The next morning I woke up to the sounds of distant high tempo music. Dad doesn't play music in the mornings. Weird. I opened my eyes adjusting to the brightness of the light that seeped from the hem of the curtains. The room was so hot. Maybe I should have kept my window open. I actually do often crack it sometimes to ventilate the room. I rubbed my eyes and rose from the bed, throwing off the covers.
Is that rock music? Oh god no. Dad never listened to that crap since its all about sex and drugs. Least that's what he told me.
I got up and did my usual washing. Same old school shit, just another day. Today my outfit is going to scream that or at least subtly yell it.
Once I got ready, I walked closer to the music. The Beatles? Since when was he a fan of British Top40? I shook my head and went to the radio. I turned down the volume and looked around for my dad. He emerged from the garage door with a big smile on his face as he greeted me in a hug.
I hugged him back. My dad was affectionate but he was rarely random with it. "Morning dad. Sorry I missed you yesterday. How did you sleep?"
He kissed my cheek and went over to the stove. "Just great. Um, how were you yesterday? I didn't mean to leave you alone."
I shrugged, sitting on the stool watching him cook breakfast. "Was OK. Why? Where were you last night? Was it work?"
I assumed he was going to affirm that until he paused. "Actually I was next door meeting the new neighbors. Have you met them?"
He turned back to look at me and I shook my head. "Oh, I was just helping them out, you know, to move in."
"Cool." I didn't know what to say since I already knew who lived there. How I know isn't important for him to know.
He was humming to the next song on the radio. "Nice family. They have a boy around your age. He was very polite. Helping his mom and dad when they asked. And quiet."
Harry? Quiet? I wouldn't believe it. "Oh that's nice."
"I spoke with his mother for a long time. She was talking to me about how hard it was to leave England. Oh, they aren't from California, sorry I didn't mention that."
Already knew. "No sweat." I cleared my throat. Just how long was my dad over at Harry Styles' abode? "Um, so about my ride today "
Dad served the food on the plates and brought them over, wiping his hands on the dish towel. I picked up my fork and dove in.
"About that "
"Work again? It's cool if-"
He held up his hand to stop me. "No, it isn't that sweetheart. I was actually thinking, since this boy, his name is Harry, he goes to your school and drives a very clean car, maybe he could take you today. I asked his mom and she was fine with it."
Oh she did huh? What did Harry say I wonder? Did he protest or abide? "Um, but what about, him?" My dad looked at me. "Harry, like he doesn't know me. Won't that be awkward and weird for him?"
My dad held my hand that was balled up in a beginning fist. I didn't realize just the mere mention of Harry's name could get a reaction so fast; albeit a negative one. I almost lost it until my dad reminded me. Fuck. Gotta control it better.
"I know you're more used to me taking you. I have a good feeling about this Evie. Come on, do this one favor for me, just today. He's a nice kid. He actually agreed to do it right away."
Fuck me. Now he's got my dad manipulated too. Harry Styles was a charmer. He could charm anyone and now my dad was falling for his antics.
Holy shit, it's just a ride to school. Just once my dad said, is that all? The look in dad's eyes was almost begging me. I hated seeing him disappointed in me. He's been my only rock of encouragement and he wants the best for me. I trusted him.
I didn't trust Harry.
"All this because his car is clean? Dad " I whined but he still gave me that look. "OK, fine, sure. Let me finish getting ready, I'm early today."
So much for avoiding his ass today like I planned. I rinsed off the rest of my food in the sink. I didn't feel up to eating the hefty portion I normally eat. In fact, I felt my stomach might bring up the food I already consumed. My dad seemed really into this idea and it was just weird as fuck. I don't think Harry knew it was me. It could just be another Eva or something and maybe he said yes on a whim.
Why do I get the feeling this was all planned? I must have rolled my eyes about a zillion times when my dad turned around to get ready. I hadn't noticed he came down in his robe and moccasins. He was normally more "on time." I think it's to distract himself from thinking of mom.
I took a long sip of my OJ and placed it in the sink, rinsing everything off. I wiped my hands on the towel and took a deep breath.
"I can do this. It's just a ride." I can't believe I was actually saying these words. I went over to mirror and looked at what I wore. I smirked and then scowled.
Jesus, this ensemble was definitely putting out that fuck off all penises vibe, which is what I wanted it to do. If Harry sees me like this then what will happen? Why do I give a shit?
I sighed harshly and went to gather the remainder of my things for the day. Prince Will-Harry Styles awaits in his dark scary car to whisk me off to the mind-numbing paradise that is school. Oh fuckity joy.
I called out to my dad giving him a short bye, enjoy your day and opened the front door. It was so hot outside I had to shield my eyes with my arm and adjusted to the sunshine. I spotted a beautiful woman with gorgeous, straight long brown hair in a loose ponytail standing near the front of what looked like an illegally tinted windowed Lexis. I closed the door behind, swallowed and swung my backpack so it was firmly on me.
