Eva's POV
I woke up the next day with the most extraneous headache ever known to humans. It felt like my head was being squeezed slowly between two big boulder rocks. What the fuck? How much did I drink last night? Maybe I'm just a lightweight. I was so sure Louis and I didn't make a party of it. Plus he walked me back, made sure I was cool. Which I was, then I remembered Harry was a part of it somehow and my face fell. What the hell happened last night?
Bits and pieces were coming back as I pushed myself upright from the sweat matted covers of my bed and charged toward the medicine cabinet for some Aleve. Lord, I really can't hold it in like I thought. Some things were coming into clear focus. Louis had a perfect fake I.D. and got us some imported beer and I think we had a couple, or three. I don't know, we were talking and drinking after swimming in his pool and his mom wasn't home all that time.
I held my forehead in my palm as I slid down the tile in the bathroom. My naked legs were getting cold on the floor but I barely felt it. I wish these pain pills worked right away. Sucks I have to wait god knows how long until I finally feel normal again. I grabbed my mouth, feeling that familiar pain and opened the lid of the toilet suddenly emptying the entire contents in my stomach. My throat strained to release it all. God damn it. This is like the worst feeling ever. But I strangely feel better from getting it out.
I looked out my window and felt a breeze from the morning air wash over my forehead. I distinctly remember throwing up last night too. My throat felt extra sore come to think of it. But I don't remember ever coming back here. How did I get here? Harry…what did he have to do with this? I saw him last night. I think we were talking. The puzzle pieces of last night were scattered everywhere. Wow, did Harry see me like this? What did I say? What did he say? Oh god, he's gonna give me shit about it. Did he tell my dad? Holy shit I'm in trouble.
I rubbed my head as some feeling came to my legs, I attempted to stand up. The blood was rushing to my head all at once. What time was it?
School? Oh shit…I moved quickly through all the torment in my brain and tried to find some clothes. No I will not be late. My first class period was always hard to deal with. My eyes don't focus well in the morning; I think part of my dyslexia might be coming back. I dreaded that if it's really true.
I found some decent clothes and through them on my bed. I stripped off my PJs and ran back into the bathroom taking probably the fastest shower ever in my life. Damn it.
I quickly got out, nearly slipping on the wet floor with my towel almost falling off my head. I wasn't going to bother drying and styling. I'll just to keep it simple again, let it air dry.
OK, now. Where is my phone? Charger. Fuck balls. Where's my charger? I looked all over my room as I while pulling on my thin socks in the air. I crouched down and looked underneath my bed, aha! Got ya! I grabbed the phone and checked the screen. Blank. Dead. Mother fucker. I stepped back and my feet hit a thin cord. Yes! OK, give it life.
I plugged it back in and it magically came alive. I sighed and flicked on the menu.
My phone started ringing. Louis? He's calling me…uh, pick up idiot. My thumb slid across and I pressed it to my ear. I had to talk attached to my charger.
"Hey. Are you coming to get me?" I asked, my breathy voice coming out muffled. I huffed when I didn't get an answer. "Louis?"
"Babe, school was canceled today."
My jaw dropped. The fuck? "You're kidding? Was it a holiday?"
"Uh, no, something to do with the school closing down, administration told my mum and that's what she said, but it's just today."
Louis seemed a bit off. His voice sounded like he was in a rush and distracted. I brushed it aside.
"Oh OK, so, we have a day off? Wow…shit." I was relieved to say the least. Now I could feel my heart calming down.
He laughed. "Did you start your morning real fast love? Awe, poor baby."
"Whatever. Eat me."
"Well OK then." He laughed again, that high pitched belly laugh I just love about him. "If you're serious, let me know babe."
I rolled my eyes playfully and sat on my desk chair and began to twirl around. "What are you gonna do today?"
"Why babe? You wanna do something together?" I could hear the smile in his voice.
I blushed, biting my lip shyly. "No, just asking. OK yeah. What's up?"
He sighed. Uh oh. "Hmm, I have a private workshop class during most of the day; it's all the way in Anahem. Sorry love. My day is sadly filled up."
My face fell. Bummer. "What about later tonight? Maybe we could go somewhere. I had so much fun last night."
"So did I Eva." When he says my name its like he was meant to. Gah… "Well, shit, OK, I'll tell you this, I have these plans for most of today. How about I text your beautiful eyes when I finish probably in the evening? How's that sound to you?"
I stopped twirling when I got dizzy. I checked the time. It was so early, I guess I can settle for having him another day.
"Alright Louis. Good luck at your um, acting thing. It is acting right?"
