"Long time no see," said Wetherby with a psychotic smile.432Please respect copyright.PENANAwRTwQO0K8U
"Good-day sir," said Poopstain.432Please respect copyright.PENANARQKz6wq14b
"Good day indeed. It's sunny, the air is fresh and I was enjoying a freshly made coffee. It was then that I noticed you guys," said Major Wetherby sipping some coffee.432Please respect copyright.PENANAX73ISgmAVf
"So what was the deal with the mission sir?" asked Poopstain calmly trying not to get Wetherby worked up.
"Ah yes. You see captain, it was a simple case of German infiltration. The pilot was a very clever German who killed the other pilot and himself afterwards," said Wetherby "word of you guys must be getting out,"
"How could something like that happen sir? It's not as easy as putting on an outfit and calling yourself an allied soldier," said Poopstain remaining calm.
"It is a good question indeed that I am looking into myself. I put my investigations on hold short-term and I came here to wait for the soldiers who crashed," said Wetherby.
"How did you know that we survived the crash and that we were going to find our way to this specific base, sir?" questioned JJ.
"Just a feeling in my gut you know?" said Wetherby.
Poopstain gives JJ a look that I understood as him saying "I told you to let me do the talking,"
The thing that bothers me right now is how Wetherby is acting. Right now he is being very classy and calm with his words. Much different than the last time I saw him.432Please respect copyright.PENANAfMAvgzo1vE
I get a flashback of the night when he had me whipped. I can feel the lashes in my back again as if they were happening this moment.
"Hey," said Kyle snapping me out of the flashback "you good?"
"Yeah," I said.
"Boys if you don't mind, could you please not interrupt me," said Wetherby in a kind voice.
"Sorry sir," said Kyle.
"Apologies accepted my boy, now as I was saying. I'm sure you will be pleased to hear that you will be taking an aircraft back to HQ right away," said Wetherby.
Poopstain hesitates to respond likely because of how our last trip planned by the major went.
"Don't worry. I'll be personally accompanying you guys," said Wetherby with a creepy smile.
"Is there any news on how general Sexy is doing?" asked Poopstain.
"You fail to respond to my comment and I don't appreciate that. but no worries this time captain. I completely understand. You are very close to the general and it's natural to be worried. That being said I have grave news," said wetherby in a soft voice.
"What news?" said Poopstain expecting the worse.
"Things seem to be taking a turn for the worst for the general. He isn't likely to persevere this battle," said Wetherby sincerely.
Poopstain’s face goes white as snow and looks as if he is under a spell.
"Forgive me for not giving you time to mourn but we must be going now," said Wetherby sincerely.
Poopstain doesn't respond and has a blank facial expression.
"I will give you some time alone. I shall meet you on the Chinook. Try not to keep me waiting too long captain," said Wetherby sincerely.
Wetherby walks away and Poopstain has the same blank expression.
"I'm sorry Poopstain," said JJ putting his hand on Poopstain’s shoulder.
Poopstain doesn't respond right away.
"You know what's fucked up?" said Poopstain still in shock.
We wait for him to answer.
"Very very few people knew that I and the general are close. He must have done some real digging to have known that," said Poopstain.432Please respect copyright.PENANAYmQ6cQhp3T
"Does anyone know if Wetherby is bipolar?" I asked.
"I wouldn't doubt it. Last time we saw him he was calling us names and whipped Breaker. Now he is kind and is acting as if that never happened," said Agent.
"Let me tell you that I haven't forgotten, nor have I forgave him for that," I said.
"Guys let’s get to the chinook before he gets impatient and does that again," said Poopstain.
We make our way to the Chinook and I can feel the morphine wearing off so my leg pain is slowing my pace. I also feel uneasy about going into the air again. Even with Wetherby with us I still don't feel safe.
"I'm so tired," said Sean.
"You can sleep when we get to the helicopter Sean," said JJ.
"You seemed fine earlier," I said.
"I felt fine earlier, but now I just want to have a nice long nap," said Sean.
"Weird," said JJ.
"It's going to be weird having Wetherby listening to us talk the whole ride," said Kyle.
"I refuse to talk in front of him," said Connor.
"Same," responded Agent.
