On the way to Study Room
"Sir Edward!"
Edward stop and turn around
"Did you called me, Sir?" *smile*
*smile brightly* "I want to share a good news with you! Let's walk to study room together, you have a mission from our Lord too."
*smile* "Did something good happened?"
They're walking and talking together
*brightly* "Number 4, he have became the second aide of our Lord. Finally I've a comrades!" *happy*
*smile* "Hohoho, congratulation for you Sir Edward! I'm also happy for you!"
*bright* "Thank you! At first, our Lord don't want to take his vows. He said Number 4 are too similar with me. Can you guess what happen next?" *excited with glittering eyes*
*smile* "Hoho, let me guess." *pretend to think for a bit* "Did you force the Lord to take his vows like you did in the past? Hohoho" *smile*
They've arrived in Study Room. But Edward didn't realize it and continue talking with full spirit.
"Yes!" *said it a bit loud* "He's just..." *look at the front*
Erin has been waiting in front of the room and watched Edward talking happily with Sebastian from afar. It's an awkward situations.
*ignore* "Welcome, Sir Edward. My Lady has been waiting for you!"
*awkward* "Ehem! Sebastian, I'll explain your mission later. You can wait in my desk"
*smile* "Hohoho, right away Sir"
Edward and Sebastian come in the rooms
*smile* "Edward, it's rare for you to be in high spirits. What's the occasion?" *curious*
*cold sweat* "Haha... Nothing particular, my Lady. It's just a personal matter of mine" *smile*
*smile* "Well, it's refreshing to look at you in high spirit. More importantly, can you check this matter?" *give a few document to Edward*
*check the document* "Don't worry, my Lady. I have report this to the Duke. I'll take care of it as he instruct me immediately" *smile*
*relieved* "Then, you can continue your works" *smile*
Edward bowing and went to his desk. Sebastian are waiting near Edward's desk.
*sit down* "Sebastian, stand beside me."
Sebastian stand beside Edward
*whisper* "Sebastian, our Lord want you to disguise yourself as a young man"
Sebastian shocked for a bit
*whisper* "What did he want me to do as a young man?" *curious*
*whisper* "Give me a second" *take out his note* *whisper* "Our Lord said 'the resource of research, we can make a requests in adventures guild to obtain it, tell Sebastian to do that in disguise as a young ambitious and wealthy amateur researcher' that's what he said" *whisper*
*nods* *whisper* "I'll comply his order"
*smile* "Good luck!"
Sebastian leaving the room and Edward continue his works
A few minutes later
"EEEDWAAAARD!!!" *sound from outside*
Edward shocked and crossed out while writing. Then feel really annoyed and break his pen.
In the blink of eyes, Jared are in front of Edward and smash Edward's desk. Everyone shocked except Edward.
*menacing with dark aura* "What. made. you. come. here. Ja. red?" *menacing with dark aura*
*point a sketch at Edward* "You must help me resolve this part. It's too difficult for me to understand this part by myself"
*irritated* "You should discuss it with your teams." *menacing* "And don't come in here like that again, especially when the Duchess are here." *menacing*
Jared look at surrounding then look at Lydia with cold sweats.
*smile* "Don't mind me, continue your discussion. It's good that you two are close" *giggles*
Lydia continue her works and Jared smile brightly meanwhile Edward give a force smile.
*high spirit* "Look! The Madam didn't mind it at all. You should come with me!" *urging*
*irritated* "Shameless! Discuss it with your teams! I have my own work!" *annoyed*
*begging* "My teams don't understand about it too. That's why I come here to find you..." *glittering eyes*
*annoyed* "NO!" *firmly*
Jared grab Edward hands and
They leave instantly. Because the winds are too strong the documents in Edward's desk are scattered.
*writing* "Erin, tidy up the scattered documents and put them in their places" *writing*
"Yes, my Lady"
Erin tidying the documents and looks a broken pen in Edward's desk.
In the workshop of research teams
Edward arrived at the workshop in the blink of eyes with Jared
"Welcome, Sir Edward and Vice Leader" *all the members of research teams said it together with a bright smile*
Edward irritated and exploded, there's a very scary big shadow behind him now. And the shadow getting bigger time by time.
*menacing with a very scary aura* "JARED! WHAT. STUPID. THINGS. ARE. YOU. DOING. JUST. NOW?!!!" *menacing with a very scary aura*
*cold sweats* "Calm... Calm down, Edward... You have been here now. Just help us for a bit" *glittering eyes*
Edward glare at the other research team's members. And they're immediately kneeling with a glittering eyes.
*touch his own forehead* "Ha~ I'll forgive you this time"
All the research teams members smile brightly. They start their discussion and finished their discussions at dusk.
"Thank you Sir Edward" *all the research teams bowing to Edward and said it together*
"Yeah, yeah" *Edward leaving*
A few times later
I should grab some breads and back to work
In the kitchen
"Chef, where's my breads?"
