Outside Scapolite manor
"This are the Lord manor, why are you in here?" *stern*
The guard at the outside manor warn Edward and Anthony
*calm* "Please tell the Lord that the representative of Specter Company seek an audience with him." *smile*
*alert* "Wait here" *suspicious*
The guard get in the manor to report.
Inside Scapolite manor
The guard looking for someone and find Carton.
"Sir Carton!"
Carton stop and turn around
"What is it?"
*salute* "Sir, outside there's a man and his guard admitting from Specter Company that want to meet the Lord"
*shocked* "Servant, quickly prepare the best snack and tea for our guest. Tell the Lord, the Specter company representative have arrived. And I'll welcome him, myself." *abruptly*
*stunned* "Yes, Sir"
The servant going to do their works as Canton instruct them.
Outside Scapolite manor
After awhile Carton and a few servants line up in the entrance of the manor. Then the guard and Carton come out to the gates
*bow* "My apologies to made you wait, Sir. I'm Carton, Baron Scapolite aide"
*smile* "Don't worry, Sir Carton. I don't mind to wait"
Let Edward and Anthony in
*bow* "Welcome, to Scapolite manor" *they said it together*
All the servants that line up earlier bow and salute to Edward. Edward indifferently look at them and ignore them.
*observe Edward for awhile* "This way, Sir" *extend his hand*
Edward follow Carton quietly
On the way to meeting room
*looking around* "This manor look quiet elegant. Is this because this are a rural territory?"
"It's because our Lord are a modest nobles. He just want to have an ordinary manor."
"Is that so"
Edward smile secretly
In the meeting room
Baron Scapolite has been waiting in the room
*smile friendly* "Welcome to Scapolite, my honorable guest. Please have a seat"
Edward smile then walk to the chair that has already been extend by the servant. After Edward sit down, Baron Scapolite sit down too. Then the servants serve the tea. After serving the tea, all the servants leave the room.
"Please taste the tea. We prepared the best tea that we have in our territory." *smile friendly*
Edward look at Baron Scapolite for quiet a bit. Then he smile and drink the tea.
"Your tea are quite delicious. Is this for sale?"
*happy* "Of course. If you want it, we can discuss the prices"
"That's good, Lord Baron Daniel Scapolite"
Baron Scapolite and Carton shocked
*cough* "Ahem, it seem I don't need to introduce myself. Then could I ask the purpose of you coming here, Sir?"
*smile* "My name are Robert, I came here according my Master order to make some cooperation with Lord Scapolite about..."
*abruptly* "Please just called me Baron Scapolite" *uneasy*
Edward silence for quiet a bit. Baron Scapolite get cold sweats.
Commoner, subordinate and other low rank noble will called the high rank noble with "Lord" as courtesy. They can't directly called their title or name.
*smirk* "Alright, I'll call you Baron Scapolite from now on." *smile friendly*
*relieved* "Thank you. Could I ask, who is your master are?"
*glance at Baron Scapolite* "You can called him, Master Specter. He's the founder of our company. He want to make some cooperation with you, this are the proposal and contract" *take out some documents from his bag and put it on the table*
Baron Scapolite checked the documents thoroughly while Edward leisurely enjoy the snacks.
*inspect the documents* "This are quiet a big scale trade of wheats, rice, and several other staple foods. Are you in dire need of food or do you want to sell it back?" *curious*
"I'm sorry, Baron Scapolite. It's our company secret, we can't disclose it to you" *smile*
*flinch* *cold sweats* "Please pardon my rudeness, Sir Robert" *uneasy*
*smile* "No problems, more importantly do you approve our proposal?"
*relieved* "Of course, it's a fair trade after all." *sign the contract immediately*
Baron Scapolite sign the contract and proposal immediately and witness by Edward.
*smile* "Then you can send the goods to Murk Inn with this note" *take out a note from his pocket and put it on the table*
That's the note from the waitress in the inn. Edward already write 'deliver foods' on the note. The Baron look shocked and suspicious to Edward.
*smile* "Don't worry, they'll deliver the goods safely. And you can contact us thorough the inn. Happy to cooperate with you, Baron Scapolite." *standing and extend his hand to hand shake*
*sigh* "Yes, happy cooperated with you Sir" *standing and hand shake with Edward*
*smile* "Baron Scapolite, I'm sorry but I should got back and report this good news to my Master immediately"
"Then, let me escorted you until the entrance" *abruptly*
Edward, Baron Scapolite, Carton and Anthony leave the rooms
On the way to the entrance
Baron Scapolite escorted Edward to the entrance.
"Sir Robert, could I ask you about something?" *hesitant*
*smile* "Fell free to ask, Baron Scapolite"
*hesitant* "Your company, what services or trades do you usually have in your company?"