"Well if he talks to you make sure you respond. These high-rank leaders are rather sensitive," said Poopstain.
We arrive at the aircraft and Wetherby is waiting outside of the ramp.
"Timing is perfect, I was just about to get upset," said Wetherby.
"Sorry about that boss," I said flattering Wetherby to keep him in a good mood.
We get to our seats and strap ourselves in.
"Ready for takeoff captain?" asked Wetherby standing in the cockpit.
Poopstain does a quick head count and gives Wetherby a thumbs up.
The helicopter lifts off the ground and I start to feel queasy.
"I will let you boys chit chat amongst yourselves. I shall sit up here with the pilot to ensure everything goes smoothly this time," said Wetherby before he closes the cockpit door.
"Well that makes me feel better," I said sarcastically.
"I know right?" said Agent.
"Poopstain what are you going to do when we land at HQ?" I asked.
"I'm going to check up on the general and make some calls to close friends," said Poopstain.
"Your old comrades you mean?" I asked.
"Yeah. If you don't mind Breaker, I'm not in the mood for talking," said Poopstain.
"I understand," I said.
"What will you do when you get back to HQ Breaker?" asked JJ.
"I haven't decided yet, what about you?" I said to JJ.
"Dunno," said JJ.
"Sick brah. That's how cool kids do it," I said.
"hell yeah it is," said JJ.
"What about you guys?" I asked Armaan and the others.
"I'm going to find a buffet and eat my body weight in wings," said Armaan.
"I think first we need to report our mission details," said Luk laughing.
"Shit that's right," said Armaan.
"Kinda important, just kinda," said Mitchell humorously.
"Well I'm likely going to be relaxing and reading my book," said Adam.
"Oh, Adam. When will you learn the horror that is books," I said.
"Books are good dude. It makes people smarter and it helps eyesight," said Adam.
"Adam reading books does not have anything to do with your eyes," said Luk.
"Yes, it does dude. My doctor once told me I would probably need glasses. But then I read a lot of books and now my eyesight is better and I never need glasses," said Adam.
"Maybe your doctor was a retard," said Luk.
"How can a doctor be a retard? He's a DOCTOR," questioned Agent.
"Who asked you fag?" said Luk.
"I don't know how doctors are in Canada but in America, you can't be a doctor and retarded," said Agent.
"Doctors in America don't need to know anything. All you Americans have the same problem, too much McDonald's," said Luk.432Please respect copyright.PENANARzvY9F0QAp
"Dude that's just a stereotype!" said Agent aggressively.
"Hey, I wasn't the one who built a McDonald's on every block," said Luk.432Please respect copyright.PENANAt0IDRaH4w2
Everyone other than Agent laughs, even Poopstain had a chuckle.
"Agent here's a great tip. Do not ever... try to verbally fight Luk... You. Will. Always. Lose," I suggested.
"What else am I supposed to do? Just take it?" said Agent.
"Yeah, he will stop if you stop," I said
"JJ are you going to let him just bash America like that?" said Agent.
"Pretty much," said JJ.
"Some patriot you are," said Agent.
"He is just trying to get under your skin, what is the point in fighting? Like Breaker said you can't win," said JJ.
"Well one of us can't win, but two or more can," said Agent.
I start laughing to myself.
"What?" asked Agent.
"Here's the thing Agent. It doesn't matter if it's the two of you or all of us. Luk can't be verbally beat," I said.
432Please respect copyright.PENANAQGxb5DNY9q
"Maybe you should like, stop," said Mitchell to Agent.
Agent wants to say more but he decides not to luckily for him. I have seen first hand what Luk is capable of.432Please respect copyright.PENANAxDqNwK3sho
"By the way Poopstain, I'm sorry for questioning you back in the German jeeps. I didn't realize you were a seal," said Agent.
Poopstain doesn't respond, he didn't even seem to hear what Agent said. Agent looks at me and I shake my head to signal that it's not the time to talk to Poopstain.432Please respect copyright.PENANAMME7lKZPtw
"So Agent, tell me about your family back at home," I said changing the subject.
"What about them do you want to know," Agent replied.
"Like your siblings and parents and shit. Anything," I said.
