The other temporary assistants sneakily approach Vincent.
*whisper* "Vincent, how are you doing with the Duke?" *Number 1 said it*
*sort the documents* "He told me to run there and there." *indifferently*
*whisper* "Really? Are you fine?" *Number 2 said it*
*sort the documents* "I'm fine, don't worry" *sorting the documents*
*whisper* "Well, the Duke is known to be strict in his job. Fortunately, we're just temporary assistants. I can't imagine myself working for him to the rest of my life. I'll gone crazy from work for sure." *Number 3 said it*
*sort the documents* "..." *ignoring them without any comments*
*whisper* "That's true, how can Sir Edward assist him since their childhood? He even choose the crazy workaholic Duke than the first prince!" *Number 1 said it*
*whisper* "What? Why the first prince?" *Number 2 curious*
*whisper* "You don't know? Sir Edward originally are..." *Number 1 said it*
"You there, what are you doing crowding there? Come here and help me!" *loudly*
Lydia shout make the temporary assistants shocked
"Yes, Your Excellency" *the three of them said it together*
The three temporary assistants continue their works. Meanwhile Vincent standing, kept the documents in storage ring that given to him from Verduny and approaching Lydia.
*bow* "Your Excellency, it's time for me to go back to the Duke"
"Oh, you done? Alright, you can come back. Assist my husband thoroughly, don't let him get too tired. Tell him to get some rest." *smile*
*salute* "Yes, I'll comply your messages for him"
Vincent bow to Lydia and heading to Hunted Forest
Hunted Forest in Verduny's tent
"Your Excellency, this are your herbal tea. Please at least drink this." *serve the tea*
Vincent come in Verduny tent
*irritated* "Yes, yes, yes" *annoyed*
*glance at Verduny* "Then please excuse myself" *bow*
The healer leave the tent
"What happened, my Lord?"
*still irritated* "I just used the artifact again. The side effect come and he want me drink some potion but I refuse then he told me to drink this tea" *pointing at the tea*
"Then you should drink the tea immediately, my Lord" *firmly*
Verduny stare at Vincent. Vincent stay calm and determinant. Verduny sighing and drink the tea.
*sip* "This tea are not bad, tell him to give me this tea again tomorrow" *continue drink the tea*
Vincent just quietly stare at Verduny
*reporting* "My Lord, it seem Lady Erin the personal guard of the Madam have an interest toward Edward" *calmly*
Verduny choked on his tea, Vincent stay calm.
*cough cough* "What?" *cough cough*
"Lady Erin seem to be worried about Edward"
"I told her to find another man. Whatever, just let them be. Anything else?" *drink the tea again*
"The Madam told me not to let you get tired, my Lord" *take out some documents from his storage ring*
*stop drinking* "She just worried about me." *start to writing*
*hesitant* "My Lord, there's something I want to know" *look at Verduny hesitantly*
*writing* *glance at Vincent* "What's it? It's rare for you to hesitant like that" *writing*
"I want to know, what is the relationship between Edward and the first prince?"
*stop writing* "Why do you ask that?" *stare at Vincent*
"I just heard some gossip about them" *calmly*
*relax himself* "Edward, he's originally are the candidates of the first prince aide just like myself and expect to be the next Prime Minister of Foreign Affairs"
*shocked* "It's that true?"
*paused for a moments* "Yeah..."
Verduny at the age 6 years old in the palace
"Hey you!" *loudly*
*turn around* "..." *ignore and continue walking*
*blocking* "Hey you little brat! I'm talking to you!"
*annoyed* "What do you want?" *glare at him intensely*
*frown* "How rude, I'm older than you and we're in the same position. You must not saying rude thing to people older than you."
*paused for a moments* "You're indeed older than me. But our position are different. I'm a duke and you're just an aide candidate" *mocking*
*shocked* "Really? Who are you?"
*ignore* "You don't need to know me" *walking forward*
*block* "Even so, we can still be friend right?" *smile* "Hello, Your Excellency. I'm Edward Peridot, the eldest son of Marquis Peridot. Let's be friend!" *extend his hand*
*stare at Edward* "You're annoying!"
Edward shocked then feel dejected
*shake Edward's hand* "I'm Verduny Amethyst, nice to meet you" *smile*
Back to the current state
"Marquis Peridot are the current Prime Minister of Foreign Affairs in this Empire. Edward was his heir. Edward got inaugurated in the palace with me and the other candidates to become the future First Prince's aide especially to become the next Prime Minister of Foreign Affairs and support the First Prince."
*astonished* "Then Edward act is a rebel again the first prince."
