Thursday, May 6th, 50XX
Sunlight streams into the room his assigned to, waking him. "What time is it?" He mumbles, waking up.142Please respect copyright.PENANAcABWVXswwu
It's not completely daylight, but it's enough to no longer classify the sky as night-time.
"6:00 a.m."142Please respect copyright.PENANAfvJOy6Ejtm
He freezes, confused who spoke. "To you're left, dumbo." Says the voice again. He looks to his left and sees the young girl who was asleep before is awake now.
She no longer needs to help breathe "It's a good thing you're not on a vent." He says to her.
"A what?" She says looking scared.
"A vent."
She goes to speak, but hesitates for a second. "Nevermind." And she wipes a tear away, moving her glasses away for a second, then puts her glasses back on.
"What's your name?"
"....Elliot Coleman."
"Molly Fallon. Why are we the only two awake?" She says cautiously, looking at the other two beds in the room. Elliot peers closely and sees they are hooked up to vents, but are also surrounded by other equipment.
"Shit." He says.
"What is it?" Molly says scared.
"I think they are... In a coma... There's feeding tubes and-"
"Is that going to happen to us? Are we going to die?! Where are my parents?
Where is my Mum and Dad? Where is my little brother? How did I even get here?!"
She starts hyperventilating and flailing around, that monitors hooked up to her start to beep.
"Uh, hey. It's okay, you're not going to die. We're not nearly as sick as them, okay?" Elliot says, trying to calm her down. "But we are end-stage apparently."
Then he mentally slaps himself, that was stupid to say. He panics now and shuts his mouth. She really starts kicking up at a fuss and Elliot curls up, holding his hands to his ears trying to block everything out while feeling tears stream down his face.
"No, no, no, no, no." He whispers to himself, ignoring the commotion of medical personal that have now come into the room.
"No, let go of me! Let go of me! Who are you?! Where are my parents!" She screams at them as she's held back against the bed.
"Molly, my name is Dr Coleman. You're parents signed you over to us. You have Hanahaki Syndrome, do you understand?"
"What is it?"
"It's a disease, a treatable one at that. You had a bunch of blue roses blooming inside of you. They we're removed, you're going to be okay now.
We can start you on our regime of medications now to prevent it's reoccurrence.
"No, I don't want any treatment! I'm not sick, I'm not sick! Where are my parents? I want my parents!"
"I understand that, we can call them. They're about 10 minutes away from here at a hotel. But for now, you need to listen to us, Molly. You have a physical illness, it was making you sick.
Do you remember coughing earlier? That is what you're parents told us."
"Okay, good. There we go, nice and calm. Dr Mendays, gently let go. Molly, if we let you go, will you promise not to hurt us or yourself?"
"Okay, we're trusting you." And they all let go. "Molly, if you want something to help with anxiety at anytime, I'm more than happy to prescribe."
"That's fine. But if later you do, all you have to do is ask."
"Call my parents."
"Sure. I'll go call them now. Are you going to be okay alone?"
She nods and they turn to leave. "Wait." She says. "Yes, Molly?" She responds.
"His last name is Coleman too..." She says, pointing to Elliot who is still curled up, covering his ears.
"Oh, yes, it is... He is my son."
"Why he is in my Son? Uh, I gave birth to him-"
"No, why is he here?"
"Same reason you and everyone else in this hospital is here. I cannot treat him though as I am family, but my colleagues can." She responds as she eyes Elliot is whispering over and over to himself.
"Allie, Allie, Allie, please, please, please. Are you there?"
"Elliot?" She says, and he looks up panicked, removing his hands from his ears.
"Are you okay? Because, Dr Mendays can help you if you want." She says, pushing Dr Mendays forward.
"How are you feeling, Elliot? Is their anything you want to talk about?" Dr Mendays asks.
"How much time you got? My list goes back to when I was a kid." Elliot says snidly.
"Uh... I'll bring you and Molly some breakfast..." She says, slipping out and the rest follow. Scarlett gives him a small wave goodbye, but she looks sad.
"That's your Mum?" Molly speaks up.
"Yes, it is. I haven't really seen her in years though. We're still working out some things..."
"I wish I could work some things out..."
"You do?"
