway done and rinsed my plate in the sink. I pulled my denim jacket off the couch, swinging it around my shoulders. It was a bit chilly in the morning so I wore layers and kept things simple. I also wore very little make-up since it's a pain in the ass to constantly reapply. Plus I'm a fan of food and make-up messes up my cravings.
I heard a noise outside. I went out to look through the window and saw a moving truck parked next door with a few helpers carrying boxes of all kinds and furniture as well. When did we get new neighbors? Were they weird? Nice? Private? Odd. It was probably nothing. Well, I guess welcome to Boresville, California.
I shook my head, turning around, noticing my dad pack up his usual belongings before he heads out. I took that as my cue to do the same. I gathered my bag pack filled with new supplies and started to walk out the door. I turned around and called out, "Bye dad, have a good day at work. See you later."
I distantly heard him say something like, "See you later and have fun."
Have fun? Yeah, that's the understatement of the year. I'll try but nothing ever gives.
I walked down the street to the usual spot Delilah picks me up and sat on the bus bench. I moved my eyes to both sides and saw Louis Tomlinson, the hottest guy in our neighborhood piling into his sports car with some friends from school. His messy brown hair was again in his face, hiding those gorgeous dreamlike eyes of his. I must have been staring again for a long ass time because he looked up, catching me looking at him and gave me a small wave. I smiled and returned the wave. He was distracting and sometimes I didn't like it. But he wasn't those hot-guy-jerk types so I figured it was OK just to be friendly. I did love looking at him though. It was the best part of my day for the last 3 years of high school. Nothing ever came of between us, we were just acquaintances. He wasn't a jock and I appreciated that because our school was cluttered with jock meat heads chasing girls, moreover, cheerleader types daily and it irritated me. Louis was a drama geek. I only heard of the plays he did because he was a hit with the drama crowd and would speak at the pep rallies I was forced to attend promoting the event. Louis was a cool cat. I decided to stop staring and keep my eyes pealed for De.
I looked around and saw no traces of De's mom's car anymore. I shrugged and took out my phone, shooting her a text saying where I was. I instantly got a reply saying she'll be right there.
Our neighborhood was quiet and clean. That's how I see it. It's nearly Pleasantville but everything was in color and we weren't listening to 50's music and wearing poodle shirts.
Yep, this is my life. I heard a car drive by and saw about 4 of the most popular girls in our school packed in like sardines. The ring leader looked over at me with disdain and I just narrowed my eyes back at her. Hardly anyone at our school stands up to these wastoids but I'm not intimidated by their antics. I liked being brunette and myself and I wasn't going to let the bulimic crew tarnish that.
It's pretty easy to be "popular" nowadays. All you have to do is the following: be a really good bully, make the cheer leading squad and develop an eating disorder of your choice and last but not least, follow the leader around like a puppy stalking bacon bits. I couldn't fit in even though they wanted me to. Mainly because I don't push around people out of insecurity, hate cheer leading with a passion and I love food too much and cant stand throwing it up. The stick legs is what I call them. It suits them perfectly.
So as you can see, it'd be impossible for me to matriculate with those people. I still can't believe bullies exist to this day, what with people getting it online or in plain sight. I'll never understand the sick pleasures of torturing someone else for being who they are. I gave a wave back nevertheless. It surely pissed off Debbie Jacobs, the leader of the pack the most. She really wanted me to join her clique but I wasn't having it. She rolled her eyes at me, laughed at something her lackey friend said and drove off leaving skid marks behind.
"When will those whores learn?" I said softy to myself.
Another car pulled up and it was Louis'. Damn that boy. He glanced at me, licking his lips. "Need a ride, love?"
That sexy husky accent made me melt as much as the first time I heard it. My hair was pulled back in a staunch ponytail, shit, I couldn't hide the pinkness creeping up on my cheeks. I shyly looked away, then back at him. "No, I'm good. I'll see you at school."
He nodded, an amused look over his features as he looked to the road. His friend, Liam Payne was glancing my way, flashing a sly smile. God, all these boys are like butter. The drama crowd was probably the most intense but nicest group at our school. They were always welcoming of outsiders. New kids are normally accepted. Unless you play a sport then it's a different shebang.
"Right then, see you at school." He said, his eyes stayed on me right before he drove off.
I sighed deeply. My thighs unwounded themselves slowly. Why did certain body parts of mine always close off whenever he spoke to me?
Oh well, nothing is going to come of that. I bit my lip, checking the time on my phone.
I wonder what's keeping De. She normally is outside waiting for me and I was the late one.
"Evie." I knew who would stretch the "e" in my name and she hollered over to me. I got up and ran over to the car parked on the sidewalk.
At least certain things in this town were still entertaining. I joined her in the backseat and her mom drove us to school: a place where it is arguable the best time in your life.
Yeah right. I dared to be proven wrong one day.