In the morning
Verduny wake up and clean himself with magic.
"Your Excellency, Number 4 are here"
"Come in"
Number 4 come in with Verduny's breakfast
*serve the meals* "Your Excellency, you have finally awake. The soldiers have been ready a few times ago. It seems you're too tired last night that you wake up a bit late today"
*shocked* "Then I should get going now" *stand up*
*block Verduny* "Your Excellency, the soldiers can wait but your meals are already served" *determinant*
*back to sit down* "You're annoying" *start to eat*
Number 4 ignore Verduny complaint and stand beside Verduny
A few time later
Verduny finish his meals
"I'll get going now" *leaving*
*tidying the plates* "Yes, Your Excellency"
Training Area
The soldiers are running around in the area for warming up before the real training
"His Excellency Duke Amethyst entering the training area"
The soldiers stop running and kneeling
"Greetings, Your Excellency Duke Amethyst"
"Sorry to make you wait, we'll start now. Gather your position!"
Verduny summons the slime again
*flop flop flop*
Then the training begin again.
*approached Lane* "Did anything happened last night?"
*bows* "Nothing happened, my Lord"
*coming from afar* "Your Excellency, Sir Edward are here"
*turn around at Number 4* "Where is he right now?"
"He's waiting in your tent"
"Good job, now you can oversee the training again" *leaving*
"Yes, Your Excellency" *bows*
In Verduny's tent
There are Edward and Jared inside the tent
"Good morning, my Lord" *they said it together*
*sit down* "What bring you here, Jared?"
"I though you'll miss me, so I tag along when Edward want to come here" *smile*
Edward and Verduny get goosebumps
*pfft* "Why are you so serious? Anyway, I have succeed made 2 communication device that you want" *take out the item from storage ring*
Jared put it in Verduny desk, Verduny observing the device carefully
*smirk* "Good job Jared! It's perfect!"
*proud* "Of course, I was the one who made it. You should try it, my Lord"
"Then, let's Edward have the other one. I should stay in contact with Edward after all"
"Yes, my Lord" *they said it together*
"Then Edward you should drop your blood in the device too"
Edward and Verduny drop their blood in each device. Then the device glowing according Edward and Verduny main attribute. Edward device glowing with a yellowish green color and Verduny with dark violet color. After glowing for a while the device slowly dimmed.
*smirk* "Edward, wield your device and think to call me"
"Yes, my Lord" *stare at the device and think about Verduny*
Verduny device glowing with yellowish green color. Verduny wield his device, the color disperse but the device still glowing then Edward device glowing too. Edward impressed, Verduny smiling and Jared smiling proudly.
*impatient* "Edward, put down your device!"
Verduny sound are come out from the device. Edward shocked but Jared and Verduny smile weirdly.
*confused* "Yes, my Lord" *put down the device*
The two device stop glowing
"WONDERFUL!" *Verduny excited*
"Of course! Of course! Of course!" *nodding proudly*
"Jared, one last test!" *stare at Jared*
*stare at Verduny* "I know" *serious*
Meanwhile Edward confused
"Edward, give your device to me for awhile"
*still confused* "Huh? Okay" *give the device to Jared*
Jared wield the device and stare at it when think about calling Verduny. The two device not budging. Then Verduny trying to called Edward when the device still in Jared hand. Edward's device glowing with dark violet color. Jared wield the device for a bit long, but nothing changed.
*smirk* "Edward, wield your device!"
*still confused* "Yes, my Lord" *Edward pick up the device from Jared*
The color in Edward's device disperse and the two device glowing. Verduny put down the device and the two device stop glowing.
*happy* "You have a really good job this time, Jared. Make the rest of them immediately."
"Who will be the other owner of the device, my Lord?"
Verduny glance at Edward and Edward prepared to write
*smirk* "It'll be Lydia, you, Albern, Shamus, Dalton, Sebastian, my new aide and the Second Prince for now. For the prince add more ornaments on it, it'll be my gift for him on getting married."
"Yes, my Lord" *Jared agreed with Verduny*
"Edward you'll give the item to them when they're ready. Except for the prince. If I don't want other noble back bickering me, I need to give it to the prince myself and show off about my gift in front of the Emperor and other noble" *smile creepily and dark aura*
"Then I should prioritizing for the second prince device first" *passionate*
"My Lord, don't you want to give it to the Madam yourself?"