I breathed in, walking toward the car ahead. The women turned around and I was greeted with the largest whitest smile and big blue eyes. She had a twinkle in her eye; it resembled Harry's when he smiled wide.
"Good morning, I'm Anne, Harry's mum, you must be Eva." She held out her hand in front me.
Manners Evie. I accepted it, returning the smile. "Good morning Mrs. Styles. Nice to meet you."
She laughed almost like a little girl would. "Oh it's OK to call me Anne dear. I don't mind."
I heard footsteps behind me and I knew this was coming; the inevitable.
"Mom, we gotta go or we'll be late." Harry said, I turned to face him.
Eying him so only he could see it. Fuck he looked delicious. I narrowed my stare. "Harry."
"Eva." He said my name so sweetly, I hated it. He looked to his mom and raised his eyebrows.
Anne gave him a stern look, but then softened instantly. She walked over and gave him kiss on his cheek, hugging him tightly. He didn't protest like most guys would, nor feel embarrassed. It seemed like he was really comfortable being affectionate around his mom; a rarity among the penis brigade. When Anne looked at me, she smiled and waved. When she walked away I said nothing. I couldn't find the words.
It wasn't until Harry finally said something that I snapped my attention awake again.
"You coming love?" He more whispered it to me, watching his mother walk over to their garage, getting inside her own car.
"I guess." My voice was drab but at least it was the truth to this unfortunate obligation.
"I could feel the enthusiasm, try and tone it down babe."
I stared at him pointedly. "Watch it."
All he did was smirk and laugh in my face. I groaned when he walked around the driver's seat and opened the door, getting in.
He cleared his throat, I rolled my eyes and reached for the backseat, where it was safer and pulled it. Locked. Oh fuck this fucker.
"Front seat, beautiful." Harry grinned pointing to the passenger seat.
"No thank you. Back will do just fine."
"Now, now, let's be nice to each other."
"I feel more comfortable sitting in the backseat. Open the door Harry."
"Do you really wanna piss off my mum? You just met her, it isn't very polite. Come on love." He pouted, it made me want to gag what little I eat.
He's right about that. Ugh, fuck this. I made a mental note not to stare in his direction and ignore everything he says.
I bit my tongue and reluctantly opened the front seat, getting in. The AC was turned up full blast hitting my face and the radio was playing some aberrant punk music I didn't recognize. Shit, this is where I'm going to die. When I shut the door Harry locked it with a loud click. Great. Now it felt like I was on child-lock and he was keeping me held up in his scary car.
He gave a wave to his mom and drove out of the neighborhood finally. I prayed this will all be over soon. I actually couldn't wait to get to school. Imagine that? Harry made me long for my academics, hell hath officially frozen over.
It was quiet for a few moments until Harry reached to turn down the music.
"So you're my new neighbor, interesting."
"Yeah, it's thrilling. I can barely contain my excitement as you keep saying."
He snorted a laugh. "Honey, if that was genuine you wouldn't feel the need to start with the sarcasm. Now what kind of housewarming present is that?"
"It isn't, that's the point. You do that only when you actually want to welcome someone to the neighborhood."
He slowed down the car, his throat prominently. "Is there a reason why you're so mad at me or do you want me to guess? On second thought, it's much more fun that way."
I leaned against the window, staring off, sighing. Really it wasn't him. I closed my eyes, feeling tired and drained. I kept them closed for a while. I felt the words slipping out of my mouth sullenly.
"I'm not mad at you Harry. You're not that important for me to feel hatred over."
"Hatred? That's a strong word now. All I said was are you mad. I didn't know your unnecessary, intense dislike ran deeper."
I finally turned around; my eyes were exhausted and bored. "Harry just stop."
He immediately pulled the car off the street roads and over to the nearest side walk and stopped. I looked at him in shock.
"You said stop."
He smirked at me, putting the car in park and tapped the steering wheel with his finger. What the hell was he doing?
I tried to reason with him. "No, I mean stop with the questions."
Harry flipped his curls over, they were in his eyes. It was probably the sexiest thing I've ever seen. Ugh, distractions. You jack off.
"I don't believe you."
I gave him the stink eye. "This is like a nightmare. Just drive us to school already."
Harry moved toward my face so he was dangerously close to my lips. Oh no, pull back. He looked into my eyes; it was like he was trying to find something.
Truth. And the truth was
My breathing hitched and I grabbed his gorgeous face, pressing my lips so hard against his I felt him groan against me. Shit, I was kissing Harry Styles again and god help me, I was enjoying all of it. I cupped his face, bringing him closer to me. Making him feel how just much I wanted this. He kissed me back with a roar, pushing me further into the seat, his tongue peaking out when I opened my mouth for him, granting him permission.