"Do you want to talk about it? You freaked out pretty hard..."
"I've just had a hard a few days all for a multitude of reasons. And now I am waking up here..."
"So have I actually, a hard few months too.
"Failed my job, then deserted it. Then I got diagnosed with Hanahaki, then I carried out a job for my job, then I started dating a man and a woman at the same time.
Then I went on a revenge mission, and now the man is dead and all I have left is my Mum and the woman I love. I retired from my job too.."
"Sounds extravagant..."
"It was. Now you, what's your story?"
"Uh, in College so I'm close to home. I had a younger brother, he was adopted and now he is dead. Him and me used to argue all the time, but we loved each other and made up constantly.
Then he changed suddenly, his personality did a full 360°"
"He found out he was adopted. Mum and Dad didn't tell him and I didn't either. He did a DNA test behind our backs a few months ago now.
He wanted to find his bio parents and if he had any siblings. It came back with matches online.
A mum and also a sister who was a few years older than him. Him and me argued, he left to go find them.
And he didn't come back, didn't call or text either. Then we got a call from the Military out the blue saying he was involved in a undisclosed case they we're working and we had to... collect his body.
They flew him out to us. I wish I understood what happened, I wish I could appolgize for the nasty things I said, and most of all, I wish I could tell him I love him one more time.
Then I thought I was coming down with a cold, and here I am now."
"You can still him tell those things."
"I'm not religious."
"That's not what I was implying-"
"And I don't believe in ghosts either. Who is Allie?"
"Someone dead."
"Oh, don't ask me that."
"Okay, sorry."
"It's fine."
"So, what now?"
"Uh, get discharged... I'm not staying." Elliot says, now realizing who he is sharing a room with. Molly Fallon is Made Beckett's foster sister.
He needs to leave, or get transferred to another room at-least. When he sees her again, but standing in the distance, motioning to him outside the door. But she died... and it appears Molly cannot see her.
Elliot slips out of bed. "Where are you going?" Molly asks. "The toilet, now please excuse me." He says, hurrying out the room and the person ahead begins to walk away and he follows.
They walk around the corner and when it makes it there, the corridor is empty.
He looks around, then feels someone pull him into a storage cupboard.
He coughs, and the person clicks a lighter, holding it up so he can see. His mouth drops and eyes widen in shock.
"Dr Kaylee V?"
"In a sense, yes. But I'm not this timeline's version of her."
It's her from the bridge that night.
"What? I don't understand how you're here before me right now. Okay, yeah, I must he hallucinating-"
"You're not."
"And how do you know?"
"Allow me to show you then."
"I'm not going anywhere with a woman who I was told was dead-"
"Fine, then stay here with Molly Fallon. Tell her about Kade Beckett then, the part you played in their brother's death. The whole story from beginning till end."
"Uh... I'd rather not."
"Then come with me instead." She says, grasping his arm, pulling her behind him. "Wait, this cupboard is small!"
But it starts to extend, the green outline of triangles filled with a white light inside appearing and glowing as they walk into it. Well, she does and he is dragged. The blinding light causes him to close his eyes.
When he opens them, she's gone and he finds himself standing in the corridor of what looks like a metal airship.
There is no mistaking it. Then he glances down himself, he is his hospital gown, his butt showing and slip proof socks. Shit, he needs to find a change of clothes and fast before he comes across or runs into anybody!
He finds a room full of lost property, which consists of old clothes and hats.
Digging through the pile and mounds, he finds some clothes in his size. Once fully dressed, he strides out into the open confidently, walking past several people who don't even so much as glance at him for a second look.
At-least he ain't SUS as Vincent would phrase it. Now, where should he go? He has the ability to go anywhere in the now as he won't stick out like a sore thumb, but the question is why and where did the alternate version of Dr V go? He starts exploring, searching every door in sight.
One he pulls open, he almost chokes and is unsure what to do. It's a small broom cupboard and sitting is a man his age who has some slight details that resemble Maxis, his clearly a pilot or something like that and on his lap is another man.
"Uh, do you mind? We're kinda in the middle of something..." Says the man similar to Maxis in job and the man on his lap stays silent and blushing.
