Thursday, May 6th, 50XX
Elliot clutches his chest, struggling to breathe as he lies in the pile of old clothes in the cupboard he found earlier. His... hiding.
Then he flinches when he hears the door open and bites his lip. The door slowly closes behind whoever came in and they walk closer and closer to him till he can see them despite the absence of light.
"Dr V?" He whispers.
"Are you okay, Elliot?"
"I don't feel like I-I can breathe. It's either a panic attack-"
"Or your Hanahaki. I'm willing to bet money on both."
"Why am I here? What is going on? What purpose does me being here provide?"
She shrugs.
"You're not going to tell me?!"
"Some things are for you to find out yourself."
"You seem really stoic and cold. Different from the V I knew."
"She showed some emotion. I show far less than her, but I'm also smarter than her. Me compared to her, she is the stupider one out of us."
"How so?"
"She got caught, I don't."
"Elliot, I'm literally a member Dion & Gavin's offshoot group here. Think about it, not acting alone here unlike the other me was."
"Piece of advice, don't get caught."
'What do you mean?"
"You really think you don't have an alternate counterpart in this universe?"
"Oh, shit..."
"Yes, so don't caught."
"Why don't you help me?"
"Because it's up to you to figure out what to do here."
"I never asked to come here."
"But I did give you a choice, and you chose not to stay with Molly Fallon."
"But-" And then Elliot coughs a few red roses petals. 'My lungs hurt so bad."
She sighs. "Ugh, fine. This is one your free pass, come up to the infirmary with me. I'll take care of it, but I will not cure it."
"You know how to cure it?"
"Yes, but I don't owe you anything."
"I wish it was clear what you wanted from me."
"The question you should be asking, Elliot is what can you do for you."
His silent, completely dumbfounded and she grasps the back of shirt, starting to drag him across the floor, his shirt choking him.
He gulps as she stands above him, pulling on latex gloves. Flinching at the sound of them snapping firm against her hands. His lying on a bed and this reminds me of his first encounter with Dr V back then in the urgent care center
Looking up at him, the feelings of uneasiness only grows. He doesn't like that she still has this power dynamic going on here and control over him.
She moves a tray close to beside him and picks up what looks like tongs.
"What are they for?"
"To pull the build-up of flowers out of course."
"You have got to be kidding me!"
"Afraid not."
"Please tell me you are going to give me anesthetic."
"Does it look like I am running a full blown hospital here?"
"So, WE make do with what we can here."
"Wait, so you are going to reach in with those and pull the flowers out all while I feel everything?"
"No, of course not. I do have so numbing spray I can give you, but you will still feel pressure and stuff..."
Elliot sighs. "Okay, get this over with."
And she brings a bright light down, shining it in his face as she peers into his mouth, sprays something which burns and a few moments later, he gags, feeling who plunge those tongs into his throat and then she starts tugging.
"Breathe through your nose, not your mouth, Elliot."
He bucks on the bed wildly, gagging as he feels flowers ripped from deep inside and she thrusts a handful into the tray. "Ready to go again?"
"That was rhetorical, Elliot."
"W-wait!" He says, but she doesn't let him continue and he gags again, feeling the pressure of the tongs pulling at flowers.
After a few more painful rounds of this, she's done. "How's it feel?"
"Sore. Very sore."
"But clear?"
"I guess."
"Good." She says, bagging up the roses from the tray, taking them to the trash disposal in the wall. Elliot sits up, but buckles back over in pain.
"Not so loud! Might I remind you that where we are."
Then they hear a knock at the locked door. Kaylee's eyes widen in fear and so does Elliot's. "Uh, who is it?" She calls.
"Tim! I heard screaming in here. What's going on? Why's the door locked?"
"Quick, pretend I took out a tooth." She whispers to Elliot, jabbing a piece of gause into the corner of his mouth.
"Dr B!" Tim says louder from the other side of the door. She walks over, opening it. "About time." Tim says, arms crossed.
"What happened in here? You okay, new recruit?" He says, looking directly at Elliot.
"Awh, mwah tooth." Elliot says with gauze in his mouth. "Ah, yuck. No good, but gross. Is it done? Has it been pulled? Was it just one?" Tim asks, turning to Kaylee.
"Just one, it was broken." She responds, seemingly composed.
"Ah, that's not great, but it's good it was only one. Hey, Elliot. Why don't you uh, go rest up?
I'll cover for you. There is still a few hours till tea time. Use this time to get some rest, I'll talk to the kitchen.
See if they can prepare a soft option for you as you have just had a tooth pulled." Tim says, gesturing to the door.
