The golden sun peeks over the horizon and is as bright as can be. As the golden rays from the sun passes over everyone's faces it wakes them from hibernation.536Please respect copyright.PENANASuke1VEIxk
It reminded me of when a parent wakes you up in the morning by turning on your lights and you struggle to keep your eyes open. 536Please respect copyright.PENANAik8MQkqVdf
"Let's get mobile troops," said Poopstain wasting no time.
"Just a few more minutes," said Connor trying to get more sleep.
Andrew sits on Connor's back and fires off the biggest fart known to man.
"Awe, what the fuck Meg!" yelled Connor throwing him off the Kübelwagen.
Meg giggles and runs away from Connor who is ready to murder him. Ashton then blindside tackles Connor to the ground and runs to catch up with Andrew.536Please respect copyright.PENANA0W2a4ddXkK
536Please respect copyright.PENANA1xxpBBYeZJ
"Fuck those guys," said Connor.
"Hey, at least you didn't get sacked, like yours truly," said Kyle.
"Do they always team up like that?" asked Poopstain.
"Always. Ever since they met they have been very close to each other,” said JJ.536Please respect copyright.PENANAHBOkHAsTFo
536Please respect copyright.PENANAWpuXHDAN6x
"I can't wait to see that chemistry in battle," said Poopstain.
"I haven't seen any chemistry with those two in battle yet. But then again they haven't really had the chance," said JJ.
"We need to try our best to give them that chance," said Poopstain.
"It's not the easiest you know," said JJ
“I have seen what prime chemistry can do. It was something I underestimated until I saw it with my own eyes. But trust me, as a leader you will want to give them every opportunity possible for them to work together,” said Poopstain.
I look over at Ashton and meg and see them pretending to moon us at a distance.
"You really think those two are going to be good fighters?" I asked.
Poopstain laughs and says, "you need to find that out on your own."
"If you say so," I shrugged.
"Enough playing guys. Load up," ordered Poopstain to Ashton and Andrew.
We get on the Kübelwagens and start driving. I think for once I'm not the only one that doesn't know where we are or where we are going. All I know is that we are following Poopstain.
"So is it weird JJ? Like not being first in command for a change?" I asked.
"Its different that's for sure," said JJ.
"Do you have a problem with it?" I asked.
"Not at all. In fact, I think it's good for me to be able to see an experienced leader at work. It's just a learning process and it likely should have happened before I was expected to lead you guys alone," said JJ.
"Maybe they can sense your natural abilities," I said.
"Doubtful," said JJ.
We drove for a few hours and Poopstain stops for some reason. Poopstain gets out of the driver seat and walks over to JJ.
"Are you getting low on fuel as well?" asked Poopstain.
"Yeah, under a quarter tank," said JJ.
"That won't get us to where we need to go," said Poopstain.
"So where are we going?" asked JJ.
"The new Allies base that was established, thanks to you guys. We will be able to get help there," said Poopstain.
"So you know where that is then?" asked JJ.
"I got a general idea," said Poopstain.
"We are going in a specific direction based on a hunch?" said Agent aggressively from the other Kübelwagen.
"Well do you have a map?" asked Poopstain calmly.536Please respect copyright.PENANAKqxwBGSSra
536Please respect copyright.PENANAkVMuv9vCI6
"No but still! You can't just base decisions on hunches! You need to make decisions on facts!" said Agent aggressively.
"You have much to learn. You are right that facts are better than hunches, however, it's not always the case that you have accurate facts to base decisions from. Also, you will see that a lot of the so-called facts you have been given are often based off hunches," said Poopstain.
"I don't believe that at all. That's just simply not true," said Agent.
"Agent maybe you should just take the word of the experienced one," kindly suggested Kyle.
"I'm sorry I just won't believe that military decisions are sometimes hunches," said Agent.
I look at Poopstain and he is keeping his cool really well. He doesn't seem to be fazed by a kid thinking his intelligence is superior to experience. I would punch Agent in the face but that's just me.
Something directs my attention to the woods. I don't know why but these woods are giving me a cold feeling.
I turn my MG towards the woods that seems to be the source of the bad vibe. I try my best to focus on what specifically is giving me this feeling but the verbal battle behind me is distracting me.
I tune out the others and scan over the woods with my eyes. It all seems so perfect in a way that's hard to explain. The way certain leaves and grass are thicker in certain spots. I also notice that there are several big fallen down trees that are conveniently all positioned in a way that provides cover from the road we are currently on.
