The grenade beside me explodes and the force pushes me off the edge. Luckily the grenade wasn't close enough to kill me or Agent.
I catch the ledge with my hands but I can't pull myself up. The muscles in my arms are tearing and my hands slipping. 425Please respect copyright.PENANAkXBQNZMskb
Agent grabs my hand and tries pulling me up. My other hand loses grip and I almost bring us both down. I grab Agents arm with my other hand and he grabs a tree stem sticking out of the ground for support.
Bullets are flying all around me and I'm just waiting to get hit. I then feel a nasty pain in my leg that was for sure a bullet. I look up at Agent and see the frustrated look on his face.
"Just let go, dude," I said to Agent.
Agent gets a bullet in the knee and I was sure he was going to drop me. He proved me wrong and held on somehow. This being the first time for him being shot and the fact that he hates me makes this shocking.
Suddenly five guys come running past us from atop the hill. They slide down the steep part and light up the Germans.
Agent uses what strength he had left to pull me up the ledge. We were both sucking wind as if we ran a marathon. Too exhausted to worry about what just happened we just laid there to catch our breaths.
Agent pulls out his canteen and tips it upside down over his mouth. Nothing but air came out and I expected him to demand me to give him some of mine.
Agent surprises me yet again and doesn't say anything. He sits up and puts on a face that just made me feel cold. I hate seeing people with that depressed face.
I take my canteen and toss it at him. It bounces off his chest and lands on his lap. He looks at me with a puzzled look and hesitates to touch my canteen. 425Please respect copyright.PENANA3vW4zJpPRO
"Are you sure? You wouldn't give me water before," asked Agent.
"Just have some water dammit," I demanded.425Please respect copyright.PENANAchGqQFo4TS
425Please respect copyright.PENANAG7273uOg8W
He sips some water out of my canteen And tosses it back to me. I catch it and put it back on my belt.
"You can sit here or do whatever but I'm going down to help the people who just saved our lives," I said.
425Please respect copyright.PENANA0zqe9cki2T
It was painful getting to my feet due to the bullet in my leg but I managed. Agent reaches his arm out to me, hinting that he wants help up. I grab his hand and help him to his feet. 425Please respect copyright.PENANAFFRgoMb7jS
425Please respect copyright.PENANAuTrpVDNssH
"I'm coming with you," said Agent.
"It's going to hurt like hell you know," I said.
"I'm fine with that," said Agent.
Me and Agent look down the steep part and look back at each other.
"On 3?" I said.
"3" said Agent.
425Please respect copyright.PENANAdKy81uzsj9
"2" I said.
"1!" We both said simultaneously
425Please respect copyright.PENANAbIMip4yhwK
At the same time, we slid down the steep part and we both lost control. We start rolling down the hill. The hill isn't like the tiny smooth ones from back home. These ones are rocky and unreliable ass holes.
We stopped rolling near the bottom of the hill. I landed face down on the ground and was dreading having to get up again.
I look up and see a hand reaching down to me. I grab the hand without thinking and they pull me to my feet.
I see the five guys that saved me and Agent standing in front of me. I then realized that they are friends I knew from before the war.
"Long time no sees," said Armaan, my East Indian friend from back home.
425Please respect copyright.PENANAvrwDyWFv0Q
"Boy am I glad to see you guys," I said.425Please respect copyright.PENANAjE9kmZNKMZ
425Please respect copyright.PENANAfRFsVzN7m9
"We took care of the rest of the Germans for you mang," said Armaan.
425Please respect copyright.PENANA9n5Z2FeDa5
"There is still a battle going on, on the other side of the hill! We need to support them," said Agent.
"I almost forgot about the others, hopefully, they are holding out better then we did," I said.
The seven of us rush to the other side of the hill and see the others still in a very heated battle that they seem to be losing.
"We have the Germans flanked now! Open fire!" yelled Agent.
We open fire and caught the Germans off guard. We took out around 20 of them in the first 10 seconds of the massacre.
The Germans go into a full retreat and run into the thick forest from which they came.
We go over to the others and it was a mess. Destroyer, JJ, Andrew and Poopstain all have injured. Destroyers injury looks the worst, having blood pour out of the left side of his chest. Hunter wraps Destroyer in a bandage and shoots him with a morphine injection.
It looks like he was shot in the heart and angry thoughts fill my head. If I was better I could have prevented it. His imminent death will scar me forever just like Ben and Ray. If only I was better, if only I was better.
