"Well-well. If it isn't the little dog that thinks he can speak out of turn."481Please respect copyright.PENANA7UA1tt7UYC
Oh shit, I thought to myself. I turn around and see Wetherby with an evil grin. I'm guessing this is the bad Wetherby.
I brought no weapons so I can't just kill him. He is most likely not alone so I can't just beat him to death. I could run but it's a long way to run in the open. I could play with his mind but that can be risky knowing the stability of his mind. I think my best bet is to act as if I didn't know anything about his brother and bluff.481Please respect copyright.PENANASWtCekt8RH
"Hey Wetherby, I was looking all over for you," I said hoping he will fall for my bluff.
Best case he thinks that his brother fixed up everything and that I don't know that there is two of them. In that case he would likely try act like his brother and go with what I say.
If he falls for it then I could make up something that would cause him to go to the base with me.
"You take me for a fool? I am no fool. You are the fool," said Wetherby in an odd manor.
I notice Wetherby as a whole is acting odd. His movements seem jumpy and staggered. I can't make it out but I believe he is whispering something, to himself by the look of it.
"Are you ok sir?" I said pretending to care.
"It's not me you should be worried about dog!" said Wetherby as a few German soldiers come out from behind trees.
I now have to change my approach now. There seems to be far more Germans than I myself can handle in this condition. Not having any weapons sucks.
His mind seems to be unstable and I will try use that to my advantage. My next approach will be to make him feel that he is too smart for me to handle but hold the tough guy act. This will hopefully put his guard down and make him feel like he won the battle, even though it's just begun.
"So you didn't take my bluff ehy?" I said acting calm.
"My intelligence cannot be fooled by some puny kid. I'm always 10 steps ahead of the game, if you had any brain you would have figured that out," said Wetherby.
"You underestimate me," I said.
"Underestimate means that I have overlooked the possibility that you have more options then I thought of. Like I said I am 10 steps ahead and you have no options," said Wetherby.
"Why haven't you killed me yet? You should have done it already, you will regret it," I said knowing that if he wanted to kill me, he would have done it already.
"Because that would be too easy. You and all your friends must suffer," laughed Wetherby. “You will beg for death, but death won't come,"
"Well what is stopping me from killing you?" I said wondering if he knows I have no weapon.
"You have no weapons and I have an army," said Wetherby with an evil smile.
"Good point. Now what's stopping me from running to base and getting help?" I said.
"You can't out run gunshots," said Wetherby.
"Fair enough. So what do you want me to do?" I asked acting as calm as possible.
"Ill tell you what. Since you're a child i'll give you an option. If you come with us nicely, I will torture you and only you, but ten times as bad. Or you could be a hassle, And you will die quick, but your friends will suffer," said Wetherby with his evil smile growing.
"What makes you think you can attack the base so easily? Those are special forces and you don't have much of an army by the looks of it,” I said.
"You forget that I have been studying the base and its soldiers from the inside for a considerable amount of time. I know that there is nothing special about them, mostly kids with little to no training. a few of those ex Seals may cause some issues but I'm not worried. I have the base surrounded with a mass army with the element of surprise," said Wetherby.
I don't know what to do. It seems like I can't help the base in any way at this point. If I try run i'll get gunned down in seconds. I wonder if Wetherby is bluffing due to the fact that base would have detected a mass army approaching.
"I forgot to mention. Before I left the base I disabled the radar. So it's not like they will even see us coming," said Wetherby.
I don't say anything to Wetherby. I just glance around trying to make a plan. As I scan my surroundings I notice Tharagon sitting high up in a tree watching me. Then I got an idea.
"I don't have all day boy! What will it be?" said Wetherby losing his patience.
"I'll come nicely," I said.
"Good, I told you once I would break you, but that Poopstain bailed you out. Now these soldiers will take you to what you will consider hell. It is there that I will finish breaking you," said Wetherby pointing at a group of German soldiers.
"And I told you once that I can't be broken," I said.
"Everyone can be broken," said Wetherby. “It may take some time but you will break,"
One of the Germans handcuff me and lead me away. There are two Germans behind me, one on each side of me, and one in the front. So there are five in total with me.
I Look behind me to see if we are far enough away from Wetherby. One of the Germans behind me thought I was looking at him and he said some German words and jabbed the butt of his gun in my back.
I think I'm far enough to try my plan, but it will be tricky without getting caught. I don't have much to lose at this point so fuck it.
