477Please respect copyright.PENANAuJqDia0hGf
After all the bodies were checked we went back in the radar station. JJ got ahold of headquarters and they said their sending reinforcements.477Please respect copyright.PENANAry7gdXbNAT
477Please respect copyright.PENANAzgQrZpV4cu
JJ told headquarters what happened and general Sexy praised JJ. The odd thing was JJ seemed troubled for some reason. You think he would be happy after being praised by the general himself.477Please respect copyright.PENANAAjDP7yHhlc
477Please respect copyright.PENANAZfnDLquNk0
JJ removed the headset he was using to communicate with HQ.477Please respect copyright.PENANAdL7VAHl0SV
477Please respect copyright.PENANAYHngLbr83L
"Destroyer set up explosives and let's get back to camp ASAP." said JJ anxiously.
“Fuck yeah!” yelled Destroyer excitedly.
Destroyer, with a fascinated look on his face sets up the explosives.
"Let's go,” said JJ.
477Please respect copyright.PENANA2kXkKyGIw3
We get to a safe distance and Destroyer blew the building to bits. Destroyer throws his hands in the air and cheers by himself.
It was awkward with him cheering alone so I joined him, than everyone other than JJ followed.
Instead JJ heads back to camp at an urgent pace.477Please respect copyright.PENANA7Ne3jKHc1k
477Please respect copyright.PENANAnL9vvDWgsS
"What's his problem?" asked Kyle.
“i'll catch up to him and see what's up,” I said.
I jog to catch up to JJ and a thought occurred to me. This scouting run that went wrong was probably what JJ planned from the start. He had no intention of going back without success. I wonder why he didn't just tell us, but i'm sure it was for a good reason.
Me and JJ speed walk for a couple minutes without a sound, gesture or even eye contact. I look back to see how far the others are trailing and it's a good enough distance to say something without the others hearing.
"JJ,” I said quietly breaking the silence. “So how come you only brought half of us even though you knew we would get caught. And why did you keep it from us?"
"Because I wasn't sure if i was capable of leading two squads in battle. I wanted to see how I did with one squad first. And I didn't say anything because I don't want the guys questioning my ability to lead," said JJ quietly.
"I see,” I said. “So you were testing the waters. It looks to me that you picked the best people to come on the mission. Was that on purpose?" I asked realizing that everyone that came is from our squad excluding Agent who is sick.
477Please respect copyright.PENANACHdYGtjk5P
"Yeah, other than Agent. I left him behind for a good reason," said JJ.477Please respect copyright.PENANApIz7bPZLLU
477Please respect copyright.PENANAtZS7PsIi0M
"You mean other than he's sick?" I asked.
"He’s fine, If I asked him to come he would have sucked it up and came along. I left him behind incase something happened to the camp while we are gone. The Maine squad needs someone to lead them in that event. Agent is capable of that," explained JJ
"You're expecting something to happen to the camp aren't you?" I asked.477Please respect copyright.PENANAgeTczcf1y9
477Please respect copyright.PENANAvzVBI2jd2F
"There's a good chance, that's why we should hurry," JJ responded.477Please respect copyright.PENANAIR0ZvdFLwZ
477Please respect copyright.PENANAwbzKTaGRWI
"Let's hurry then," I said going from a fast walk to a jog passing JJ
477Please respect copyright.PENANAxdCqVmYwlA
"Pick up the pace boys!" said JJ as he catches up to me.
After rushing through the woods for awhile I notice a troubling smell.477Please respect copyright.PENANA4BrpxN72fO
477Please respect copyright.PENANA69itxHe2uJ
"Breaker what's wrong?" asked JJ noticing my foul facial expression.
"I smell blood," I responded.
JJ’s eyes widen with concern.477Please respect copyright.PENANA918UrAGhPU
477Please respect copyright.PENANAyaWqJfEbw8
"German bodies!" called out Kyle.
I look over and see around 40 bodies scattered along the ground, stained with blood. I’m not sure how close we are to camp but the area looks familiar. This must have been the other’s mess.
"Stay on alert," said JJ proceeding with caution.
The six of us scan the bodies for Agent and the others as we progress. We walk a few steps and I figure we are at camp, but there is no sign of Agent or the others. All I see is red. Red on the trees, red on the bolder we used as shelter, red on the grass that was once green. So much blood.
"Maybe they were captured?" suggested Sean.
"I don't think so," Said JJ. “I can't see a bloodbath like this ending in prisoners. They either died fighting or got away.”
I play out the battle in my head a few times and none of them end well.
I walk over to the tree that Andrew threw my ammo belt in earlier and punched it as hard as I could. Both the bark of the tree and the skin from my knuckles break off, no pain sourced from my fist. Only the thoughts of my dead friends hurt.