"Haha, yes it is. Just something I like to do when I'm free. They have it once a month or so, I was glad to catch these guys now. They're so much fun! Maybe you can come one day if you like."
Acting isn't my thing but I feel like if it involves seeing Louis act like a nutcase, I'm all in. And if he's in very little clothing it's a bonus. "I'd love that. Well, I'll chat with you later on then. See ya Louis."
"Have fun today babe. I'll be thinking about you. I still can't get that kiss out of my mind." His terse laugh made me feel a bit playful.
"I can't either. It was so worth waiting for. We should do it again." I teased, taking my hair from the bun, letting it flow loosely down my shoulders.
He cleared his throat. "I can totally cancel this thing if that was a serious request."
I giggled. I wanted to say yes. Just say it girl. Green fucking light, he gave it to you. "That's sweet. There's time for that I'm sure soon. That was one hell of a kiss, I'll admit."
"I agree love. You have such soft lips."
"You have amazing—"
"OK, I should get off the line before we get further and dirtier, I would have no problem whatsoever with either. But I am a gentlemen and a rep to uphold."
"Sure ya do." I stuck my tongue out even if he can't see me.
"OK babe. Catch you later. Big kiss, 'til next time." He made a lame kissy noise in the phone and I said my goodbyes finally.
I exhaled deeply, twirling in the chair again. My wet hair hitting my cheeks. What was I going to do now?
My phone vibrated. I looked at the I.D. sliding the screen over.
"DeDe, whas up?"
"Uh, been trying to ring you for the last half hour man. Did you know school's out?"
"Yep, just found out. What are you up to?"
"Just got done eating breakfast. Mom wants me to go out; I think she wants me to leave on purpose. Whatever. Uh, did you just get up?"
"Kinda, I overslept actually, heh, I almost fucked myself over."
"Well you got lucky. How'd you know about today?"
"Louis, he just called me." I bit my lip, smiling slyly.
Delilah clucked her tongue. "Uhuh, how was he last night? Was it everything you dreamed of?"
I pretended to think for a second. "It was like an X-rated Disney movie."
"Haha, it was…perfect. He-oh god, I don't know. I'm kinda speechless here. I didn't think he'd be so romantic. I think I might be falling for him all over again."
De laughed, I know that laugh. She wanted details. "Wow, wonder what he did? He is an actor after all."
Harry said the same thing. What is it with that? He's nice, he's everything a girl could want in a guy. I haven't found a flaw on him yet. "It's not like that. He wasn't acting with me. I even thought about the first time we met. God I was so embarrassed. Thankfully he was too."
"You guys are so stupid for each other it's making me sick. Remember what I said about guys in our school; don't let them know you want it more than they do. There's a reason why they're called horn dogs."
I shook my head. "That's not how I see Louis. He's not about the chase. I mean, he already likes me and I feel the same way. I think the hard parts are over. Now comes the fun part."
"Sounds like you guys had a jolly good time. Still, I love you girl, be careful. Guys can mess with your head; confuse you a lot of time with pretty words."
"I don't think that's Louis at all. Besides he was my first date, my first other things too."
"So he was your first kiss?"
My dad called me from downstairs. I was thrown off, I forgot what she asked.
"Sorry, I have to go. Talk to you later." She said goodbye and I ended the call quickly.
I pulled my hair in a loose braid that came down the middle of my back. I didn't care how my hair looked. It was my day off. What the hell was I going to do today?
I shrugged and walked downstairs smelling the most delicious pancakes ever. Is that chocolate chip? I just love my dad. I spotted him sitting down, halfway through his meal reading the morning paper. He didn't notice me enter until I went to get a plate. I must have made a clinking noise when I started to serve myself some food.
"Evie? Good morning, sorry about yesterday. Work held me up pretty late and I didn't expect to be stuck at headquarters after hours."
I grabbed the rest of my stuff and sat next to him. "It's OK Dad. I was alright by myself."
I gave myself more pancakes than usual. Didn't want to have yesterday's morning to happen again. My appetite has come back.
"Where were you? I spoke to Anne last night she said Harry saw you come home after 10." The fucking bastard said something.
I'm not used to my dad asking me a lot of questions. He trusted me. Didn't he? "He did, did he? Hmm, I was just out with De, her mom wasn't home and we watched movies and hung out."
I looked at my dad; he looked like he was buying it. I didn't want him to know about Louis and the wonderful night I had with him. I didn't care for lectures and there's a good chance he would probably scare the shit out of Louis and he may never want to see me again. I opted to pass on that.
