We all load into the helicopter and Julius sits in the pilot seat. He looks at the controls in a way that seemed troubling. It’s almost as if he only has a basic idea of what the controls do.
"I realize you haven't operated an aircraft in a long time, but your the only one who has an idea Julius. I'm not expecting it to be a smooth ride, as long as we get there in one piece I'm satisfied," said PoopStain.
"That's what I'm afraid of, I've never operated this model before," said Julius.
"If anyone can remaster flying on the fly, it's you. You were born for this, now fire it up," assured PoopStain.
"Agent, come be my co-pilot," said Julius.
"Really? I've only ever sorta operated an aircraft once, and all I did was slightly lessen the crash," said Agent.
"Know one else here has slightly lessened a crash," said Julius.
Agent sits in the co-pilot seat and watches Julius hit a bunch of buttons that turned the chopper on. The propellers pick up speed and we eventually lift off the ground.
The chopper jerks forward and makes everyone fall on each other like dominos.
"Sorry boys," said Julius.
After a few minutes he got the hang of it and the rest of the travel was smooth.
"So what's plan when we land Poop?" asked Reznikov.
"Well there are a lot of possibilities. We may land and get shot on sight depending how many people Wetherby has on the inside. Or everyone may think we are dead and we catch Wetherby off guard and it all works out. Perhaps we will land and the whole base is destroyed. You see the issue with this right?" explained PoopStain.
"Lets just wing it," I said.
"We don't have much to go on but I'm not sure if winging it is smart. We should at least have a basic plan that's subject to change," said Agent.
Julius smiles at Agent and says, "you passed our first test Agent, well done."
"Cool. I didn't even know I was being tested," said Agent with a smile on his face.
"They intentionally made a poor plan to see if one of us would find a better way Agent," I said.
"Breaker. I didn't say I didn't know what the test was. Open your ears," said Agent.
"Oh, I heard something different," I said playing back the conversation in my head.
"I know, so open your ears," snapped Agent who is for some reason somewhat flustered.
Julius, PoopStain, Reznikov and the 4 brothers all laugh at what Agent said.
"What?" asked Agent confused.
"Julius they fight just like you and Bert used to," said PoopStain.
"Oh yeah. I forgot there was a point when me and Bert hated each other," laughed Julius.
"Anyways back to the plan. Are there any suggestions?" asked PoopStain.
"Things to note are, if Mister Sexy is still alive, then once we land Wetherby will go straight for him. Or he will go finish off your friends who were left behind. We don't know how many traitors there are so we can't trust anyone. It's possible that we land without any suspicion and if that be the case we shouldn't appear to be suspicious," said Julius.
"We have no way of knowing who he will go for or even if there is even anyone left to go for. Once he learns of our arrival he will panic and won't be thinking rash, we can't predict what he will do," said Alfeo.
"So here's what I got. We should split up into 2 groups. Right when we land group 1 should go to the barracks and see if the comrades we left behind are there. Group 2 will go to the hospital and find mister sexy. If group 1 finds that no one is there then go to the hospital and look there," said PoopStain.
"What about after we find Sexy and the others? They will likely be in no condition to move or fight," said Julius.
"Once we have them covered we can then report Wetherby to the MP and arrest him. If he tries to make a move on anyone we will already be waiting for him," said PoopStain.
"What are the groups?" asked JJ.
"Well I was thinking you, Elio, Conoir, Edwardo, Connor, Hunter and Sean will be group 1. Group 2 will be the rest of us," said PoopStain.
"We are almost at HQ," Announced Julius.
"One more important thing. No one is to confront Wetherby but me," said PoopStain.
"Understood," We all said simultaneously.
Alfeo goes to the back of the chopper and opens the ramp. when the ramp opens the large hawk from earlier enters the chopper and lands on Alfeo's hand. With his other hand he attaches a small roll of paper to the hawk. He then whispers some foreign words to it and it flies away.
Alfeo shuts the ramp and sits beside me.
"That is the most beautiful hawk I've ever seen," I said.
"He is isn't he," smiles Alfeo. "Ive actually never seen a hawk like that," I said.