I slowly reach into my pocket and the German on my right kicked me to the ground. They started yelling at me in German as they take turns beating me for a minute.
"What in pocket?" said a German in a heavy accent.
"Nothing. I was itchy," I said.
two Germans grabbed my arms and restrained me while another searches my pockets. He finds nothing but lint and they force me to my feet.
"Go," said a German hinting to keep moving.
We start walking again and I open my hand slightly and see the red string from the samurai dude. I look up and see Tharagon flying tree to tree following us. I let the red string go and let the wind carry it away. Luckily the Germans didn't notice the string.
After walking for about half an hour I glance around to see if the hawk is still following us. I haven't seen him so I think my plan worked.
Now to get away from the Germans is my next goal. The hand cuffs make that pretty much impossible, not that I can take on five guys at once even without them.
I notice the German in front to my left has to keys to the cuffs clipped to his belt. The clip is just a push to open clip so it won't be difficult to take the key. The key has no lanyard, big rings or anything making it bulky. So hiding it once I get it isn't too difficult. The challenging part is getting close enough to him without triggering his awareness, seeing how I'm surrounded by eyes.
There is only one way I can think that may work and I don't have time to waste to think longer. The others need me so I have to do it next chance I get.
I purposely start staggering as we walk and I hold my head with my cuffed hands acting like it hurts. the Germans that are beside me shove me anytime I get to close to them. So I pretend to collapse from dizziness. They aggressively pull me to my feet and yell at me in German.
We walk a few steps and I purposely fall on the German with the handcuffs. The German and I fall to the ground and I take the opportunity to snatch the key. The German pushes me off him and I flop to the ground.
He forces me to my feet and says, "do again and I killed you,"
"I need water," I mumbled pretending sound sick.
The German pulls out his canteen and holds it in front of my face. He takes the lid off and pours it on the ground in front of me.
I fall to the ground again pretending I'm too dehydrated to walk. two Germans grab my arms and start dragging me. I was hoping they would stop for a bit but no such luck.
The Germans who were behind me are the ones dragging me so there is no longer anyone keeping an eye on me from behind.
They drag me for ten or so minutes and I figure they must be getting tired of dragging dead weight by now.
One of the Germans let go of the arm he was holding which made half my body hang while the other one tried to hold on himself. He said some German words to the other then let me go too. I face plant into the dirt getting a mouth full of earth.
The German starts arguing with the other and the other three who weren't carrying me said something. Next thing I knew I was in the middle of a very heated argument. The German who dropped me first is getting aggressive and he pulls out a knife from his belt.
He points it at me and says something in German to the other Germans. He then raises the knife and swings it at me.
The German falls beside me with blood pouring from his forehead. One of the other Germans was putting a pistol back in its sheath so I assume he made the shot.
I wish I could understand what they are saying. From what I do understand the German who likely was the bitch that was stuck dragging me felt it was easier to just kill me and leave me. The other German stopped him which I think may mean that they are ordered to keep me alive.
The Germans have a short conversation and 2 of them go behind a bush. I guess they have to piss and I have the perfect opportunity. I use the key I was hiding in my hand to unlock the handcuffs. No one is looking at me and I see the knife that the dead German was using beside me.
There is one German to my left and 3 to my right. 2 of the 3 are pissing so they won't be able to respond quickly. I look at the German to my left and see he has a pistol in a ragged sheath on his right leg.
I look at the German to my right that isn't pissing and he is playing around with his pistol already. He will be the fastest responder and should be my first target. but if I go for him first then I have guys on both sides of me. It's a tough decision but I need to do something right now, so I just winged it.
I grab the dead guys knife from the ground with my left hand and there is still no one looking at me. I quickly spring to the guy on my left to stab him in the heart. In the same motion I get behind him to use as a meat shield from the other Germans.
I quickly take the pistol from his leg and the other German shoots at me with his pistol a few times. Luckily the pistol wasn't strong enough to fully penetrate my meat shield. I shot the German 3 times to make sure he's dead and then shoot the rest of the clip at the Germans behind the bush.
I run over to see if they are dead and they are. They both have a sub machine gun beside them that they won't be needing anymore. I grabbed one of them and looked for spare clips on the body's. Unfortunately there was none, so I took the clip out of the gun and headed back to base. Im assuming its straight back the way we came.
I hear distant gunshots in the direction I suspect the base is in. The battle has began and I'm too late to warn them personally. I hope Alfeo got the string and understood what it meant.