He was the first to pull away after a few moments. Out of breathe no less. He looked scared, he was shaking, and his hands were on the shifting gears visibly rattling in front of me. I covered his hand with mine; he stopped and looked at it. He looked at me, licking his lips, taking his hand off the gear and putting it on my cheek. He kept it there as his forehead touched mine.
"I don't deserve you. You're such a good girl. So beautiful you deserve so much better." Was he really pulling away? Him? Pulling away from me? I felt him pull but I stopped him.
I was frantic now. Scared out of my mind.
"I can't ignore this." I couldn't believe I said this. Where was my head being the logical one here? "We can't ignore this."
I kissed him gently. I could feel his heart beating faster than mine.
"I know." He took my hands and kissed them. "You won't like me when you find out who I am."
"How do you know that Harry?" I asked, the urgency in my voice was too obvious to ignore. I don't know where all of this was coming from. I guess this is what it means to speak from your feelings. So my elders keep saying.
He kissed my cheek and fell back in his seat, staring forward. He buried his face in his hands as I watched his. His back arching as his fingers covered his eyes.
"Harry, look at me. Come on." I was starting to get really worried. It was like confident, assured Harry was replaced by his polar opposite. I didn't like this, not at all. "Harry." I whispered in his ear.
He looked at me, it was strained and frayed. Jesus, was he really doing this? "I can't make you happy Eva. I can't."
Liar. "Can't or won't?"
He banged his hands on the wheel. "Stop it. Stop trying to know me. I can't be what you want." His head was against the wheel while his arms concealed his eyes.
If I saw his eyes I'd know. He knew that so he hid them. He was being like this. OK fine then. "Alright, drive me to school Harry."
His head lifted and opened his mouth and tried to speak but I stopped him. "Do it."
"Do what? Eva? Wake up?" I felt something nudge me and I jolted my body in the contorted position I was in. Against the window?!
My eyes opened and I lifted my head, rubbing my eyes. "Wha?"
A deep chuckle was heard next to me. "You OK there?" Harry.
I turned my head, had I been dreaming all along? Oh shit. None of it happened. "Thank god."
"Haha, thank god what?" He unbuckled his seat belt, turning his body to look at me. He seemed entertained by this.
"Nothing. It's nothing." I noticed we were near the residential roads of the school. "Oh fuck, we're here."
I unbuckled, wincing as I did but Harry stopped me before I could open the door.
His face looked uncertain but then turned serious in a flash. He attempted to get the words out.
"I just want to say if I hurt you, I'm sorry."
I blinked five times in a row. Harry was apologizing? I was wondering who made him go there. His type didn't touch the sorry card unless there was something in it for him.
But I believed him, in that moment, I did. I nodded. "It's fine. Let's just move on." I really did want to not think this anymore. Whatever it was he did I didn't care any longer.
Harry bit his lip; he looked like a little boy unsure again. I smiled, making him smile back. It reached his eyes. "Still, sorry. I thought yesterday when you ran, after that, what happened I mean, I thought you were angry."
I smiled sadly. "No it wasn't anything you did. I, uh, never done anything like that before so, I was worried someone might catch us. I thought you were "
"You thought I didn't care? I wanted you to get in trouble? No, things just got carried away I guess. A little too carried away. I've never done something like that either."
Really? Wow. I would be shocked if that were really true. He acted so confident with his intentions. "Right, well, it's OK."
Harry reached for my hand, taking it in his. "You're so intense. You remind of one of my friends back home. So sensitive, worried about the little things."
"Yeah, it's called being a girl." I clicked my tongue. "I'm not really that intense."
"I know." He stuck out his tongue looked at me with his wide green eyes. "So our parents want us to come to dinner at mine tonight. Your dad helped us a lot last night."
"Oh, yeah he mentioned that this morning. I woke up to Beatles music and now I know why. Americans so wanna be English."
"And English people wanna be nobody. They don't even wanna be English."
I laughed, blushing as I did. I felt much calmer now. Much more at ease. "I think we're gonna be late."
"What class you got?"
I looked at my sheet even though I memorized it practically. "Uh what do you know?" I paused and looked at him with a smirk. "English."
My stomach grumbled. Fuck. Harry heard it because he looked like he was going to burst out laughing. "Hungry?"
"I uh, didn't eat much breakfast. It's OK. I'll go get something at lunch. Probably double what I normally eat." I pulled my bag with me, unlocking the door.
I shut the door when I climbed out but turned around. "Thanks for the ride Harry."
He smirked, leaned back in his chair, "You're still gonna be my tour guide?"
"Yeah, I am."383Please respect copyright.PENANAfs50lok5hF