"Oh, I get it. No problem, just joining the Mile High Club. Carry on." Elliot smirks, trying to supress a laugh. A squeak escapes the man in the lap's mouth.
Elliot closes the door, and then bursts out laughing, collapsing to the floor. His insides hurt. He can hear them talking and muttering to eachother behind the door. Slowly, he rises back to his feet, then he feels a pang of sadness wash over him.
He sniffles, struggling to hide a few stray tears slipping from his eyes. He loves him, he misses him and neither he or Kiera will ever be able to see him again.
Short of visiting his grave though. "Why are you crying?" Says a voice, and their holding out a handkerchief.
He gasps, eyes widened. "Kiera?"
"That's my name, don't wear it out." She says, throwing the handkerchief at him which he just catches. He looks her all over.
"I'm guessing you a member of here?" Of wherever they are he hasn't figured out yet.
"Are you?" She fires back. He feels his heart beat, this isn't the Kiera he knows. The Kiera he knows was different.
She's more sarcastic and cold?
This has to be alternate timeline for sure. Question is, is it occurring at the same time as the one he came from and everyone he knows is living a different life and a personality either the same or altered by different life events and experiences?
"Right, I have work to be doing. You should get to work too, new recruit. Keep the handkerchief. Don't get caught slacking off by Jam Puff or Pennies."
And she walks off. He quickly sniffs the handkerchief, scented like roses. "Hey, wait!" He calls out, preparing to run after her. "I-I don't know my way around here!"
Going after her, he finds himself stepping into the cockpit and it's a full house in there. She turns around and glares at him, hands on her hips.
"Can you not ask someone else for help who's less busy than I am?" She hisses, and then he sees Jerry aka Jam Puffs in the drivers seat, looking at him, his back to the wheel as he is leaning his knees on the chair.
His now remembering what his code name was and Lance Strong's was Pennies. This has to be an offshoot clan for Dion & Gavin they're running in this other timeline.
Standing near him is Lance who's playing with a YoYo. Around the rest of the cockpit is other members also looking at him. Then he notices Dr Kaylee V, standing there with her arms crossed amongst the crowd, sipping on a small milk box.
The label for it is the milk company he jokingly told them to start and right beside her is a man who resembles Kiera, his name tag reading Craig Bailey which confirms he is Kiera's Dad.
Then it dawns on him. Where's Kade? Does he exist in this timeline? He has to find out!
"Where's your brother?" He asks Kieta. "I don't have a brother..." She responds confused.
Are you sure? You do." He pushes.
"Kaylee Beckett, do you and Craig have a son?" Lance speaks up.
"No, we only had a daughter. I'm not sure what Elliot here is on about." Kaylee responds.
"Uh, you feeling... okay, new recruit?" Lance questions. Elliot stutters, unable to form a sentence. "Right... Uh, everyone back to work then." Jerry demand, turning back around to the wheel.
"Lance, can you sort that out please? I don't think some new people know what their supposed to be doing."
"Sure, Jerry." He answers. Elliot feels his heart start to beat a million miles an hour.
He turns around to run and sees the two men he caught kissing coming through the doors. He runs and pushes through the middle of both of them.
"Ay! Watch where ya are going!" Says annoyed the man who was in the other one's lap and the other one just stays silent, hands in the pockets of his coat.
"What is up with this guy?" Kiera says annoyed, walking up to her Mum and Dad. Her Mum gently rubs the top of her hair, still looking in the direction, Elliot sprinted.
"Right, I need to go wrangle some lost cows. He isn't the first and he won't be the last today." Lance says, leaving the cockpit.
"And Mack and Tim, get back to work. I know you both been slacking off. Do the hanky panky in your own time.
Only two people can do it on the clock, and that's me and Jerry." He says to them on his way out. The men we now know as Mack and Tim look to the floor, seemingly flustered.
Kiera snickers at them. "Shuddup." Tim says under his breath. "Let me remind you who is 3rd in command, and who is 4th now, aka demoted." Kaylee Beckett speaks up, smirking.
Tim grits his teeth, curling up his fists, shaking. "She's not worth it, don't let Dr B get to you either. Come on." Mack says, taking Tim's hand and leading him over to Navigation's on the flight deck.
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