I believe that the base will still be able to put up a great fight. I can help by attacking the enemy's from behind, and that's what I plan to do.
I follow the sounds of war and they get louder and louder. I'm shocked with how much explosions and gunfire I hear. I guess wetherby wasn't lying about his army.
Over all the noise I hear leaves crackling behind me. I turn around with my gun ready to fire.
"Breaker!" yelled Destroyer, Kyle, Andrew, and Ashton.
"We thought you and the others were dead," said what sounded like the General.
"General Sexy?" I asked.
"Yes?" replied the General.
"Holy shit, where have you guys been?" I asked while 100 questions bounce around in my head.
"It's a long story that has to wait. My troops need their leader," said General Sexy clicking off his safety on the Thompson he's holding.
"General. Everyone thinks you're dead. How aren't you?" I asked.
"Its takes a lot more then some poison to take me out. said the General.
"Breaker, is JJ and them ok too? Like from the mission?" asked Destroyer.
"Everyone made it back from the mission, but I can't speak for how they're doing now," I said referring to the battle.
"Dylan, why are you out here alone anyways? It's not like you to run away from a fight," said Bert who I didn't realize was here.
"I didn't run from the battle. I ran before the battle and was taken by the bad Wetherby, then I escaped from his men and I came to help the base, then I ran into you guys," I said.
"The bad Weatherby?" asked the General.
"Long story. We will discuss everything after we help out the base" I said.
"Let's go," said the General speed marching to the base.
"Breaker do you know anything about what the fuck is happening?" asked the General.
"Well. The bad Wetherby disabled the base radar from the inside. Then he assembled an army that fully surrounds the base," I said.
"Was the base prepared to defend?" said the General anxiously.
"I'm not sure sir, but it wasn't when I left," I said in a disappointed voice.
"Double time!" yelled the General.
We pick up the pace following the general towards the base. I can smell the odours of war and the sounds of gunfire seem to be close.
We get to the top of a small hill that gave us the view of the battle field. We paused to absorb the shock from what we see.
The base is in pieces for the most part. Flames, bodies, blood and rubble litter the battlefield. Smoke blankets the sky like a cloud. This is only one flank of the base.
I look at the General's face and he is totally out of it. He stars blankly over the mess and I swear I can see the horrors from the reflection of his eyes.
"It's a massacre," said the General still in shock.
"We have to get down there and help, Sexy! The battle isn't over! Once the troops see you alive we will have chance," said Bert snapping general Sexy back to reality.
"The artillery is causing major problems. I want to go down too. But we need to take out the artillery first," said the General.
"I think it's coming from the west," said Bert. "Agreed. Move out," said the general running to the right.
We lazily trail behind the general, bert and Poopstain. Anyone can tell that the moral of this group is at an all time low. Other than bert and the general anyways. They are so determined even though the odds of us saving the base are very small.
"Alright we are very close. I have to get something off my mind before moving any further," said the General in a stern voice.
"Listen up!" called out Bert.
We all gather around the general and wait for him to speak.
"I assume you all know that there is a chance that some, if not all of us will perish today. and I also know that you are just kids and me and bert haven't been on the front line in a very long time. We aren't the most ideal group of soldiers,” announced General Sexy with a voice of lost hope.
Everyone feels even worse than before, I wonder what the General is thinking.
“that doesn't matter,” continued the General but in a proud and firm voice. “I've seen enough to know that age is just a number. And numbers don't win battles. I don't give a shit how old you are or how much experience you have. You are all brave enough to stand by my side at time where hope is nowhere to be found,"
I can feel the moral of everyone being raised and their heads raise up.
"Today, you will have the opportunity to see what truly wins battles. Now follow me brothers, we have a battle to win," said general Sexy charging through a thick bush. "Ooooorah!" We said simultaneously as we charge through the bush.
After running through 30 meters of bush we reach the enemy. We run out the bushes guns blazing at the unexpecting Germans. The Germans rush to grab weapons or get behind cover but no matter. Most of them died before they knew what was happening.
Less than a minute was all it took to clear out the Germans.
"Now we go help the base," said Kyle.
"Not yet. We need to make sure no one can use these artillery once we leave," said the general.
Destroyer smiles and says "I can handle that,"
Destroyer pulls out some satchel charges from his backpack and distributes them among the artillery guns.
"Good to go," said Destroyer.
