Lela smiled and walked over “that’s Ares...she was zodriak’s wife” she said, I raised an eyebrow and looked at the picture again. “She was your mother’s twin sister, she was beautiful and an amazing singer and dancer.” Lela said.
I studied the photo for a moment “she looks human....” I stated, lela giggled “she was” I looked at lela in shock.
“So he fell in love with a human? But that’s basically illegal” I said, she frowned and nodded. “They met in a hospital...she was having heart issues and he was already dead...once they fell in love there was no stopping them”. lela explained.
I smiled slightly “how sweet...” I sighed happily, lela smiled and then clenched her fists.
“Until his cousin got jealous and tried to kill him...but Ares jumped in and instead he killed her...” lela said, I looked at her in shock.
“But aside from that let’s go get your outfit picked out for the dance later” she said. I nodded and followed her into the huge gorgeous room I’d be staying in for now on.
“So, when is splender gonna turn me back?” I asked, lela smiled as she pulled some ball gowns from the closet. “An hour before the school dance” she said.
I nodded as she showed me the three options, I observed them and frowned “I don’t really like the first two...but the second one all it needs is a bit of blue and ice” I said. Lela smiled as scissors and thread started floating behind her “lucky for you in a master seamstress” she said, I giggled as she changed it into a ball gown with a turquoise under layer and a see through teal layer on top. The top of the dress was an ombré of blues in the shards of delicately placed ice and a bow for one of the straps.
“Does this peak your interest?” She asked, I smiled brightly “why yes, yes it does” I said before a knock sounded and splendy opened the door.
“Akemi...are you ready?” He asked, I nodded as my father and kye’s plan popped into my head briefly. I shook it off and followed him to his office and through another door in the wall, we entered a small but brightly lit room with a circle in the middle that was surrounded by zodiac signs.
I raised and eyebrow as he pointed me to the circle, I stepped into the middle of it and looked at him as he joined me “take my hands” he said, I nodded.
We intertwined our fingers and he closed his eyes just as I did the same.
“Sosomme Tidiare” splendy whispered, I listened as a loud whoosh sound filled my ears like a tornado.
I felt my skirt lift and I pushed it back down only for the back to fly up I growled before my head and tailbone started to ache.
I winced as I felt the tattoo remove itself completely from my arm along with the magic circle tattoo that reappeared on my back.
I felt splendy let go of my hands just as I felt someone different take my hands and everything went still.
I opened my eyes and instantly looked into the eyes of a demon, she smiled brightly and I ripped my hands from hers.
She was about my height with long blonde hair pink horns protruding from her head along with a tail, she was wearing an oversized pink hoodie and black shorts with big black feathered wings.
She had a pink heart underneath her left cheek and a scar in her mouth with multiple freckles, her pupils were black and the iris’s pink.
I looked down at my hands as I spotted blue swirls covering my left arm from the shoulder down, she conjured a mirror and I looked into it.
My hair was boy short but still blonde, my eyes were pink but not like hers, I had a newly opened gash on the corner of my mouth and my freckles still remained. My ears were shorter but still pointy, everything was different then it used to be.
I looked at her “who are you?!” I asked, she smirked “the names Azmind, nice to meet you Akemi.” She said holding out a hand. I ignored it and glared at her “it’s heartless. And don’t expect any respect from me, I never gave you full permission to take over my body” I growled.
She giggled “fine with me, but as you have already noticed your free from my grasp so do what you need” she said before disappearing. I sighed and stood up just as splender entered the small space and handed me a cup of water.
“Thank you” I said, he smiled “your welcome, lela would like to see you here in a couple minutes so you two can get ready for the school dance” he said. I nodded.
“Oooo, I can’t wait for you to wear the dress I made you” lela said cheerfully, I smiled “I’m glad your so excited” I said as I patted some powder on my face.
She attached a hair extension onto my head so it was a bun and smiled “so got anyone special your going to the dance with?” She asked, I frowned remembering Jake and sighed “nope” I said.
She stopped working on my hair “seriously?” She asked, I nodded.
“Damn that must suck” she said as she got back to work putting in a blur tiara in my hair.
“Not really” I mumbled she looked at me and frowned before walking over to her bed and picking up a packaged box “by the way, someone came by earlier and left this on the doorstep. I think it might be a mask for the dance” she said.
I raised an eyebrow and opened the box gently before pulling out a mask. It was white and had two black cat eye slits and a black mouth with a jagged edge.
I ran my fingers over and lela giggled “have any idea who it might be from” she asked. I frowned “not a clue” I lied.
She nodded and then helped me up “well anyways let me help you with the dress since it’s so puffy” she said.
I smiled and nodded as she helped me put on the hoop skirt and then helped me pull the rest of the dress over my head. “Alright spin for me darling” she said.
I rolled my eyes and giggled before spinning, the dress fluttered outwards as snowflakes manifested. I gasped “you didn’t!” I said, she giggled “I did” she smirked before the door opened and I spotted a male about my age with blonde hair and bright blue yes one of them was like Azminds but blue and black.
“Ah hello, you must be the new recruit.” He said, i smiled “that I am” I replied, lela grinned.
“Akemi this is Leo, he’s my brother” she said, I raised an eyebrow “brother?” I said he chuckled “half brother” he corrected, “I see” I said.
He smiled “are you going to dance with anyone?” He asked, lela slapped him “don’t even you barely know her” she said, I smiled “lela it’s fine, and no I’m not why?” I said. He smiled genuinely “would you like to go as a friend with me?” He asked.
I smiled “I would love too” I replied, lela’s jaw dropped like literally dropped and Leo and I laughed.