Elliot tries to swing his feet to the floor and stand, but immediately hits the floor hard, face first from an agonizing pain radiating in his belly.
"Oh, shit! His going to knock another tooth out! Mack, someone! We need help in here!" Tim calls outside the door and it all goes black for Elliot.
It's silent and dark when he feels himself waking up. He realizes his on a bed in a room, but there other beds lined up as well.
He tries to sit up, but feels a bit of pain and has to lie back down again. "Are the painkillers wearing off? I can call someone to come give you more and dose you up, but it will be dinner soon.
They drug you up again, you will sleep through dinner." Says a velvety voice. Elliot turns his head to see on the bed beside his is this world's version of her.
"Yeah?" She says, laying on her side. Elliot grunts, rolling over onto his side.
"Why are you here?"
"I have a headache so I came to lay down."
"Does that happen alot?"
"What does?"
"Oh, yeah. For some reason I get frequent headaches, but it's worse when I'm under stress and stuff mostly.
I've seen a Doctor. They can't find anything wrong me so they just tell me to rest when I can."
"And does it work?"
"Yes, it does actually. They go away."
And then it's quiet between them. "Why are you looking at me with that awestruck expression." She says, breaking the ice eventually.
"Has anyone told you you're the prettiest girl in the whole world." Elliot whispers.
"...No, actually. No guy or girl has here. I'm flattered you think I'm pretty."
"So, you're single?"
"Yeah, I'm single. Why? You wanna get with someone higher up, new recruit?" Kiera smirks, biting the corner of her lip, seductively. Behaving differently to his Kiera.
"I mean..." Elliot laughs a anxiously.
"Mmm, okay. Maybe we can hook up. We'll have to see..." She says back, eyeing him and then sits up, walking over to his bed.
"Kiera?" He says, just as she lays down beside him on his bed, the bed sinking a bit and shivers run down his body.
She runs two fingers down his chest. "Sooo, Elliot. If we we're to date, what would you be expecting in the long wrong?" She says, unable to take her eyes off him.
"Uh, eternity. I mean-"
"Would you wanna have kids?"
"Actually, yeah. I would like kids in the future."
"Would you get married to me? Which one of us would pop the question? Not going to just give you an egg or two, unless I know this is the real deal and you mean what you say.
Commitment for eternity. I'm not a casual fling and I will beat the daylights out of anyone who cheats on me."
"I promise, I mean what I say. I sware. You can throw me off the airship if I ever do anything to hurt you.
"Okay, we can tango then." She says and Elliot gasps a bit, feeling her lips against his. They are soft, taste like cherries and he deepens the kiss, pulling her against him closer, her chest touching his.
This is so weird, so wrong! Very wrong.
Elliot laughs as he races Kiera through the halls of the airship. "Ay, watch it!" A voice says. His and Ellie Kiera eyes widen as they dart under a box some members are carrying.
But one member is suspiciously sitting on-top of the box, laying back, a mop of messy long blonde hair. "Renae Grace, get down from there. It's not safe!" Someone chastises.
"Hmm, no."
"S-sorry! Sorry, sorry!" Elliot apologizes profusely to everyone as he keeps running. After a while he catches up to Kiera who has stopped on a circle bridge, overlooking the cockpit.
She takes a breath out, and leans on the railing. Elliot leans against the railing beside her. "You okay, Kiera?"
"Me? Oh, uh, yeah. Just... feeling out of breathe. She says, eyes blinking heavily.
"You actually really don't look so well." He responds.
"Elliot, we just raced eachother from cargo, all the way through electrical to the bridge above the cockpit."
"True, true." Elliot says, unable to take his eyes off her. It's been a month since alternate version of Dr Kaylee B bought him here and he hasn't even seen his counterpart around.
He thinks she's bullshitting him. Does his counterpart even exist? No one has ever freaked out about Elliot being in two places at once so far.
Kaylee won't even speak to him let alone look at him really. She clears the flowers from through his throat periodically though, but then kicks him out quickly.
Sometimes even without pain meds for afterwards. "Elliot?"
"Oh, uh, yeah?" Elliot responds, snapping back to reality. Kiera hand is resting on his and he can't help not to blush.
"Where did you come from before joining us? We're a criminal orginsation."
"Uh, the answer's complicated." Elliot sighs. "Money's nice tho..."
But it doesn't bring happiness. The home he had with Maxis, a job where he could make a difference, and the friends he worked alongside was all worth more and made him happier than robbing the museum ever did.
"I suppose it is..."
"And you?" He wonders. Her eyes go small a bit and she glares at him.