"It's considered a gift to lay your eyes on one, some say. Others say It's a curse. The only information on the hawk can be found from the storeys of the legend. That's how few people have see them," explained Alfeo.
"What is he called?" I asked.
"In the legend he is called shadow demise. The only time the hawk appears is in the last moments of ones life. Its said that the hawk flies circles around until your death is imminent, then when it blocks out the sun from reaching your eyes... you fade to darkness," smiled Alfeo.
"Doesn't seem like a cheery story to me Alfeo," I said referencing the out of context smile.
"Don't mistake my smile. I smile due to the irony of the story. Almost seems like It's the shadow of the hawk that kills the dying. Silly isn't it?" said Alfeo who is staring into space.
"You seem so close to him, you must have a real name for him," I said.
"I call him Tharagon. Which in my culture means loyal companion," said Alfeo.
"It's so rare to see one of them. It must be special to have one around you all the time," I said.
"There isn't a word to describe it. I still remember times before I first saw Tharagon. Those were dark days that I can only dream about forgetting. Sadly my dreams are wasted on reliving the nightmares," said Alfeo.
"I know the type of dreams you're talking about," I said. "Most people, especially your age don't understand. I normally would think that you couldn't possibly understand. But for some reason my instincts are saying you do," said Alfeo.
"I'm not sure to take that as a complement, or if you're just messing with me," I said.
"Messing with you?" asked Alfeo.
"Perhaps you see me as a kid who can't handle the truth. You could be saying that just to make me feel better about myself. I can usually tell when someone's being dishonest with me. But not you," I said.
Alfeo smiles but says nothing. There are so many questions that I want to ask, but it seems Alfeo is done with talking.
I pull out my python and play around with it to pass the time.
"That's quite the python you have there. Although It's no match for mine," said Conoir
I wasn't sure if he was trying to offend me or if he is forcing conversation that allows him to show off his python. I'm assuming he's not trying to be rude.
"A fellow python lover! Can I see yours? And maybe hold it?" I said excitedly.
Conoir grinned and I start to feel uneasy. Suddenly I feel something on my arm. I look down at my arm and see a snake wrapping around my arm looking into my eyes only a breaths length away from my face.
I don't know what to do. I stay as still as possible and resist the urge to try get away from it. The snake slowly approaches my face and looks like It's about to strike.
"Don't worry, he only will attack if I say so or he feels you're a threat to me," said Conoir.
"Now that's a legit python," said JJ.
"Daisuke come," said Conoir.
The python lets go of me and slithers to hooded Conoir. It goes up his leg and gets in a pouch Conoir has on his stomach.
“un identified aircraft identify yourself. You are in restricted air. You have 10 seconds to comply or we will shoot you down,” said a voice from the cockpit.
PoopStain goes to the cockpit and takes the headset off Julius's head.
"This is captain Heroic Poopstain. we are coming in for landing," said PoopStain in the microphone.
“Sir! It's good to hear your voice! The base has been a mess since you left. We thought you and the others are dead,” said the soldier.
"I need a favour from you soldier," said poopstain.
“Do you or anyone on board need medical assistance?” said the soldier.
"No we are all fine. I need you to keep our return to yourself. Is that clear," said PoopStain.
“Affirmative captain,” said the soldier.
"Do you think he will actually keep it to himself?" asked Reznikov.
"Doubt it," shrugged PoopStain.
"Landing in 2 minutes," announced Julius.
"Does everyone remember the plan?" said PoopStain.
"Umm," I said.
"Is the plan clear Breaker?" asked JJ.
"Clear as mud," I said.
"Just follow PoopStain," said JJ.
"Easy enough," I said.
"30 seconds!" announced Julius anxiously.
"Just relax and don't make it seem like you're rushing. Good luck," said PoopStain as the chopper lands.
The helicopter lands rough and causes us to stumble similar to when we took off. I look at Julius and notice Agent holding the controls.
"Sorry about that guys," said Julius trying to make it seem like he was driving.
"Good land!" said Reznikov.
"Agent drove the chopper?" I said.
"I was teaching him how to fly, and for next time, you fly and chopper. Not drive" said Julius holding back a giggle. "Stay focused boys," said PoopStain.
We get off the helicopter and wasted no time making our way to the hospital. Group one went to find the others at the barracks.
