Thursday, April 22nd, 50XX142Please respect copyright.PENANAqa5JNglDQm
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It's the rise of a new, but cold and very dark day. The old, huge warehouse building Dion and Gavin run their operation inside of, doesn't receive much sunlight.
"Roll-call is in five minutes and meals are in ten!" A staff member calls, opening the slot of a cell, then closing it and leaving.
"Come on, Maxis. Get up." Elliot whispers, waking himself up, then nudging his friend awake.
Maxis rolls over to face him, looking moody and sits up slowly. He doesn't say a word to him and rubs his back. "Is it aching?" Elliot questions, but Maxis still doesn't say a word.
"Roll-call is in five and meals are in ten." Elliot reiterates.
There is not much for them to do to get ready for roll-call, especially that Maxis isn't talking to him. So Elliot combs his hair out with a plastic combs that can't hurt anybody and looks it'll break any second.
He splashes his face with water as they have a small sink in their cell, change uniforms into another identical uniform and quickly brush his teeth.
"This place is so bland." Maxis comments. "Well, it is a prison more or less." Elliot retorts, now happy Maxis said something.
"I know, but have these people never heard of a splash of colour? Does wonders for interior decorating."
Elliot sighs, but then can't resist a small laugh at Maxis' goofy nature. "Well, I have seen the leaders office... That has a splash of colour." Elliot says carefully.
"Great, let's see it then!" Laughs Maxis.
"Sure, I'll get the itinerary for the daily tour from the tour guide." Elliot jokes.
"Roll-call!" Yells a Guard for the 2nd time, opening their slot again. "That's our call." Elliot says and they both go up the slot, turning around.
Maxis winces, feeling the Guard cuff his wrists together behind his back and loop it through a loop on his uniform.
"Hey, man! Be more careful!" Maxis grumbles.
"Do not talk back to me. Inventory are only speak when spoken to." The Guard hisses and he ignores Elliot, shoving Maxis out the cell so Elliot slowly walks behind them.
They arrive at a cafeteria for them, Maxis' cuffs are undone and they're both shoved in. Elliot and Maxis slyly look around the place, eyes scanning over everyone.
Other souls trapped here, members undercover like them, staff and who they came here for, Kiera.
Nadine is there, harshly saying something to her, scolding her, but too far away for them to hear. Then Nadine harshly sits down Kiera down on a bench, her voice now audible. "STAY."
She's handcuffed still unlike everyone else. They keep watching. Her hair is slightly on the messier side, she looks pale and her eyes are droopy, but other than that, she looks okay-ish...
Then Nadine returns and takes a seat beside Kiera and gently rubs her shoulders.
"She doesn't seem completely heartless. More maybe a hot and cold personality." Maxis whispers.
"I don't know what to think of Nadine yet." Elliot whispers back.
"Okay, roll-call everybody!" A Guard calls out, gesturing every prisoner into line. He goes down the rows, marking everyone's names off.
When he is satisfied everyone is accounted for, their warned to be on their best behaviour, go eat their food and work will begin afterwards and that staff are armed and not to try anything as they will shoot to kill if deemed necessary.
Maxis and Elliot collect a tray when Nadine beckons Elliot over to her. "Go." Maxis whispers, walking away from Elliot and Elliot obeys, heading to the table Nadine is at, Kiera beside her.
Kiera's arms are no longer cuffed now, but they're just sitting flat on her lap as she stares blankly at a plastic tray of food, she's not even registering that Elliot is there. She looks drugged out.
"Uh, morning." Elliot says, trying to smile. Nadine smiles back with a huge grin. "How did you sleep, Elliot? Was it okay?"
"As best it could be for not a staff bedroom." Elliot laughs, judging himself for sounding superficial.
"I understand, don't worry, I am trying to find you something more permeant." She reassures him. "Thanks..." He responds.
"Glad to see you're okay too. Sorry we have to treat you like Inventory, but if the others around you knew who you we're in our company, you'd get beat down by a group of them.
The moment we find you a proper room and bed, you can ditch the prisoner uniform, we can give you a weapon, use staff service corridors and you'll be just fine."
"Just peachy then." Elliot says. "Uh, so. What's up next on the 'itinerary'?"
"Uh, you guys typically get put to work doing things like sweeping and stuff.
Saves us time on small jobs like that, etc. Don't worry, I'll get you out of it.
You can come to the office with me, we'll just hang out there." Nadine says and then meal times ends not long after.
She hands Kiera off to someone else and leads Elliot to one of the main offices. "You wanna play the computer? We do... put some games on there. Shh, don't tell Gavin." She smiles.
"I have a bit of paperwork to do in the mean time."
