"Thomas come down stairs!"
I groaned hearing my dad's voice so early in the morning. What does he even want from me this early?
I threw a shirt on and went down to the living room. "Yes dad?" I rubbed my eyes still not fully awake.
"We're having dinner with Mrs. Meyers tonight I need you to grab some wine from the market."
My eyes went wide and I thought I heard him wrong. "Why is she coming over?"
"I invited her over as a thank you because the progress I've seen in you is all thanks to her. I expect you to be well mannered. I've also invited your girlfriend Frankie."
"Frankie isn't my girlfriend dad." I crashed my face into my palm in frustration. Why would he invite them both over? He wouldn't know Frankie isn't my girlfriend because we barely talked. I think he assumed we were back together because we'd been hanging out occasionally but it was strictly as friends.
"Well, you two get along so it doesn't really matter. I need you to pick the wine up before six, that's when they get here."
"You didn't think to tell me this beforehand or ask me about any of this?"
"I knew you'd fuss about it so I didn't want to tell you but Mrs. Meyers deserves some recognition for her hard work."
"It's Miss Evans not Meyers and I wouldn't fuss about it if you would just talk to me like your child and not your assistant."
"Just- get the wine." He hesitated as if he were preparing to say something else but changed his mind mid sentence. I reluctantly grabbed my keys and made my way to the store.
I didn't even know what kind of wine he wanted but it was his fault for not telling me. I just picked the first one on the top shelf and drove back home. Evening fell and our dinner was approaching.
Frankie showed up an hour early because she said she wanted to help set the table but our chef did that hours beforehand so she went up to my room.
"Are you ready for our exam Monday?" She plopped on the bed while I looked through my closet trying to find something presentable to wear. "I think so, are you?"
"I hope I am. I heard Mr. Burg grades hard."
"I know, I wish I signed up for classes earlier so I didn't get stuck with him."I threw a shirt on the bed.
"If we pass with a high B, lets get ice cream my treat." She sat up expectantly. I thought about it before answering. "You, me... and West?"
"No just you and me."
"Well what about West?"
"Why are you asking about West?" Her voice echoed in the room.
"I thought you two were talking." I stopped searching my closet and turned to see her entire face change into a shade of pink. She looked at everything in the room but me, avoiding my eyes. "How'd you-."
"I over heard you two awhile back. I figured it wasn't my place to say anything since we aren't together anymore."
"I was going to tell you I really was but- I just couldn't find the right time. Then you started getting better and I thought maybe-." She fumbled her fingers together and spoke fast trying to explain herself while looking incredibly guilty.
"Maybe what?" I persisted, walking towards the bed. She shook her head. "I thought maybe we'd find our way back to each other." She mumbled.
"No I know, It's stupid. I'm the one who wanted us to have space and I'm coming back asking for a do over. I just feel like there's still something there between us and I guess I'm just not ready to let it go." I stood in front of her while she sat on the edge of my bed gripping onto the sheets. She looked up at me with a glimmer of hope in her eyes.
"I understand why you'd feel that way, for a while I felt that way too," I continued. "But I don't think I have those feelings for you anymore."
She didn't say anything back instead she looked back down avoiding my eyes. "I think you and West are great together, you just need to give him a chance." I added.
"Yeah." She whispered.
She walked out of the room with teary eyes but I didn't bother following after her. I wouldn't know what to say. I didn't want us to get back together because my feelings for her weren't there anymore. Some days I missed her but most days I feel okay without her. If she asked me this two months ago I'd probably say yes in a heartbeat but it just felt like she was waiting on me to get better to love me again. I didn't blame her. It's hard to stay with someone who hates themselves and I know it's selfish to think but I wished she held on longer for us.
I shook the thoughts out of my head and prepared the shower. Once I got out it was a little past six. I know my dad is going to throw a fit about me coming down late but I didn't care. I combed my black hair back out of my face away from my eyes.
Once I threw my clothes on I headed down to the dining room where everyone was.
My dad was greeting a lady but her back was turned to me and I couldn't make out who it was until she turned around and revealed her face. It was Glenda my dad's slutty employee. She had the brightest red lipstick Ive ever seen but it was smudged on the top corner probably from my dad kissing her.
She caught me staring at her and approached me with open arms as if I'd give her a hug. "Hi Thomas! It's been a while, I hope all is well with you." Once she realized I wasn't going to hug her she planted her arms back down on her side.