JJ taps me on the foot and asked, "is something out there Breaker?"
"I can't tell. Do you see the thicker parts of leaves and grass? Those look to me like foxhole covers. And the big trees along this whole road look like perfect ambush cover," I said.536Please respect copyright.PENANAxBeIuTWRfW
536Please respect copyright.PENANA68pCTfM44w
"Holy shit wherein an ambush zone!" announced captain Poopstain.
Suddenly a series of gunshots and bullets started going off around us. I spray and pray at any flash I see with the MG.
"Get down!" yelled Poopstain
I stayed on the MG and continued shooting back. The others return fire at the hostiles that are hard to spot.
The Kübelwagen I'm on is getting filled with bullet holes and I am amazed I haven't been hit yet.
"Breaker get down!" Yelled JJ.
I grab my browning out of the back and take cover behind the Kübelwagen.
"I can't see them!" yelled Kyle.
"No one can, we have to draw them out," said JJ.
"I got a plan. That hill behind us looks like it has some rock formations that we can use to our advantage. they will have to come to us if they want us dead," said Poopstain.536Please respect copyright.PENANArq43gHKCLu
"We will get sprayed down the second we stand up," said Destroyer.
JJ pulls out a smoke grenade out of his bag and says, "that's what I brought this for."536Please respect copyright.PENANAIbYwHZfKhO
He pulls the pin and throws it between us and the hostiles. The smoke grenade slowly starts letting out smoke.536Please respect copyright.PENANAQutV1psAAK
536Please respect copyright.PENANA8L9cPpkZ9J
"Smart thinking JJ," praised Poopstain.536Please respect copyright.PENANAE0wmwindXd
536Please respect copyright.PENANAxfUQqRWe7f
"Thank you, sir," said JJ.
"On my mark. We run for the hill," said Poopstain.
The smoke gets really thick enough that I cant see the woods anymore. Poopstain breaks for the hill and the rest of us follow.536Please respect copyright.PENANAu7VDUzeeQl
536Please respect copyright.PENANAwZKneTdFLC
The Germans didn't let the smoke stop their shooting. As we were running dirt everywhere was being tossed around by the bullets. A few of them missed me by just a few inches.536Please respect copyright.PENANAgNlivXwmFB
"Shit-shit-shit-shit-shit-shit-shit!" said Andrew the entire run.
We got to the hill with the rock formations and took cover. I look around to make sure everyone made it and they did.536Please respect copyright.PENANAbeeSkO39hz
536Please respect copyright.PENANA67aYrgBhLN
"Is anyone hit?" yelled Hunter.
"My arm got grazed," said Andrew holding his forearm with his other hand.
I look over at Andrew and see his arm bleeding at a pretty heavy rate. Andrew and Ashton are in cover behind a rock with a wide open gap between them and Hunter.
I look at where the smoke is and see German troops charging towards us. I set up my browning and start firing at the Germans. Hunter hesitates moving to Andrew likely because of how exposed he will be in the gap.536Please respect copyright.PENANAvlqQcSowe0
"I'll cover you, Hunter! Get to Andrew!" I yelled spraying at the hostiles 536Please respect copyright.PENANA0WLhZXnrXu
536Please respect copyright.PENANAOu96MecKaT
Hunter heads to the rock Andrew and Ashton are behind. Bullets are landing all around Hunter. He dives behind the rock and judging by all the bullets that hit where he was, he might have just saved his own life.536Please respect copyright.PENANAcOlcueu4BU
"Damn that was close," panted Hunter.
"Light them up!" yelled Poopstain.
"Short controlled bursts boys!" yelled JJ
All of us other than Hunter and Andrew open fire. Hunter wraps Andrews arm in a bandage and him and Andrew start shooting as well.536Please respect copyright.PENANAiK7OYxbYhr
536Please respect copyright.PENANA2Y44pBJCis
"They are progressively getting closer!" noted Connor.
"Guys I'm too close to get good shots," said Agent "I cant snipe when every time I peek around a corner I almost get shot."
"JJ get Agent and support up the hill!" commanded Poopstain.536Please respect copyright.PENANApfg92MDnhE
"Breaker, Agent and Destroyer! Get up to the top! We will cover you!" yelled JJ.
Agent, Destroyer and I make our way up the hill. The hills’ steepness is inconsistent and hard to walk up at certain points but not so bad at other points. The bullets raining around us gives us the will to get up as fast as possible.