"Your ok bud. The bleeding is slowing and the bullet missed ur heart and other vital organs," said Hunter.425Please respect copyright.PENANAwMxjPEByNT
425Please respect copyright.PENANAFOT7Vq3Tli
Music to my ears I thought to myself now knowing that Destroyer will be ok.
"Who are you guys?" Poopstain asks my friends.
425Please respect copyright.PENANAZLggQdm6ga
"We are known as the Canada squad for NASF. I am Armaan, this is Mitchell, this is Luk, this is Adam, and this is Josh," said Armaan.425Please respect copyright.PENANAeMF0PXRDpQ
425Please respect copyright.PENANAS7rRNXW7Ve
"And old time friends of mine," I said bro shaking each of them individually.
425Please respect copyright.PENANAF8MXCmj3dM
"What are you guys doing here?" asked Poopstain.
425Please respect copyright.PENANAO1yL8VweYJ
"We are on a mission to find a squad that lost communication with HQ," said Armaan. "We found three of them on the hill, they didn't make it,"
425Please respect copyright.PENANA1ZHn93dMbx
"Wait, you weren't looking for us?" I questioned.
“No, we were sent to find the 365th squad, the squad they sent to find you guys is nowhere near here,” said Armaan.
“How did you know we weren't them?” asked Poopstain.
“We have done missions with them before, these aren't strangers,” said Mitchell.
"I never got to thank you for saving me back there," I said to Adam before I forget to thank him later.425Please respect copyright.PENANApkrT5JYs78
425Please respect copyright.PENANAKhKAUbBR4V
"Maybe it wasn't me," said Adam in a humorous voice.425Please respect copyright.PENANA7oSCvLF48x
425Please respect copyright.PENANAE101nfYEdv
"No one can make that shot other than you man. Just like old times ehy?" I said.
"It feels like it was years ago when we all used to hang out together. It hasn't even been half a year though," said Adam.
425Please respect copyright.PENANA1OVBI6FPPa
"Yeah isn't that weird?" said Armaan.
425Please respect copyright.PENANA5yNPWjzqkj
"Ya, I sometimes forget that I'm still a kid. You know, having to fight a war and shit," I said.
425Please respect copyright.PENANAkEbyftFizN
"That’s what war does to the young," said Poopstain.
425Please respect copyright.PENANAyCc1vEvtOM
"Has anyone seen Sean?" asked Kyle.
425Please respect copyright.PENANAjS0NBcTRTr
Everyone looks at each other with concern. I need to get him a leash.
425Please respect copyright.PENANAuYoLHzOUun
"Sean!" JJ called out.425Please respect copyright.PENANAxFZ0r0RT9D
425Please respect copyright.PENANAkw7sSoRlhr
"Over here guys!" said Sean walking down the hill
425Please respect copyright.PENANAMLKHYnbbpo
I look over and see Sean carrying my Browning and Katana. I actually forgot to grab those during all this. I'm glad someone thought of it. However, I’m not glad that Sean took it upon himself to get them alone. I'm still getting a leash.
425Please respect copyright.PENANAfFh7zmh9Rp
Sean hands me the katana and I put it in its sheath on my back. He then hands me my Browning.
425Please respect copyright.PENANAWKq3cYD4hh
"Sean, what did I tell you about wandering off like that?" I said.
425Please respect copyright.PENANAzknQSiBvf8
"Sorry I just wanted to help. I was no help at all in the fight. I just froze. I wish I was brave like you Breaker," said Sean with his head weeping.
425Please respect copyright.PENANALwguKLBJ0G
"Listen Sean, it’s ok. There wasn't much you could do anyways with how much fire you were taking," I said.425Please respect copyright.PENANADv5TlFtEK4
425Please respect copyright.PENANAiJYydC2b4Z
"I’m a burden to the squad and you know it," said Sean struggling not to cry.
425Please respect copyright.PENANAawmkiq5qit
"Listen kid, no one got hurt on your account,” Poopstain jumps in. “There are times where it’s best to just stay put. If you were to be running around giving out ammo and got shot, we would have to expose ourselves to get you. You did exactly what you were supposed to in that situation.”425Please respect copyright.PENANALRtT21255t
425Please respect copyright.PENANAIqsOITwQmD
Sean looked cheered up but nothing else was said.
425Please respect copyright.PENANAml4VYpV0Cq
"So Breaker, why did you bring a katana to a gunfight?" asked Agent.
425Please respect copyright.PENANAJ2kLwSmRnj
"It won't always be a gunfight you know," I said.
