Sunday/Monday - April 25th/26th, 50XX
Twin to his brother, Derrick who's now dead. Adam is crying over his body and trying to shake him awake. "Derrick, Derrick!"
"Adam, Adam, stop. Stop, look at me! His gone." Vincent says, running over, pulling Adam away from his deceased brother.
"Can we get a bodybag? Someone!" Vincent calls out. "Shit." Says General Peterson approaching them.
"That's gruesome. Did anyone get the license plate for that cream van?"
"Wait, it was a cream van..." Vincent responds to his General.
"Yes, and, Vincent?"
"Did you read the theft report trail, Elliot when he was sick with Hanahaki?"
"Not really, no. I was focused on other things then."
"He stole a cream van, belonging to a doctor from a urgent care clinic. A woman in her 40's with blonde hair.
And the woman driving that van just now was blonde. I think it's her."
"What are you saying?"
"Someone has a vendetta."
"Why would she be here-"
"Listen, I know my theory sounds outlandish, but listen to me. Please."
The General sighs. "Okay, we'll discuss it, but later. Right now we need to find our members, find out what is going on here and I need then return to speak with Canadian Prime Minister."
"General! General!" Cries Thea, running up to him, looking worse for wear.
"Thea, gosh. I am relieved to see you. Are you okay? Where is everyone?"
"This place is a human trafficking and organ harvesting ring! Elliot, Maxis and Kiera we're taken downstairs and they never came back! That was yesterday afternoon!"
"WHAT?! That was not what I expected to here this place was. Right, everyone, round up everyone in this place!
Sort the victims from the staff." The General orders. "Thea, get in one of the trucks."
She obeys and they begin to sort through everyone here, slowly emptying the building, marking off who's dead, zipping them up and even freeing some still alive, trapped in cells in the basement.
Through the masses, Nadine May trudges out, clutching the back of her neck and head, it all really aching and she has a nasty bruise from where one of their own smacked her down hard.
When she awoke, Kiera who she was transporting was gone. "Nadine?!" Bonnie calls out, who's sitting in a group with others, handcuffed.
"Hey you! Name, now!" Vincent snaps, approaching her, holding a set of handcuffs. She squints her eyes shut, staggering a bit and then he notices blood dripping down her skull onto her clothes and snow.
"Hey, I need a medic up here! She's gravely injured!" He says, approaching her. She collapses and he catches her, assessing her. "Did someone attack you?"
"W-where is Kade?"
"Are you staff here?"
"And who is Kade?"
"L-like me."
"Lopez, who do we have." General Peterson orders coming up to him.
"Nadine, what's your full name?"
"Nadine Anna May." She groans, losing more blood. "General, she's losing blood fast." He tells her as his handed a towel which he uses to try and stop her blood loss.
"Right, hand her over to one of the medics. They can stabalize and we'll interview her later along with everyone else after we book them all.
Canadian Military is letting us use their HQ at the moment, they're going to extradite anyone to us who's not Canadian or been granted citizenship."
"No." Nadine whispers. "Nadine, where are you from?" Vincent says.
"How old we're you when you came here?"
"I see." He says, carrying her when he feels someone shove him to the ground, Nadine rolling in the snow, her left shoulder now broken.
"You! This is all you're fault!" Bobby Green yells, standing above her and she whinces, afraid, seeing him, breathing ragged. He begins to punch her repeatedly in the face and then chokes her, squeezing hard, his finger nails digging in like she's done to so many others who couldn't fight back.
"Stop! This isn't justice! Do you want justice? Cause if so, let us help you!
Move away from her now, that's an order!" Vincent yells, training a tazer.
But he doesn't stop so Vincent activates it. Bobby promptly falls over and is paralyzed. He removes the wire from him, Bobby groaning as the General lifts Nadine up carefully.
"Brother to brother, why did you do that?" Vincent asks him. "She's one of you."
"I hate her."
"Yeah, that's obvious. But you're goanna need to give me more than that to go on."