"Originally, I want to give it to Lydia myself but I won't meet her anytime soon. Even when in the prince party, Lydia will go back in the manor and I'll go back in this forest."
"Then I should give it to the Madam safely"
*nod* *remember something* "Oh, that's right. I designing a new magic item." *take out the sketch and give it to Jared*
*receive the sketch* "What's it, my Lord?"
"That's a poison detector. Even though silver can detect a poison, but there's a lots of poison that can't be detect by a silver. This detector are more difficult than the communication device. But prioritize the communication device than the poison detector."
"How much do you need, my Lord?"
"I think you'll need a whole month for make one of it. But I'll be grateful if you can make me one that I can bring in the battlefield."
"I'll try to surpass your expectations" *determinant*
"You can go back to your work now"
Jared bowing
Jared vanish from the tent
"Edward, start your report!"
"Your Excellency, my apologies to disturb you but we found someone that look suspicious" *Number 4 reporting from outside the tent*
*remember something* "Bring that person to me!" *excited*
"Yes, Your Excellency"
"My Lord, do you know that suspicious person? You look excited for some reason." *curious*
"You're really sharp, Edward. That's Anthony, Albern told me yesterday he was here."
*smirk* "Aren't you a bit fortunate, my Lord? What a coincidence!"
"Your excellency, he's here" *someone reporting outside the tent*
"Come in"
Lane, Number 4 and someone that his hand were tied back and his mouth was stuffed with cloth come in Verduny's tent
"Your Excellency, we found him around in training area"
The suspicious person was force to kneel down.
"Alright, you two can go back now. Let's Edward and I take care of him"
"Yes, Your Excellency"
Number 4 and Lane are bowing then leave the tent
"My Lord, how about take in Number 4 as your second aide? I think he's already qualified enough to be your second aide?"
*answer quickly* "No, he's really similar to you. I'll go crazy if there's two Edward."
*snap* "Aren't that good if he's similar to me? Then he can help take good care of you, my Lord" *force smile and dark aura*
*glance at Edward* *irritated* "I'll be the one that need to take the vows. If I don't want to take it, he won't become my aide and you can't force me" *glare*
*grin* "It seems you have forgotten. In the past, I force you to take my vows, right?" *sinister smile*
*cold sweat* *turn around* "Anyway, let's begin our interrogation!" *look away*
*walk toward the suspicious person* "Then, this is my win right, my Lord?" *smile*
Verduny still looking away and Edward take off the cloth that stuffed in his mouth
*gasp gasp* "Finally... I can talk"
"Who are you? Why are you here" *Edward started asking*
Verduny are surprised. Then Verduny look at that suspicious person.
*bows* "PLEASE ACCEPT MY VOWS AND LET ME BECOME YOUR KNIGHT, YOUR EXCELLENCY!" *shout out loud and look determinant*
Verduny become dumbfounds. Hearing a loud sound from inside Verduny's tent, in the blink of an eye, Verduny's tent get surrounding from his own soldiers. Then Number 4 and Lane come in.
*come in abruptly* "Your Excellency, are you alright?" *worried*
"I'm fine, there's nothing happened. Just someone crazy that dare to shout out lout at me. Edward already take care of it" *indifferently*
Everyone look at Edward. Edward's hand was above the suspicious person's head with a position that ready to chop off his head.
*glaring with murderous aura and menacing* "If it's not because my Lord want something from you. You already dead right now! How dare you to shout out loud like that to my Lord?!" *glaring with murderous aura and menacing*
Everyone become quiet and the atmosphere became darks, it's their first time watched this side of Edward. Of course it's not the first time for Verduny.
"See? Nothing happened. Continue your training now!" *glance at the soldiers*
All the soldiers bows to Verduny and continue their training. The sudden move from the soldiers make the healers shocked and impressed.
That was unexpected. In my previous life, Anthony are a smart strategize on battlefield. How come he's actually this dumb? Don't you know, you will trigger the dogs and get bitten from it if you disturb it's master? So, this is why you failed to become a knight in your hometown. And now, with all that ruckus if I easily take your vows, my dignity in my people eyes will fall down.
*sigh* "Edward, come to your sense and calm yourself."
*come to his sense* "My apologies, it just that this guy are too rude toward you"
*stare at the suspicious person* "He dare to shout at me, for the shake of my people especially you I won't go easy on him. You can rest assured."
*relieved* "Thank you for your understanding" *calm down*