425Please respect copyright.PENANAJxIBm3T28w
"You watch too many movies dude," said Agent.
425Please respect copyright.PENANAh7gOqfqjQi
"Yeah, well you live under a rock," I said trying to piss him off.
425Please respect copyright.PENANA87DSJYoHOE
"That doesn't even make sense!" Yelled Agent.
425Please respect copyright.PENANA3rDpUVyHZr
"Yes, it does you just don't understand," I said knowing that I likely just pushed him over the edge.
"Shut up guys! Jesus Christ!" yelled JJ.
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"hostiles!" yelled Ashton.
425Please respect copyright.PENANAZy6zyD5tCn
"Everyone get down and do not open fire until I say!" said Poopstain.
425Please respect copyright.PENANAQmQfMZU0Dg
We all got behind whatever we could find and waited.
425Please respect copyright.PENANAujli1eMOTl
"They are really bunched up," said JJ.
425Please respect copyright.PENANADOOvcbIftc
"They sure are, that’s why we are going to let them get close then take them all down at once," said Poopstain.
425Please respect copyright.PENANAQWfUJi688T
"I think I know your plan. Connor get ready," said JJ.425Please respect copyright.PENANAfDLym3dizD
425Please respect copyright.PENANAgVDCM3LDqh
"I’m ready," said Connor holding his flamethrower.
425Please respect copyright.PENANAZO4RWbGWAp
Sean starts tossing ammo to everyone from behind cover. He throws me a new ammo belt that I load into the browning.
425Please respect copyright.PENANA1L8XqFcTz5
"Smart thinking Sean,” said Poopstain.
425Please respect copyright.PENANAdrV2h3CwW4
"Destroyer gets an incendiary grenade ready when Connor starts torching them you throw it at the back of the Germans," said JJ.
425Please respect copyright.PENANA2xS9XQxBbr
“Smart thinking corporal," said Poopstain.
425Please respect copyright.PENANA0FjEfGC6N0
"We are gunna burn the nazis like Jews," said Destroyer as a joke425Please respect copyright.PENANASX0zOHl2I1
425Please respect copyright.PENANATyls7GQoKY
"That's an awful thing to say!" said Agent.
425Please respect copyright.PENANAdROtgPeCNF
"I found it quite hilarious and ironic," I said.
425Please respect copyright.PENANAzMM7vL0LJJ
"The holocaust is no laughing matter!" freaked Agent though trying to not be too loud.425Please respect copyright.PENANA6bTEknGyZC
425Please respect copyright.PENANAHuiPJkWuH6
"Guys! Seriously! stay focused!" said JJ.
"They are almost here boys! Hold steady!" said Poopstain.
"Steady!" Poopstain repeated.
"Now!" Poopstain yelled.
"Connor burn em up!" Yelled JJ.
A steady stream of flame shoots out of Connor’s flamethrower. The Germans in the front all light on fire.
"Destroyer now!" said JJ.
Destroyer throws his grenade and it lands just where Connors flames couldn't reach and the explosion was unbelievable. A whole platoon burning alive before my eyes, screams from countless people echoing in the flames.
425Please respect copyright.PENANA9NuN4LbMVl
"Connor that’s enough!" said JJ.
Even though Connor stopped they are still on fire and still alive. The smell of the burning flesh is foul so I put my sleeve over my nose to filter the smell.
425Please respect copyright.PENANAmPeYXUA4ZD
After a while, the Germans screams went silent and red flames turn to black smoke.425Please respect copyright.PENANAbuK88X38gJ
425Please respect copyright.PENANAKu3MwvS4uc
"Alright, that should be long enough. Everyone up," said Poopstain.
425Please respect copyright.PENANALAjobIi3Oj
"Wow we didn't even need to fire any bullets and we took out a whole platoon, sick!" said Destroyer.
JJ pulls out his engraved M1911 colt and goes to the black Germans. There was a few Germans still alive suffering a slow death. JJ goes around and puts the live ones out of their misery. But every time before he would shoot he would say. "Vi do la misericordia"
425Please respect copyright.PENANAFNOrgkhbqH
I remember that misericordia is means mercy and its engraved on his pistol. But I have no idea what the other crap is.
"Look over there! 2 hostiles over there!" said Kyle.
We look over and see two figures in the distance. They are too far to make out. Adam looks through his scope for a better look.
425Please respect copyright.PENANAUuAkLWkax4
"Those are friendlies dudes," said Adam.