"S-she's my Supervisor, the head one of them all. The 3rd one in the hierarchy, just below Gavin who's b-below Dion.
T-They're dead."
"What? Do you know who killed them?"
"KV, got it. Hey, can we have a 2nd medic for this one?" Rupert calls out, requesting for more help."
Bobby Green
It's been a few hours and the U.S Military conducting interrogations, Canada assisting after the General met with the prime minster, Jake Trent.
"So, Bobby Green." Says General Peterson, Vincent Lopez beside him.
"What do you want to know?" Bobby responds, his lip busted and with a black eye.
"Why join a human trafficking and organ harvesting company. What was in it for you?"
"It was a job."
"And you could have gotten any other job, pizza delivery driver. Why this job in particular?"
"Higher than minimum wage, and I needed the money. This way I could work, not even that many hours, receive a large sum of money a-and continue..."
"Continue what?" Vincent asks.
"M-my studies."
"What we're you studying here in Canada?"
"I-I was g-going to become a disability worker."
"Well, that won't be happening now.
You have shown you're goverments Military and your country, you're violent and have a temper you can't keep in check.
Vincent here had to taze you, he gave you a chance. It wouldn't be safe for others, people who are vulnerable to have you work with them.
Not to mention, all of the people you're bosses we're holding prisoner we're vulnerable. You guys didn't care about them, they we're just money to you."
So, I've asked the officials here what they want to do with you as you're a Canadian born citizen and as you didn't hold a high role in Dion and Gavin's little show."
"You've been bailed out, but you're on house arrest till a Canadian court gets around to you."
"Why?" Vincent asks, after letting his General do all the talking. "What's wrong?"
"My fiance's a cop."
"You're getting married?"
"What's she going to think of me?"
"I don't know, that's for you and her to discuss."
"What if she doesn't marry me now?"
"How long have you been together?"
"5 years, but I've known her longer than than. We met in highschool. S-so I'm on bail, but house arrest?"
"Yes, you are."
"....Do you have any more questions for me?"
"No, we don't. You're as free as you can be. Vincent will show you to the exit, you're Fiance is here to meet you." The General tells him, Vincent unlocking the guys handcuffs from table, escorting him out.
When he makes it into the foyer, he sees her. She runs up to him. "Baby! Oh my god! My Sgt told me what you had done.
W-why work for shady people? You didn't have to do that you know? I know you want to help pay the bills, but you we're studying and now you're going to be kicked out of of school!"
"I-I'm sorry, Clara..."
"Aw, shut up. Come here." She says, hugging him and he shakily hugs her back. "I f-finally got a r-ring for you so you didn't h-have t-to wear the one from a v-vending m-machine p-prize p-pod."
"What? Baby, no. You didn't have do that, I was happy with the prize pod ring."
"Y-you're going to b-break u-up with m-me n-now?"
"No, I'm not."
"Listen to me, people make mistakes. Even good people, which you are, baby.
We'll work through this okay? Listen, I want you to return the ring, don't worry about the ring for now.
We will sort out this mess you're in and we can marry later. We've been together five years and I'm not leaving you. What's another year or two of not being married?"
"No, but's! I'm just glad you're alive and as okay as you can be. It's better than you being killed one day and not returning home to me.
All this time, you came and go and didn't say a word all while studying."
"I-I'm sorry."
"Baby, babe. Let's go home now for okay? You can shower and have something to eat. I have cooked spaghetti for you, you're favorite. Come on, to the car.
Electronic monitoring will meet us there too..." She says, leading him outside.
"Wow, what a lucky guy he is to have a girl like her." Vincent says.
"He is, most girls would up and leave. He just confessed to her, who's let alone a cop that he worked for a evil corporation... And she forgave him and is still going to marry him."
"I guess."
"Hope it does work for them then and they marry soon."
"So, Vincent. Up next is, a Bonnie. She was one of their doctors, we don't have a last name for her or any ID. Canada says they don't know who she is."
"Ooh, a mystery individual."
And they head back inside to one of the other interview rooms.