"Let's get some distance before blowing it," said the General walking towards the base.
We get a safe distance away from the charges.
"We should be safe here," said Destroyer.
"Alright, take them out," said the General.
Destroyer twists the remote blowing the charges. Metal pieces shoot up in the air and fall like rain.
"Tangos!" yelled Bert.
"Get down!" yelled the General
I look to see where the hostiles are and see a force of 40 or so hostiles. I lay on the ground and bullets land all around me. Luckily the grass is thick and long which makes us hard to be seen.
"We need real cover or we are dead!" yelled Andrew.
"Hold your position and return fire!" yelled the General.
I shoot in the general direction of the hostiles hoping for the best. I only take short bursts due to only having 1 spare clip. I could really use my browning right now.
"Guys have you noticed that the smoke is getting really thick really quick," said Kyle.
"It's not smoke Kyle. It's that fucking fog again," I said.
"I was told about the fog machine, this may actually benefit us," noted the General.
We lay still in the long grass and waited. The Germans hold their fire when the fog got too thick.
"Is anyone hit!" yelled Bert.
"I think my arm got grazed!" said Destroyer.
"Fuck. How bad?" asked Bert.
"Not bad. I can wait," said Destroyer.
"This fog is really thick. Keep your eyes open," said Bert.
"It will get much worst Bert," I said.
"This is already thicker than any fog I have seen. Interesting tactic," said Bert.
"What do we do now General? We can't just wait for them to find us," said Kyle. "We have to. We will end up splitting up in this fog which wouldn't be any better," said the General.
"I can hear them coming closer," said Andrew.
"Ready yourselves!" yelled Bert.
Suddenly a bright orange light fills the area where the hostiles were. It's a light I have seen before in this exact situation. The hostiles scream as they burn alive by the flames of Connor.
"Watch out for friendly's!" yelled the General.
"Connor! Is that you!" I called.
"Breaker?" said what sounded like JJ.
"Yes! Hold fire!" I called.
"We are coming to you," said JJ.
JJ, PoopStain, Agent, and Connor appear from the fog.
"It's nice seeing you guys again," said JJ likely referring the Andrew, Kyle, Destroyer and Ashton.
"No hommo. I missed you guys," said Destroyer.
Andrew and Ashton start snickering.
"It's a shame that even in times like this. You two still act so immature," said Agent.
"Enough catching up until after the battle, troops," said the General. "Sexy! You're ok!" said PoopStain excitedly.
"Yes. But stay focused. Is there anyway to get rid of this fog?" asked the General.
"We just destroyed the machine a moment ago. The fog will start clearing up," said JJ. "Well done troops. We will wait for the fog to clear up a bit before going to help out the base," said the General.
"It's already sorta clearing up," said Agent.
"Take a few moments to gather your bearings," said the General.
The fog is clear enough now that I can see the burnt Germans. I walk over to them and collect the spare clips for the sub machine gun. "Destroyer you're bleeding pretty bad!" said Kyle.
"I got clipped. But it looks worse then it feels," said Destroyer.
Kyle rips off some of his sleeve and wraps it around Destroyers cut like a bandage.
"The base won't hold much longer Sexy," said Bert.
"I know. I'm going down, alone," said the General.
"Alone?" asked Bert.
"That's what I said. I want all of you to stay away," said the General. "What happened to what you said before!" said Bert.
"The base will fall Bert. And I don't want any of you being there when it does," said the General. "So what. You're just going to throw your life away?" asked Heroic PoopStain with anger in his voice.
"I'm going down to the base. I will fall with all those loyal soldiers who died for me in that base. It's my responsibility as their leader to do so," said the General.
"You were the one who told these soldiers that we can win. But that won't happen if you go alone. So I'm coming," said PoopStain.
"So am I," said Bert.
"We all are," said JJ.
"I appreciate the loyalty. But I must do this alone," said the General.
"We can save the base sir, the battle isn't lost," I said.
The General hesitates to respond.
"Sexy," said Bert.
The General looks at Bert.
"I'll fight this one, last battle with you. And if it be the battle that ends me. Then all is well," said Bert.
"The ship is sinking Bert. The captain always goes down with his ship. No one else needs to die," said the General.
"And the crew always goes down with their captain," said Bert
"We are just a handful of men. Not even men, kids," said the General.
Me and the rest of us "kids" lower our head in disappointment. The same man who had faith in us earlier, just lost all hope.