425Please respect copyright.PENANAsSWNQ2UZTa
"Is it Kira and Greg?" Asked Mitchell.
“I think so dude,” said Adam.
425Please respect copyright.PENANAfhJvpWNLiB
We all walk over to meet the two people. My adrenaline is wearing off and my leg is starting to hurt like a bitch. Every step gets harder and harder. We are almost there, though still so far.
425Please respect copyright.PENANAQdits933Yj
“Dudes! We've been looking all over for you!” said Adam.
"We are so glad to see non-hostiles for a change," said one of them. 425Please respect copyright.PENANAbuCWuVPJii
425Please respect copyright.PENANAxVOV11XBCn
"As are we. I am captain heroic Poopstain of the North American Special Forces," said Poopstain.
425Please respect copyright.PENANAufl4UONSSH
"I guess that makes us comrades then. I am Kira of NASF, and this is my brother Greg. He is known as terminator though," said Kira.425Please respect copyright.PENANAQpeEOORWHU
425Please respect copyright.PENANAERbBDMC1k5
"Great! We found you guys!" said Armaan excitedly.
425Please respect copyright.PENANAt0fS5jk2Lo
"Maybe you shouldn't be so happy, they kinda lost three of their squadmates," said Mitchell.425Please respect copyright.PENANA1unBaWzNf3
425Please respect copyright.PENANAIcJfrgoP9r
"Oh... Sorry mang," said Armaan.425Please respect copyright.PENANAlASXrusld2
425Please respect copyright.PENANAwiMSVnzFrK
"Armaan you're a retard," said Luk.425Please respect copyright.PENANAumKNzGQOvj
425Please respect copyright.PENANAM6OBAba1Vk
"It’s fine, let's just get out of here," said Kira anxiously.425Please respect copyright.PENANAMajZeI330G
425Please respect copyright.PENANAQO54Q0pycg
"Luk is kinda right. That wasn't very intelligent," said Agent.
425Please respect copyright.PENANAwUqcfeHBGT
"Shut up faggot!" snapped Luk.425Please respect copyright.PENANAU8plIRwRbg
425Please respect copyright.PENANApZqsBo4s9Z
"Woah that was supposed to be a compliment," said Agent.425Please respect copyright.PENANADtdHC0w6LK
"I don't take compliments from losers," said Luk.
425Please respect copyright.PENANAHTQhURTU4y
"What is you problem!" yelled Agent.
425Please respect copyright.PENANAXdZ8PGNKYV
"You're the problem. And it's not just my problem but the whole world’s," said Luk.
425Please respect copyright.PENANAxDvlKv9Z8w
"Agent don't respond. Trust me, just shut up," I said.
425Please respect copyright.PENANA11ztUKwyvY
"But I didn't do anything wrong!" freaked Agent.
425Please respect copyright.PENANA2Qgphnn5s3
"Agent shut up!" said JJ.
425Please respect copyright.PENANAIXxacAcEpy
"Fuck you guys! Always ganging up on me!" said Agent.
"I fucked your mom," said Luk.
425Please respect copyright.PENANA9Q511OjniP
Heroic Poopstain starts laughing hysterically and it got the attention of all of us.
425Please respect copyright.PENANAg2vc5GmqVo
"It wasn't that funny," said Kyle awkwardly.
425Please respect copyright.PENANAqbwaje46Of
"He said he fucked your mom," snickered Andrew.
425Please respect copyright.PENANAUaaOc7Sa2w
"That's not what I'm laughing at. I'm laughing because of how you guys act in general. I have never seen so much character in all my years of service," said Poopstain.
425Please respect copyright.PENANAgUX0hhESDc
"Its funny to you because you don't have to deal with it 24/7," said JJ.
425Please respect copyright.PENANAjXK5OEaYqw
"Oh trust me. My old squad was similar. The only difference was that we weren't nearly as young as you guys so we were slightly more mature," said Poopstain.
425Please respect copyright.PENANAbv6e8kgeUn
"You always talk about your old comrades Poopstain. What happened to them? Are they, you know. Dead?" said Sean.
425Please respect copyright.PENANAv27BX50aCj
"No, no. They are all fine. Sexy is a general now so he no longer goes on missions. And the others had enough of the military and went their own ways. I miss them a lot actually," said Poopstain whose mind drifts away.425Please respect copyright.PENANAhleUjRxwfA
425Please respect copyright.PENANAFbKusl1NyN
"Isn't the North American Special Forces a new branch? How have you had so many memories from other squads?" asked Agent.