"Hello, Bonnie. My name's Vincent and this is my General, General Peterson."
"Hi Bonnie, how are you feeling?"
"Do you mind if we ask you some questions?" Vincent asks. She shrugs.
"You can stop at anytime and request a lawyer. But anything you do say, can and will be used against you in a court of law."
"And if I can't afford one?"
"One will be appointed for you."
"Great, a public defender..."
"So, Bonnie. Let's start with your last name as we don't have one for you and Dion and Gavin's company don't have one recorded for you.
What is it?"
"Bonnie, you do have a last name, yes?"
"Did anyone hurt you? Like Dion or Gavin or you're supervisor, Nadine May?"
"So, why won't you tell us you're last name?"
"Ah, ok. Desmond. Why didn't you want to tell us?"
"I see, moving on. Where are you from? And how did you come to work for organized crime? And are you really a surgeon? Do you have documentation somewhere to back that up?"
"It would really help yourself and us if you answered the interview questions.
If you can't do that, Bonnie. Neither us, nor Canada will consider letting you go."
"I'm not from here."
"You admit to not being a Canadian citizen and do not have any valid visa allowing you to be here?"
"Yes, that is accurate."
"Okay, Bonnie. That means you're going to be extraditied to the U.S, okay?
Canada has stated anyone involved in the mess you're in who is not Canadian and and has no visa to be here, they do not want. Do you understand?"
"Okay, let's move on with the rest of the questions."
"How did you come to work with organized crime?"
"Have you ever done this type of thing before?"
"I guess."
"You guess? I need a yes or no answer."
"And what did you do to people? Who did you work for?"
"We just watched them, all the time. I don't know why he just wanted to capture people and then not do anything with them. He did the same thing to us and we had to watch over them then."
"I'm sorry, what?"
"Bonnie, who was your previous employees? Did where you work before have a name?" General Peterson intervenes.
"My Supervisor was Phillip Gordan and he was afraid of Julius. We all we're afraid of him, Julius."
"I see. And did the group have a name?"
"No, not really. But the building did oddly enough."
"And what was it? Where was it located?"
"Stronghold Island."
"Weird, but each to their own I guess in the name department. Am I correct to guess that it was located on an island?"
"And what was around it?"
"What do you mean?"
"Was it a Island in the middle of nowhere, or ?"
"I don't know. We got just taken there and then others did to later. Nothing was around as far as one could see
It fell later when Julius met his match. Gordan helped bring him down and we got to leave after that, but we didn't have control of where too and I still don't know where we we're.
I left eventually and made my way here, Canada. When I heard of Ring, I snapped up the chance to apply, a life like this was all I knew.
What else was I supposed to do? Farm crops for the rest of my life and fish?"
"So, you're saying, where you worked before was the same and someone else took you down, with the help of your Supervisor from the inside?"
"Interesting. Now, Bonnie. Are you actually a Surgeon? And do you have any documentation to back this up?"
"Yes and no."
"Yes, you're medically trained, but you have no documentation to back this up alongside no documentation to prove you're name is Bonnie Desmond?"
"That's correct, and I've just always known how to do stuff, stitch up wounds, put a broken bone back together, transplant organs and so on."
"Okay. So, before this Stronghold Island, where did you care from? Where is your home?"
"I don't know."
"I need an answer, Bonnie."
"I don't know, I don't know, okay?!" She screams standing up, handcuffs rattling
"I never asked for this, never asked for a life like this! And after it fell, I couldn't stay living in a primative town stuck in the past! No technology, and so fourth!
And in short while I was there, the trauma wasn't going to leave! I left and I hoped in time, I could forget what they all did!"
"Bonnie, can you sit down, please?" General Peterson asks gently and she does.
"Bonnie, has anyone put you in a position similar to the positions you we're putting people in from the company Dion and Gavin we're running?" Vincent asks.
"What do you mean? Be specific."
"Has anyone ever tied you to a bed, a chair, a operating table? Given you drugs against you're will? Sedatives and other kinds." Vincent elaborates.