"You know if I was like you and didn't think twice, I would have blown your head off," said a voice from above.477Please respect copyright.PENANA3QkKvhPi9g
477Please respect copyright.PENANAHqAS34l3Jp
I look up in the tree and see the four faces I wanted to see.477Please respect copyright.PENANApt5POk3lcq
477Please respect copyright.PENANALpfTDucetB
"Thank god you guys are ok," said JJ with relief.477Please respect copyright.PENANAQ46kK26piT
477Please respect copyright.PENANAy7oDzsJYaD
"Likewise," said Agent. "So how did the mission go?"477Please respect copyright.PENANAyb2KcnStaQ
477Please respect copyright.PENANAGq2p4rpo9O
"It was pretty good," said JJ not giving any details.
"Pretty good... That's it? Your not going to give details?" said Agent frustrated already.477Please respect copyright.PENANAH97iRIFHpB
477Please respect copyright.PENANA2XoNWpYF37
"Hold on," said JJ scanning the camp with his eyes.
477Please respect copyright.PENANABhGdT9prPT
Agent throws down a rope that was tied to the tree branch that was holding him. Connor, Ashton, Hunter and Agent climb down the rope.477Please respect copyright.PENANAFSUXDK2gEu
477Please respect copyright.PENANA8QOd7GcqR4
"So how did you guys manage to kill so many germans?" I asked.
"Agent was like-like i hear bad guys!” Said Hunter rapidly while jumping around pretending to reenact the scenario, “And then was like, someone climb the tree and-and-and tie the rope! And-And then we were all up in the tree being all quiet and stuff! Then-the bad guys were like investigating! There was like-thousands of them! And-and they didn't see us! And Agent was like bababbabaaba and-then-we-were-like-bababababab and-and-and the bad guys were all like blahh! And they were so confused what was happening and-we-won!"
"Hunter! Relax!" said Connor.477Please respect copyright.PENANAk5SLQmHbQT
477Please respect copyright.PENANAMQZhIp3bZ7
"Ya well we were like babababababbabababababababa,” i joined Hunter being a maniac. “then they were like bababababab, and I was like bababababa! Then they were like babababa. Then i was like click click click shit! Then Sean was like bullets! And I was then like bbababababababababb"
“That sounds exciting!” shouted Hunter.
"Wait, you guys did the mission without us! Ass holes!" realized Ashton.477Please respect copyright.PENANAqsTNY1B3m7
477Please respect copyright.PENANAEOC9gjKIj0
"It was an accident,” I lied. “We were just about to head back but then we got caught...right JJ?"477Please respect copyright.PENANAyJrVjM5gQJ
477Please respect copyright.PENANAYnO7vyhdb5
JJ doesn't respond.
"JJ?" I said looking looking to my side where he was standing before. "Where the Hell did he go? He was just here."477Please respect copyright.PENANAK1cInH6pHu
477Please respect copyright.PENANAnDBIuyxDNC
"Thats a good question," said Agent looking aswell.
Everyone just shrugged and accepted that he managed to slip away without any of us noticing.
"I feel like crap, can I go lay down again?" asked Sean.477Please respect copyright.PENANAWmJPUNkXTh
477Please respect copyright.PENANAojXchWCqUU
"I also don't feel so good, and now that my adrenaline is gone it's getting worse," said Agent.
"While you guys have a nap I'm going to look for JJ. He is the only one who knows when and where our reinforcements will be," I said.477Please respect copyright.PENANAN6MIcXy4Ff
477Please respect copyright.PENANANWMXfCwWen
"Take someone with you," ordered Agent.477Please respect copyright.PENANAb7sF2qyYZS
477Please respect copyright.PENANAV8FOnAcbnB
"Nah, I'm good," I said starting my search.
"Kyle go with him," ordered Agent.477Please respect copyright.PENANAJlQE1uNJLK
477Please respect copyright.PENANAxEK0lNxTqX
"I said I'm fine," I said aggressively continuing my search.
I expect Agent to say something but he doesn't. I look over my shoulder and expect to see Kyle following me but he wasn't. That was easier that I expected.
I walk around the forest for a couple minutes and the cool breeze on my bloody fist tingles my hand. I look at my first and my whole hand is red with blood and the pain settles in, but I keep looking for JJ.