We get to a point in the hill that is way too hard to climb. The steepness is almost straight up. I then realized that I have one of the walkie-talkie things that I completely forgot about.536Please respect copyright.PENANAbIdpBbHZhF
“Captain, do u read?” I said into the microphone.536Please respect copyright.PENANAuZmItXgDee
“This is Poopstain copy that,” said Poopstain.536Please respect copyright.PENANAkcetlWOPLC
“The hill is too steep to climb anymore,” I said.
“You're high enough, just give us support from up there,” Poopstain said.536Please respect copyright.PENANAkXLMyGYWue
“Copy that,” I said.
"Breaker comes look at this," said Agent from behind me.536Please respect copyright.PENANAkIhNw4Ji3s
I went to Agent and see a spot on the hill that cannot be seen from where the others are. It was unique and not like anything I've seen. The steep hill is long but thin almost like a wall. Where me, Agent and Destroyer stand, you can see down both sides of the steep and narrow hill.536Please respect copyright.PENANA9faEvFqzBt
I have another look down the hill at the other side and see three dead soldiers all in American outfits. Then I see germans at the very bottom.
“Poopstain this is Agent,” said Agent in the microphone. “there are tangos trying to flank using the hill.”
“You guys have to hold them. Make sure they don't reach us or we are all dead,” ordered Poopstain.536Please respect copyright.PENANAEmYkNOw810
"Guys we gotta hold them!" said Agent.
"I know. I got the ear thingy too," I stated.
"Here's the plan, you and Destroyer suppress them and I'll pick off the ones you don't get," said Agent.536Please respect copyright.PENANALpx2WL8spE
I open fire on the Germans. Destroyer and Agent open fire as well. The Germans stop their progression towards the others and focus on us. 536Please respect copyright.PENANA26cGJ8kJQV
Having the higher ground is giving us a major advantage over the Germans. They try to throw a grenade but it just rolled down the hill and blew up without any damage done to us.
"I'm reloading guys,” I said reloading my Browning.
"We got you covered," said Destroyer.
I load another belt into the browning and start firing again. The Germans are getting pushed back further and further away from the hill.
The part of the hill that the germans are on has no trees or bushes around so all they have for cover is the rocks and dips in the dirt.536Please respect copyright.PENANA5mLCY7eCp8
536Please respect copyright.PENANAo6PWnoxZDM
"I got rockets in my pockets!" said Destroyer shooting a rocket down at the Germans.536Please respect copyright.PENANANScYpWrynx
536Please respect copyright.PENANApOd8KnSgkp
The rocket took out around ten Germans who were all foolishly bunched together which was cool. I'm not sure how I feel about the random catchphrase though.536Please respect copyright.PENANAOPQuqo2gHZ
536Please respect copyright.PENANAmJItbx16q7
"Don't waste equipment like that Destroyer," said Agent.536Please respect copyright.PENANAtXMnrq1OIU
"Well, I'm out of ammo. So what else can I do?" said Destroyer.536Please respect copyright.PENANAnUG5jfILgF
"Shit. I’m on my last 2 shots, so I'm only shooting when absolutely necessary," said Agent.
"I'm on my last belt," I said.
“Captain this is Agent,” said Agent on the earpiece. “We need ammo right away, send Sean up.”
“Negative Agent, Sean is carrying too much weight and isn't strong enough to climb up there. We already tried,” Poopstain explained.536Please respect copyright.PENANASolZQHLuxu
536Please respect copyright.PENANAWoaTweRbxx
"Ok Destroyer. You go down and grab us ammo. Breaker and I will hold them as long as we can," said Agent.
"On it!" said Destroyer making his way back to the others.
My ammo belt is getting shorter and shorter. Then The almost empty belt became a completely empty belt… fuck.
Me and Agent look at each other with concerned looks on our faces. Knowing that Destroyer will be a while and we have a whopping two bullets left. The Germans start aggressively gaining ground on us.536Please respect copyright.PENANAXfu60k6Z17
"Breaker we gotta get back, we are no use without ammo," said Agent.
"The captain said we have to hold the position. So that's what I’m going to do," I said.536Please respect copyright.PENANAkDeHO5kXsV
"You're about to do something stupid aren't you?" asked Agent.
"Wish me luck," I said as I head down the hill towards the Germans.
"Breaker get back here! Breaker! For fuck sakes!" said Agent.