"Well my parents are divorced and I live with my dad. My mom isn't very mentally stable and there was an incident recently. She now lives in Costa Rica. I live with my dad and my younger sister Sophia. We sort of struggle to get by sometimes due to lack of money. My dad was just laid off recently because his boss hated him," said Agent.432Please respect copyright.PENANAp6s5NwDexW
I want to ask about the incident but I'm not sure if I should. He is giving me mixed signals, he somewhat seems like he wants to be asked about it. But if I'm wrong and ask it could make for the awkward situation. So decide to not ask. 432Please respect copyright.PENANA3IQLqPRzu6
"I don't mean to be racist or rude but was it because your dad is black that his boss hated him?" asked Adam trying his best not to offend Agent.
"My dad is white, dude," said Agent.432Please respect copyright.PENANAAuIjkG6mhm
"Sorry I just assumed because... i'll shut my mouth now," said Adam.
"Well you shouldn't assume shit," said Agent.
"I guess your mom is black then... Gross," I said wanting to piss Agent off.
"What do you mean gross?" said Agent.432Please respect copyright.PENANAJMzGvDbOkz
432Please respect copyright.PENANAV07nWrxxAC
"Black chicks are ugly as fuck," I said.
"Yeah they are hideous," said JJ.
"I think they are attractive," said Agent.
"Nigger chicks are nasty," said Andrew taking things too far as he always does.
"Yeah," agreed Ashton.
"I really don't see what you guys have against them," said Agent surprisingly keeping his cool.
"Your dad must have been on drugs when he met your mother," I said pushing a little further.
"Dude it's your opinion. Not everyone's," said Agent getting a little worked up.
"I don't know a single white dude who likes black chicks," said JJ.
"Well, I do! My dad!" said Agent.
“Is he retarded?” asked Andrew.
Andrew, JJ, Destroyer, Ashton all laugh. I didn't laugh because I feel kinda bad for taking it this far. This played out a little differently in my head than it just did.
"Your fucking ass holes!" yelled Agent.
"Well you're a fucking nigger!" said Meg.
"HEY!" Yelled Poopstain so loud that my ear is ringing.
Everyone goes quiet.
"What the fuck is wrong with you. We are all comrades here. I believe in making fun but you do not. I repeat do not. Call a fellow comrade a nigger. We are all brothers, if he is a nigger. Then you are a nigger too," said Poopstain aggressively. "is that clear?"
We nod our heads and no one said another word for the rest of the flight.
We arrived at HQ and we get out of the helicopter.
"Well, we gotta go do our report now. See you later mang," said Armaan giving me a bro shake.
"See you around guys," I said.
Armaan and the rest of his squad walked away.
"Where did Wetherby go?" asked Destroyer.
"Good question," said Poopstain.
"well what do we do now?" asked Destroyer.
"Get some rest. I'll catch up later," said Poopstain.
"Where are you going?" asked JJ.
"Going for a walk," said Poopstain walking away.
"Suites yourself," said Destroyer.
We start heading towards the barracks and I notice that Agent is upset. It's to be expected when a joke is taken too far like that. Also when you're ganged up on by your comrades. I know the feeling believe it or not432Please respect copyright.PENANAZS0WWGwkK3
"Agent. You know we were just playing right?" said JJ.
"Just Fuck off," said Agent.
"Woah, who pissed in your cornflakes?" said Andrew.
I hit Andrew in the chest and shake my head letting him know to shut his mouth.
We arrive at the barracks and we take off all of our gear and relax.
"Still haven't gotten that patched up yet Breaker?" said Destroyer looking at my leg
"I forgot about it," I said.
"Well let me deal with it now," said Hunter getting his med kit.
"It hurts to much to run away so I guess I'm fucked," I said.
I lift my pant leg up and Hunter looks at the wound.
"The bullet is still in your leg and it healed over it," said Hunter.
"That's good isn't it?" I asked.
"Uh, no. We have to reopen it and take the bullet out," said Hunter.
"If it's healed why does it matter?" I asked.
"Because bullets are led. Duh," said Hunter.
"Hunter he lost a lot of blood already. You need to take him to the base hospital for that. You can't perform surgery," said JJ,
"But-but I wanted to try," said Hunter pouting.