After a few minutes I said something after I swallowed a mouthful of pancakes. "So school's out. De told me just now."
"Yeah I know. What are you planning on doing today?" He looked at me curious.
I shrugged, taking a long sip of my cool OJ. Ah, refreshing. "I'm not sure, I guess hmm, it's beautiful outside; maybe I could go to the beach. Can you drop me off?"
He set down his finished coffee mug, picked up his plate, walked to the kitchen and placed it in the sink. "I can't today. I was called in for a new deadline and I have to it finish by noon. Hey, what about Harry driving you? Both of you can spend the day together. It'll give you a chance to show him around the city. Go to 3rd street, show him the Pier."
I cringed. "Dad, I don't know if Harry wants to be around me this much. I don't think it's a good idea. Hey, I'll just take come money and bus it."
"Out of the question sweetheart. I don't want you going taking the bus alone. I know you like staying at the beach until after dark. What's wrong with Harry taking you? He's a nice kid; a straight A student at his old school. His mom mentioned he was on the honor roll."
He is? Why was he taking normal classes with me then? If you're on the nerd honor society, don't you stay a nerd for life? Weird. I shook my head.
"I think he's seen a bit too much of me dad. What if I come back like before sun down? I promise. Please?" I begged.
I brought my plate over and he rinsed it off, loading the dishwasher. "I can't take my chances. Look, you guys will have fun. He's a smart boy, I trust him."
I don't. I'm afraid of what could happen when I'm alone with him. The rest of last night came back in flashes; I practically remembered 80% of what went down. Harry Styles is trouble. I'm with Louis now. I have to keep reminding myself of this for some reason. Why did it matter if I didn't care?
"He has his own friends dad." I got another stern dad look thrown my direction.
"Ugh…Fine, I'll just stay home and be lazy." I pouted, folding my arms across my chest. The teen angst I so perfected coming out now.
My dad wiped his hands on the towel rack and held my shoulders gently. He pulled me into his arms and rested his chin on the top of my head.
"Please Evie. Do this for me. I'd take you myself I swear but I have to get this assignment done. When you're older you will understand. But right now, please just do what I say."
I hate when my Dad gets poetic like this randomly, it makes me instantly feel bad about what I want and bite my tongue. I said nothing and hugged him back.
At that moment I wondered what my mother was doing. Was she even still alive? I tried not to cry when my dad pulled away, kissing my forehead.
I agreed to his request but not without a chip on my shoulder. Spending this beautiful day at the beach with Harry Styles…I didn't think I'd loathe the sight of anything more.
Or feel enraptured. I hated this combination.
I watched my dad leave out the garage. His car pulled out from the driveway as he gave a casual wave to me.
I turned around, biting my lip. Who says I have to involve Harry in my every day plans? No such rule existed. I made my way as fast as I could up the stairs and searched for my stash of my money. I forgot where I placed it last time and turned over a shoe box underneath my bed. Shit, I needed a ton more money than what my wallet had now.
"Eva?" Was that Anne calling me?
I wiped around and saw it was Anne. She was starting to open the window up in Harry's room. She had that signature smile on her face as she called me again.
"Good morning." I greeted, not sure where this is going.
"Harry just told me classes are canceled for today. What are your plans honey?" Oh no, this is like a trap.
I said the first thing that popped into my mind. "Nothing, I'm taking a break. How are you?" Oh shit, small talk. Why did I go there?
Anne had kind eyes. That sucks.
"I'm going into work today. I saw your father leave just now." I nodded but she continued. Shit. "I told Harry if he wants to spend the day at yours he could. Would you mind it?"
OK, moment of truth. Would I? Of course I would. Can I really say that? I smiled, turning red as the sun blinded me suddenly. "If he wants to. He doesn't have to."
"Great." She grinned brighter if possible. "I don't want to leave him alone in the house all day. Hey, maybe you both can drive somewhere. You can show Harry around. Would you like that? I'll leave him some money before I leave to work."
Sounded like she had this all fucking planned out. Where did I fit in? I guess I had no influence on the decision. She looked so happy right now. My heart would drop at the sight of her frown. Ugh, I wish I was a bad person. I wish I could do and say whatever I want whenever I want. I wish I was more like Louis. Not that he's a bad person but his confidence is what I want to steal. His natural swag. He was spontaneous and a bit of a recluse. I wish people wouldn't have to sway me so easily. I wish I wasn't so swayable. God damn it.
I looked at Anne, her beautiful blue eyes shining back at me and I knew my answer.
"I'll be ready soon." I smiled softly.497Please respect copyright.PENANAJPXyQ3kE1O