*smile* "We have anything and we can do anything"
Baron Scapolite confused but didn't dare to ask any further. They've arrived in the entrance
*turn around* "Thank you for your hospitalized Baron Scapolite. I'll put a good word about you to my Master" *smile*
Edward turn around and say farewell to Baron Scapolite.
*salute* "Thank you, Sir Robert. Scapolite always welcomes you, don't hesitant to come and visit again."
Edward just smile hearing Baron Scapolite. All the servants bows to Edward. Edward ignore them and leaving. After Edward leave for awhile, Carton approached Baron Scapolite.
"My Lord, how do you think about him?"
"He's definitely a high rank nobles. He know my name before I introduce myself, only nobles know other nobles full name. And just look at his attitude and dignity, only the high rank that have it. His smile too, we I couldn't tell the meaning of her charming smile. But I'm afraid, he's just a vassal or attendant of the real mastermind looking from his attitude."
*stunned* "How can you be sure that he's a high rank nobles, my Lord?"
"Commoners or ordinary people aren't used to got a greetings from many people. They'll react like panic or suddenly gain their excessive self-confidence. But the high rank nobles are used to it and their reaction will only stay calm or even ignore them. And his smile are a mask that cover up the cunning side of him. I'm afraid that even his face are camouflages" *thinking seriously*
*shocked* "Then, he must be a high level magician"
"Yes, the only nobles that have a lot of magicians in their territory are Amethyst Dukedom. If it's true, then his master must be the Youngest Duke in history that receiving the tittle of Rising Star at his teens age, His Excellency Duke Verduny Amethyst" *confidently*
*doubt* "Is he really from the Amethyst Dukedom? Why did the Duke of the Amethyst Dukedom want to trade a lot of foods?"
"He's a genius and a high rank nobles. A low rank nobles like us won't understand what he's was he thinks. And that's just the biggest possibility. The Amethyst Dukedom wasn't the only one with a high rank level magicians. Although not as many as in the Amethyst Dukedom, many high rank nobles have high level magicians too. Furthermore that Sir just now didn't wear any magic item except a charm item that probably from his lover. And his guard are just ordinary knight. I heard a rumor that 1 knight from Amethyst Dukedom can defeat 5 high level magicians alone. "
"That's just a rumor, my Lord" *disbelieved*
"There will be no smoke if there is no fire"
In the Capital city of Scapolite
Before Edward leaving the manor, Baron Scapolite give Edward a few pack of tea as gift. And now Edward currently sight seeing in the Scapolite.
"Sir, are you looking for something?"
"Don't ask and just follow me quietly"
Anthony shut his mouth and follow Edward quietly. After awhile, there's something that catch Edward eyes. Then he approach the store.
"Welcome Sir, Is there anything that you like?"
The seller welcoming Edward with a big smile.
*point at something* "This gloves look good, how much it's?"
"Sir, that gloves are for a lady" *confused*
Anthony remind Edward.
*clench his fist* "I said to quietly follow me" *irritated*
*whimper* "I'm sorry" *sulk*
*giggles* "Are this gloves for your lover, Sir? It will cost 1 gold coins" *smile*
1000 copper coins are 1 silver coins, 1000 silver coins are 1 gold coins and 1000 gold coins are 1 platinum gold coins.
"Quiet expensive, huh? I want it 200 silver coins"
*snap* *irritated* "No can do, Sir. This gloves were made from silks, at least 850 silvers coins" *force smile*
"It's just a tiny amount of silks, 300 silver coins"
They are continue bargains and after awhile.
*impatient* "Alright, alright..." *sigh* "650 silver coins and 200 copper coins, no more or less. Take it or leave it." *irritated*
Edward smiling and take out 1 gold coins from his pocket. The seller and Anthony shocked.
"... Sir?" *confused*
The seller confused
"I'm not poor, 1 gold coins are nothing for me." *smug*
The seller irritated and fall silence
*sigh* "Then why you..."
*middling Anthony* "It's fun"
*speechless* "You have a weird hobby, Sir." *laugh sadly*
*turn around* "Mister, do you want your money or not?" *hold the coins in his hand and smiling*
Edward ignored Anthony and ask the seller.
*irritated* *give the gloves to Edward* "...Thank you for buying from our store" *pick the coins*
*received the gloves and save it in his pocket* "Thank you for the gloves then..." *smile then leaving*
Edward and Anthony walk away from the stores
"Sir, who do you buy those gloves for?"
*pondering for a bit* "Some Lady I know want a souvenir from me" *indifferently*
"A lady?" *disbelieved*
"Nothing. Let's get back!"
"Yes, Sir"
Edward and Anthony head back to Amethyst.