"Uh, sure." He responds, taking a seat at a computer in a small office where he a has a view of Nadine who takes a seat at a desk to do some paperwork, clicking her pen. Her back is to him.
This is his chance...
He finds one of the games easily and starts it up, music playing, then brings up another screen over the top, searching through their files. He rounds up what he can and emails it out, deleting any trace he did this.
And not a moment too soon as another staff member rushes in the door.
"Nadine, we need your help! We have a mini fight out here, some of the Inventory who have been a while here are taking their frustrations out on other Inventory, some of the new ones."
Nadine sighs and stands up. "Coming Bobby Green. Has Medical be called?"
"They're on their way!"
"Okay. Elliot, I'll just be a moment. Please excuse me, I'm sorry." She says, going after Bobby who has now left the office and Elliot is... alone. He quickly moves from his seat and saunters over to the work, Nadine was doing.
Lifting up a folder to read it, there is a document filled out and he almost gags when he sees who it is for. Kiera, they have a buyer? It doesn't say who... But at-least she's not going to be used for spare parts.
Elliot quickly scans it onto the computer he was just using, but then has to close it down as Nadine returns, he didn't get a chance to email it out as she comes back over to her workspace and has not had a chance to slip the original documents back into Nadine's desk.
"Uh, how'd it go? That was quick..." He says faking cheerfulness. She now seems to be in a bad mood and her eyes narrow. She takes her hair out of a bun, letting it fall and redoes it into a messy ponytail.
"Just some inmates fighting, one of them was actually the guy who volunteered to have you as a bunkmate."
"Oh... Is he okay?"
"Bruised, but he'll live. Seems he got in the personal space of someone else so they threw a punch.
Fights happen around here, we'll just bump Bradley up the queue now."
"I'm sorry?"
"Oh, right." Nadine sighs. "Both we're given some sedation and sent back to their rooms to chill the fuck out.
Bradley's been a pain in the ass lately, I'll file to bring his harvesting forward.
I'll do that now actually." She says, opening a filing cabinet.
It takes everything in Elliot not to be sick right there and then. "Does it hurt?" He asks while watching Nadine.
"Uh, no. I think Bonnie and the other doctors give anaesthesia, but I'm not sure exactly. I'm not in charge of that.
The staff here oversee general collection wellbeing, medical staff down in the basement, oversees collection when they are sent in for harvest, I oversee general staff, Gavin oversees me and other supervisors and the medical team and Dion oversees Gavin and does a lot of the negotiations and dealings for spare parts, slaves and staff recruitment."
"Uh, so...."
"I'm kinda busy over here, Elliot. Can you shut up for a minute?"
"Thank you."
When she's done filing for this Bradley's harvesting, she returns to her paperwork on Kiera, but hasn't opened it yet. "Um, so. Can I ask-"
"What role do you want in the company, Elliot?"
"Uh, I don't know."
"Do you have any medical knowledge?"
"Can't be one the doctors then I guess."
"Do you just wanna start at a normal staff level till you decide? I'll try not to boss you around, I promise. Maybe go see Dion actually sometime and you both can chat about it? He likes you."
"Uh- And I like him."
Nadine is silent, focusing on her work.
Elliot comes up with a sly plan. "So, when do I get a gorgeous shiny gold snake ring?"
"Oh, uh, I can put in an order for you. I need to put one in for myself actually."
"Haven't worked here long?"
"Oh no, I have for years. I lost my ring by accident. Must have slipped off somewhere, I don't remember it happening..." She says, raising her hand to look at it, her gaze longing for a ring again.
And then he sees her sleeve fall a bit, a bandage wrapped around it. "What happened to your arm?"
"Do you always ask so many questions?" She says, now focusing her entire attention on him, pulling her sleeve down.
"But if you must ask, one of the new arrivals, her name is Kiera Bailey. She scratched and bit me. I had to get some shots after it happened.
The paperwork I'm doing now is also for her. We're going to pass her on soon, she was supposed to be passed on years ago, but she escaped and we only just tracked her down again not long ago.
We're lucky her buyer is hella patient, heck, she offered up more money to fund us while we looked for Kiera.
Most buyers don't wait years, I'm surprised she didn't pick someone else. But she did ask for Kiera specifically which involved us snatching her up off the street, so..."
"Hey, can you please move aside? I need to use this computer." Says a voice, shooing Elliot aside. "Oh, hey. Nadine, there is a uploaded document on here in the recent download tray and the physical copy is on the desk here, under some papers.
Did you want me to file it electronically? I'm assume it's already been filed for the individual in their paper file."
"Who? I have no idea, that computer hasn't been used today other than for games." Nadine says, walking over to take a look. Elliot moves away from them and starts to sweat.