"Wait where the hell is Terminator and Kira?" asked Destroyer randomly.
"They went with Armaan and them smart one," said Agent still angry.
"I didn't even get to say goodbye," said Destroyer pretending to cry.
"Shit, I feel like a dick now," said JJ.
"Now?" said Agent.
"Agent don't be a crybaby. It was taken to far I agree but don't hold a grudge," said JJ bluntly.
Agent storms out of the barracks without a word.
"Maybe that wasn't smart," said Destroyer.
"Well he needs to grow some balls," said JJ.
"I feel bad guys," I said.
"I feel shitty too but fuck. Someone had to say it," said JJ.
"I thought that was sorta funny," said Andrew.
"Shut up meg," I said.
"Well let's get you to the base hospital Breaker," said Hunter.
The morphine no longer has any effect on me and the pain in my leg is too excruciating to walk on.
"Breaker I got you covered," said JJ putting my arm around his shoulder to relieve pressure on my bad leg.
JJ is much taller than me so I couldn't put my leg closest to him on the ground if I tried. Which is a good thing because I'm not good at remembering to stay off the leg.
Everyone other than Agent came with us to the hospital. I wonder where he is right now. I feel bad for what happened but JJ was right. The way he said it wasn't the way he should have though.432Please respect copyright.PENANAsJqlJjL0w5
We get to the base hospital and I'm taken to a room. The nurse said only one person could come in with me so only me and JJ are in the room.
"You will be a great father," I said humorously pushing my stomach out to look pregnant.
"Depends if its a boy, or an abortion," said JJ playing along with the joke.
We laughed for a moment and the doctor walked in. Surprisingly the doctor was a woman.
"If you don't make it. I'll tell the others you died wrestling a bear," Whispered JJ making fun of how my doctor is a woman.
"So you need that bullet out ehy?" said the doctor.
"I guess. I think it would be fine but my medic said otherwise," I said.
"He is right you know, you could go blind if that is left in your leg," said the doctor.
“A bullet in my knee can make me go blind?” I asked.
"Lift your pant leg up please," said the doctor.
I lift my pant leg up and she sees the wound. She shakes her head and says "this is why children shouldn't be fighting in war. Every day I see children younger than my own injured. Children just can't handle it,"
"I'll have you know that we are the ones that captured the first radar station in Germany. So speak for your own kids," said JJ.
"That was you guys? I heard it was kids that did that, but I expected like 18-20 year olds! Not this!" said the doctor.
"Can you just get this out of my leg," I said.
The lady hooks up a blood transfusion to me and gets everything prepared.
"Normally we don't do this. But since you're so young i'll fully put you to sleep for this," said the lady.
"Umm, ok?" I said not really knowing what she meant.
The lady opens a drawer that was completely empty. She looked confused which tells me that it isn't common for the drawer to be empty.
"Weird they are normally here," said the lady.
Wetherby walks into the room out of nowhere.
"I am incredibly sorry about your injures Dylan. As well as the whipping I gave you. You see, I was in a bad mood that day. I had to drop everything and hop on a plane when the general became unwell. Not that it's an adequate excuse. But please accept my apology," said Wetherby.
"No problem boss," I said.
A nurse then walks into the room with a cart and says "here are the new needles, where would you like them?"
"Right there is fine," said the lady.
She opened a drawer in the cart and took out a needle.
"Oh you mean actually put me to sleep. No thanks i'd prefer if you saved that needle for someone in need," I said.
"You have earned it Dylan. Just let the lady do her job," said Wetherby.
"Im allergic to needles," I said.
"Well we can't even numb your leg then if that's the case," said the lady.
"Just do it without numbing me, I can handle it," I said.
"You're more brave than most of the fully grown men that come in here," said the lady smiling.
"He sure is," said Wetherby.
"Ill need you two to hold him down while I do this," said the lady.
Wetherby and JJ hold me down while the she reopens my wound. It doesn't hurt nearly as bad as getting the python bullet out. But it still hurts like a bitch. She uses pliers to pull the bullet out and stitches up the wound. Then she wraps my leg In bandages.
"All done. You did very well. Id give you a sucker but I have a hunch that you have too much pride for that," said the lady smiling
"If you got a red one i'd totally take one," I said.
