Eva's POV
I sighed and walked to my locker hanging my head low in shame. I barely paid attention in class and practically dragged my body to move out of the classroom. The teacher asked me what was wrong and I dismissed it. She wouldn't understand what I've been going through.
I have feelings for Harry Styles and I think he has them for me too. I like him a lot god help me but I do. I can't resist him. I never reacted to a guy like I did to him. He may be lonely but so am I. I saw myself in his eyes. I understood it. I loved what I saw. But, he's a problem for me.
There's another problem: Louis. I like him too. A lot. I have for many years. Feelings like that don't just go away automatically. I haven't had time to sort out my thoughts on how I'm going to deal him now. I can't lie to him either, it wasn't the right thing to do when he did nothing wrong.
I feel with Harry my feelings are stronger. I've only known him for three days and it feels like years. There was so much revealed in his kiss it feels like a confession of his heart every time his lips touched mine. He was my first kiss. I never imagined it would feel so perfect, so right.
Two of my fingers raised to feel my lips. Every time Harry kissed me it burned. I got burned and when it grew deeper, fire ignited the flame in us to push it further. Faster. He moaned against my lips with so much pain, I wish I could know what was behind it; why he was so raw with how he kissed me.
To be honest I don't know who I like more. Louis is a good guy. I was excited about our date tonight and I was determined to have fun and forget all the drama in the past few days.
I pulled my Math book from the top and a note fell below my foot suddenly. I picked it up, examining it. I looked around the hallways. No one was eying suspiciously me so I unfolded it and started to read it inside my locker.
Stay away from Harry or you'll regret it.
I balled up the paper in my hand, making a fist.
Huh? Since when am I being threatened at this school? And why are they bringing Harry into this? I feel like there was a target on my back or something. Whatever, it was probably some douche nozzle trying to scare me off. I decided to ignore it and grab my note pad, trying to distract myself.
Two hands suddenly covered my eyes; I felt warm breathing from my neck to my ear.
"Guess who, love?" I smiled, knowing who it was but I still played along.
"Hmm, Alex Pettyfer? Nicholas Hoult?"
Louis scoffed and turned me around. "I'm way betta looking than those wankers."
I checked him out from head to toe, smirking. "Prove it."
He raised his brows up and down. "I'm glad you asked." He backed me gently against my locker, his eyes were staring me down. "You are so bloody gorgeous. They could suspend me for even thinking these very thoughts right now. It'd be worth it." He grinned cheekily, blue eyes shimmering over my cheeks.
I placed my hand on his shoulder when he came closer. We looked like we were in a compromising position. I adjusted it. "I couldn't do that to you. I care too much."
"Too much of a goodie goodie. Alright then, if it has to be behind closed doors than we must." He rolled his eyes playfully.
I looked down, blushing and bit my lip. I don't know what came over me right now but I went to his ear and whispered. "I'm not as good as you think." I pulled back and smiled, seeing the look on his face.
"I hope that's a preview for future reference. My life just got made if it is." He laughed, looked at the ground, bit his lip then slowly looked up. Oh my god, I just died.
Holy shit, my pussy twitched. "Careful what you wish for."
He cupped my cheek. "Who needs wishes when I have you?" He leaned forward, the back of his hand brushing my cheek, his eyes daring me to make a move.
But I wasn't going to. "Louis, behave yourself or I'll send you straight to the nurse."
"Oh you wouldn't, love. You like me way too much." He winked and pursed his pretty mouth.
I turned around, tucked hair out of my eyes and stared at my chemistry book. I shut my locker and turned back around, looking to the floor and blushed again.
"Maybe…I couldn't hurt you like that."
He suddenly raised his arm above my head so he could be at eye level with me. It was the sexiest thing he's ever done. "I truly can't wait for tonight."
Harry. What the fuck? Why was I seeing his face all of a sudden? Shit, go away. I had doubts, who did I really want? I think I want…
"Yeah, um about that…"
He frowned. "What…?"