-----------------------------------477Please respect copyright.PENANAR9K298asRZ
I look at the sun and notice I've been looking for JJ for about an hour. Just as i'm about to give up, in the distance I see a big bright red windmill. As unlikely as it is, I immediately think that it's the big red windmill that Ray told me about. The one his Grandparents live near.477Please respect copyright.PENANAuktTUDTJp2
477Please respect copyright.PENANAEes8tFoVlD
My heart fills with guilt and the faces of the brothers appear in my head clear as day. It's almost as if they are actually standing in front of me. I don't normally remember stuff, but for some reason I can't get their faces out of my head. The blank and lifeless look of Ben, and the tears and the grin of Ray. Just stained in my head.477Please respect copyright.PENANACz9JgmFZ9T
477Please respect copyright.PENANAAn7uO0nm79
I hear leaves crunching behind me that without looking i assume is JJ, I turn around to ask JJ where he went. Before I could fully turn around I was tackled to the ground.
477Please respect copyright.PENANABLutwGZBUV
I realize now that it isn't JJ. I struggle to get the hostile off me. The hostile puts his arm around my neck and starts to choke me. I try reach for my katana but can't quite reach. I reach for my python but can't reach it either. As a last resort I swing my elbow as hard as possible and luckily it made enough contact to get him off my back.477Please respect copyright.PENANAVUg9Xbuizw
477Please respect copyright.PENANALf92d3kXci
Unluckily as he fell off he took my katana from my back and swung at me. I rolled just fast enough to dodge the katana.477Please respect copyright.PENANAUKRr0OCjGY
477Please respect copyright.PENANAecX9jQ8LgW
Now that I have a chance I reach for my python. But as luck has it’s not there. I look at the hostile and see him picking up my python off the ground. He points it at me and says "this is for my comrades," in a very heavy accent that was almost not understandable.477Please respect copyright.PENANAAtxJDdn78f
477Please respect copyright.PENANAXoUlSvsCoC
*BANG*477Please respect copyright.PENANANOrm9XcSSh
477Please respect copyright.PENANAFkDkT0pPtx
The hostile drops to the ground face first and I see blood pouring from the back of his neck. Then I see Agent at a distance looking threw the sight of his gun.477Please respect copyright.PENANAjcZsZ3etIE
477Please respect copyright.PENANADT3l9LdmBV
I grab my katana put it back in its sheath. Then grab my python out of the hand of the hostile by its barrel. I jumped when I touched it because it was unexpectedly hot. I didn't realize that he shot too.477Please respect copyright.PENANACAXa200um3
477Please respect copyright.PENANAaq5XY9VwIl
"Breaker you're hurt!" yelled Agent running over to me.477Please respect copyright.PENANAvzvmq2GkJf
477Please respect copyright.PENANASsSpPn2hkj
I look down to see what he was talking about and a big red stain on my left side. I didn't notice pain before but now that i see it... holy fuck it hurts.477Please respect copyright.PENANAD7AsCiEVoG
477Please respect copyright.PENANAcVP7vQREWU
It's an odd combination of burning and getting a huge needle stabbed into you. Although that doesn't quite fit the feeling either. All I know is it’s a feeling I do not want to feel anymore. Unfortunately every millisecond that passes it gets worse. I fall to the ground and the impact of hitting the ground made it feel like I was shot again in the same spot.477Please respect copyright.PENANAkJItslAP8m
477Please respect copyright.PENANAq1o5ImHujY
Agent puts his hand on the my wound trying to stop the blood, or stabbing a knife into it i'm not sure.
JJ comes out of nowhere and rips a part of his sleeve off and ties it around me like a bandage.477Please respect copyright.PENANAyBQBLkfalf
477Please respect copyright.PENANAVoZGBfVOjs
"Agent, get the others, now! Double time!" commands JJ.477Please respect copyright.PENANA8NAKudan5I
477Please respect copyright.PENANAsQjZLq8T3j
Agent sprints towards the camp to get the others.
