Lunch time came around and I knew Louis would be in the drama room yacking it up with the method geeks so I didn't bother changing the scenery. Although the prospect of having a sub-par quality luncheon with a sexy and witty English boy tickled my fancy more than I care to admit, it'd be awkward if I presented myself randomly. I digress.
I figured I'd find De and do the usual stuff. The cafeteria was stock piled with students of varying kinds. I didn't pay much attention to be honest. If you try and blend in then its something you'll never secure at our school. Pretend to exude swag and you'll be fine, for a while. Unless you're in the path of the stick legs, they're out for blood.
The protocol remains stagnant. I tried not to roll my eyes too much as I stood in line and ordered my food. After paying at the register I brought my tray around to the lunch tables trying to spot De. It's just the two of us so we picked out an untouched area in the back where all the people who didn't belong in cliques, were undecided and/or mismatched parked. Individuals didn't need a clique. Anyone is welcome to join us, we're just that nice.
My spaghetti and meat balls were balanced in the middle of my tray as I sat down next to De who had already started on her food. I looked at her and she looked at me for a moment. It took her another moment to react.
"Uh, this is like such a stressful day. Why do we need school again?"
I pretended to think as I opened my straw, sticking it in my strawberry Fanta. "To live longer I guess. Have a good livelihood? Hell if I know."
"Yeah well, this day can't bore me anymore than it has. I can't wait for it to be over frankly."
I bit my lip, rolling my eyes as De droned on about the monotonous day events. She was kinda right. I wasn't about to argue with her since we both felt the same way about school. But…did she know about Harry? Was I the only one? Why can't I get him out of my head? He'll probably be more interested in the stick legs. I'm not going have a chance to get to know him.
Shame. Hot boys at our school are so damn corrupted it's not even funny. If you're new and hot you better believe you'll be with the popular crowd, if they have anything to say about it that is. I sighed, eating or rather picking at my food, I was stuck in a myriad of thoughts. Harry could never go for me. Well, first of all, he's hot, not just hot but beautiful. I can't describe it other then he's too beautiful for his own good. I don't know if he's too good for me yet but he's got that confidence that most girls would find fucking adorable. I lifted my head up lazily looking around the cafeteria tables. My eyes flickered around the room.
Damn, how can anyone hear let alone talk in a crowded room like this perplexed me.
Then it occurred to me, Harry said something; that he'd look for me. Yeah fucking right. I could single him out in a sea of "hot guys" in a heartbeat if he showed himself. I don't know. Maybe I shouldn't lose hope on Louis. He was my type of guy, and someone my dad might like. My mom too, if she was anything like me. Ugh, I'm bumming myself already, I better stop. Who am I kidding? Harry wouldn't give me the time of day.
"Oh there's the bitch." De whispered harshly.
I looked in the direction she was staring in and groaned. "It's OK. Just ignore them."
"Can't help it. It's like they wanna start fucking with people. Which they always do. This is gonna be a long ass semester Evie." De sometimes got so down on herself and it made me feel rotten because sometimes there's nothing more you can do other then give moral support.
I wish now of all times I had a brother to protect us so De wouldn't feel so depressed. Its day one and already she's "going there." Normally the sad words of complaints don't come out of her mouth until the semester is nearly over. Our school doesn't handle bullying well, which is why the cliques still exist. Kind of fucked up if you ask me.
I bit the inside of my cheek and sighed. I wasn't hungry. Why was I in such a shitty mood? Oh yeah. Well, I can tune it out. The stick legs stared in my direction and all I wanted to do was turn this tray of hot food over their pretentious, over processed heads. Ruin all their caked-on make-up while I'm at it. I had a lot of rage in me, out of nowhere. Odd. Man De was the one bumming me out now.
Is this as good as it's going to get? Fuck I hope not.