I thought of something, quick. "Well, I-I think well," He waited for me to continue. The look on his face was breaking my heart. I still liked him. Fuck. "What time did you wanna this?"
His face looked strange. I'd never seen Louis look sullen and brooding or even super serious but his face was leaning on that side. Who knew Louis Tomlinson had a serious, dark side to him?
"I wanted to come get you at 7:30pm, which was the plan. And I had a surprise for you too."
Oh yeah, he did. Louis likes me and I like him. "Yeah you said that. Um, I know it's a surprise but is it like a dress code thing?" I squinted, unsure.
He broke out in a goofy smile. "I had a surprise for you but we could always keep things simple."
"How do you mean?"
He dragged his tongued across his bottom lip and bit it. Stop doing that. "My place, you, me and a couple of swim suits, late at night, a bit of a party for just the two of us? What do you think of that?" He leaned closer to me.
I had this overwhelming urge to close the gap between us. His mouth was so close I could taste his lips on mine; those soft, delicious lips.
I gulped, looking at him with confident eyes. "Sounds perfect. I'd love to." I grinned; it reached my eyes as I felt my twinkle come back.
Louis sat up straighter, his smile getting brighter by the second. But it faded quickly. Something caught his eye when he looked to his left.
"Oi, hello there Harry." I didn't want to believe it. My stomach made a gurgling noise.
3 lockers down behind mine a single locker slammed shut; I jumped when Harry's face was revealed. How long had he been standing there? What the actual fuck?
"Yeah, hi." His eyes were doing that scary shifty thing. Mostly on me, he was ignoring Louis standing there, looking awkward. Oh boy. Somebody kill me.
Louis was the first one to move finally and leaned next to my ear. "See ya tonight."
With that he turned around, leaving Harry and I alone. My mouth was so stiff it became hard to swallow. All I kept thinking of was this morning. How I felt when Harry touched me. It all came flooding back to me.
"You're still going out with him? After what happened this morning?"
I grumbled something but I couldn't give a direct answer. I looked at him through the corner of my eye. I couldn't say anything. I couldn't lie to him. I liked Louis a lot. But I didn't plan on liking Harry also.
"You are?" It was more statement than a question. He sucked in his breath sharply. "Fine."
I looked at him in panic, moving closer. He moved back. I tried to take his hand but he brushed it away.
His green eyes were getting darker when he backed away from me. I bit my lip so hard I thought I drew blood. "Harry…let me explain—"
"You already made your choice. Debbie was right about you." His voice held venom in every syllable.
I gulped. I looked at him, my face getting red as my own anger seeped through my veins. How dare he? "So now Debbie is your new "thing"? Well enjoy the trash; don't forget to take it out when it's just playing with you."
Harry laughed sarcastically. "At least she knows who she wants." He looked directly at me. "She's honest, I value that."
I blinked. This is absolutely ridiculous. How could he think that Debbie Jacobs, the queen skank of John Adams High had good intentions?
"Keep thinking that Harry. Like her other conquests she'll hurt you…"
"More than you have right now?" He shook his head looking down as he looked behind him. The plastics were in their little group, it looked like they planned this. "I've gotta go."
I guess there was nothing left to say. I won't let him hurt me back. I stood my ground. He was never mine. I never had a chance. I swallowed again and it hurt so badly. He wasn't going to hear me out.
"Fine." My voice shook and I couldn't pick up my face to see his eyes. I wanted to say something so badly, god, why can't I do it?
He looked at me for a long moment before turning on his heel and swinging his bag on his shoulder. I caught a glimpse when he turned and I finally moved forward; but it was too late. I watched him walk toward Debbie and pulled her in his arms. She looked at me with a glare and smirked, waving her bony fingers in my direction. The pain was building and bubbling up before I could stop it. I was so hurt I closed my eyes. No crying. Keep it in Evie. I couldn't watch this anymore. I turned around and ran to the girls' bathroom. Least I think it was. I found an empty stall and collapsed on the ground, letting all my emotions out of me.