It's difficult to act calm when every part of me wants to get there as soon as possible. Every person that makes eye contact makes me feel like they're on to us, or about to jump us. I can't tell if It's me just being paranoid or if I'm being that obvious.
We get to the hospital and I realize no one said anything since we arrived. I guess everyone is too focused to worry about small talk.
We walk through the front door of the hospital and PoopStain says "ill go talk to the receptionist, wait here.”
PoopStain walks up to the receptionist to I assume ask her to take us to the general.
PoopStain comes over to us and says "she said the general is no longer here,"
"I don't believe her. Tell her to show us the room," said Reznikov firmly.
"I tried that," said PoopStain.
Group 1 walks through the doors. JJ shakes his head showing that the the guys we left behind aren't at the barracks.
"What's the hold up?" asked Elio.
"She won't let us in," I said.
Elio smiles and says "she's kinda cute. Ill be right back,"
Elio walks up to the receptionist and starts to talk to her. She starts giggling and her face blushes. I realize now that Elio is flirting with her. I'm all for that but It's not the time to get distracted, and that's saying a lot coming from me.
Elio walks over to us after he was done flirting. I hear Alfeo let out a short blunt laugh behind me so I look at him with curiosity.
"You have the key don't you?" asked Alfeo.
I look back at Elio and see him holding the key card that opened the door last time. Elio doesn't respond, he just smiles.
Elio tosses the key card to Reznikov and says "how are we going to get past the door without her noticing?"
"Do what you do best Elio," said PoopStain.
Elio grins again and goes back over to the receptionist. He says a few things and then goes to the other side of the desk drawing her eyes away from the door we need to get through.
PoopStain casually leads us to the door. Before opening the door he checks to make sure the receptionist is still distracted. PoopStain signals Elio with a thumbs up and Elio leans in and starts making out with the receptionist. PoopStain opens the door and we quickly pile through the door before we get caught. PoopStain leads us through several doors and rooms and I'm certainly lost. I could never work at this place. I would get lost daily, on a good day.
We reach a large high tech door and Reznikov hands poopstain the key card. PoopStain uses the key card to open the door. Reznikov and PoopStain rush in the room and freeze when they see the empty bed where the general was.
"Where the fuck is he!" yelled Reznikov kicking over a tin tray out of anger.
"I figured i’d find you here," said a friendly voice.
I look to the corner of the room and see a dark figure. Alfeo turns the lights on and the figure’s appears becomes clear.
"You traitor!" yelled Reznikov.
"Apologies but I'm not sure I follow," said Wetherby.
"You aren't fooling me! I heard what you said on plane! You had General killed and sent us on suicide mission!" said Reznikov looking like he's about to attack Wetherby.
"Reznikov remember what I said!" said PoopStain trying to prevent Reznikov from killing Wetherby.
"I assure you I don't know what your talking about," said Wetherby with a confused look on his face.
"Lier!" said Reznikov punching Wetherby in the face.
Wetherby falls to ground.
"Reznikov, what did I say," said PoopStain restraining Reznikov.
Wetherby wipes the blood from his nose and says "I don't know what your talking about!"
"Reznikov herd you personally Wetherby. You can't hide anymore, It's over. Come with me peacefully and confess your crimes," said PoopStain.
"Whatever crimes you're talking about weren't committed by me!" said Wetherby.
"I'm tired of this shit," said Reznikov breaking away from PoopStain.
Reznikov pulls out a pistol from his belt and points it at Wetherby.
"Wait!" I yelled.
"He can't be allowed to live for what he done," said Reznikov.
"I don't think he's lying," I said.
Everyone in the room looks at me like I'm crazy.
"Are taking side of traitor?" asked Reznikov.
"Put the gun down Reznikov, he's not lying," said Alfeo.
"I herd him with my own two ears," said Reznikov.
"Alfeo is far wiser than any of us could even imagine, but Reznikov herd Wetherby on the headset. This doesn't make any sense," said PoopStain.
"It was Wetherby! the voice was his, I'm sure of it," said Reznikov.
"I think I figured it out," I said.
All eyes fixed on me waiting for me to say something.
"It was Wetherby. But it wasn't," I said.
