"Holy shit! we have to warm him up! Now!" Yelled JJ in a panic. "Breaker make another fire closer to the shelter!"
"On it," I responded rushing over to the wood pile to get wood.
"Sean, take Connor, Kyle and Hunter to where you found the moss and bring over as much as you can. It will keep him off the cold ground and act as an insulator," Commanded JJ.
Sean, Connor, Kyle and Hunter disappear and I make a wood tipi about a meter away from the entrance of the shelter. Then i grab a burning stick from the other fire to save me the effort and time of using the flint again.
I place the burning stick in the tipi, lighting the tipi on fire. I let the flames eat the entire tipi, then i start piling on larger logs to make the fire as hot as possible. I grow anxious as the flame isn't sharing the same urgency as me. Agent might have hyperthermia and this fire seems to not give a shit.
I calm down and stop perceiving the fire as if it is a person and think about what to do. I get an idea and I start grabbing more burning sticks from the other fire and placing them where the flames haven't reached yet. I can now feel the heat on my cheeks.
Sean and the others return with the moss. They pile it under, over, beside and everything in between Agent, forming a sleeping bag of moss.
"Breaker, is the elk hide ready?” asked Kyle. “He can use it as a blanket."
"No not yet," I responded.
"I guess all we can do is wait then," said JJ in a held back frustrated tone.
"There is one more thing we can do," I mentioned.
"What is it?" pounced JJ.
"Do we have a plastic sheet roll, like shrink wrap? Or something like that?" i asked.
"I saw a roll of that on the ground I think, amongst other litter. The shitty thing is that was pretty far," said Connor.
"Breaker, I don't know what the hell you could do with it...but I trust you," said JJ. "Connor take me there now."
"I'm coming too," I said chasing after JJ and Connor.
“Hurry the fuck up then!” urged JJ.
I sprint to catch up the JJ and Connor and we make haste.
I look up at the sky to see how much daylight we have and shit just gets shittier by the second.
"Fuck! Guys we only have like half an hour of light and we can't be running around in the dark," I warned.
"Pick up the pace!" Commanded JJ nudging Connor to speed up.
"We are almost there. I think," said Connor in an unsure voice.
"Almost? Do you fucking know where you're going?" stressed JJ.
Before Connor answered we saw the roll of plastic. We all sprint at it like a race, if it was a race i won by a long shot, picking up the roll of shrink wrap. This is probably the first time these guys have seen me run close to my full speed. I may be a terrible long distance runner, but i’m almost unmatched in short distance.
"This is perfect, but there isn't much here," I said inspecting the plastic roll.
“Is it enough for what ever you need it for?” asked JJ.
“It'll have to be,” I said.
"I guess it's true. One man's garbage is another man's treasure," said Connor looking at the roll in my hand.
"So, what are you going to do with that anyways man?" How will it help Agent?" asked JJ.
"We aren't helping anyone sitting on our asses wasting precious daylight, you
Will see soon enough," I insisted.
"Let's get back! Double time!" commanded JJ as he leads the way back to camp.
Thank god JJ knows how to get back. If i was alone id be lost the whole night and Agent would have been the victim of it, I'm thankful for not being in that situation today.
We arrive at the camp just in time. There is only about ten minutes before the sun goes down. I should have enough time to put the plastic to work. Then everything went to shit when I hear "guys, I haven't seen Sean in a while," From Kyle.
I know there is no point in trying to see if he is somewhere else around the camp. Im very sure he went out by himself to get something that might help Agent. Fucking kid needs to stop trying to be a hero, before he gets himself killed.
"I'll go find him," I said.
"It's almost dark!" You won't be able to find him in the dark. We will look first thing tomorrow," said Destroyer.
"I made him a promise. You can look in the morning, I'm going now with, or without you," I said as turn to the thick part of the forest.
"Breaker." said JJ grabbing my shoulder trying to stop me.
I turn around and look him in the eye with my eye set on finding Sean. JJ realized that he isn't stopping me so he let go of my shoulder.