The lady laughed and pulls out a bowl of those typical doctor suckers. The green/white/orange ones.
"Im ok," I said.
The lady laughed again. She then handed me some crutches and said, "stay off the leg so the stitches don't open up,"
I got to my feet and used the crutches to leave the room. I forgot about the blood bags and stuff that I'm hooked up to and I almost made a huge mess.
"Let me unhook you first," said the lady laughing once again.
She unhooked me and then I left the room. I crutch my way to the waiting room and see everyone including Agent waiting for me.
"Breaker! Hows your leg?" asked Sean.
"It's fine. wait where is Destroyer?" I said realizing that everyone wasn't there
"He's getting checked up on his wounds," said Agent.
"He was hurt pretty bad, I feel like a bitch since he walked here fine and JJ practically carried me," I said.
"You can't be a bitch, you didn't even get your leg numbed," said JJ.
I hear someone walking behind me that I think is Wetherby.
"Im allergic to them, not like I had a choice," I said.
"Well I must be going now. I have plenty to do and a shortage of time. I shall see you later," said Wetherby leaving the hospital
Destroyer comes from a room pale as a ghost.
"You don't look so well Destroyer," said Agent.
"I don't feel so good," said Destroyer.
"You looked fine before we got here man," said Andrew.
"I felt relatively fine," said Destroyer.
"I don't feel so great either," said Agent.
"Let's get back to the barracks and get some rest. That should make you guys feel better.” I said.
We leave the hospital and head towards the barracks.
"two questions. How are you allergic to needles and didn't say anything at first. And how come you told Wetherby your real name and not us," JJ asked me.
"I'm not, and I didn't," I said.
JJ gives me a concerned look.
"So what is your real name Breaker?" asked Sean not realizing what was just said.
"Dragon warrior," I said not wanting to say my name out loud.
"So what about being allergic to needles?" asked Destroyer.
"Well they were going to give Breaker a needle to put him to sleep for the operation. Then he said he was allergic to them," said JJ.
"Im confused," said Destroyer.
"I think we all are," said Agent.
"So are you allergic to them?" asked Destroyer.
"No, I said that so they wouldn't pressure me to take the needle," I said.
"Why didn't you want it?" asked Agent.
"Because I didn't trust Wetherby. Something you guys should know about me is have slight paranoia," I said.
"What, did you expect him to stab you to death with the needle in front of JJ and the doctor?" said Agent sarcastically.
"You never know," I said.
"That's ridiculous man," chuckled Agent.
It was nice seeing Agent smile. I was starting to believe that he would never smile again.
I can't keep up with the others with my crutches and I start to fall behind. JJ saw that I was struggling to keep up and he waited for me.
"Go on guys i'll see you there," I said.
"Suits yourself," said Destroyer.
Everyone walked ahead except JJ. He patiently wait for me to catch up.
"How come you didn't go with the others bro?" I said.
"I know what it's like to be alone man. And I also know how challenging it can be not trusting anyone," said JJ.
"I noticed you don't like to talk about your personal life which gave me the hint. I'm not going to expect you to share personal stuff if it makes you uncomfortable," I said.
"I don't even tell my closest friends about my home life, so it's good that you don't expect me to," said JJ.
"Me neither. But i'll be honest I would rather share with you guys then with my friends back at home. I guess it's just the fact that I'm starting from scratch and knowing that you guys can't just tell everyone I know about stupid shit I've done," I said.
"I'm not saying I feel the same but I do understand your logic," said JJ.
We get to the barracks and see Poopstain standing in front of the door.
"Sup Poopstain?" I said.
"Just waiting for an old comrade. He should be here any minute," said Poopstain.
"I get to meet another navy seal!" said Agent coming out of the barracks.
"Yes. You will get to see my whole squad at some point," said Poopstain.
"I can't wait!" said Agent.
"Only one of them could make it in today though," said Poopstain.
"Fine by me," said Agent.
"Is that your friend?" said JJ pointing behind Poopstain.
"Well if it isn't good friend Poopstain," said the man in a heavy Russian accent.432Please respect copyright.PENANAXhcAsItxxq