"Breaker, what does that even mean," said Agent with disappointment in his tone.
"Reznikov herd Wetherby on the headset. But it wasn't this Wetherby," I said. "I'm so confused," said Sean.
"Breaker is saying that there is 2 Wetherbys. And I think he is right," said Alfeo.
"How is that even possible?" said Julius.
"He has a twin. The other one is the one who had me whipped and treats us like dirt. This is the friendly one," I said.
"What doesn't make sense is why this one isn't aware of the recent events. They must have communicated constantly to pull it off so long. Yet he doesn't know about the recent events," said PoopStain.
"Time to start talking," said Reznikov pointing the pistol at Wetherby more aggressively.
"First of all I must apologize for my brothers actions. I know he has caused you grief but I hope you could find it in your heart to forgive him," said Wetherby.
"Your apologies mean nothing to me," said Reznikov.
"Reznikov let me do this," I said stepping between Reznikov and Wetherby.
"I hope you know what you're doing boy," said Reznikov putting away his pistol.
"So tell me everything. Starting from the moment you started at the base," I said.
"My brother has always been the wild one. When we were kids he would always get himself into trouble and I would end up getting dragged into it. His dream was to be a respected military leader, however his hatred of people made that impossible," explained Wetherby.
"We don't want life's story," said Reznikov.
"It's ok, keep going," I said to Wetherby ignoring Reznikov’s remark.
"He isn't as evil as some people say. He is a great brother to me. He would always stick up for me when I got picked on as a kid. We actually developed a clever system. We acted as one person. When force was needed jackson would do it, when he takes it to far I step in and patch things up. Which is sort of what we did here," said Wetherby.
"So jackson is his name?" I said.
"Yes and I'm Jason," said Wetherby.
"Continue," I said.
"Jackson and I acted as 1 person here because jackson was afraid that I would be accepted and he wouldn't. So we hid it from everyone," said Wetherby.
"What about the toxic needles you were giving the general and the troops we left behind?" said PoopStain.
"That is a mystery even to me. I asked my brother and he says it wasn't him," said Wetherby.
"What about all the suicide missions?" asked Agent.
"Jackson is a very sensitive guy. He holds grudges against people who question him or upset him in any way. He goes over the edge sometimes and I try to stop him. However sometimes I'm just not able to, without giving our trick away," said Wetherby.
"He doesn't like us so he sends us to our death? Your brother is messed up," said JJ.
"He has a good side. I have seen it," said Wetherby.
"Well where is your brother now and why didn't he tell you about what happened on the plane," asked JJ.
"I'm afraid I don't know his where abouts. I haven't seen him since the day before you guys left for your mission," said Wetherby.
"Your brother is in a lot of trouble, so are you," said Conoir.
"I understand. My brother has gone too far this time. He hasn't been himself as of late. I think It's time he gets locked up, for his own good," said Wetherby with a tear falling from his eye.
"We are going to have the professionals ask you more details. If you agree to co-operate and help us bring your brother to justice. I will personally give a good reference to the judge," said PoopStain.
"As you wish," bowed Wetherby.
"All right come with me and i'll take you to the MPs," said PoopStain.
Suddenly a voice from the high tech door yells "hey! You aren't supposed to be in here!"
I turn to the door and see an unfamiliar person standing at the door laughing. The person doesn't look like they work at the hospital, or even the army.
"Leonardo, I was starting to think you didn't get my message," said Alfeo.
"Who is that?" asked JJ.
"I am Leonardo. Retired weapons specialist and long time friend of The 4 brothers," said Leonardo.
"Weapons specialist ehy? So what class of weapons do you specialize in?" asked Agent.
"Unique and hidden," replied Leonardo.
"I'm not sure I have heard of that specialization," said Agent.
"That is because I made it myself," said Leonardo.
"So you make like epic rifles or what," I asked.
Leonardo smiles and says "i'll show you guys some day once we have some time,"
"Sounds sick," said JJ.
"It seems we have other issues for the time being," said Leonardo looking at Wetherby.
"It's a long story. I'll explain later. But for now me and Wetherby will have a trip to the MP building," said PoopStain.