"Sir Edward! I was wondering when you'll come, Sir" *relieved smile*
"I was a bit busy today, sorry to make you wait"
*smile* "Not at all, Sir." *take out a big basket* "You have always eat breads all day, today I have put a news fruit inside, please enjoy it." *smile*
Edward take the basket and put it in his storage ring
*smile* "Thank you" *remember something* "Please take care of this" *take out some dirty plates from his rings*
"Where are you get this, Sir?" *confused*
*walk away* "See you!" *waving his hands*
Edward leave and heading to Study room
On the way to study room
Edward eat the breads while walking
"Sir Edward!"
Edward stop and turn around with breads stuffed in his mouth
*stunned* "Ah, sorry to disturb your meals"
*still eating* "It's fine, what's wrong Dalton?"
"The weapons for practice are running low, we should restock it again."
*still eating* "We still have a lot of weapons in our storage, follow me. I'll get it for you"
"Yes, Sir!"
They went to storage room together
In storage room
*still eating* "You can have as much as you want"
"Yes" *smile*
Dalton take some of the weapons and save it in his storage rings
"Thank you, Sir Edward" *smile*
*still eating* "No problem"
Dalton bow to Edward and leaving.
*remember something* "Oh, I forgot about Anthony" *still eating*
Edward went to Library
In the Library
Edward approached Anthony without a sound
*still eating* "Did you finish your first task?"
Anthony surprised and shakes his head hesitantly
*still eating* "Bring the rest of the book with you, I'll show you your room. And have some breads too" *throw Anthony a few breads*
Anthony grab the breads and eat it. Meanwhile
*turn around* "Librarian, do you have some spare pen? I accidentally broke mine" *still eating*
*snap* "Please restrain yourself, Sir. There's a prohibition to eat inside the library!"
*still eating* "Yeah, I know. I'll leave shortly. So, do you have some spare pen?"
*irritated* "I'll bring it for you"
A few times later the Librarian give Edward a pack of pens
*still eating* "Thank you" *turn around* "Are you finished your meals?" *still eating*
"Yes" *smile*
*still eating* "Let's get going"
Edward and Anthony leaved the Library
In the west manor
*still eating* "During your education with me, your room will be next to mine. After you become a knight you'll lived in soldiers regions with other soldiers or you can choose to buy your own house around here"
"Yes, Sir" *bright smile*
*still eating* "Just stay in your room, I still have works."
Edward leaving and Anthony waving his hand to Edward
In study rooms
Lydia, her guards and the three assistant are already leaving the room to get some rest. Edward come in and put the communication device in his desk then start to work. Not long after that, the device glowing. Then Edward wield the device.
*writing* "Yes, my Lord?" *writing*
"What took you so long? Did something happen? I called you a few times already."
*writing* "My apologies, I have been a bit busy for the whole day. Do you need something, my Lord?" *writing*
"What happened?"
*writing* "It's just that stupid friend of yours, JARED! Drag me to his workshop and resulting my own work still don't finished right now." *crack*
"Crack? Did you just broke your pen again? Edward, don't waste too much pens"
*snap* "I will try to meet your expectation, my Lord" *force smile*
"Anyway, Renfred already find the Scapolite territory location. But unexpectedly he find 'that person' once seen in that territory."
*alert* "Do you mean the person that you say a dangerous person in the palace?"
*serious* "Do you need me to investigated that person, my Lord?"
"No need, I've assigned Albern to investigated it. Just prepare your belonging to go on a trip tomorrow."
*standing because too shocked* "Tomorrow? It's too sudden, my Lord" *walking around*
"I know, just in case bring Anthony with you! He'll act as your guard in your trips"
*walking around* *trying to calm down* *sigh* "As you wish, my Lord"
"Try to come here with teams 2 tomorrow, it's their turn to train with me. Be sure to be on time!"
"Yes, my Lord" *tiredly*
"Don't exhausted yourself, if your work don't finished yet, bring that here. I have new aide right now, you're the one who choose him, remember? Get some rest for yourself too!"
*smile* "Yes, my Lord" *calm down*
The device stop glowing, Edward put it in his desk and he throw himself in the chairs then touch his forehead again.
*sense something* "Who's there?" *alert*
*shocked* "Lady Erin? What are you doing here?"
Erin take out something from her pocked and give it to Edward.
*confused* "Pen?"
"I saw your broken pen earlier, so I think you'll need a new one"
*smile* "Thank you" *take the pen*
Actually Edward still have a pack of pen from the Librarian
*look at Edward* "I heard some of your talk with the Duke through that thing"
*shocked* "How much did you heard?" *menacing*
"Don't worry I just heard that you'll go on a trip tomorrow. And even if I heard something important, I won't tell anyone." *sulking*
*relieved* "Ah... Thank you" *relaxed*
*muttering* "So, you'll go out for awhile..."
"Excuse me?"
"I heard you still don't finished your work, I can volunteer myself to help you" *look at Edward*
*force smile* "Don't worry, I'll finish this myself"
*stare at Edward* "Did you just refused a lady that offering you a help? Aren't that rude? And you dare to call yourself a gentleman?" *dark aura*
*cold sweat* "Then... Thank you for helping me" *force smile*