She starts to cry, trying to hide the tears. "It's okay, you can cry. Here, have some tissues." And Vincent offers a box of them.
"What do you think?" Vincent asks his general.
"She's a victim too, been trafficked. But Ring isn't the one who hurt her and it's understandable she would put herself back into a similar line of work if that life is all she knows."
"Bonnie, how old we're you when you ended up in this suitation the 1st time?" Vincent asks.
"And how old are you now?"
"Are you telling me you don't know how old you are? You look older."
"I don't know."
"Do you remember anything from when you we're a child? Who you parents we're, if you had any siblings."
"I don't know, okay?! Stop asking me questions, you're making my head hurt!" She yells, and then begins to cough, blood trickling now her nose and she coughs some.
"Oh, shit." The General says, Vincent handing her more tissues. "We have a diagnosis, but we'll have to hand her over to our doctors for further medical investigations and to actually confirm it.
But I'm pretty sure I know what is wrong with her, she's not lying, Vincent."
"And what does she have?"
"Drug induced amnesia and likely brain damage from long-term use. There is a drug and the use of it is only in very rare circumstances and to use it, you often need a court order."
"What is it?"
"It's called Merge and avaible on the blackmarket too. It stops memories forming and from repeated use, destroys neureons and causes damage completly in the memory recall area.
Causes complete amnesia with little chance of recovery after repeated, long term use. And that bleeding of blood just here? Is a common sign of it, especially when a victim of it becomes stressed when pushed to remember their identity, but can't."
"W-what are you going to do with me?" Bonnie speaks up. "We're going to take you back to the U.S, Bonnie. So you can get the medical and psychiatric help you need for you're amnesia.
But you have committed a crime in what you did and you need to be trialed for that."
"Will I be jailed?"
"That's not up to me, sorry. It's up to a judge."
"So, you understand? Can you relay to me what is going to happen, Bonnie."
"....I don't know."
She looks around confused, eyes dazed a bit. "We should stop questioning her and find her a bed so she can get some rest and so she can have some food and find her a lawyer.
She's not mentally there to stand trial, General. Let alone for us to question her further, that would be illegal now."
"Bonnie, you're interview is being paused." The General tells her after Vincent's reasoning. "What?" She responds.
"You're interview is being paused, you're not well enough to answer our questions, it's clear you don't understand them, you've forgotten half our interview, haven't you?" Vincent reiterates.
"N-no, of course not!"
"Where is Canada extriditing you too?"
"Uh... Umm, uh..."
"Please just don't lock me, okay?! I don't want to be locked up!" She cries, gripping Vincent by his collar.
"Bonnie, let go of me. Final warning." He heaves and she let's go and starts to cry more. "Bonnie, Bonnie. Look at me."
The General says, gently placing a hand on hers. "I don't believe in locking people up and throwing away the key.
The very thing you have probably done to others, yes?"
"But I'm not going to do that to you, there is no life in locking someone up forever, especially when they recover after treatment or as best they can.
And no one is going to hurt you and no one is going to restrain and/or force drugs on you unless you become a danger to yourself or others, do you understand?"
"Yes, General Peterson."
"Okay, so this is interview is being put on pause so we can bring you to the U.S, get you the help you need and in the mean time, we can get you a bed so you can have some rest, a shower and some food.
You're tired from your shift as a doctor too, no doubt. I have had friends who are doctors, they really pull double shifts and stuff, alot."
"I've been awake 3 days. A-and J-Julius is a Demon who thinks his a God.""
"Uh- Bonnie Desmond, that's 72 hours without sleep. I'm surprised you're even standing more or less. You're not all here. So let's leave this room, okay and you can relax and calm down from everything.
You're shift is over."
Vincent gives him a look. Demon masquerading as a God?
He shrugs, unsure what to say or make of it so Vincent gently leads her out of the room after his General finishes pleading with her, Bonnie still looking around confused.
"General?" Says a Captain approaching approaching him. "Ah, Angus. Can you make a phone call for me?
