I skidded to a stop at an intersection before panting and gasping for air.
“I really need to start working out more often...” I coughed, I looked up and watched as the light turned green and I fell backwards onto a bench and groaned.
“Hey...please tell me your alive” a voice said as a warm hand touched my forehead, I groaned and opened my eyes slowly “oh good, your okay...are you sure it’s safe to fall asleep out in the open?” A British voice said.
I looked up and locked eyes with a pair of multicolor eyes that shimmered in the sunlight, I flinched and scrambled backwards a bit and he laughed.
He was tall and skinny with pale rainbow hair that fell into curls around his face and shoulders with rainbow eyes and pale blue wings that dragged on the ground.
He smirked and shoved his hands into his jeans pockets “your asking me about if it’s safe to be sleeping out in the open it’s definitely not safe to be showing off your...uniqueness out in the open” I said.
He looked at me in shock and ran his fingers through his hair “so you can see through my glammor Huh?” He said, I raised an eyebrow “what?” I asked.
He smirked “my glammor. I can change my appearance and to you I should be looking like a normal human but I guess your not as human as I thought” he explained.
I glared at him and stood up before grabbing my suitcase and starting to walk away “hey wait a second!” He called after me. I stopped and turned towards him “what.” I said.
He frowned “What’s your name?” He asked, I sighed “it’s hea- I mean Akemi” I said.
‘I hate being humannn’
He smirked “well hello Akemi, I’m Asher. Asher factory at your service” he said.
My eyes widened “wait what?! Your Jake’s friend?!” I asked, he placed a finger to my lips and chuckled “small world isn’t it?” He said, “shouldn’t you be in England ?” I asked.
He frowned “how do you know about that.” He snapped, I rolled my eyes “how else would I know about it?” I asked. He smirked “so your a proxy” he said.
I growled “not even close.”
“Then what are you?” He asked, I glared before turning away “non of your business” I replied going to walk away again. I glanced back and saw him shrug before he turned to walk the opposite direction when somebody grabbed my arm and wrenched me into the woods.
I screamed and Asher spun towards me grabbing my suitcase and then sprinting into the woods.
I bit my lip and clawed at the person who had grabbed me before realizing who it was, “BEN?!” I yelled shocked, he looked back at me as he ran and smirked.
“Sup princess.” He said, before Asher grabbed my arm and punched Ben in the face.
“Princess huh.” Asher mumbled before glaring at Ben “well well well, welcome back traitor.” Ben snapped. I ripped away from both of them and fell backwards.
Asher laughed “still considered a traitor I see. Now tell me why are you kidnapping a girl like her?” He asked, I scowled and crossed my legs before watching.
“Kidnapping? Very funny. She’s property of slendy and Mr. Creepypasta I’m just doing my job” Ben snapped.
I rolled my eyes and played with my hair, “property of Creepypasta? Hold on, are you his daughter?” Asher asked looking at me.
I growled “last I checked he was trying to kill me.” I snapped, Ben laughed nervously before Asher slapped him. “Give this message to slendy for me and splender both.” Asher paused and glanced at me.
“Tell him. That he’s gonna regret ever keeping her from splenders grasp.” Asher growled before grabbing my arm and extending his wings.
“WAIT HOLD ON I DONT LIKE HIIGHTSSSS” I screamed as he spiraled into the air holding me against him, i closed my eyes and bit my tongue as we came to a stop and started gliding through the air.
I opened my eyes slowly and watched as we glided through the air over a forest of trees and smiled slightly before becoming extremely confused. “Hold on. Where are we going?” I asked.
Asher looked at me and smirked “to splenderman’s afterall. Splender can help you out of this human monster mess” he said, my eyebrows furrowed “monster?” I said. He chuckled “demon. How about that?” He said.
I rolled my eyes “alright”
“We’re here” Asher whispered, I opened my eyes slowly and looked up at the beautiful mansion before us.
It was clean and definitely had people living it, with growing green vines and roses and a beautiful garden in front it gave it away.
Asher smiled “c’mon one let’s go see splender so he can get you fixed up” he said. I nodded.
“Well this is definitely a rare case for any demon, but I should be able to fix you up in no time” splender said, I smiled “thank you so much” I said, he nodded before a girl entered the room. She was a bit taller then me with jet black hair that was pulled in to two buns and her bangs covering her eyes. She smiled and bowed slightly “shall I show her to her room?” She asked splender.
He nodded “I hope your okay with staying here for now on” he said, I smiled “seeing how polite people are here I’d be glad to stay” I said. He smiled and nodded towards the girl.
I stood and followed the girl down the bright hallways when she finally spoke “I’m lela...I’ve been living here since I was 3 so feel free to ask me anything” she said.
I smiled “I’m heartless...and I’ll definitely take you up on that offer” I said, she giggled before I spotted a picture of a woman that looked exactly like my mother and another man on a nearby wall. I stopped in my tracks and stared.
“Who is this...”