"Are you an idiot?"
"Uh- No, I mean yes. No, yes, no, yes?"
She rolls her eyes and mutters, but a small smile creeps through. "Ugh, I can't not love you. You're so goofy, Elliot."
"Well, goofy is my middle name." He jokes. She smiles again and rolls her eyes.
"Elliot, my Mum and Dad are criminal members and always have been. I'm their child for crying out loud, I was born into this.
There's not an out even if I wanted out."
"Kiera, you could leave."
"I can't."
"And how do you know?"
"Eliot, no one just 'leaves' - It doesn't happen, ever."
"I'm sorry, that was too harsh of me."
"If you could leave, what would you do? Entertain the thought for a second."
She sighs. "Okay, I would runaway with someone I love and we'd elope. What do you think?"
"And that is?"
"You... I would hope."
"Deal, let's go."
"Sure." She laughs. "But then we would have to figure out where to live, how we're going to earn an income to survive. Any suggestions?"
"Uh, join the U.S Military?"
"Ha! That's funny, leave Canada and journey to the U.S. You're a hoot, Elliot.
Sure, we join the Military. Ex-criminal's, that'd go down well with them as we've troubled them and Canadian authorities before..."
She's silent. "Are you okay?" He asks.
"But it would be honest work. I don't like some of the things we do..."
"Not everything is honest work, but they'd be more on a side of justice and good for the most part."
"I guess- Agh." She says, pressing a hand to her stomach. "Are you okay?" He worries, trying to hug her, but she pushes him away.
"No, I'm going to throw up! I'll be back!" She says, running off, leaving Elliot standing there alone. He waits for a while and she doesn't return.
"Hey, you're Elliot Coleman right?" Says the same girl he saw before sitting ontop of boxes. "Yeah?" He responds.
"You're wanted in the Cockpit. Flight crew short a hand, so go help them out." She says. "Uh, sure." He responds as she runs off.
He makes it down to the cockpit, member's everywhere. Jerry steering, Lance leaning against his chair, standing just a tad behind Jerry watching him.
He see's V, well B sorting something into a box and wanders on over. "Do you need any help?"
"No, I don't. But thanks for asking. Tim could use the help tho, he won't stop bitching at us."
"Mack needs to lay him again."
And Kaylee stops what she's doing and looks directly at Elliot, her expression blank, but it also saying everything he needs to know. Beginning and ending with, 'are you serious right now?'
He starts to saunter away from her to go help Tim and Mack when he freezes.
"Hey, Tim? I heard you needed an extra hand down here. What can I do to help? I'm sorry, I haven't be around much.
His staring right at himself.
"You mean, more like slacking off. You either don't turn up for work or the days you do, you're hanging off Kiera's shoulder.."
"Kiera? Who's Kiera?" This other Elliot says. "If this is meant to be a joke, I'm not laughing. We're incredibly busy." Tim snaps.
"No, really. Who is Kiera?"
"Kaylee Beckett and Johnathan Bailey's daughter." Tim responds, pointing to Kaylee and her husband, but then Tim realizes Elliot's also standing Kaylee.
'The hell?" He says. "This is a problem..." Mack chimes in and then Elliot realizes everyone is now focused on him and his evil double ganger in the room.
Jerry's jaw drops open, and he quickly engages the autopilot and leaps out of his chair, Lance following him as he takes a few step.
"What is this? You've been at work for a month."
"Uh, not really... I know, I know. Doesn't look great for a new hire and all, but-"
"Shut it, I don't want to hear it. I don't like slackers. And you! What is your story?! One of you is the real Elliot and one of you must be an Imposter.
Sent by the Canadian government to infiltrate and spy on us, I bet."
"But how do we tell?"
"I don't know, but when we figure out which of you is fake, I'll see to it that they're pushed out, no parashoot."
"Hey, Elliot-" Kiera calls coming into the room but then she stops dead. Doctor Bonnie is with her... She looks desperately between Elliot and Elliot...
Jerry very quickly gives a run down on what's going on. Kiera shocked. "I gave one of you my heart..." She whispers.
"Well, it wasn't me." Elliot's evil doubleganger speaks up.
"How do you feel about our organization? Would you betray us for the government, any government?" Kiera says quickly.
"Uh, well, you know Dion and Gavin really take care of their 'family.' And who in their right mind would join the Government? Gross. A whole lot of hard work that would never pay off."
Elliot feels disgusted at his counterpart. "But the Military's my family, and it pays off! The rich reward is not money. It's-" But he doesn't get to finish, feeling someone sock him right in the jaw and face that he hits the ground hard.