"I'm still confused about something. Where is the general, and how did Wetherby know to come and wait for us here?" asked JJ
"When I was informed of your arrival I came here. Thinking that if you didn't have the general with you, this room would be your priority. I was suspecting that you guys had something to do with his disappearance seeing as how your comrades you left behind are gone as well. But I figured It's best to be wrong here waiting for you, then to be wrong in public," said Wetherby.
"You realize how fishy that sounds right?" said JJ.
"I do. However I realize that being anything but honest will do me or my brother no good," said Wetherby.
"You're a very smart man, your brother is dragging you down," said Julius.
"Apparently not smart enough," said Reznikov.
"One more thing. Was it just our squad that disappeared with the general? Or did several sick soldiers disappear?" asked JJ.
"As far as I know just your friends. In fact since my brother disappeared the troops have been getting better," said Wetherby.
I look at JJ and see the frustration in his face. Im also concerned with all this. As good as Wetherbys intentions seem I still don't quite trust him. Its likely just me being paranoid but I can't ignore my instincts.
"We better get going shouldn't we?" said Wetherby.
"Let's go," said PoopStain heading to the door.
PoopStain leads us back to the door for the lobby. I wonder if we will be able to come from a door we aren't supposed to go through without being noticed.
PoopStain doesn't hesitate or even seem to think first, he walks into the lobby as if it was his own house. I trust that he knows what he is doing so I follow him and hope for the best.
"Good day sir Wetherby," said the receptionist.
I forgot that Wetherby has the authority to go where ever and since we are with him we had nothing to worry about. Although what does worry me is Elio is know where to be seen.
We walk through the hospital main doors to go outside. Wetherby seems to be cooperating as we head to the MP building whatever and wherever that is.
"Breaker. Do you think our friends are ok?" asked Sean softly.
I forgot Sean was even with us. Him, Connor and Hunter have been so quiet all day. I didn't know how to answer Sean so ignored the question.
We arrive at a building that's says military police above the door. I now realize that MP stands for military police.
"Wait out here. Me and Wetherby will go in alone," said PoopStain.
"Are you sure? What if he pulls fast one?" said Reznikov.
"He wouldn't get far in the MP building," said PoopStain.
"What do we do while we wait Captain?" said JJ.
"Get some rest. All of you. I'll get back to you guys later," said PoopStain.
"Careful Poop," said Reznikov.
PoopStain and Wetherby enter the building.
"Well I'm going to the training grounds," I said.
"I'm coming," said JJ.
"I think we should all go. We all need it," suggested Agent.
"Well I'm not making anyone but who ever wants to come can come," said JJ.
"Did anyone notice the hood dudes leave?" asked Hunter.
"Let the ninjas be ninjas. Now let's go," I said walking to the training ground.
"Breaker," said JJ
"Yeah?" I replied.
"Wrong way," said JJ.
"I was taking a detour but if you wanna go the right way, whatever," I said humorously.
We walk over to the training grounds and notice a lot of changes.
"Wow, we missed a lot haven't we?" said Connor.
"Guys look at this," said Agent standing beside a fancy target range hooked up to a computer.
I walk over to Agent to see what he wants us to see. Agent pushes a button and a bunch of moving targets shaped like people start appearing and disappearing in the range. "Sick!" I said.
"Fucking rights!" said JJ.
I notice an LMG attached to the shooting position facing the targets.
"Step back and watch the master," I said grasping the LMG.
"Pfft" muttered Agent.
"Are you questioning the master?" I said. "Actually I am. I was about to suggest to JJ that I could be the squad gunner. You're a loose cannon and your role is too important for someone like you to fill," said Agent in a snarky attitude.
"And you think you would do a better job than me?" I asked wanting to punch Agent.
"JJ I want to be the squad gunner for the next mission," said Agent avoiding my question.
"Too bad Agent. I'm the gunner," I said.
"That can be changed," said Agent.
"Guys enough," said JJ.
"JJ which of us will be the gunner for the next mission? Someone who can follow orders and isn't reckless. Or someone who can't follow orders and does what he wants putting the squad at risk," said Agent.
"I think Breaker would be best Agent, no offence," said JJ.
