Kye’s p.o.v.
“So...what are we going to do...we have no idea who killed her
And why....” I said looking at splender, he frowned “I know exactly who killed her...” he said.
I stared “who?” I asked, he sighed “slender and creepypasta were working together were they not? Therefore since Creepypasta is gone..the only person left is....” he edged me on.
I stiffened “slender would kill his own proxy?” I asked, splender shook his head “technically since all of you are in my mansion your my proxies therefore he has all right to kill someone here...” he said.
I growled and slammed my fist against the table “then he’s most likely going to start a war!” I yelled.
Splendor nodded “that’s why we locked up Taeh for now” he answered nonchalantly.
“Why do you keep calling her taeh...?” I asked genuinely confused.
He sighed “because that is her true name...given to her by your real father...” he said, I thought for a moment and then realized why she always called herself heartless.
“That’s why she calls herself’s scrambled for up to hide the true name Ssreltaeh....” I mumbled.
He nodded and looked at me “you should get some’s already 11” he said.
I nodded and left the conference room to go towards my room when a knock sounded at the main entrance. One of the butlers rushed over and opened the door only for a gunshot to slice through the air.
The butler fell lifeless and 4 people stepped into the mansion.
“Well...that was easier then I thought...” the man in an orange jacket and black mask said.
My eyes widened.
What the hell were they doing here? And why are they shooting people...wait.
I ran from the place I was standing and towards splendors office quickly before someone grabbed me from behind.
The hands gripped my shirt before tossing me across the room, I hit the wall hard blood starting to trickle from my mouth.
I looked up as the man walked towards me “filthy rat.” The voice said, I locked eyes with the man and growled “who do you think your calling a rat.” I snapped. He glared at me. “I’d shut your trap Kylan.” He said.
“I don’t think I will....” I paused.
“Eyeless jack.”