"Remember that we hand picked these kids to be together for a reason Sexy," said PoopStain.
"I remember alright. These are the most gifted and courageous kids that North America has to offer. But we didn't get to train them like we hoped," said the General.
"Keep in mind that we picked them because of their natural ability," said Bert.
"Did you see what is happening out there! No natural ability can stop a massacre!" snapped the General.
"Not head to head. But we are behind the enemies with the element of surprise. And we have you Sexy. Once the men on the inside see that the general lives and fights, they will be inspired," said Bert. “We can win this fight!”
"Enough of this shit. I have friends in that base waiting for my return. I will not abandon them," said JJ aggressively.
"I'm with you," I said.
"Same" said Kyle and Agent
Andrew, Ashton, Connor and Destroyer step forward showing that they are with him too.
"Well General? You coming?" said Bert.
The general smiles and says "you're all great men, unfortunately it's most likely I won't get to see all of you alive at the end of this. It's not that I ever lost faith in you, it's just, I've been in this situation before and I lead so many young lives to their death,"
"That was different" said Bert
"I realize that now. Fuck everything I said regarding kids,” said the General. “There are none here, all I see is men. Men who have persevered through missions deemed impossible. You should all know that there is no group of men, that i'd rather die along side with. And if this be my last battle on this earth, i'll see you all in the afterlife. Now let's go save our friends,"
Everyone lets out a loud war cry and charges towards the base through the fading fog.
We come across some unfortunate Germans that weren't expecting us. We opened fire but didn't stop the push. I gunned down around 5 before getting within melee range.
My clip runs out of bullets and there is a German in front of me so I bash him with the but of my gun. He falls to the ground and JJ kills him while I reload. Next thing I know we are in the middle of a spread out company with hostiles on all sides.
I finish reloading and I hear JJs Thompson clicking, I guess it's empty. I shoot the guys he was aiming at and said "JJ reload, i'll cover you!"
JJ reloads his gun and says "maybe running into the middle of a company wasn't the best thing to do," Agent comes finds us as he realized that we have hostiles on all sides.
"Back to back," said JJ.
Me, Agent and JJ put our backs together so that there are no blind spots.
"Make sure you don't shoot the general or any other friendlies," said JJ.
"Got it," said Agent.
"Agent, I gotta get something off my chest," I said to Agent.
"Can't it wait?" said Agent shooting at a German.
"Not really. I will probably die today Agent and I want to die with some peace," I said.
"I figured saying sorry would hurt your pride too much," said Agent.
"Knowing that my last thought on this earth would be the horrible things I said to a comrade isn't worth any amount of pride. I am pride driven, but even I have boundaries," I said.
"You consider me a comrade?" said Agent.
"I say things that I don't mean when I'm mad. Don't take it to heart," I said.
"It's alright dude let's just try survive this battle," said Agent.
"Holy shit," said JJ.
Me and Agent look over and see a huge German. He looks about 6 foot 9 and over 300 pounds and the biggest man I have ever seen.
"I have no bullets left!" said JJ as the huge guy approaches.
Agents aims his rifle at him and pulls the trigger.
"Fuck," Agent weeped.
I try shoot at the huge guy and only one bullet comes out. The bullet hits him in the arm and he barely flinched.
The three of us stand in shock as the big guy slowly gets closer and closer to us. I notice he is holding a custom made gun so he can fit his finger in the trigger hole. He must be a bad shot because he is coming really close before shooting us.
Suddenly Andrew and Ashton came in to save us. Ashton rolled to the left of the huge guy while Andrew stayed and the right. They simultaneously unloaded their clips into him, even as he was falling to his death.
A German charged Ashton and Ashton kicked him in the nuts. The Germans dropped to the ground and him and Andrew kick the shit out of the German.
JJ walks over with his colt and says, "Vi do la misericordia."
*JJ shoots the German in the head*
I look for other signs of life and I see Bert, Heroic PoopStain and the General fighting as if they could read each other's minds. The teamwork was something to admire for sure. I wonder if me and JJ will ever be like that, now that I think about it. We already somewhat are.
The nearby gun sounds come to a halt. The whole company seems to be dead. Me, JJ and Agent walk over to the General, Bert and PoopStain.
Connor, Kyle and Destroyer meet up with us just before we reached the General. The General, Bert and PoopStain came over to us.
"This is what I want to see. Everyone still breathing," said the General.