"Where did you go man," I asked477Please respect copyright.PENANAMKIePOnv9a
477Please respect copyright.PENANAg5RGz9P8Wp
"Don't talk, relax," said JJ as he checks my pulse477Please respect copyright.PENANA4cFdtgrg4v
477Please respect copyright.PENANA9QAgqNqjG6
A foul taste filled my mouth that makes me cough. Blood comes out of my mouth and stains my military shirt red.477Please respect copyright.PENANAqBkke7I6CD
477Please respect copyright.PENANAbR4osFE1pP
"Help is coming Breaker, just hang on," said JJ.477Please respect copyright.PENANAVz0IPMvuIk
477Please respect copyright.PENANAwX5rE1QkPZ
"What do i need help for?" I said semi-jokingly.477Please respect copyright.PENANA67EQ4ulplE
"Shut up," said JJ ripping off his other sleeve.477Please respect copyright.PENANAKPBccmdxhN
He ties it around the other sleeve that is completely red with blood. I have seen enough blood today to last a lifetime.477Please respect copyright.PENANAyo7YHGgULe
477Please respect copyright.PENANAHZJhl8ZR9v
Agent gets back with the others and they stand around me in shock.477Please respect copyright.PENANAtChHVlmEVH
477Please respect copyright.PENANAmsw52BWPzn
"What happened!" yelled Sean.477Please respect copyright.PENANAgN7BleNzsC
477Please respect copyright.PENANATQkc9n6xiF
"He will be fine Sean," said JJ hoping that he won't freak out.477Please respect copyright.PENANAY14wfI4Ap4
477Please respect copyright.PENANARKGF9Vujce
"Not if the bullet is still in him. He needs to see a real medic," said Sean.477Please respect copyright.PENANARDB2l2kvtC
477Please respect copyright.PENANA4uPcHlmXhJ
"HQ sent some helicopters to pick us up just a few miles away. I just got back from scouting it out," said JJ.477Please respect copyright.PENANAQ4Be6BktBk
477Please respect copyright.PENANAy5aG2l55dI
"He isn't going to make it that far guys" said Sean.477Please respect copyright.PENANAuDsddQJojU
477Please respect copyright.PENANAn2rH3AlURg
"We have to try," said JJ. "Kyle and Destroyer carry him. Let's go."477Please respect copyright.PENANAgW1AVA5BkN
477Please respect copyright.PENANAReCFMPRvqP
Kyle and Destroyer pick me up and follow JJ. The pain was extremely bad for the few seconds it took them to lift me.
After about twenty minutes of walking the sound of vehicle engines catch our attention.
"Fuck! Hostiles!" said Destroyer.477Please respect copyright.PENANA2W31R3rO2h
477Please respect copyright.PENANAgKi9q0dI7y
"Wait, those are Americans!" said Agent.477Please respect copyright.PENANAE5iLTh0Kkn
477Please respect copyright.PENANAMSD9VqYupD
The guys wave their arms in the air to get the attention of the army convoy. The convoy noticed us and came over. Judging by their uniforms they aren't from the same branch as us.477Please respect copyright.PENANA56CLQTCi69
477Please respect copyright.PENANAK6m9eMzUfF
A soldier gets out of a jeep and and says with a salute, "Captain Cucumber of the United States Marine corps at your service."477Please respect copyright.PENANAr6fmdLce5m
477Please respect copyright.PENANANe23xCGTAY
"Im Corporal JJ from the North American Special Forces Unit. We need to get our injured comrade to the landing zone a mile north of here," said JJ477Please respect copyright.PENANAa44haZ2eht
477Please respect copyright.PENANAuCI2BV0NkC
"As luck has it we are headed that way. It would be an honour to help a fellow soldier, hop in the transport truck. We will take you there," said Captain Cucumber.477Please respect copyright.PENANAmrMKlhnCgi
477Please respect copyright.PENANAedTsEe2E54
We get in the transport truck and they take us to the the landing zone where there is a transport aircraft waiting for us. My body feels too weak to even lift my head. Kyle and Destroyers uniforms are almost as red as mine from carrying me around.477Please respect copyright.PENANAqM0Nnn08qM
477Please respect copyright.PENANAZqZTlrAdwO
We get out of the transport truck and get into the aircraft. As the aircraft is taking off Captain cucumber solutes us. JJ solutes back.477Please respect copyright.PENANA8AHRdVYkMO
477Please respect copyright.PENANA2it2OS9GEb
There is a medic on the aircraft and he takes off the sleeves that JJ used as bandages. He grabs pliers out of a medical box and stabs it into the bullet hole. The pain makes me yell and jerk my body.477Please respect copyright.PENANALpG64Vpmex
477Please respect copyright.PENANAAFFeAXSBIa
"Keep him steady!" yelled the medic.477Please respect copyright.PENANACOZ0oahG8Y
477Please respect copyright.PENANA3Ca3nF3L7H
Kyle, JJ, Agent, Destroyer and Sean all hold me with all their might as the medic digs deeper into my body. The medic pulls out the bullet and blood starts pouring from the hole. The medic grabs a white cloth and puts it over the hole.
