Jake’s p.o.v.
I sighed as I watched heartless sleep soundly before standing up and walking over to the bathroom and turning on the faucet. “I should’ve taken advantage of that kiss while I had the chance...” I mumbled before splashing cold water onto my face.
I looked at my reflection in the mirror and frowned “dammit!” I yelled slamming my hand on the counter and knocking off some pill bottles before throwing a soap bottle at the wall, I clenched my first as the room slowly filled with ice and the mirror was covered in frost.
I took deep breathes before slamming open the door and leaving the house for a walk to cool my head.
Akemi’s p.o.v.
I yawned before opening my eyes slowly and letting them adjust to the darkness, I frowned as I caught sight of Jake leaving and sighed before standing weakly and going to the bathroom.
I stopped in my tracks at the scene. there was ice and frost all over the walls and mirror, the sink was overflowing and there was a small hole in the wall from a soap bottle. My eyes widened as I rushed to turn off the sink without stepping on any ice shards.
I looked up from the mess and looked in the mirror barely catching sight of the fact I was human again, I frowned as tears filled my eyes.
I slid down the wall and sat in the cold ice and cried, “I don’t belong here anymore...” I sobbed.
After a few minutes of crying my face off I stood up and walked over to the medical bed again and grabbed my doll before making my way towards slenderman’s mansion.
Jake’s p.o.v.
I pulled myself up into a tree and leaned back as I watched the sunrise and sighed. “What am I doing...I should be taking care of heartless not throwing a damned fit” I mumbled to myself before spotting Akemi walking under the tree towards the mansion.
My eyes widened as I sat up quickly and watched her trudge through the snow.
‘I’m so dead.’
Akemi’s p.o.v.
I clutched the doll in my arms shivering as I walked closer to the mansion and looked up towards the fifth floor spotting father standing in front of the window with his arms behind his back as he watched me intently.
I shot a look towards him and walked around the back to the door that lead to the kitchen, I opened the door making sure no one was there and snuck in before tip toeing to the doorway next to the fridge and turning a corner to the stairs before running up them silently.
I opened kelly, Sasha and i’s room and ran over to my closet ripping clothes from the hanger and pulling out my suitcase before shoving them all into the suitcase and then throwing my art supplies and books into the medium sized compartment.
I zipped the suitcase and peeked out the door looking up and down the halls before making my way out again, this time tripping and falling face first into the floor causing a loud thud.
I scrambled to get up and ran back into the room before opening one of the windows and looking down knowing someone was already making their way up the stairs.
I hesitated but threw my suitcase out the window swung my legs over the window ledge and jumped, the wind whipped my hair around me before I landed in the snow.
It didn’t hurt much but there definitely was a cracking sound.
I ignored it and grabbed my suitcase and ran towards the woods again.
Kelly’s p.o.v.
I took off my goggles and my belt holding my axes before setting them on the rack next to the door when I noticed something move from the corner of my eye.
I whipped around before frowning and walking towards the kitchen, the backdoor was wide open and I glared. “When will people learn that not everyone Is immune to the cold” I growled before pulling the door shut.
I opened the fridge to grab a coke when I saw black hair turn the corner at the top of the stairs, my eyes widened as I dropped the coke and stiffened. “Heart...” I mumbled.
I picked up the coke and threw it into the trash before making my way slowly up the stairs towards our Sasha, heartless’s and i’s room and heard hangers clanging against each other from the room.
I peeked in just as heartless went to leave and I opened the door next to our room and hid.
‘What is she doing?!’
A thud sounded from the hall and then it went silent, I opened the door and entered our room. All of heartless’s clothes were gone, along with her art supplies.
I walked over to the open window and spotted her running towards the woods edge line.
‘Don’t tell me she’s...’
Kye’s p.o.v.
“Okay listen Harley this isn’t my problem so why do you keep coming to me with your relationship issues?” I asked annoyed. She glared “because your the only person here in the mansion in a fucking relationship” she snapped.
I rolled my eyes as we exited the woods and “fine, then just tell him that it pisses you off when he cheats on you.” I growled as she ran back up to me.
She groaned “he’d never listen thoug-“ “is that Akemi?” I mumbled catching sight of someone running passed us towards the woods.
Harley’s eyes widened before I stiffened “is she human?!” I yelled.
Harley whipped back towards the woods and sprinted off towards Jake’s home.
I growled “don’t tell me...”