Eva's POV
It's been 3 hours since I had last seen Harry and I hate to admit I was a bit curious as to where he was. He acted so odd before he took off I didn't know what to expect. Why was he so against me going out with Louis? I can understand if Louis actually treated me like dog shit in front of him, but he didn't. What was Harry's malfunction?
Nevertheless I was sitting in his house, more specifically on his couch while Anne was preparing dinner. I had offered to help several times but she declined saying I was a guest and she had it all handled. She even mentioned Harry helps her sometimes with part of it. That guy is full of surprises. Sounds like a model citizen to me. If they come in a package you wanna touch yourself to secretly.
I stood up from the couch, stretching out with a small yawn. Maybe not too small. I didn't realize how loud it was until Anne looked at me.
I blushed, covering my face. "Sorry." She waved me off and went back to the stove. She said something else but I didn't hear it. "Pardon?"
"Oh, I said you can go up to Harry's room and lay down if you want to take a nap for a bit. It should be another 45 minutes until everything is ready. I'll come up to get you sweetie." She was stirring some unknown substance in a pot while she started another part, looking at me in between.
Harry's room? Oh boy. Should I go exploring in Harry's room—wait she didn't say that, she said nap. I didn't want to bother her with more yawning so I nodded, taking my phone up with me. I walked up the stairs and tried to look for Harry's room. I guess it would be the one with the closed door as most guys' rooms are. It seems a bit foreign walking into a place where I wasn't technically allowed in. I wonder what Harry would think if he caught me on his bed.
I bet he wouldn't care. Then for some reason he would. I shrugged, opening the door and peeked inside the room. Simple. Pretty neat, little boxes on the ground near the bed, which was half unmade. You can actually walk in it. I was surprised, wow. He keeps a neat workspace. My room is a little messier actually compared to this. It smelled like his cologne and fresh laundry which I'm sure Anne does for him.
I kicked off my flats and walked to the bed, trying not to disturb anything Harry might be doing to his room. It looks like a college dorm on the first day, plain, simple, kind of nice. A couple pictures were on the corner of the nightstand. Harry wearing his soccer uniform when he was I'm going to guess about 8 or 9 holding the ball up on his knee and smiling. I couldn't help but smile too. He does have a unique smile. He gets it from him mom, she is absolutely beautiful.
I heard rumors of my mother being this drop dead gorgeous woman when she was married to my dad. But I have no pictures confirming that. Dad said I looked like her; I sadly smiled and changed the subject. It's a sore one for both of us. Harry is so lucky to have both his parents in his life. So fucking lucky.
I felt the corners of my eyes well up. No, this is not going to happen here. I looked around the room. I noticed the window was slightly ajar and went to check it out. My eyes bugged when I realized you could actually see my entire bedroom from here. My curtains were drawn and you can fucking see everything I own! What the fuck?
Now Harry has the ability, if he wants it, to spy on me ad nauseum. I shook, unsure how to feel. Wow, so that means he saw me change this morning. Fucking pervert. Wait a minute. What if I'm being crazy again? I had my curtains rolled down. There was no one, his peering eyes couldn't have checked out my goods. No fucking way.
I stretched out and got more comfortable in his bed. Weird, it's his bed, his smell; all of him was on here all night. It is a comfortable bed, that's all I'm going to admit too. Soft sheets, no hard guy pillows, actual fluffy pillows you can push down and make that "ahh" noise.
I was just going to nap, not sleep. That would be rude even though I felt like this was rude to Harry. Seriously, what's he going to think when he sees me in his bed? Guess we'll find out.
My phone vibrated.
A text message.
It was Louis! Yes! Now my mood just shot up.
From: Louis
Message: Thinking about you…can't wait for tomorrow night. :)
My fingers couldn't fly fast enough over the keyword.