I didn't know what was happening nor could I make sense of any of it. I knew this would happen but why did it hurt so bad? Why do I feel like world is caving in on me when I watched his back turn away from me? There was nothing sadder.
Harry was never really mine. He never asked me out. He didn't talk to me. It was all just fantasy. He was a long dream. A dream that felt so real.
Why couldn't he be mine? Why wasn't I enough? I was so wrapped up in the inane line of questioning I didn't hear someone shuffle into the bathroom.
The door opened and De poked her head in. "Are you OK?"
I wiped my eyes and sat up. I didn't want to talk about this so I simplified it. "They got him."
De's brown eyes sympathized. She didn't look shocked by this, maybe she knew something I didn't. "I saw Harry just now, he looks sad and bored. Haha. They're just dragging him along. I thought he was on our side. I really did. I wonder how it's going to be with him next door to you."
I snorted a laugh at that. I didn't want to think about it.
"You think he's gonna actually go with her?" I think I felt my food come up my throat. The vomit taste returned to the tip of my tongue.
"It's not my business. This school officially sucks for life. Jeez, I'm really pathetic."
She shook her head and helped me up. I went to wash my hands and face.
"No, it's just high school shit. Hey, I heard Louis finally asked you out, that's something right? This is what you always wanted." I wiped my hands and breathed. She was right.
The corner of my mouth rose up. "Yeah, he did. I really like him a lot."
"Not like Harry right?" How did she know?
"Come on man. He's the new guy. He's smoking hot. The entire female population in this school wants to seduce him. He lives next to you. You can't stop talking about him; and you're really upset he's signed over to the dark side."
The truth is weird when it's presented to you brutally. Damn it De for being so real.
"But he doesn't want me. He didn't even give me a chance to explain. I guess he doesn't care. Maybe he belongs with those morons. It's better this way." I said it but I didn't believe it.
I just wanted to not feel so upset about this. De might possibly question for details. Now that she knows but I really don't want to confess what we did together.
"Look at you. You sure about that babe?"
I looked at her uncertain but still said, "Yes, everything is as it should be."
But why didn't I believe that?
Harry's POV
I'm not going to be the bad guy here. I hate lying and liars more than anything. Eva hurt me and I couldn't control what my head said in that moment.
I waited for her to protest but she hadn't. She apparently didn't fight for me. For us. The beginning of us that is. So I didn't dwell on it anymore. It's over as far as I'm convinced.
The classes we had together didn't pose a challenge for the rest of the day. She and I had made sure to sit far away and out of site from each other as possible. Some of the seats were alphabetical in a couple classes, our surnames, thank god didn't link up. I didn't once glance up at her beautiful face. I couldn't tell if she felt sad or relieved.
She wasn't mine to look at anyway; I didn't see the point. A couple of the guys from Debbie's camp in the last class period were asking what my plans were and I calmly told them they were wide open. I guess these jock blokes were OK. Something about the protocol irked me though.
It's weird, my friends back home never planned things out we just did them. It was like I had a schedule and needed to follow everyone around in this town.
I just needed a distraction. Since Eva was practically going to be everywhere I turn during my stay here I have to pretend she doesn't exist, for real this time. I was so upset with her I can't even look at her anymore without my hands bunching in fists. I eased a little when Debbie and her friends called me over during lunch. She'd touch my arm a lot when she wanted me to look at her.
Eva's face kept popping up. Even though I wasn't looking her, my mind still held onto her eyes. She had mesmerizing eyes; you could see them from across the room so prominently. They were fucking hypnotizing. I forced myself not to succumb to their charms.
I sat down next to Debbie and a few of her friends while she would occasionally touch me and turn my chin when I wasn't looking directly at her. Apparently everything she said was so important; as mostly teen girls think. I looked at the other guys sitting at the table giving me that "just let that bitch do her thing" look.