"....Weird. I had not put this in her paper file yet so I don't know how it got on the system electronically to sit there.
Gavin handed it to me an half an hour ago, the physical document."
"Was anyone here? Did you leave at all?" The guy asks.
"I stepped out for a moment, Mark. Bobby and Medical needed help, some Inventory beat the snot out of eachother."
"I see." Mark says, grabbing his walkie talkie. "Hey, it's Mark, Supervisor. Can I have Matience report to-" But Nadine cuts him off. "Wait, Mark." and he puts it down.
"I... left you alone in here. Did you do anything?" Nadine challenges Elliot.
"Me? No-"
"I don't believe you, come here. And then I'll go talk to Gavin and the electronic department." Nadine says harshly, gripping Elliot and shes pushes him out the office, leaving a confused Mark behind.
She pushes him through another corridor, down some stairs and swipes a keycard to open a door labelled, 'Medical Bay #6' which reveals almost an empty room.
Table in the corner with a lush chair and computer and not far from that, an exam bed. "Nadine-" But she doesn't let Elliot finish, pushing him in that the door swings closed behind him and physically picks him up with ease, sitting him down on the bed with ease.
"No, no. Shh, shh. Be quiet for me for a moment would you?" She says, placing her hand over his mouth. His silent, but his eyes shake a little.
"There we go, that wasn't so hard was it?" She adds on, removing her hand.
He doesn't know what to say and just sits there. She bends down a bit to his level. "I don't really know you having never met you before, Elliot. But you do have a relationship with Dion and Gavin going back years so I guess I have to trust you.
But I just need to ask, did you just touch the file on my desk? Don't lie to me."
"I see. I'm going to assume then you did because you we're the only one in the room just now and it was on my desk beforehand, but refrain from touching stuff in the future like that unless you have been ordered too by someone like me.
Thanks for uploading it though, I guess you saved me a minute on that chore even though I had not finished checking all the information was accurate..."
She looks away from a moment, and then pulls her hair out of the ponytail she had put it up in a moment ago.
"Are you feeling okay-"
"Tired, but yes, I feel fine. Thank you for the concern, Elliot."
"W-why are we in here?"
"Mark was going to yell at you. You're fine now as I dragged you off so he thinks I'm disciplining you, and I am.
Just don't touch stuff without permission in the future as I just told you."
"Yes, Nadine."
"Can I go now?"
"No, not yet."
"Why?" And he panics a little, feeling her sit on his lap, placing her arms around his neck.
"So, Elliot."
"Uh- Y-yes, Nadine?"
"You we're from the U.S before?"
"I've only lived my whole life here in Canada, I've never seen the U.S before or any other country.
I am from Russia, but I was a baby... when I came over here."
"Thought I picked a Russian accent for you."
"Yes, I have spent considerable time learning the language unlike other people I know too, so thank you."
"So, how did you meet Dion and Gavin?"
"Uh, I was 13..."
"Shit, same age I was. I'm 26 now. How old are you?"
"I'm 25."
"So, how did you meet them?"
"Um, it's a really long, complex story. They've been in this business now for quite a few years, you're story I have heard is easier because they we're just simple house thieves back then, but I don't know the full thing."
"Yeah, they took me in when I had no one... My parents ran off and left me."
"That sucks."
"It did, and I've never gotten over it."
"I guess there is alot of stuff people don't get over when they can't get the help for it and the problem with people is also they expect you to get over it.
But saying that doesn't help people heal from pain, betrayal and trauma. It makes the problem worse infact."
Then he sees it, a small nick on her neck, covered by a bandaide and another one that looks more like a bruise and is covered by another band aide.
"What happened to your neck?" He akss and she quickly covers them with her hands.
"Oh... Uh, one of them is just a bruise..."
"How did it happen?"
"That one's no real big deal, really."
"Okay... And the little nick?" He says, reaching a thumb for the corner of that ones band aide.
"Ay, ay, ay, hands off." She says, swatting his hand away.
"And you're the one sitting on my lap."
"Touche, I guess."
"What is the nick from?"
"Fine, I'll tell you. Just don't go blabbing your mouth to anyone else, understand? Only Medical and the leaders know about it."
"I promise."
"I tried to cut my throat, I didn't get far."
"Shit. How long ago did this happen?"
"Uh, not long." She says, covering it over again with her hand. "I was just stressed... Gavin took me to see Bonnie and she dispensed."
"What do you mean?"
"Ugh, she prescribed meds, okay? Dion says you have anxiety."
"Uh, yeah. I still kinda do..."
"So, that's all that happened. Can we not talk about it?"
"Sure, we don't need to talk about it further."