"The 3 of us are out of ammo sir," said Agent.
"Well it looks like we can make it inside the base without much resistance. We will find you some ammo there," said the General.
"Let's take a moment to catch our breath," said PoopStain breathing heavily.
"You're getting old Sexy," laughed PoopStain.
"I'm only 35. Shut up," said General Sexy.
"Holy shit you're 35? You look like you're 25," I said.
"Where do you think Sexy comes from?" said the General.
"Alright enough rest let's go," Interrupted PoopStain.
We make our way to the base and had no encounters along the way. We enter the base through the main road that has two mostly destroyed buildings on each side. A few friendlies spring out of cover and almost shot us.
"The General has returned!" shouted a soldier with enthusiasm.
"The General!" chanted many voices echoing throughout the base. The sounds of battle where blocked out by the chants.
"Yes! Let our foes know that NASF will not be broken!" called out the General.
Sean and Hunter run over to us.
"Breaker you will need this," said Sean handing me my browning.
"Did you really haul that around just to give it to me?" I asked.
"I knew you would come back and need it," said Sean.
"I told him not too, but he didn't listen," said Hunter.
"Sean, you have to stop trying to be a hero. One of these days it could get you killed," I said.
"I wasn't being a hero, I was being prepared," said Sean with a smile.
I let out a little chuckle and shake my head.
"Tanks!" yelled Kyle.
I see 4 tanks heading towards the base firing at will. A shell landed just behind us.
"Spread out!" yelled PoopStain.
Me, JJ and Destroyer run to a half destroyed building and hide in it.
"JJ this is not a good spot," I said looking around at the un-sturdy remains of the building.
"This spot isn't meant to protect us. It's meant to hide us until the tanks are close enough for Destroyer to get a good shot," said JJ.
"I love to blow shit up, but I can only shoot one shot at a time and there are 4 tanks. I'll only get to kill one before the other 3 see us and destroy us," said Destroyer. "Do you have anymore satchel charges?" asked JJ.
"No I used the last of them on the artillery," said Destroyer.
"Shit," said JJ peeking over ruble at the tanks.
"Are they staying back JJ?" I asked.
"No they are charging. There is one way ahead of the others that will pass right by us. If they come in one at a time then we may be able to take them all out without being seen," said JJ.
"I think they will learn after the second time man," I said.
"So do I, but it's all we can do at the moment. Destroyer get ready," said JJ.
Destroyer already had his bazooka out and aiming at the street.
"Almost here. Destroyer, you cannot miss this shot," said JJ.
"No pressure," I said humorously trying to brighten the mood.
The tank drives by us and Destroyer shoots it. The tank burst into flames with shrapnel flying all over.
"Wow that was big," I said.
"Yeah, I think I hit the fuel tank or something," said Destroyer.
JJ peeks over the ruble again to see what will happen next.
"Fuck," said JJ reluctantly.
"What?" asked Destroyer.
"They stopped," said JJ.
*sounds of 3 rapid tank shots*
"Get down!" Yelled JJ as several explosions blow up around us.
One explosions hit part of the building causing more of the structure to crumble. A heap of rubble lands on JJ burying half of his body in heavy stone bricks.
*JJ yells*
"JJ!" I yelled quickly trying to get the rubble off JJ’s lower body.
Destroyer throws his bazooka to the side and helps me move the rubble. "JJ!" yelled Agent running over to us with Andrew behind him.
Agent and Andrew help me and Destroyer dig JJ out of the rubble. JJ holds back his yelling as much as he could. "Almost out man, just relax," I said.
"Guys just leave me! You can get away if you leave me!" said JJ.
"Not happening!" I said.
*distant German voices*
"You have to go now!" said JJ.
"Your out. Let's go!" said Destroyer taking off the last piece of rubble off JJ.
JJ tries to stand but fails and yells from the pain.
"I cant walk. Just go without me. I'll hold them off," said JJ cocking his engraved colt.
*nearby German voices*
I grab JJ and put him on my back and he screams from the pain. Andrew, Destroyer and Agent go to grab their guns realizing that none of us was holding a gun.
A group of Germans come running past the rubble. They see us and turn to shoot us. Agent, Destroyer and Andrew scramble to find their guns.
*rapid firing gun* The Germans all drop and I see Kyle spraying his BAR.
"Come on! I'll cover you guys!" said Kyle.