His vision is blurring and is hearing is jumbled. "Well, now we know which one to toss overboard. Geez, to think we had an imposter impostering one of our own the whole time.
Although, more hard working. Believe me, I'm going to lecture you on your duties later." Jerry hisses at the other Elliot.
"I'm sorry, sir."
"They look identical to eachother. Makes you wonder who this wise guy over here is." Lance speaks up.
"Jerry!" Kiera cries. "Oh, uh, yes?" He responds, Kiera's now seeming to have gone into shock and she's kneeling on the floor, Bonnie rubbing her back.
"I slept with a government agent."
"Oh, I see. Well, I mean, it not the end of the world as you know now, but- Wait..." Jerry trails off and then it hits him.
"Please tell me you used protection."
And she gently shakes her head.
"Flip. You're trying to tell me you're pregnant aren't you?"
"I don't know, but I just threw up. Maybe..."
"Okay, okay. Umm, can you take her to the infirmary and do a blood draw, Dr Bonnie?" Jerry asks.
She nods and Kiera looks really upset, struggling to take her eyes off the Elliot she thought she knew.
"Uh, I'm really sorry. If there's anything I can do to help, uh, l-let me know." Elliot evil doubleganger stammers.
But then Elliot on the floor gags, and a few red roses petals fall out. "Ew, gross! What is that?!" Jerry says, shaking them off his shiny shoes.
"You know what, scrap throwing overboard. Lance, my 1900 pistol revolver."
Lance hands it to him, and Jerry loads it, pointing it at Elliot on the floor. Elliot looks at him weakly.
"N-no, no, no, please! Captain please!" Kiera begs him. "Tim, Mack. Assist with getting Kiera to the infirmary." Lance commands.
"NO! I'm not letting you do this! Things will not end this way! Over my dead body they do." Kaylee B says, leaping for Elliot, her hand touching the side of his stomach as she lands hard against the pristine floor and her other hand holding a small green clock. The dile already turned.
There is a warp of green which makes Elliot feels more nauseous as he and Kaylee phase out, turning see through just as a gun shot rings out too.
It's silent and Elliot feels nothing for the first time in a long time, emotionally and physically. Opening his eyes, he sees a green open space around him with streams of glowing letters and numbers and it all just goes on for forever and ever.
Elliot's lying down and tries to sit up, but ends up just rolling over, even doing a mini back-flip. It's like his weightless, like his in space.
"Where am I?" He whispers. "Hello? Hello! Anybody here!"
His heart begins to race, freaking out regarding how his going to get out of wherever this is or is he trapped here forever?
Then he sees her, her body just floating like his not far off. Flapping his arms about wildly, trying, he manages to float over to her.
Her eyes are closed and she's clutching a small pocket watch clock to her chest.
"B? B, Kaylee, wake up!" He pleads, shaking her slightly. She doesn't stir and then he sees binary code like what's all around them, but red seeping slowly out of a gunshot wound in the side of her stomach.
Jerry shot her? Is she dead? He quickly takes her pulse, but to his relief, he feels it. Looking down as his clothing, he pulls off his coat and wraps it around her stomach, securing it with a knot to stem the bleeding.
"B? Kaylee, can you hear me?" He says, shaking her shoulder again. This time there is a gasp and her flies open up, but then she groans a bit, clearly in pain.
"Yeah, it's me."
She looks around them then relaxes a bit. "Shit."
"Where are we, B?"
"Elliot, just call me Kaylee. I hate being called the initial of my last name unlike my far more evil counterpart." She says.
"That's debatable-"
"Just shut your mouth, I'm not her so it's Kaylee and I don't believe I'm nearly as cruel." She hisses.
"Can I ask where we are?"
"Ah- Sure."
"So, where are we?"
"Outside time and space. Nothing exists here really. It's just showing the data and code of the fabric of space that makes up your world and every other world. They're occuring all at once."
"A multi-verse web system?"
"Something like that, yeah."
"So, what do we do now?"
"What do you mean, what do we do now?"
"We can't stay here!"
"Or maybe we can."
"You can't be serious! We have no food, no water, no medicine. You need a doctor! We can't stay here floating endlessly!"
"And go- ah, ouch. Go where? I'm dead in your world, and now mine. If I let myself be seen there or find another world where I exist but in another version of me, I'll tear a hole in the very web of the universe's system if it's linger than a few minutes.
Hell, I think we already have. We just teleported away in-front of everyone's eyes in my world. We revealed that time travel exists."
"Why does it-"
"Elliot, that's a very long complex story with an even more complex scientific answer. We don't have the time."