"Miss Evans is running a bit late but we can start pouring the wine." My dad announced. We all sat at the long table that was set up like it was thanksgiving and my dad poured everyone a glass.
Frankie sat on my left and my dad sat at the end leaving Glenda sitting across from me.
"Frankie how is school for you?" My dad spoke trying to start a conversation. "Good, very hard but still good." She still looked a little down from our conversation from earlier but I could tell she was putting on a brave face so she didn't cry at the table.
The doorbell sounded and my dad got up to check who it was. Seconds later he stepped in with Miss Summer holding a plastic bag.
"Sorry I'm late it's storming pretty bad out there." She set her things on the table and opened the bag pulling out an apple pie. "I didn't want to show up empty handed so I made pie." She smiled sheepishly holding the pie up. Seeing her smile was like a ray from the sun beaming on my skin, sending warmth throughout my body. It was admittedly my favorite thing about her.
She sat across from me next to Glenda. Her glasses weren't on and she had on light makeup and some kind of glitter around her eyes. Her eyes were beautifully lit with the low light in our dinning room. Everything about her looked soft, so inviting and so graceful.
My dad poured her a glass of wine to the halfway point and set it back on the table. My eyes followed her hands as her fingers wrapped around the stem lifting the glass to her lips. The red wine stained her lips to a cherry color that made me-
I look up at everyone realizing they were probably having a conversation while I spaced out. "Sorry, what did you say?"
"I asked if you wanted to go to your aunts cabin for thanksgiving. It's in two weeks."
"Oh, yeah I'll think about it." I said dryly. The chef brought out silver plates that held our food and the ones behind had a tray of pomegranate martinis.
"Thank you Mr. Gwen." My dad thanked him and he disappeared behind the kitchen door. Once we began eating there was a steady flow of conversation between everyone. I tried to keep up but found myself continuously distracted by my own thoughts. Amongst the chatter I caught Miss Summer looking at me. She mouthed the words "Are you okay?" to which I smiled and gave her a thumbs up. I felt Frankie's eyes burning on me from my peripheral.
"So, Miss Evans how did you get into therapy?" Frankie silenced the table with her question.
"I've always wanted to be one since I was a child. Helping people has always been my passion." She took another sip of her wine.
"Hm. Do you have a boyfriend?" I narrowed my eyes at her trying to signal her to stop but she completely dismissed me.
"No I do not."
"I wonder why a pretty girl like you doesn't have one." Miss Summer cleared her throat and looked around the table before reaching for her glass again. "I think I'm ready for some dessert. I'm going to grab some small plates so we can try the pie." I butted in trying to change the uncomfortable atmosphere.
I got up and once I reached the kitchen I released a breath. Mr. Gwen was sitting down by the counter on the phone and turned his phone off suddenly when he saw me. "Let me help you." He got up grabbing plates from the cabinets. "No, I've got it don't worry. My dad said you're good to go." I lied.
"Yes. Thank you Mr. Gwen, I'll see you next week." He hesitantly placed the plates down on the table before taking his apron off and leaving through the back door.
"Can I help?" Summer appeared behind me holding her apple pie.
"No need, I've got this." I took the pie from her hands and grabbed a knife to cut it into slices.
"Thank you." She said quietly.
"I should be thanking you for bringing this pie. We haven't had a home cooked dessert in almost a year." I sliced up the pie slowly trying not to let it crumble into pieces when I lifted it onto the plate.
"I really appreciate you and your dad for inviting me over. It's been a while since I've eaten dinner at a table with people. You have a beautiful home." I turned over to see her looking down a the pie slices. I stepped in closer closing most of the space between us.
"You're always welcome here. Always."A smile crept up on her face showing her perfect teeth.
"You have a beautiful smile." The words slipped out unintentionally, catching both her and me by surprise. Despite the unexpected confession, I felt no regret; She needed to know her smile brightened up any room she was in. Maybe then, I'd see it more often. She didn't respond verbally, she just held her arms, hugging her body and smiled a little more.
I brushed her hair back behind her ear careful not to touch too much of her face. It felt like she was staring into my soul with her intense gaze. I held my eyes on her and we looked at each other for a long moment. There was so much tension between the two of us and temptation to close the space between us prevailed.
That sparkle in her eye flashed at me and she watched as they trailed down to her cherry stained lips. Without hesitation, I leaned further in, pressing my lips against hers.
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