"Me, General Sexy and the rest of my old squad we're in a different branch together in World War II," said Poopstain.425Please respect copyright.PENANABk7NTNBnNh
425Please respect copyright.PENANAp4wNT2M4mY
"Really? So what branch was it? Marines?" asked Agent.425Please respect copyright.PENANAwjXqqQ8wXU
425Please respect copyright.PENANA5zZTohEcXB
"Well I'm not actually supposed to say but... it was a brand new idea at the time. The United States Navy Sea and Land teams," said Poopstain.
425Please respect copyright.PENANA2iqnoqq8Xf
"Wait.. You're a Navy Seal!" said Agent excitedly
425Please respect copyright.PENANAEdXuISu38r
"Was," corrected Poopstain.
425Please respect copyright.PENANA8r3wK1W1cL
"What’s a Navy Seal?" asked Sean.
425Please respect copyright.PENANAs1fJf0lzOn
"The best special forces unit ever! The best of the best!" said Agent.425Please respect copyright.PENANAEbVOjlrD3O
425Please respect copyright.PENANAa6nxo0mtCN
"I bet you feel dumb now Agent. You were arguing with the best of the best," said Sean recalling the hunch argument from earlier.425Please respect copyright.PENANAWT0iKB9Z4n
425Please respect copyright.PENANAjuHwv0NXWm
"Shut up," said Agent.
"I was just saying how stupid you were earlier," said Sean trying to get under Agents skin. It's not like Sean to do this.425Please respect copyright.PENANACkdMkgTrIM
425Please respect copyright.PENANAVZEyBQTL9G
"You're an idiot Sean! I wanna punch you so bad," said Agent.425Please respect copyright.PENANAjtY7LHzL1s
425Please respect copyright.PENANAsVi1k9Pw3t
Sean comes over to me and hides behind me.
425Please respect copyright.PENANAjtK4JtmJmT
"Sean maybe you should stop talking," I said.
425Please respect copyright.PENANANLIwKeUnOs
"Don't be a coward. Come and face me," said Agent.
425Please respect copyright.PENANAoeT9DCiXw7
"Just drop it, man," I said.425Please respect copyright.PENANA7ciTD4Tl0s
425Please respect copyright.PENANAtapvHweufW
Heroic Poopstain starts laughing again.
425Please respect copyright.PENANARIe1yAubAN
"So Poopstain why aren't you still a seal?" asked Destroyer changing the subject.
425Please respect copyright.PENANAttxceYk3BB
"After my comrades left it wasn't the same. The newbies just couldn't replace them. So when I heard about this new special forces unit I applied," explained Poopstain.
425Please respect copyright.PENANAzKPOIIpZ5g
"You're an American hero!" said Connor.
425Please respect copyright.PENANAV9PlzhJtdl
"They don't call me heroic Poopstain for nothing," chuckled Poopstain.
425Please respect copyright.PENANA0eM8emqH0n
"Guys I really want to get going," Interrupted terminator.
425Please respect copyright.PENANAs0gJ0SDQm2
"Well, where are we going?" I asked.
425Please respect copyright.PENANAHOJV1L5ASB
"We will go to the base southeast of here," said Armaan.
425Please respect copyright.PENANAIMuEqT21Nt
"Lead the way," said Poopstain.
We begin to make our way to the base and my leg is hurting more and more.
425Please respect copyright.PENANATbrt3bbK25
"Breaker your leg is bleeding!" announced Sean.425Please respect copyright.PENANAEN7aNKb1XM
425Please respect copyright.PENANAa7N0lRuljg
"Breaker you didn't get Hunter to patch that up?" asked Agent.
425Please respect copyright.PENANAcWU85Kvcs3
"It stopped bleeding," I said.
"Man you still need to get it covered so it doesn't open up again or something," said JJ
"I'm fine," I said.425Please respect copyright.PENANAD4IrCBgMdk
425Please respect copyright.PENANAOQ3io74IfZ
"I'll just quickly patch that up Breaker, it will only take a second," said Hunter.
425Please respect copyright.PENANAZD5hKhFTVn
"No. You save that for someone who needs it. It's a waste if you use it on me," I said.
"At least let me give you morphine," said Hunter.
425Please respect copyright.PENANAv88Nap4w84
"No. Save it," I said. “Anyways, Sean. What was that?”
“What was what?” asked Sean.
“Why were you mean to Agent?” I asked.
“Because you always are, and I want to be like you,” said Sean.