"Do you remember what happened in the fog? when he left his position and disobeyed your orders? It didn't end up harming us but next time we won't be so lucky," said Agent.
"Yes I remember. I think Breaker learned his lesson then," said JJ.
"Fuck you. You're just saying that because you like him more," said Agent.
"Fine let's have a competition then," said JJ.
"What kind of competition?" I asked.
"Well there is another LMG beside Breaker. Who ever hits the most targets in a given time period wins," said JJ.
"How will we even know who hit what?" asked Agent.
"That actually won't be so hard," said Connor holding the instructions to the control panel.
"How?" asked Agent.
"Well the guns fire rubber bullets that are different colours. This thing here can track what gun fired the shot that hit the target. In Fact there is a challenge mode that is exactly what we need," said Connor.
"So do we fire at the same targets or what? How is this going to work?" asked Agent.
"Ok so you guys will have 180 seconds to shoot the targets that will randomly appear and disappear. You will both shoot at the same time. The guns are set to have authentic bullet belt size and you will both be given the amount of bullets that 1 ammo belt would contain. The amount of bullets you have left shows on the side of the gun," said Connor.
Agent sits at the other LMG and gets ready. I get ready as well.
"You will start when the first target appears," said Connor.
I look through the sight of the LMG and wait for a target. It was really quiet as everyone is focusing on me and Agent.
"Ready to give up your browning to me?" asked Agent.
"Over my dead body," I said.
A target appears over a bolder and me and Agent start firing at it. Several other targets appeared from half covered spots and me and Agent raced to hit them. It was tough to know who hit what target but I just went with my gut.
The amount of targets Springing all over the place is overwhelming. I'm taking short controlled sprays at groups of the targets while Agent is spraying away beside me. He only paused shooting once or twice for a second.
"10 seconds left!" Yells Connor.
I get the urge to do what Agent is doing and go all out spray. I resist the urge and continue with my short controller bursts.
"Time!" said Connor.
Me and Agent stop shooting and go over to Connor. Connor looks at a computer monitor to see the results.
"Well?" said Agent anxiously.
"Connor don't say until they sit back down at there LMGs" said JJ.
I go back the the LMG and sit at it.
"Just tell me, what's the point in sitting down," said Agent.
"Just sit down Agent and you will be told," said JJ.
Agent lets out a deep sigh and says "what ever," Then sits at his LMG.
"It was very close, but Agent won with 1 more kill then Breaker," said Connor.
I feel disappointed beyond scale. I look like an ass and now Agent is the new squad gunner.
"Ill gladly take your browning Breaker," said Agent with a giant smile.
"Fuck off you're not touching my browning," I said.
"You lost. You won't be needing it anymore so you may as well hand it to me," said Agent.
I stand up and get in Agents face and say "if you say 1 more word about it. I'll beat you down, and I won't hold back this time,"
"Enough guys!" said JJ.
"Go ahead. Say it Agent. Make my day," I said ignoring JJ.
"Alright break it up," said Julius Stepping between us.
"I'll go pick out a browning at the armoury now. Be right back," said Agent.
"Sit down at your guns! I haven't decided who will be the squad gunner," said JJ.
I go back to my LMG and sit down.
"I fucking won! You said who ever wins will be the squad gunner!" said Agent.
"Those words did not come out of my mouth. And you criticized Breaker for being a loose canon and not listening. Your being a hypocrite," said JJ.
"We are not in a real battle right now so It's not the same!" said Agent.
"You're still not listening to me, your squad leader. Now sit at your LMG," said JJ firmly.
"Whatever. Your just gunna say Breaker is the squad gunner because you like him more," said Agent sitting down at his LMG.
"I'm going to give a completely unbiased choice with reasons. I choose Breaker to be the gunner," said JJ.
"I knew it," Interrupted Agent.
"Listen. Yes Agent you had 1 more kill then Breaker. But there is more to being the squad gunner then killing people. These targets aren't shooting back like real hostiles do. I have seen Breaker stay true under fire. Also you waste your bullets Agent. Breaker was conservative and has more than double of the bullets left over from the competition," said JJ.
"The gunner isn't supposed to be conservative! It's supposed to suppress the enemy's and keep them from taking good shots at us!" said Agent.