I get to the dead Americans and pick up a Thompson off one of the bodies. I'm in a deep dip in the ground and can't see over it. I stand ready for the Germans who could come from anywhere. 536Please respect copyright.PENANAV2gDAAp3KJ
“one on your nine Breaker,” Agent said on the mic.536Please respect copyright.PENANA1Nn2K6sDdL
I look on the left and shoot the German who I wouldn't have seen.
“Breaker there is a dial on the earpiece you have, change it to two so we don't have to talk over the others,” Agent said.536Please respect copyright.PENANA0yoRIbLvqS
I turn the dial from one to two and say, “Agent? You there?”
“yes, but you got two hostiles dead ahead,”
I take both them out and attempt to push back the hostiles. I charge out of the dip and gun down several hostiles.
“Two on your six,”
I turn around and there are two germans about to shoot me. Luckily my reaction time was faster than theirs. I took both them out before they could land a shot.
“Breaker, four coming from your twelve.”
My Thompson is out of ammo and I didn't think to grab spare clips from the body I borrowed the Thompson from. I quickly pull out my Python and hope for the best.
Bangbangbangbangbangbang the roar of my Python.
“holy shit! How the fuck did you do that?”
“To be honest, I have no idea. It just kinda happened.”
“well keep it up you got a hostile on your ten.”
I turn to shoot the German.
Click Click says my empty python.536Please respect copyright.PENANAYUg8YQVodY
536Please respect copyright.PENANAwrNnOVHqop
Why do these things always happen in these situations I said to myself. 536Please respect copyright.PENANADhsU1Btpje
The German knew I had no more bullets and he smiled and said something that I couldn't understand. The German walks closer to me with his gun pointed at my head. 536Please respect copyright.PENANABpKQjlBcCO
“Breaker your body is in the way I can't shoot him without the chance of getting you.”
“Just take the shot!”
BANG, the sound of a sniper.
The German drops the ground with a bullet right between the eyes.536Please respect copyright.PENANAiUjmYkDlEy
“Wow. Perfect shot man.”
“This is the first nice thing you have ever said to me... The worst part is that wasn't my shot.”
“What? Who was it then?”
“No idea.”
I wonder who it was if it wasn't Agent. I then realize how perfect the shot was, and there is only one person I know who can make that shot.
“Breaker don't just stand there, you got more hostiles coming right at you.”
I run over to the dead Americans and take a few clips and load one into the Thompson. “Come and get me you Fucks!”
“This is pretty messed up dude. We don't know who just saved your life,”
“If they want me dead then I would be dead. Just stay focused on these hostiles. We will know soon enough.”
“Breaker fall back! I repeat fall back! you have a dozen or more coming right for you.”
I get the urge to hold my ground, but it won't help the others if I die like that. So I resist the urge and run back up the hill as fast as I can.
I climbed the hill as if there was no hill at all. The adrenaline rush made me feel twice as strong and immune to pain.
I make it up to where Agent is and we duck down behind a bolder.
"You must be some sort of Canadian super solider being able to climb the hill like that,"
For the first time ever Agent made me chuckle.
"Adrenaline is the best weapon a soldier can have," I said.
I hand Agent the thompson and the clips.
"Don't you need these?" asked Agent.
I look into Agents eyes and draw the katana from my back.
"No," I said.
I peak over the bolder we are using as cover and see the germans at the bottom of the hill, charging towards us.
"We could really use who ever saved me right about now," I said.
"I don't think a single sniper could help us at this point dude," said Agent.
Agent looks up at the part of the hill that we couldn't get up before and looks at me.
"Do you still have that adrenaline?" asked Agent.
I smile to the fact that he has a plan and I think I know just what it is.
"I know what you're thinking man. And we have no choice but to try," I said.
"You know we will probably die right." said Agent
"We will surely die if we don't," I said.
I put my back against the part of the hill that was too steep to climb. I then interlock my hands together and squat down. Agent gets a running start and steps on my hands. I then spring up and throw him up and he gets to a flat ledge past the steep part.
I then jump up and partially ninja run up the steep part but it wasn't enough to make it all the way. Luckily Agent grabbed my arm before a fell and pulled me up the rest of the way.536Please respect copyright.PENANAHZFjwdqHG4
536Please respect copyright.PENANACkzEwdES8k
"Wow they got terrible aim," I said to Agent addressing the fact that there was 30 plus shots that all missed us.
"No your just a very lucky guy," said Agent
Next thing I know there is a grenade beside me.536Please respect copyright.PENANAJWDm6yd7jv