Harry drove me in front of my house, stopping the car gently. I knew my dad wasn't home as he comes back during the late evening. I didn't want Harry to follow me inside so I unbuckled, my hair was sliding in my face. I felt it moved to the side by his hand. I sighed.
"So, what are your plans tomorrow night?"
I said nothing and drew in a shaky breath. I shrugged.
"Don't go out with him."
I lunged forward and grabbed his crotch in my hand and gave it a squeeze, rage in my stare. "Fuck off Styles."
I saw his face pinch together. I was putting him in massive pain, good. "I just mean, don't he doesn't care about you."
I squeezed harder, gritting my teeth as I looked in his eyes. "Shut up. You don't know him."
"Neither do you love. He's a prick; he wants his score just like the rest of us baddies."
I grit my teeth even harder if possible, trying not to lose it. "He's different OK? I like him, I have for years. And he likes me. He's a nice guy. That means something to me."
"Nice guys still have dicks babe. Not all of them can kiss you like this " He pried my grip off his cock and captured my lips in a steamy kiss, making me moan in his mouth.
I bit his lip and he groaned. Shit, it's like he wants me to beat him up. "He can. You fucker." I bit his tongue and he pulled back finally in his seat. He chuckled strangely, like he was thinking of something incredulous.
I was breathing so hard you'd think I just ran the 5K. "He can't. I saw the way he looked at you. He's a child. Not a fucking man."
"He likes me. For 3 years he has. Now he's talking to me finally." Why was I defending myself?
"Don't you find that a bit off? If someone likes you they don't wait to have something they want, they fucking take it. He doesn't know anything. He's a gimp."
"So are you Harry. So are you." I looked at him rolling my eyes. "He's just different. He doesn't sit with the popular crowd trying to be something he's not. He's nice, he's smart " He cut me off, looking at me with hard, serious eyes.
"He wants to fuck your sweet cunt and then drop you. He's a pussy bloke; and girls always fall for it. Good girls, then they fuck over good guys, like m-its true OK? Just take my word for it. Don't go out with him Eva. He's no good." His voice was so serious but I still think he's pulling all of it out of his ass.
I gulped, "I don't care what you think. All you've been with me is physical since yesterday. You're no different than every prick " I stopped when he got close to my face.
"You're the first girl I've ever done this with. I'm not full of shit." His eyes did that shift dance again. "You don't know my story. Stop thinking you do."
He said that in my dream. Was I dreaming again? "Probably. But I know Louis. You're so wrong about him."
"I'm not." He said simply, staring ahead. It was so quiet in the car you could hear him swallowing.
"You should go." He said as he unlocked the door and leaned back in his car sighing heavily.
I looked at him, my eyes were strangely sad. I pulled the lever of the door with my eyes still on him. He was acting distant, uneasy now. I don't have time to deal with his trauma bull shit. I grabbed my stuff and made my way out of his car.
The window was open and I went to close it for him when I felt the chilly air.
"Leave it." I heard behind me. I did and shut the door gently.
I bent down, not even sure what I was doing and stared at him. I was really fucking confused. I just wanted to say what I was really thinking. He was right. I didn't know him. I opened my mouth but thought better of it.
I stood up and he drove off so fast making my hair blow in my face. What is up with him?
Why do I get the feeling he's hiding something bad? Could it be what made him so emotional last night? I don't know. I still don't know anything.
"Oh there you are sweetheart." Anne's voice chimed behind me. I turned around and tried to change my expression to a more positive one.
Fake smile time. I've gotten good at those. Once I had to use it to get out of detention for something the stick legs tried to blame me on.
I greeted her and she looked at me like she wanted to say more.
"I your father home yet?" She asked, her brow rising.
I shook my head; I wondered what she was getting at. It's weird, I never had my mom in my life but I feel empathic towards Anne. Almost like I can sense what she's feeling. Maybe it's a female intuition.
"Oh, where's Harry? I thought he picked you up."
I looked down. I didn't want to lie but I couldn't tell the complete truth either. So I gave the safe answer. "I don't know."
Anne's face fell. It felt she knew something I didn't. She looked at me, putting on a smile in a flash.