From: Eva
Message: Same, laying in bed, thinking about tomorrow. And you too! :P :)
I figured I'd play with his head a little bit. De always said play it cool with guys. Make them laugh and you're golden. I am naturally the best there is at the funny stuff so I didn't really need the advice.
My phone buzzed instantly.
From: Louis
Message: Don't tease me love. You say naughty things it inspires me to do the same. :)
From: Eva
Message: What? I am lying in bed silly. A bit tired. I am thinking of you too. ;)
From: Louis
Message: Oh Lol Sorry then. Well, I jus wanna say have a good night. I'll see you in class tomorrow. I'll always save that seat for you.
I smiled, laughing to myself, burying myself in bed even more. The covers were over my body. I thought that was the end of the texting spree until he said this:
Continue what we started today… :)
I gulped, reading that. I laughed abruptly. Holy shit. Um, he did? Awesome. I mean, holy shit that's fucking hot. I was so wrapped up in the thought of it I didn't reply back.
I grabbed my phone up, licking my lips, looking at the screen.
From: Eva
Message: Holding you to that. ;)
From: Louis
Message: No teasing Louis now! What did I JUST say? Lol :P
How could he possibly think I was teasing him? This guy…
From: Eva
Message: Goodnight Louis :|
A second later I sent him a winky face.
I finally got a normal message from him and found it hard to wipe off my grin. He was just being funny. What Harry said about him isn't true. I know it's not. Louis is not that guy. He's like me, only jokes about sex but that isn't all he thinks about. Is it? Boys in high school, well they aren't thinking about school, mostly how to get out. Louis was so preoccupied with acting and plays I didn't think he had the time to sleep with the entire student body.
Harry…Ugh I can't stand him. But I'm in his bed. I checked the clock; it was almost 6:30pm. For the greater good of my sanity, I hope he stays out for a really long time because my eyelids are getting heavy…
Harry's POV
I came home a little after 7pm; my mum was in the kitchen getting ready to serve it all from the looks of it. I felt bad. I knew I shouldn't have done what I did but I did. Can't take it back. I semi-reeked of alcohol and I didn't know how to hide it other than drinking copious amounts of water. I popped some gum in my mouth to kill some of the stench and calm my nerves.
My opening the door made her turn around.
She came over and gave me a tight hug. "Are you alright?"
"Yeah." I bit my lip, smiling. I didn't want her to ask too many questions or worry so I just went with the flow.
"Good, well, your father is running late, so is Eva's dad." Oh yeah, nearly forgot about dinner with them. "So ok, I need you to be polite to her since she's resting in your room."
What? "She is? What? Like now she is?"
My mum looked at me funny. "Be nice Harry. I know we've been trying to deal with things in this new life and I know it's been difficult for you. Eva's a good girl. She means well. Let her rest. You should have seen how tired she was earlier. Let's make her and her father feel at home?" I could tell mum was really trying to win the Davies' over. But why? Why so much effort was put into this whole image I'll never know. Maybe it's her need to not feel so lonely sometimes.
I get this from my mom; we both want to be accepted by people. Maybe it's a little bit insecure but I feel like a lot of the world can relate. I understood what she was saying.
I nodded, kissed her on the cheek and dropped my bag in the closet, along with my jacket and shoes. Not used to brand new carpets and some of the boxes had dirt on the sides. I avoided making my mum do any excessive cleaning.
I helped her set the table and saw her hands shaking. Immediately I rushed over to take the glasses from her.
"Thank you baby." She breathed. She's thinking about it again. God damn it. I was there was some way I could erase those awful memories from my childhood.
"Mum, be careful. Here, just let me finish this. You've worked already so hard." I smiled gently, but it was still bittersweet. I felt like crying but I wasn't going to be weak around her. If I'm weak it doesn't help her any. "Come on." I whispered when I saw her begin to wash the dishes in the sink.
She turned and looked at me, the same look she gave when I asked her to talk to me one day about Dad and the divorce. "Harry, I am fine. Everything is practically done. Why don't you go wash up and see if Eva is awake. If she isn't then let her sleep."
