“What...” I said, he frowned and stepped out into the rainbow light making the atmosphere almost magical.
“Your father wants to destroy your whole bloodline...starting with you” Jake paused and glanced at me before looking at them from above.
I stared at him eyes wide and in utter shock “what why?” I asked, Jake shrugged and took my hands before kissing me and then disappearing in a cloud of blue.
I stood there aimlessly before running down the stairs quickly, tripping on the last step and then running into the gym and running straight into a man.
He was tall with ash blonde hair, and a crisp clean suit with- obviously- a mask.
“I’m so sorry!” I said, I could practically feel his smile from under the mask before he spoke “it’s fine, are you looking for someone per chance?” He asked formally.
I shook my head “not...in particular” I said, he nodded “I’m zodriak...and you are?” He said, I smiled “Heartless” I replied. He stiffened but nodded “nice to meet you heartless, mind if I talk to you in private?” He asked.
I raised an eyebrow “sure?”
I followed zodriak into a classroom and watched as he stood in front of one of the windows with his arms behind his back.
“So...I’m sure you already know this but Creepypasta is not your father” he said, my eyes narrowed “well no duh, he’s never been there for me anyways” I said.
He turned towards me and took off the mask, all the muscles in my body stiffened. He looked just like kye just...older.
“That’s not what I meant, I mean he’s not your biological father. I am” he explained.
I laughed nervously trying to hide the shock going through my bloodstream “that’s not possible” I said, he smirked and circled me “you haven’t noticed...? The ash blonde hair, the amount of magic power flowing through your veins...even the eyes” he said moving his bangs away from his right eye which was replaced with an upside down pentagram.
I stared shocked to the bone as the realization hit. He was right we had so many similar qualities but how was he my biological father? He had never been there and in all the pictures it was my siblings and then Creepypasta.
“I can tell you the story” he said looking at me. I nodded before sitting on one of the desks. He pulled out the chair next to it and sat down.
“One upon a time” he started “I hate fairytails” I said, he chuckled “I knew you’d say that” he replied and then looked out the window.
“When I was about 17 I died in a massacre that happened here in Massachusetts...do you remember that massacre?” He asked, I thought for a moment “yeah the massacre of the masses, I remember” I said.
He nodded “someone resurrected me after a couple of years, my brother resurrected me...my brother was mr. Creepypasta. And my cousins were the slender brothers.
Why he resurrected me? I have no idea but I came back only to haunt the hospital I took my last breathe in, that’s when I met ares...everyone made up the story that we had fallen in love and that my cousin murdered him out of jealousy when really I had killed her with my own hands.” He paused and glanced at me.
I didn’t say anything as he started speaking again.
“I killed her because I couldn’t control the powers that my brother had gifted to me when I thought I could...she was just a friend but was madly in love with my him...I loved your mother from the day I had laid eyes on her but she was already in an arranged marriage with my brother since they were both gifted gods.
So, her and I snuck out to hang out and elope” he stopped and I gagged, he chuckled “after a while she found out she was pregnant but not with my child with his child. your sister, Harley was born...and then after a couple months she became pregnant with my children...twins...you and kye...I was there for most of your life before my brother found out and your mother had to act like they were his children and I was just being the good uncle there was.
So, I had to erase your memories so you wouldn’t say anything that would give it away...unfortunately my magic only works within a certain distance and when I moved to my current mansion...he found out because kye spilled the information to him...and now...he is planning to destroy your whole bloodline.” He explained.
I stared feeling almost paralyzed before I stood up “this is all your fault...” I mumbled, his head snapped immediately to me and I growled “this was never our doing? This was all you!” I yelled before picking up part of my dress and running from the room. “TREAH NO!” He shouted from the room.
I slammed open the doors to the gymnasium only to run into Leo “heart? Is something wrong?” He asked, I glared and pushed passed him before running into the sea of masks again.
Asher caught my elbow and pulled me into a dance “what’s the rush? Going somewhere?” He asked, I growled and shoved away from him.
Tripping backwards, Jake caught me and looked into my eyes “so. Did you enjoy the story?” He asked, my eyes widened as I shoved away from him and into kye’s arms.
“Hello sis.” He snapped dangerously, I looked up at him his eyes both pure black.
“Y-you....” I stopped before I fell forward as he turned into dust, I spun around my dress sending snowflakes everywhere as I spun and stopped only for everyone to turn to ash.
My eyes widened in fear as black ooze started to drip from my eyes again and someone walked towards me.
“Well we’ll well....isn’t this a sight to see....another Creepypasta losing control of their powers...” the toxicity of the voice sent shivers down my spine as I collapsed to the ground beneath the power.
“W-who are you...” I groaned, the man crouched down and jerked my face towards his violently “why whatever do you mean darling...” he said.
My eyes widened.