"Well, I don't want you to be by yourself in that big house. Would you like to come over? We still have things in boxes and are currently living out of suitcases but you're welcome to join us. My husband will be home and dinner will be ready soon."
I looked into her eyes and it sort of scared me. I never had a feeling like this before. My dad was my only savior but there were some things I couldn't tell him because he was my dad. Anne made me feel comforted. Is this what it feels like to be accepted? Now if only my real mother did that everything would be perfect. But it never is.
I nodded sweetly and followed Anne up to her house. I feel like I was being invited into another family's world and possibly more secrets.
Harry's POV
I took off out of the squeaky clean suburban atmosphere and drove to the nearest bar. It was around 6pm when I finally stopped at a random place. I had to get away from Eva. I was already saying too much, revealing too much of myself that she may ask more questions. Sure, my family came here for a change; my mum had to get away for a while as well since it's just her and I; my step-dad is alright, but a poor replacement. Getting away from my dad was hard enough on her. I don't think I've ever seen her so scared but she had to do it. Of course I went with her. She's my mum. I'd do anything for her.
She was the woman in my life. Until Elena happened. She used to be my everything. I thought I was in love. I thought I could give her everything, including myself. She was my first real girlfriend. There have been girls who caught my eye but she was it for me. I believe, I think I know, now, I was just too much in love with her. I didn't even know that was possible. She knew I was leaving and never said goodbye. I forgave her for what she did with my best mate. All the pain she caused me when I saw her true colors. She was seeing him behind my back and I knew it was done and over. But she didn't care. I knew that now. The look in her eyes when I found out the truth was so defining. Women can be just as evil as guys, trust me on that.
She was my love, I'd die for her. That's how strong I thought she and I were. Love is sacrifice and I had to learn it the hard way. Seeing my mum go through what she went through with me dad, I vowed to never let anyone hurt the people I care about. Makes me think about my past all over again.
My life back in Cheshire was all I knew. It was my truth. Nobody understood me more then the people there.
Nobody understands me here. I feel so lost and it's already the second day. I smoked my entire pack of fags and ran out of money to get more. I hated doing that shit but I needed to relieve all this stress. At 16 I took on more than I can handle.
I think that was why I reacted so strongly to Eva. Touched her, kissed her, and been intimate with her every chance I had. She reminded me of the good in people. She represented all things positive. I feel like in some small way she understood me. Maybe she brought me back to that place where I was accepted. I think so. I looked into her eyes several times to see how true she really was, turns out she's just as scared as I am to be truly happy. Even when she hit me, I took it, roughly. And she meant it too. She has a mean slap of a girl with a closed heart. Maybe that's why I care so much. She and I are kindred in that way.
My mum always told me in life you can't always be happy. How cliche is that shit? I guess that doesn't stop being true. I realized where I was finally and looked around at the near empty street.
I sat in my car outside some dodgy dive. It looked like a place people stumbled into when they're lost. Seems like the perfect place for me.
Suddenly, I felt a vibration in my jeans. It was my phone. Checking the message it was from my mum, calling me back. I wasn't ready yet. I need a break from this new life. It was too brightly lit. I almost couldn't breathe.
Exasperated, I looked into my phone and browsed through the pictures. Some of my really good mates were secured in there for times like this. I smirked at some and continued to flip to the end of the album. I stopped when I ran across Elena's picture. How did I still have this?
I glanced at the entrance of the bar then back on the picture. Why was she still here? My thumb slid across to permanently delete it.
I wasn't ready for that too. Fuck, I wasn't ready for any of these changes. I sighed, stuffing my phone in the pocket and parked the car near a meter.
I stared straight ahead in a daze before shaking myself out of it. I missed her. As crazy as that sounds I miss Elena now. I miss England. I miss what I know. I took a deep breath, filling my lungs with cool oxygen. Sorta feels like England, not quite.
I reached for my wallet, making sure my faux I.D. was in there. I sort of do feel like a fake here. No one can ever know. I've been acting up a storm since I got here.
Eva needs to stop trying to know me and I need to stop being around her so much. If only they were easy for the both of us. All I know is I can't see her get hurt.458Please respect copyright.PENANA8tYKrqdJkg