JJ presses a button and more targets appears in the target range and I quickly grab my LMG and start firing at them. Agent takes a couple seconds but he does it too. Unfortunately for Agent he ran out of ammo in just a few seconds. I continued to fire and JJ pressed a different button stopping the targets.
"Agent your whole squad is dead. You had no ammo to hold back the second wave. Breaker did," said JJ.
"You can't just add another wave without telling us! I knew I had enough ammo to last the whole round. If I were to know that you would pull that shit I wouldn't have used that approach. I expected it to just be the 180 seconds and that's what I prepared for. You changing it is just unfair," said Agent.
"That is why you lose. In real life you can't expect the enemy to play fair. They don't give you a heads up when they come to kill you. You think I had this test just to see who can hit the most targets? No, how you go about it is what I was looking for," said JJ.
"It's a contest! I didn't know I was trying to make this a real simulation!" said Agent.
"You will not be the squad gunner Agent. Breaker will remain the squad gunner and that is that," said JJ.
"It's just because you like Breaker more! Admit it!" screamed Agent.
"No, I have many reasons. Now calm down," said JJ.
"Well tell me!" screamed Agent.
"I don't have to tell you anything, But if it will shut you up I will. First of all Breaker has proven as the squad gunner in live combat, you have not. It doesn't make sense to fix something that isn't broken, especially since that leaves Breaker with being squad sniper which is the worst role he could have. You do well as the sniper anyways so there is no reason for this dispute. It's not that you made a bad argument about you not treating this like real life, since it is a terrible simulation. The last reason and the one I knew from the start. You know that it wouldn't make sense for you to be gunner, you just wanted to rattle Breaker by beating him and dethroning his role," said JJ.
"Well Breaker was being cocky and I feel he deserved to be humiliated," said Agent.
"You want to humiliate me ehy? Then let's go, man to slave," I said.
Agent swings his fist at my head and I lean back and dodge it. Suddenly out of nowhere Alfeo interrupts the fight by getting between us.
"What is the meaning of this," said Alfeo.
Agent says "I'm sick and tired of everyone taking Breakers side! No one ever takes my side! And he called me a slave!’
"I know, I saw and heard everything," Interrupted Alfeo. "shameful. Both of you. You are blood brothers. In all of my experienced I have never seen such hate between comrades. I thought Julius and Bert were bad, but you guys raised the bar.”
Alfeo looks at Breaker and Agent and says, “Breaker skin is nothing but a trick of the eye, I better not hear that again. Agent, I understand you have been through a lot of pain. But that is no excuse for going through such lengths to hurt a comrade.” Me and Agent exchange death glares. "Now shake hands and let that be the end of it," said Alfeo.
Agent reaches out to shake my hand. I look into Agents eyes and say "i do not shake hands with slaves," Then I turn to walk away.
I feel a hand grab my shoulder and I aggressively turn around and swing my fist. I expected it to be Agent but it was Alfeo who caught my punch. He shakes his head with disappointment.
"Let go of me," I said trying to pull my fist out of his death grip hand.
"Come with me," said Alfeo as he lets my fist go.
"Everyone just leave me alone," I said walking away.
"I said come with me," said Alfeo in an aggressive voice.
I ignore Alfeo and keep walking. I hear a foot step behind me and I assumed it was Alfeo coming to stop me. I run as fast as I can away and I didn't look back.
I run past the perimeter of the base and didn't stop. I ran as far as I could as fast as I could until I could no longer run. I drop to my ass to catch my breath.
My terrible cardio is kicking my ass right now but it will give me plenty of time to think about what just happened.
I thought about what just happened and I realized that Agent got what he wanted. He did but he didn't. I got humiliated but by my own fault not his, and I realize how awful I was to him.
After I catch my breath i'll go back to base and apologize. I feel terrible for what I said. I try my best to stop myself for taking things that far but sometimes when I'm in a bad enough mood I stop thinking.
I had enough time to catch my breath. I'll start heading back to camp now.
Suddenly I hear a slow dramatic clapping and a voice that I hoped i’d never have to hear again.
"well-well. If it isn't the little dog that thinks he can speak out of turn,"443Please respect copyright.PENANAHKMLJE7sps