"Of course, I have warn him before. But he just really stubborn back then." *indifferently*
*speechless* "How could you avoid the first prince anger, my Lord?"
*smirk* "The first prince are nothing to me. But It's all thanks to second prince, I have avoid troubles of Edward becoming my aide. The Second Prince shows his geniuses, he became the crown prince replacing the first prince then declared his friendship with us. So none dare to attacked us. And with my own achievements as Rising Moon, I have become a bit special than the other high ranks nobles and none dare to touch me or my people again."
*curious* "Again? Does that mean..."
"Became my aide when he's already other people candidate aide is a reckless decision and a scorn for other nobles. Especially his father. I still remember when Marquis Peridot once come to me and I almost killed him." *smile sinister*
*shocked* "WHAT?!" *shout*
*irritated* "Don't shout..."
One day when Verduny at the age 8 years old in his study room
*writing* "Sebastian, where's Edward? He's my aide, he shall help me right now!" *writing*
"My Lord..."
Verduny and Sebastian look at the door
"VERDUNY!" *shout with rage*
Marquis Peridot barging in Veduny study room
Marquis Peridot in front of Verduny and pointing at Verduny.
*menacing* "What?" *stare intensely at Marquis Peridot*
*glare at Marquis Peridot* "Where is he?" *menacing*
Verduny floating then release a strong magical energy and a really strong murderous aura. There's a strong wind that almost like there's tornado inside Verduny's study room.
*intense murderous aura* "How dare you grounded my aide?! He's my people!!! Only I have the right to punish him!!! Do you know what stupid vow he gave me? If he break it, he'll died!!! Do you want him to die?!! And you!!! Just a mere ant dare to talk to me like that!!! I'm a Duke and you're just a mere Marquis!!! You should called me 'YOUR EXELLENCY', right?!!" *menacing and glare at Marquis Peridot*
Verduny's voice echoed and broke the whole room. Marquis Peridot frozen, he lost his balance and fall on the floor, he can't move an inch, he's even can't talk. He just stared frightenedly at Verduny.
There was thunder that began to appear in the room
"My... Lord... Please... Calm... Your... Self..."
Sebastian trying his best to control his balance and fear, and trying to calm Verduny down
Verduny prepare to attack Marquis Peridot
*frightened and scared* *trembling* "No... don't..." *trembling*
Verduny lunch an attack to the Marquis
Verduny's attack has been blocked. Verduny turn around.
*drip drip drip*
*cough* "Bro... Brother... Please... Calm down" *cough*
*shocked* "YOUR HIGHNESS!!!" *stop his magic*
All the things that flying in the room are fallen down. Meanwhile the Second prince heavily injured because blocking Verduny attack, there's blood come out from his mouth and he's gradually lost his balance. Verduny shocked and stop his attack then rush to second prince to support him.
*abruptly* "SEBASTIAN! CALL THE HEALER!" *shout*
*cough* "No... No... need..." *cough*
*tch* "Prepare a seat for him and find high healing potions immediately!"
*trying to stand up* "Yes, my Lord"
Sebastian prepare a chair
Sebastian leaving
*cough* "Bro... Brother..." *cough*
*irritated* "Shut up and sit down" *glare at second prince*
*cough* "Al... Alright" *cough*
Verduny help second prince to sit on the chair
Sebastian come back with a high level healing potion.
"My Lord..." *give it to Verduny*
Verduny take the potion and drank it to second prince. After awhile second prince conditions got better.
"Thank you, Brother" *smile slightly*
"Don't be stupid next time." *glare at Second Prince*
"Yes" *smile*
"My Lord..."
Verduny turn around
"The Marquis still couldn't move himself. Even though he just got a slight cut, he still need a healer to help him"
Verduny didn't answering Sebastian and glare intensely at the Marquis.
"Brother... Could you let me handle him?" *slowly*
"Why? I can handle him, myself!" *firmly*
*smile worriedly* "Brother, it's not the time to make another troubles. Let it be this time, I'll make sure to let him bring back Edward to you." *persuade*
Verduny quiet for awhile then he look at Second Prince. The Second prince looked determinant.
*sigh* "As you wish, Your Highness"
Back to present time
Vincent frozen hearing Verduny story, meanwhile Verduny leisurely drink his tea.
*astonished* "My Lord... Are you still sane?"
*glance at Vincent* "Hmmm... A lots of people called me crazy. What do you think?" *smirk*
"I don't dare to think about that"
*tch* "Let's continue our work" *start his work again*
Vincent sighing and continue his work