Her voice was breaking up. I could tell she wanted me to drop it, so I did; for now. I wasn't going to let her do everything alone. Not when I'm here. I still matter. Hopefully I still do. This divorce was hard on everyone. I could feel my blood boiling but I wasn't going to lose it. Now way, she'd sooner break down before I could have any control over it.
I'm done feeling like shit. I'm just going to listen to her and have that be it. Make her happy and not complicate things with my avid curiosity.
"Alright, I'll be upstairs if you need me." I touched her shoulder before I turned around and walked quietly up the stairs to my room.
I went to the bathroom first to wash up and try to mask the smell that seems to be permeating off of my body. I don't normally stink when I drink, that's usually when I smoke fags, but it's obvious I had a few or so. When I was finished I went to my door. Knowing Eva was in my room, sleeping soundlessly in my bed gave me chills. I told my cock not to react if I saw her again. Sucks it sometimes it has a mind of its own.
Eva brought it out of me, the lust, the curiosity, the intrigue. I was getting my sexual frustrations out from my break up with Elena onto her and it wasn't fair. I didn't want to lead Eva on. She could be something I need. Maybe she needs me too. We could help each other. In class when she thought I wasn't looking, she'd take studious notes on basically everything our professors said. She seemed so worried about getting good grades, the teacher would occasionally call on her for the answers and she always gave long ones. It was almost like she was giving a long book review. Most of the other girls rolled their eyes but I found it sweet.
Her intelligence is so fucking sexy I can't stand it. The school would never permit it but I thought about freaking on her a few more times if it was just the two of us, in a locked classroom. Maybe they may let us in Sex Ed. That was usually a fun class.
I opened the door slowly and quietly. Her eyes were closed, the sheet rising up as her even breathing remained steady. The vision of her lying there so innocent is scaring me. I'm not supposed to feel this way again. I'm not supposed to open myself to anyone. That isn't the way this works.
After Elena I was done with it. I didn't believe in true love. I didn't believe in feelings. I believed in fucking. I believe in hard kisses, not sweet ones. I believe that love is for the movies. It doesn't exist outside the fantasy world. Only in measly stories where there is always a happy ending. I looked at Eva and cringed. I sighed as I moved closer. Maybe if I watched her she may wake up easily.
I was halfway to my bed and saw her move. Uh oh. Her pouty lips bunched together as she spoke, I saw movement down the sheets and couldn't tear my eyes from it.
I panicked and went to the door to close and lock it, still not taking my eyes off what she was doing. The bottom of the sheets moved rapidly.
"Fuck, Harry…" She whispered into my pillow.
Holy shit. She was having, a sex dream, about me? I gulped, my eyes enlarging from their sockets. All I could do was stare at her motions. Fuck, my cock was growing. The heat of the room was making it hard to breath.
My jaw clenched tightly. I know I swallowed roughly. She tasted so sweet the first time. Another taste will be sweeter. My heart sped up as I approached the bed, kneeling down. My eyes glazed over.
I heard the sound of a zipper being pulled down, she was moaning, that's it. Fuck it.
I pulled the blankets over slowly and watched her start to slide her fingers inside herself. Oh god. My jeans were hurting me. I needed to do something, my mom could hear us, mainly her. She gasped when she pushed them deeper and I knew she was gonna yelp so I caught her loud moan in my mouth, the vibrations of her kiss under control by me. God, her fucking soft lips. I cupped her jaw, deepening the kiss as my tongue slid inside dancing in a rhythm with hers. She caught me, saying my name again into the kiss . The head of my cock now pushing against the barrier of my jeans.
She stopped touching herself and wrapped her arms around my neck. I enjoyed how she relaxed against me as her fingers were dripping of her taste came near my mouth. I suddenly pulled away to taste them again and nearly rolled my eyes in the back of my head at the sweetness. She tasted so good I just wanted more of her. I could feel her nipples harden through her shirt and I knew I was in utter pain.