"But we're-"
"Time may not exist here exactly, but it's still moving forward in your world, my world and the other worlds."
"What do you think is happening in them?"
"Confusion, chaos and for the others, the opposite of every decision and every outcome possible."
"Why do you jump around time? Why do you do this? Why seek me out, it's about time you started giving me answers."
"Because I'm not meant for the mother role, to play happy family's. She was, but I was not.
As for seeking you out, I needed you.
You have the ability to change things, something I'm too cowardly to do."
"So you want me to do what?"
"Change things, change everything. Ahh, it hurts so bad!" She screams, clenching her teeth from the gun shot.
"Are you going to die?" He asks her. She nods her desperately, then grits her teeth more. "Here, take it. You're running on borrowed time, Elliot." She says, holding the clock out to him, arm shaking. He accepts it, gritting it tightly.
"How do I use this?"
She opens her mouth to speak, but nothing comes out and a tear slides down her cheek. "Kaylee? Kaylee!" He screams, seeing her eyes go glassy looking and her body limp, chest no longer rising.
He watches traumatized and upset, clutching the clock right to his chest as her body slowly fades away into nothingness, a few lingering growing letters and numbers, they're completely gone too.
"So, clock. How do I use you?" He says, holding in it's hands, turning it around to look at it.
It has a dial. Looking over it, he sees it numbered from 1 to infinite, but each number is repeated twice.
I - I124Please respect copyright.PENANAwEdLOnxiSc
Guess that tells me, this the opposite of the one world. Question is, what world am I from? Then he sees 13 glow on the dial.
XIII - I to be precise. "It had to be 13." He sighs to himself. "Well, things have been unlucky the whole time, a real shit storm."
So, do I press that one or do I press the opposite of that one? XIII - II? Guess I'll do the first one and if it's not right or doesn't work out, I can switch the dial to the other one.
He switches the dial to XIII - I and presses it in a bit. A glowing green light forms around him and he feels thrown into a wall, then like his being sucked up through a straw.
The light is so bright, he needs to squeeze his eyes shut.
When it's over, he feels a pain in the back of his head and sitting up, his against a sink and water is starting to dribble out. His broken the tap.
"Oh no." He says, but then realizes his in what looks like the bathroom of a house, belonging to someone who has money. Very modern, there is a spa bath.
Now water has started seeping under the door. "Babe, are you okay? Did the sink spring a leak or something? Do you want my help?" A female voice calls from outside the door and he can see the shadow of her footsteps being cast under the door.
The hand slowly starts to turn, scaring him when he hears a familiar voice.
"Baby?! I thought you we're in there, wait. If you we're in the bedroom, who's in there? Oi, you! Whoever is in that bathroom, I'm a Cop and I have a gun.
Put you arms up, I'm coming in." Says the unknown female. She comes in with a gun in her hands like she said, but the one who opened the door was none other than Bobby Green.
One of the staff from Ring.
"Elliot Coleman?!"
"Bobby Green!"
"You know this guy?"
"Uh, yeah. I dude, babe."
"Where from? You know what, forget where from. What is he doing in our house?"
"Bobby, who's that?" Elliot asks, arms still raised as she's pointing a gun at him.
"My girl, well, about to be wife actually. Now, why the fuck are you in our home? We live in Canada for crying out loud, Elliot. Did you come back for some reason?
The Company fell, my friends and coworkers arrested. Dion & Gavin are dead. What do you want or need? Why come back from the U.S? Cross the boarder.
I was bailed out, but I am on house arrest and I'm serving my time. My girl is literally going to make sure of that!" Bobby says, gesturing to his foot that does have a tracking device around it around it."
"Yes, why are you here? We struck a deal, paid your countries military off.
You don't know how much power I have, Elliot." Bobby's fiance threatens.
"This isn't Kansas." Elliot says dumbly. "I- uh, what? No shit!" She responds, putting her gun away in the holster around her hips. "Right." She says, grasping Elliot's arm and yanking him to the floor.
He gasps in pain. "Babe, go get my phone. Call my head instead." She says. "Uh, of course..." Bobby responds, slinking off.
It's clear who wears the pants in this relationship.
"Don't hurt me, please." Elliot chokes out and then he vomits, red flower petals and blood covering the tiled floor.
"W-what? What is this? Are you okay? Are you sick or injured?" She says, letting go of Elliot's arm.
"Bobby, forget calling my friends! Call an ambulance instead!" She calls out. "His vomiting... rose petals?! Red... and pink ones."124Please respect copyright.PENANAyxgBs1Kcex