My eyes were caught up in the corner of the interior lunch area. I didn't want to but I couldn't help myself as I watched Eva walk to her table when Debbie looked into her purse for something. OK, just look, only a few seconds. No harm done.
Eva and her friend Delilah sat in the same place talking to each other from far away. I glanced at her in the corner of my eye but my face stayed stationary. I had to. I didn't know what it was about her but I didn't want to completely say goodbye. She means more than that. Even if she's going out with that pussy. He's not good enough for her.
She's a passionate girl and she needs someone who will treat her right, make her cum the way she needs it. I sighed and turned to Debbie. She was talking about something to do with the Halloween dance and what everyone was going to do. I half listened to the entire speech. I admit, I admire girls with a backbone and it looks like Debbie has more than Eva. Even though she was brutally honest in general, more than half of the things she was saying about Eva were complete bull shit. I get the feeling that maybe she was trying to impress me.
I can see why the footballers and the entire athletic student body wanted to shag her. Including me. I liked how she looked. She's a little on the thin side but she just takes care of herself and doesn't eat things that are bad for her. She's thinner than Posh Spice but she is fit.
Unlike Eva who was a different kind of beauty. Hers is natural, no frills, no nonsense, unprocessed hair, hardly any makeup but can still turn heads. No wonder Debbie talked about her so much. They really wanted her to join their group of friends. Debbie's friends all look alike and by that I mean all are fucking fit. Picture five Jessica Albas, all of them tanned and gorgeous, perfect skin, nails and hair.
Maybe Eva didn't care what people thought of her. I don't know if I can say the same since I was the opposite. I wanted people to like me and I always dreamed of lots of people giving me attention from all corners of the spectrum. That sounds shallow but it's what I've always wanted. It's hard standing out from the crowd and in an American high school it's damn near rough as fuck.
Eva did and said whatever she wanted and that unnerved Debbie to no end. I found that sexy actually. Not giving a shit. They both have qualities I go for in a girl. But Eva lost her chance. Debbie was honest from the start. She was interested in me from the get go. Eva…I really thought she liked me a lot.
I found myself still looking in her direction. I don't know why. Maybe she distracted me. Maybe that's what I needed. Maybe Eva was just a dream. A prism fantasy. Someone I can look at but can't have. That wanker with the fucked up beady eyes really manipulated her big time. If you put him next to me, girls are going to go bloke who actually looks like a man, not a girlie man.
I have a lot more to offer than Louis, trust me on that. Even his name sounded like a fucking tosser. Whatever, I'm done with it.
I'm over her. I have to be. My eyes still followed her as she stood up with her friend to throw away her trash. She didn't once look at me. Maybe I should take the hint and control myself more. Not give her any of my attention. I had friends now. I had acceptance. I had a girl. I had people around me.
This is it. This is my life. Eva Davies didn't matter anymore.
Instead of this drama, I focused on the rest of my classes and made sure to go to my locker only when Eva wasn't at hers. When the coast was clear, I walked over and I got what I needed. I turned around only to be met by Louis and Eva talking and walking hand in hand through the front entrance of the school. I told myself to ignore it and walk the other direction to get to my car. It was safer. I didn't wanna battle anyone. I'd offered Debbie a ride but instead she'd caught a carpool with her mates and told me to text her later.
I sighed and walked out through the quad area to where my car had been parked and opened the front door. Before I got in I caught Louis looking at me as he gave Eva a tight hug. His arms were all over her and he smirked, moving her hair to the side, planting a small kiss on her neck. I squeezed my car keys so hard I could feel it imprinted in my palm. When he gave a short wave to me I nearly smashed my car window in a rage.
I couldn't believe this prick. I knew he was going to hurt her. I knew it was fucked up. But she doesn't believe me. I watched her step inside his car and he jogged to the other side, getting in. Eva wasn't looking when he visibly flipped me the bird. When she picked up her head he swung his arm around her seat and drove off.
I got inside my car and slammed the door so hard I thought I broke it off its hinges. Fuck.489Please respect copyright.PENANAe8J18At45s