"Man, I want to find Sean too, but we can't see in the dark," said JJ watching the sun disappear.506Please respect copyright.PENANAoycpWRFIoc
"I'll see if Agents bag has a flashlight or something. If anyone was smart enough to bring one, its Agent," Said Kyle as he gets Agent's bag from the shelter. "Sean is my comrade and friend, I'm with Breaker,"
Kyle reaches into Agents bag and starts throwing stuff everywhere. I start to lose hope of finding a flashlight which makes finding Sean that much harder. Then the last item in the bag that Kyle pulled out was exactly what we needed. There is a god after all.
I snatch the flashlight from his hands and run off into the woods praying that we find Sean. Behind me followed JJ and Kyle, the others stayed with Agent.
We have been searching for him for an hour and there is no light at all other than from the single flashlight that JJ is holding. In the corner of my eye i see something that looks like a footprint in the mud.
"JJ shine the light here," I said hoping for a better look.
JJ does as I asked and shine the light where he thinks I’m looking.
"It's a human footprint for no doubt, I know what you're going to say, but i don't care if we don't know whether those are Sean’s prints or not. There's a chance and that's good enough for me," I said following the footprints.
"Breaker, Agent is in danger too. You didn't do what ever you wanted to do with that plastic stuff," said JJ reminding me.
"I'll do it after we find Sean, I made him a promise and i never go back on a promise," I said.
"Wait,” said Kyle. “JJ give me the light.”
Kyle takes the flashlight and shines it on a bush with two people laying on it. They are both covered in blood and one of them has a German outfit. The other one is face down, and about the same size as Sean. Dark thoughts and fear fill my eyes.
I rush over and throw the German to the side like a ragdoll. I then turn over the one I think is Sean and see his face. My heart skips a beat when I see that it is Sean and his eyes are closed. I can't believe it. I can’t believe I couldn't protect him. I promised that i would get him home safe, now he’s going home in a body bag.
Kyle puts his ear to Sean's chest trying to get a pulse.
"Guys he's still breathing!" Kyle yelled excitedly.
“Move!” I urged throwing Kyle out of the way.
I put Sean on my back and sprint in the direction we came.
"Don't you make me a liar Sean, don't fucking die on me," I quietly said to Sean even though he's unconscious and can't hear me.
Running as fast as I can I realize that I don't know how to get back to camp and I can't see. I slow down so Kyle and JJ can catch up and lead me to the camp.
Everything was fine running. That is until my injured leg starts stinging from the extra weight caused from carrying Sean. It wasn't long before my leg gave out entirely and i dropped to a single knee.
JJ And Kyle stop running when they saw me and came to help me up. "Get up Breaker!" Yelled JJ as him and Kyle lift me to my feet
see a faint light through a bush, and the only thing that could be is the campfire. I use all my strength to get running again. I’m almost there, I'm almost there, i kept telling myself as the light got brighter and brighter.
We finally got to the camp with Sean. I enter the shelter and lay Sean down beside Agent who is passed out as well. I’m hoping he isn't in a hypothermia coma, hopefully his body is just in a deep sleep from the climate change.506Please respect copyright.PENANAanoknJ3QRx
It not unheard of in Canada for visitors to get deathly sick from mild weather that they aren't used to. Some people's bodies respond to it differently than others. Sometimes the immune system will completely shut off and so will the internal organs in rare cases as well. In the end, It all just depends on luck and willpower.
Its ironic, we are surrounded by hostiles in unfamiliar territory with no back up and little supplies. Despite all that, mother nature is the one that caused the most damage to my friends. because of it we might actually lose Agent or Sean, which is more than the Germans were capable of.
All I can do at this point is do what i planned to do with plastic roll. I take a long pause and look at Agent and Sean, hoping they will open their eyes. that didn't happen so I left the shelter and JJ threw the plastic at me.
"Show me how this is going to help us," JJ said aggressively.
As our leader, he has a lot on his plate, all this shit with Agent and Sean seems to be making him uneasy. By the sound of his voice he feels that the plastic wasn't going to help anything, and I just wasted time.