Out of the corner of my eye I stared at the back of a lanky guy, brown hair and broad shoulders, paying at the register. Hey, isn't that what Harry wore today? Oh god, I'm such a stalker I remember what he dressed like from the back. Maybe because I was checking him out long and good when he turned around last time. Oh god, I'm imagining things again.
The guy turned around and it was Harry. Oh god. His mouth. I was zeroing in on it like it was Stonehenge. I wanted him to make eye contact so badly over here.
Didn't he say he was going to look for me? His eyes scanned the room, I shivered. That deep concentrated look making another cameo. Holy fuck. Please don't do that Harry. I'll be expelled for just thinking of the things I would do to you right now.
Give it up girl. He doesn't want you. I thought for a second he might make direct contact and it was a big fat nay. I hadn't noticed my mouth was slightly ajar when De cleared her throat rather loudly.
"Just go ask him to sit with us. Go fucking ahead and go dude." De sipped loudly on her drink, shaking me back to reality.
De was egging me on but I couldn't move. I wanted him to come to me. Why was that so hard to grasp? If guys like you, they come to you, if you show you like them they flinch away like cockroaches about to get squashed. Funny, that never sat well with me. Which is why I'm single I guess.
What am I talking about? Shouldn't I just be myself?
I looked at her with pinched eyes. She was right. Why can't I just be the aggressive one already? Who made these rules? Why am I listening to them? Fuck this.
I got up and began to march proudly over where Harry stood when I stopped in my tracks. My jaw was hanging so low you could pick it up off the ground.
They got him. Three of the stick legs crowded around him, blocking him in, making it impossible for me, or anyone to intercept. Shit. Double fuck. Oh those tramps. I was only a few seconds off and I could have done the unthinkable. Didn't I see him first?
Damn my insecurity. Damn it to high hell. I was so embarrassed I whipped back around in a fury and sat back down with a huff at the table.
"You tried, you couldn't save him. The barracudas got him now. Consider the "new guy" officially off limits." Delilah really knew how to make things worse with the brutal truth. I watched in sad horror as Harry casually went to go sit at their table proving this further.
Death, yeah that sounds good now God. Kill me now.
I just stared at the stick legs then back at my tray. Why the fuck was I here? I hated this place. I hated every soul that fucked with my potential happiness.
I was so pissed off I dropped my spoon roughly in my tapioca rice pudding making it splash out. I was so unaware of everything I almost kept my head completely down.
Jell-O hit my check, flowing down, landing square on my jeans. I looked over at De and smirked. I threw spaghetti at her but it unintentionally landed directly onto the girl on the other side of us. Fuck shits.
Oh no. Holy shit, before I knew it, the girl threw the noodles from in her hair back in my direction and it hit someone else it wasn't intending on.
Jesus. I ducked again when three more people joined in and soon the entire lunch hall erupted into a massive food fight. People ricocheted with their trays, one falling on top of another and the other retaliating back. I wasn't going to be pulled into this further. Shit. I grabbed De out of sheer fear.
She and I ducked underneath the tables, clutching the corners as food fell left and right occasionally getting us.
"Fuck Evie, we gotta escape or we'll get blamed." De explained.
"Yeah, you go the other way; meet ya on the other side. I'll go under the tables this way." I said, gesturing behind me.
I was so sure my plan would work as I crawled as fast as I could to a sanctuary. Thank god I left my purse and bag pack stuffed in my locker. Jesus, it was like raining sloppy everything when I finally stood up.
Aha, success! I made it. I was breathing a sigh of relief when my shoulder was grabbed and I shivered, turning around. My eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets.
"Told you I'd find you." Harry said licking his pudding stained lips.
What a sight, he was covered from head to toe in what looked like the entire cafeteria menu. He looked good enough to eat. I mean that in both literal senses.
I panicked. I did probably stupidest/spontaneous thing I could think of. But I know I didn't want to get caught. I was mad at Harry for what he did but I didn't care.
I grabbed his hand pulling him toward the showers.449Please respect copyright.PENANAzkRgWP3hgC