I slowly run towards Kyle with JJ on my back. I suddenly feel a sharp pain in my leg that caused me to fall, dropping JJ.
JJ shot the German who shot me with his colt. He then shoots one of the 3 tanks that are just about to enter the base.
I don't know what JJ is trying to do by shooting a tank with a pistol. Although we are about to die any second from the tanks so it doesn't really matter.
JJ shoots a few more shots at the tanks. Suddenly the three tanks get pelted with explosions destroying all three of them. JJ looks at his colt then looks at me.
I don't know what just happened to those tanks. But I swear it looks like JJ blew them up with his pistol.
The General, Bert and PoopStain come out if a building from behind us. Bert helps me up and PoopStain puts JJ on his back. We run deeper into the base to regroup.
The sounds of soldiers saying "ooooorah!" starts getting louder and louder.
"Stop here," said the General.
PoopStain lightly lays JJ down on the ground.
"Did you blow up the tanks?" asked Agent.
"No, I don't know what happened there," said PoopStain.
*sound of vehicles*
"JJ can you move?" asked the General.
"Fuck no. If you gotta go just go," said JJ.
"No one is being left behind," said the General.
"Destroyer ready the bazooka," said the General.
"I would, but you see. I maybe, sorta, kinda, left it back there," said Destroyer.
A couple jeeps drive up to us from around the corner making me almost shit my pants. Untill i realize these are no Germans.
"Marines!" jumped Agent. "If we want to win this war. Us Americans have to look out for each other," said a familiar voice from one of the jeeps.
The man got out of the passenger seat of one of the jeeps.
"Captain Cucumber!" said Agent excitedly.
"The one and only. I would have been here sooner, but there were complications," said Captain Cucumber.
"As long as you're here now, that's what matters," said PoopStain.
"It seems I am the only one who doesn't know you. I am General Sexy of the North American Special Forces unit," saluted the General.
"Captain Cucumber of the United States Marine Corps at your service," saluted cucumber as proud as can be.
"So it was you who blew up those tanks earlier?" asked Destroyer.
"I brought some American engineered fire power. Brand spanking new Pershing's cleared out the whole perimeter of the base. And my infantry are clearing the base of stragglers as we speak," said Captain Cucumber.
"How did a captain get the authority to bring such a force for a personal mission," asked the General.
"Well I initially was going to bring a hand full of men and come without informing my Colonel. However my Colonel found out and I explained to him that fellow Americans need our help. He then told me to take the whole company," said Captain Cucumber.
"Its pretty much unheard of a Colonel doing something like that. Give him my gratitude," said the General.
"My Colonel and I go way back and he trusts me greatly. Before you judge I want you to know that being friends with that much of a rank difference is hard. I wouldn't expect you to understand," said Captain Cucumber.
PoopStain and the General smile and look at each other.
"We know exactly what you're talking about," said PoopStain.
"We will discuss this after this historic victory. I must go aid my troops," said Captain Cucumber.
"I'm coming," said Destroyer.
"Same," I said.
"No. You stay here with your friend In agony. You have fought long and hard, and deserve a break. Me and my men will finish this," said Captain Cucumber getting in the jeep.
"Oh ya, one last thing. I have a message from my Colonel to you General. He says, in times where the shadows block out the light, in times where hope isn't in sight. When the numbers are spread too thin, all that you need to win. Is brotherhood," said Captain Cucumber.
"Those words are familiar. Who is your Colonel?" asked Bert.
The jeeps drove away without a response.
Hunter, Connor, Sean and Ashton come from around the corner.
"There you guys are! We have been looking for you," said Connor. "Hunter! JJ needs a medic!" yelled Destroyer.
Hunter runs over to JJ and opens his med kit.
"What happened?" asked Hunter.
"Pile of rubble fell on him," I said.
"JJ, where exactly does it hurt?" asked Hunter. "My whole lower body," grunted JJ.
Hunter gives JJ a shot of morphine and says "this is all I can do bro. I'm sorry, you need a doctor,"
"Breaker. Tell my wife, she's annoying," said JJ pretending to die.
We start laughing but JJ quickly stopped and said, "it hurts too much to laugh."
"Where is Reznikov, Julius, and the brothers?" asked Poopstain.
"It's not them I'm worried about," said the General.
"Well?" said PoopStain waiting for the full answer. “Who are you worried about.”
"Where is Wetherby," said the General with a worried look in his eye..481Please respect copyright.PENANANn82RmHhk2