"Put pressure on that!" yelled the medic.477Please respect copyright.PENANAO8RAUyPTlo
477Please respect copyright.PENANAB0lkF1kpw9
JJ puts his hand on the cloth that is now red and firmly holds it to my body. It hurts like hell but there isn't much I can do at this point.477Please respect copyright.PENANAHwWu1ReoOe
477Please respect copyright.PENANABI0LGWBHMc
The medic gets a big roll of bandages and wraps it all around me.477Please respect copyright.PENANAeTo9J8pjkI
477Please respect copyright.PENANA0NpWtZcGeA
"I've done all i can, he should be fine." said the medic.477Please respect copyright.PENANAqnMJh50kob
477Please respect copyright.PENANA0rKp02zGWc
Kyle helps me get to my seat and sits beside me. Sean sat on the other side of me while Agent sat in front of me.477Please respect copyright.PENANAuQtYYh04aZ
477Please respect copyright.PENANAhB6uelliA4
"How you feeling Breaker?" asked Sean.477Please respect copyright.PENANA6oV4SYaRLF
477Please respect copyright.PENANAWkqGt2KrrC
"Peachy," I replied.477Please respect copyright.PENANA6XxJGaUiGz
477Please respect copyright.PENANAEcsRFinCqC
All the guys chuckled, something that I haven't heard in awhile.477Please respect copyright.PENANAS3zvGY0Nl8
477Please respect copyright.PENANA23ruavrkNG
"How are you feeling Sean?" I asked sarcastically.477Please respect copyright.PENANA9gvWOSoxed
477Please respect copyright.PENANAbVw3pe24a5
"Better than you," giggled Sean. "Your white like a ghost and seem like your gunna throw up everywhere."477Please respect copyright.PENANAthL4WwYYxV
477Please respect copyright.PENANAmNL1lPgcgj
"I really don't like plane rides," I said.
477Please respect copyright.PENANAStNdOW0C8f
The medic inspects the bullet that he pulled out of me.477Please respect copyright.PENANAzZ3NTMusO7
477Please respect copyright.PENANAoGj5fYa4WE
"What gun shot this bullet?" asked the medic.477Please respect copyright.PENANAsFCNEWHYeT
477Please respect copyright.PENANAoQzg6CAGNX
Sean hands him my python that I didn't realize he had.477Please respect copyright.PENANANEegbYyzf5
477Please respect copyright.PENANACRxqNuFziY
"Your one lucky kid, that gun should have blown a hole twice that size straight through your whole body. The bullet was defect and probably was blown to pieces the second it left the barrel. You only got a small piece of the bullet," said the medic.477Please respect copyright.PENANAilWfvEp9Sd
477Please respect copyright.PENANAU8NbkmwfLQ
I'm not sure what I would consider myself at this point. Im lucky that the unlikely event that a bullet shot at me was defect. Im unlucky that the german was even there. Im lucky that the Marines were there to help me get to the landing zone. Im unlucky that the landing zone was so far from where I was. Im lucky Agent was there to take out the hostile. There are countless events that are lucky and unlucky.477Please respect copyright.PENANAOqLzNjsOob
477Please respect copyright.PENANAOM1zoaYwG7
JJ gets out of his seat and goes to the front of the aircraft and faces us as if he is going to give a speech.477Please respect copyright.PENANAY7cK16TaOt
477Please respect copyright.PENANAPC53oXOfnj
"It's been a hard couple of days boys. There were times where there wasn't a drop of hope, but we hung in there. I'm proud of every one of you. Over the past couple days I've seen many things. Courage, bravery, determination, compassion and character. That is just what i wanted to see. Good work," said JJ.477Please respect copyright.PENANAbKiB7ktrOQ
477Please respect copyright.PENANAI72RuJJeNQ
The the brief speech brightened up the airship but there were no words said.477Please respect copyright.PENANAe48vcGpZ7g
477Please respect copyright.PENANABNocoms1sh
The airship lands at HQ and waiting for us was what looked like all the soldiers at the base. Captain Poopstain was in the front of them. when the noise of the airship faded there was a moment of silence.477Please respect copyright.PENANAVyL3JHix5V
477Please respect copyright.PENANAX0Obam59Dw
captain Poopstain broke the silence with a slow dramatic clap. Slowly the soldiers around him joined and there was a round of applause. Then the applause turns to cheering.477Please respect copyright.PENANAccaDqg4bpF
477Please respect copyright.PENANAoHZAP17NsR
"What is going on?" asked Agent.477Please respect copyright.PENANAat1EBqFYsT
477Please respect copyright.PENANAVBA5oUaVTa
"You left this base children in arms, and returned as heroes. Congratulations," (Said captain heroic poopstain trying to talk over the cheering.477Please respect copyright.PENANAibTeYbDIpe
477Please respect copyright.PENANAxn2zwBPKc7
477Please respect copyright.PENANA7CaGcprNrB
477Please respect copyright.PENANAWZTqUp6vgF
477Please respect copyright.PENANAk9Y8nr9E4P
477Please respect copyright.PENANAz2TiJcFqJL