"Unless you can turn this into a heater, Agent is fucked! Have you gone in the shelter? It's still too cold in there! We might lose him Breaker!" said JJ more aggressively.
"That's actually sorta what I'm doing," I calmly responded knowing that he is close to the boiling point.
"It's a roll of fucking plastic," said JJ.
I smile and walk over to the entrance of the shelter and start unrolling the plastic over the entrance. I cover the whole entrance with the plastic and weigh it down with a rock on the top and bottom.
"You made a door?” asked JJ.
"Sort of. The plastic will amplify the heat from the camp fire and reflect it inside onto Agent and Sean. It will also keep the heat in. As long as this fire keeps going it will act as a heater," I explained to JJ.
"Will that actually work?" asked JJ
"I hope so," I responded, ”I'll stay up and keep the fire going all night. I'm not tired at all and someone needs to. Get some sleep JJ.”
“Everyone get in and get some rest,” announced JJ.
I wait for everyone to get into the shelter before I follow. When everyone settles down i go in the shelter. Surprisingly there is plenty of room and we all fit nicely. Its lucky that we found such a unique rock formation like this.
"It's kinda toasty in here," commented Hunter.
"Looks like you were right Breaker, you might have saved Agent and Sean's life,” said JJ who seems to have calmed down. "Now everyone get some sleep, it's going to be a long day tomorrow."
“I'll stay up to keep the fire going,” I said.
“Wake me up in a few hours and I’ll take over,” offered JJ.
“Ok,” i agreed knowing that i wasn't going to.
Everyone falls asleep, other than me. I stay up all night and tend to the fire. Adding a log every so often and looking at the moonless black sky. Glancing at Sean and Agent every now and then to see if they are awake. Sadly, no luck.
I look out the thin plastic door and see the sun peaking over the horizon. It was amazing to see light after a long night of nothing but darkness.
"Breaker, did you sleep at all?" asked JJ startling me.
I hesitate to answer and suddenly a slight movement from Sean takes JJ and i's attention. We stare at him and Agent hoping for another movement or something. Then Sean and Agent simultaneously open their eyes and I wanted to jump around like a maniac. But i kept my cool.506Please respect copyright.PENANAkWaTQeVWu2
"I feel like shit," grumbled Agent506Please respect copyright.PENANAqA0wPomZdo
"Me too," agreed Sean.506Please respect copyright.PENANAr9mi1gZHn1
Hunter wakes up and sees Sean and Agent awake and freaks out. He gets up and starts yelling and dancing around like a maniac, even more so then i wanted to.506Please respect copyright.PENANAZcFFMzEOz7
"Hunter, you fucking maniac, what is wrong with you!" yelled Connor because Hunter woke him up506Please respect copyright.PENANAw2N0zVjg51
"Their ok! Sean and Agent are ok!" said Hunter and a scary voice.506Please respect copyright.PENANAwu4d8HeTeO
Everyone other than me gets up and crowds around Agent and Sean.506Please respect copyright.PENANA4yh1gf7Zxp
"How did I get here,” asked Sean. “last I remember I was on the ground with a hurt leg after chasing a german scout that saw our camp," said Sean.506Please respect copyright.PENANA4Vm3ukX41u
"I don't remember anything really," said Agent.506Please respect copyright.PENANAvHkRLLFWoo
"Well to sum it up. Breaker saved both your asses," said JJ.506Please respect copyright.PENANAxzQ6a7Nwmd
Agent looks over at me in shock. He seemed surprised to hear that it was me, as if i am incapable of doing anything right.506Please respect copyright.PENANAiqLyLD2P5r
"I knew you would come for me Breaker, I just knew it," said Sean.506Please respect copyright.PENANAsPn6iDcpGM
"Of course I would Sean, i made you a promise," I said.506Please respect copyright.PENANACC3ZCJ0UHx
"Breaker, I didn't expect you to be the one to save me. You hate me the most, why did you?" asked Agent. 506Please respect copyright.PENANAbRHn1FTdZc
"Because i don't hate you," I responded.