Yawning I sat up from the infirmary bed and looked around. It was dark but my eyes adjusted to the light fairly quickly, I swung my legs over the edge of the bed and stood.
I stumbled, caught myself and then limped over to the door. When I did the door opened and Jake stopped in his tracks looking at me “your up?” He said.
I nodded and lifted my hurt leg while wobbling “barely” I replied, he smiled sympathetically and put his arm around my waist as he helped me back to the bed. “Are you hungry?” He asked, I nodded “what would you like?” He asked.
I smirked “well depends on what you can cook” I said, his eyes narrowed and then he smirked “I can cook a lot actually” he said in a sassy tone. I rolled my eyes “spicy ramen” I said, he nodded “on it. And uh...stay here that way slendy doesn’t find out your...’human’” he said before leaving.
I frowned as he left and sighed when the door shut, “‘stay here that way slendy doesn’t find out your...human..’ he acts like he’s ashamed of me...” I mumbled as I sat on the bed.
It freaked under my weight when the door opened but closed instantly with no one entering, I raised an eyebrow “hello?” I said.
My arms started shaking as it got colder in the room, it went quiet and I listened or tried to listen sense I didn’t have my elf ears anymore.
I stiffened when I heard breathing from behind me, I turned slowly just as a sharp object had shot down next to me on the bed, I screamed in horror and the person covered my mouth before pushing me down.
“Scream again and I’ll kill you” the person said, the light above flickered slightly and I caught sight of his face. I gasped for air as he tightened his grip around my neck, “k-k-kye...stop” I croaked weakly.
He growled before holding the knife to where my demon tattoo used to be, “your vulnerability will be the last thing you ever experience” he said.
I closed my eyes tightly holding in a scream when the door slammed open. Jake, kelly and pepper ran in and grabbed him from behind. “WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU THINKING KYE?!” Kelly screamed.
He growled and whirled around hitting her strain the gut with his elbow, she crumpled to the ground and dropped her axe. Pepper growled and grabbed his arm before her nails sharpened and dug into his skin, he yelled as pain shot through my arm. I screamed, kye winced and Jake ripped pepper’s hand from kye’s arm before blowing some kind of blue dust into his face.
Kye dropped and went limp “OH MY GOD YOU KILLED HIM” pepper streaked, Jake glared at her “no. He’s just knocked out. And actually you almost killed heart.” He snapped.
Her eyes widened as she looked over at me, I clutched my arm as it gushed bright red blood. “Heart I am so sorry!!” She said, “I totally forgot”
I held up a bloody hand and smiled weakly “it’s fine...”
Jake sighed and walked over to me as he cleaned the nail marks and wrapped my arm up with gauze and a suppression wrap.
Pepper helped up kelly and walked her to the bed next to me as she gagged repeatedly.
I looked at Jake who was watching me in concern, I raised my palm to his face and touched the bright blue slashes in his cheeks. He smiled as I hooked a finger over the edge of one of the slashes “that tickles” he said.
I smirked “your ticklish?” I asked, he nodded in embarrassment. I wiggled my finger slightly and he chuckled before suppressing a burst of laughter.
I smirked as kelly glanced over before pepper and kelly left, I hooked my finger on the edge of his slash again and pulled his face towards me. He smirked and leaned forward to kiss me, I placed a finger to his lips and bit my lip.
“Not until I turn back...” I said, he raised an eyebrow “what do you mean?” He asked. I smiled sadly “if you kiss me while I’m like this you could end up sucking out my soul” I said.
Fear and sadness filled his eyes and nodded “right...” he said, I smiled in encouragement and kissed his cheek “help me down?” I asked, he smiled and picked me up before setting me on my feet.
“Your so short when your human” he said, I looked up at him “yeah well that just means I can use your tallness for my own advantage” I said as I limped slightly to the door.
He rolled his eyes and followed me “where are you going?” He asked, I smiled “I want to go to the pond” I replied. He smiled and nodded before taking my hand in his.
“Then let’s go to the pond...” he whispered.