“Sean, I am the last person in the world that you should want to be. You are a good person Sean, don't let anyone change that… if you become a dick, I will personally kick your ass,” I said.
425Please respect copyright.PENANAwA3aj9QtZh
“Trust me, I don't think I could do that again, I feel terrible about what I said,” admitted Sean.
Sean walks over to Agent and apologises. Agent accepts the apology and we continue our walk.
I limp ahead and catch up to Kyle.
425Please respect copyright.PENANAIOMC4o1FGh
"So Kyle, how come you don't stand up for yourself?" I asked.
425Please respect copyright.PENANAAENzUELeDF
"To my friends?" Wondered Kyle.
425Please respect copyright.PENANArYoh1esm4H
"Yeah," I said.
425Please respect copyright.PENANAek4hBwVybg
"Kinda random but whatever. Even though they are the biggest assholes on the planet, they are still my friends. I don't want to hurt my friends," said Kyle.
425Please respect copyright.PENANAbS1S2Y1kbF
"Some friends they are," I said.
425Please respect copyright.PENANAKFUX64MLRA
"They aren't all that bad. They are there when I need them to be," said Kyle.
425Please respect copyright.PENANAgU9GMiAW3L
Out of nowhere, I feel a pain in my arm. I look to see what it is and its Hunter stabbing my arm with a needle. 425Please respect copyright.PENANACR0Y7Fycr9
425Please respect copyright.PENANAIR3fp90lE6
"Sorry I slipped, since it's already in there I may as well," said Hunter with a trollface pushing the morphine into my arm.
425Please respect copyright.PENANAvE6kPY7zcb
Hunter takes the needle out and sees the death glare in shooting him with. He just casually shrugs his shoulders and walks ahead.
I limp up to Ashton and Andrew and ask why they bother Kyle.
"Because it’s funny and it's easy," said Ashton.
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"I just need to know that you will be there for him when it counts," I said.
"If anyone other than us messes with him, we will see to it that it never happens again," said Ashton punching his hand like a tough guy.
425Please respect copyright.PENANAjN51LCzbvK
"That exactly what I want to hear," I said.
425Please respect copyright.PENANAwzT363n27A
I walk to the front to catch up with my old friends.
425Please respect copyright.PENANAVHol154mxx
"Small world ehy?" I said.
425Please respect copyright.PENANAokhj8msIJ6
"No kidding dudes, what are the odds that we all meet again so far from home," said Adam.
"Do you remember when we played nerf wars in my house? You would sit at the end of the hallway with a stick and block me and Luks shots. You were a ninja man," said Armaan.
425Please respect copyright.PENANArQ3dyWRMAH
"Yeah! And Adam would always hide behind me with his rifle and pick you guys off while I distracted you guys." I said laughing.
425Please respect copyright.PENANAYwcsHQyzHN
"Unless you died then he would shoot himself in the head to claim suicide," said Luk laughing.425Please respect copyright.PENANAu8JagGA53A
425Please respect copyright.PENANAWSi4XLkUXQ
"Remember that time when we told him to wear the glasses and he refused. Then Luk shot him in the eye and started crying," I laughed.
425Please respect copyright.PENANA72wUEGU5N2
"Yes! Then after he stopped crying and we told him again to put the glasses on and he refused again. Then he got hit in the other eye!" said Armaan hysterically laughing.
"He was like, ahhhh my other eye!" I said pretending to act like Adam.
425Please respect copyright.PENANADnfDqy96mz
"Those where good times ehy?" said Mitchell sarcastically knowing he wasn't there.
425Please respect copyright.PENANA0GveOCWSd7
"Not for the guy who got shot in both eyes," said Adam laughing along.
425Please respect copyright.PENANAsQdhzoSlF0
I forgot that Mitch is a rather newer friend and that I barely know josh at all.
425Please respect copyright.PENANAwAC2PNoTf7
I see the base and I got excited. Although I wonder what we are going to do with major Satan.
425Please respect copyright.PENANAg81ZEr3wZh
"Guys what are we going to do about major Satan. He is probably sitting back at HQ thinking we are dead," I asked.
425Please respect copyright.PENANAtyzzHMsvR9
"Let me do all the talking when we contact HQ," said Poopstain.
425Please respect copyright.PENANAQqWl6bxmWo
We get to the camp and see Wetherby standing there slowly and dramatically clapping as if he was waiting for us.
425Please respect copyright.PENANAYaroneiQbp
"Long time no see," said Wetherby with a psychotic smile.