"Thank you, Elliot." She says, and he holds his breath a bit, feeling her hug him, her face resting on his chest. His frozen, unsure what to do when he hears a beep come from her.
"Shit, I'm being paged. Seriously? Ugh, back to work I guess." She says, climbing off his lap and heads for the door, holding it open for him. He leaps off the bed, following her.
"Just go up those, the door is unlocked.
Doors need a key from prisoner side, but are unlocked automatically on staff side." She tells him, pointing to a flight of them as she heads down a corridor, vanishing from Elliot's view and then the strong smell of bleach hits his nose.
Looking around, he realizes where he is. Downstairs... where they do organ harvesting. He gulps and sprints for the stairs and reaches for the door handle when he feels someone tug him back.
He doesn't fall far. "What do you think you're doing?"
There is a woman there, dressed in a doctor's coat. "Uh..." Is all he says.
"Can I have whoever is closest to Entrance 3A & 3C, Level -1 report to me? We have an escaped Inventory member."
"Oh, no. I'm not Inventory! I'm Elliot."
"And I'm Bonnie and one of the Doctors. You're point?"
"Oh, so you're Bonnie?"
"Listen, I'm staff. I sware, I just haven't been assigned a uniform or a staff quarter so I was put with the... Inventory.
You can check with Nadine, I sware."
"Nadine May? Ugh, fine." She says, getting back on her radio. She radios for Nadine, but there isn't a response.
"Well, she's not answering. Till I confirm your story, and pull up your file, you know exactly where you're going because you're on the labs floor.
Inventory don't get down here without help."
"Wait!" Elliot begs when he feels someone grasp his arm and someone else grasp his others. "Cory, Beck. Perfect time, isolation room for him. I'll get a needle." Bonnie says, heading back into the room behind her.
He sees it's supply cupboard size and the other two staff haul him off. They drag him to a narrow room, a 3rd staff member appears from nowhere, opens the door and he sees it isn't that long and the floor only big enough to contain a thick mattress.
The ones they use for psych patients.
Looks it have taken effort to get it through the door and then some probably jumped on it till it squeezed in snug and tight between the walls.
"In." Says one of the staff. "But I'm not Inventory!" Elliot protests. "And that *might* be true, but I need to be sure.
I don't know you and we haven't gotten any notifications about anyone named Elliot. I'm responsible for security down here, Elliot as the lead doctor." Bonnie says, approaching them.
They shove Elliot in who takes a step up onto the mattress and she closes the door, the room going dark. He starts to hyperventilate and crashes to the mattress, gripping it.
They just left him? She says she was getting a... needle.
"Elliot." Says a female voice. Bonnie's returned, Elliot's hiding in the corner of the room, arms wrapped around himself, rocking back and forth a bit.
"We we're out of what I was going to give you, so I'm afraid despite your compliance, I'll need to give you something harsher..."
"Arm, please." She says, coming inside, taking a step up on the mattress to approach him. He sees the man from before who ran to Nadine for help, Bobby Green was standing behind Bonnie just out of sight, a look of horror on his face and he runs off.
"Can I have your arm, please?" She says again flexing her gloved hand, inviting Elliot's arm into her hand. Elliot slowly extends it outward and she takes a quick injection needle out of a pouch attached to her uniform.
"This will just sting for a second."
And he yanks his arm away from her. "No, I don't want it. I refuse. I change my mind.
Did you see Bobby behind you? His gone to find Nadine."
"And Nadine has finished her shift and no one higher up like her is answering.
I'm at a loss for what to do right now. None of us know who you are exactly.
This will help you get through the night."
"I'm fine!"
"It's our duty to keep you safe and healthy.
This will just relax you; you'll soon feel better and sleep through the night.
Someone can bring you some dinner and you can catch some sleep and then it will be tomorrow and you can have some breakfast.
"No! I'm not going to let you do this, let alone sweet talk me!"
"Elliot, please."
"No!" He yells, lightly shoving her. But she barely moves, his shove weak when three others he doesn't know enter.
"No, you're not going to do this! No, no, no!" He panics, thinking of how he was held down and sedated when he had Hanahaki.
Someone goes behind him and crosses his arms over Elliot's chest and one arm, holding him firmly in place while the other two assist and hold his knees down so she doesn't kick while they give Bonnie the okay who slides the needle into his arm.
It's quick and he barely feels it, then they let go and all exit, leaving Elliot alone.
The door closes and the room goes dark again. At-least he isn't tied down and curls up on the mattress, the room actually warm, the opposite of cold which Nadine threatened to everyone last night if no one shared with Elliot.
He feels sleepy and it's hard to keep his eyes open any longer.142Please respect copyright.PENANANgxeZn7xfG
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