My cock wanted to be freed so badly now. It was paining me but I kept kissing her, trailing small butterfly kisses down her neck. My fingers found what I was looking for, I instantly pumped her inside her hard. I wanted her to reach her everything and I wasn't gonna stop. The determination on my face was searing. I kissed her with an animalistic ferocity that should have woken her up if it didn't already. I couldn't tell, her eyes were still closed. I grit my teeth, smashing her lips with mine as she pushed her pussy deeper on my fingers. Oh fuck.
Her walls closed around my fingers and I knew she was close. Yes, come on. "Baby, come…" I couldn't resist saying in her ear, kissing her temple, sweat forming as she bucked her hips, shaking on my fingers as she came violently. I ducked under and she squirted in my mouth when I came close to her pussy, taking everything she had for me. Tasted like sweet heaven.
I couldn't fucking take it. I reached down and fiddled with my zipper of my pants. Finally letting my cock out of my trousers, breathing as it literally breathed too. It was so hard it stuck to my like a magnet to my stomach. This is what she did to me.
I looked at myself, unsure of what to do. I felt I was in a haze. Then the bed moved.
"Harry?" She's awake. How long had she been awake? She rose, her eyes met mine. "Harry?" She looked down at her body and gasped, covering her mouth. "What's going on?"
And she's back. "Uh, you were being loud in your sleep. I had to…help you out." I smirked. Her eyes were still tired but she was wide awake when she saw my erection still sticking straight up, inching near my belly button.
"Sorry…" It was her fault. She did it to me. It wasn't another girl in the room that can get me hard so fast. "I'll leave." I went to get up. She stopped me.
"I can try. You helped me. Maybe I can…return the favor." A seductive voice replaced the sarcastic one now. Her eyes flicked from mine to my hard on. Her eyes looked different. Enticing. More inviting. I looked at her lips, Jesus they were made for doing this if I'm being honest. But I didn't want her making me feel good. It may lead to, I don't know what. I just didn't want it.
"You don't have to, I can take care of it." What the hell was I saying? The other part of me is thinking I hope she isn't a biter, holy shit I hope not.
She moved close to my face, her cum taste still on my lips. She brushed her mouth against mine; I took her face and she took mine firmly, our lips melted together so gently I felt it inside my heart.
"Let me try Harry." Her voice was radio low and fucking sexy. Good god. OK, do it.
She pulled me over and I laid in my bed, the sheets were soaked with her juices but I didn't care. It only made me hotter. Harder.
She pulled my briefs and jeans even further down to get a better angle. She kept looking at me in between. She looked half scared out of her mind but she wanted to do this. I laid back but opened my eyes to look at her snaking down my body, her hand touching down my chest until she was where I wanted her. She took hold of my cock in her delicate hands.
I closed my eyes tightly when she took me all in her mouth, wasting no time to deep me in her throat. Damn it. I'm going to pop soon. I could definitely already feel it building up. She began pumping up as her head bounced off and on my cock growing faster the more she pumped. Whoa. When she took me in I could feel her tongue circle around my tip, swirling around, licking all the pre-cum.
I heard her gag on my girth. Holy shit. She took me in the back of her throat, Jesus. My tip felt the back of her throat and it squeezed my cock in another gag from her. I told her I was gonna cum and she prepared, her lips sucking me as I closed my eyes tighter than ever, groaning as I came, my hips bucking just like hers did and she took all of me in her pretty mouth. God fucking damn it. She swallowed me.
Oh my god. I thought I was near screaming her name. I know I said it. I feel dizzy. I laid with my head back as I felt my cock get soft again.
She was still down there and I knew it would be awkward but I found myself saying, grabbing her hand as I did so. I wasn't going to let her go anywhere now.
"Lay next to me, love."465Please respect copyright.PENANAPf0WKRdiaS