We need a 5150 for a Bonnie Desmond, Trafficking employee, but also a victim of trafficking herself and we'll go from there. Contact a court for an urgent order, she could back out when she realizes what is happening.
But for now, we partially have her consent.
"Of course, absolutely."
"Thank you."
"I'm just going to take a quick lunch break first and then interview our last person on my list to process, Miss Head Supervisor, Nadine May."
Nadine Anna May
"Hello, Nadine. How's your shoulder and arm?" The General asks.
"It's okay at the moment, doesn't hurt one bit."
"That's good."
"How long do you think it will be in a sling?"
"Could be a couple of weeks. One of our doctors will check in with you again at a later date. So, Madine. We understand you're russian and not from here.
Is that correct?"
"I want a lawyer."
"Do you have one you can call?"
"Alright, public defender it is."
"Great, so can I go now? I refuse to assist with anymore questions."
"Do you understand Canada is going to extradite you to the U.S?"
"I do. Any more dumb questions as this interrogation is over."
"It's more of a Interview at this point really, Nadine. And yes, just one. Is their anyone you would like to call? Or we could call them for you.
Family, a boyfriend or girlfriend, a friend?"
"No, you can't! They'll die if you do that?"
"Die?" The General says worried.
"Nadine, can you elaborate further what you mean by this?" Vincent speaks up.
"My parents are sick, they're in hospital! If you call them and tell them the mess their youngest daughter is in, they could have a heart attack! Both of them!"
"You have an older sibling or more?" Vincent responds.
"One sister, she's a few years older than me. She's their full time carer, gave up her full time job to look after them, but she runs a small business on the side online, usually when they are in bed, asleep for the night.
She had them taken to Hospital not long ago, they got sick."
"And who's making the payments? Also, you understand none of you have a visa to be here, yes?"
"We know, but my parents wanted a better life for us, they came here when I was 3 years old, my sister, 6 and Canada hasn't kicked us out yet, so... Yeah. My sister and I am making the payments."
"I can't comment on Canada's decision with what they are doing in regards to their status, only yours.
"Nadine, how does your sister think you we're helping pay? Does she know what job you had taken?"
"No, I haven't told her truth."
"So, what's going to happen when you don't go and see her and you're parents or make a payment soon?"
"Haven't really thought about it to consider the consequences have you?"
"Are you sure you don't want to call your sister? We can bring a phone to you."
"No, I don't want them to know."
"Okay, and that's you're right. You are an adult, we can't make you call anyone. But they're going to think you're missing when we take you back to the U.S. How do you think they will feel, when they never hear from you again, Nadine?"
"They won't report me missing, we have no citizenship and visas are expired."
"But they will miss you."
"Yeah, sure. They will." She says sarcastically.
"You don't feel they will?"
"Do you love you're older sister and/or you're older parents?"
"I don't know."
"Are you absolutely sure this is what you want? To vanish off the face of the earth as far as they know? It's our job to make sure." The General finally speaks again.
"I've made my decision, and I repeat, this interview is over and I want a lawyer. I know my rights."
"Are you a law student, Nadine?" The General wonders. "Make that was when I don't turn up for class on Wednesday."
"Who's making the payments?"
"My sister."
"You go missing, you will be kicked out and she will still have to pay the rest of the debt owing."
"Look, there is nothing I can say or do to salvage this situation. I call them, my parents likely have a heart attack and die and my sister thinks a whole lot less of me.
It's better they just think I ran away because of stress and depression."
"Or you we're kidnapped off the sidewalk and raped and murdered and you're body dumped in a ravine." Vincent speaks."
'That's... dark."
"Exactly, they will think the worst, Nadine."
"Nadine, are you stressed and suffering depression?" The General questions.
"I. want. a. lawyer. I. know. my. rights. Want me to spell it out for you a 4th time? You keep questioning me."
"And you're the one who's answering." The General warns her.
"I hate you."
"Okay, please wait here a minute and then you will be taken to a holding cell." The General tells her, Vincent standing up too and they leave the room for a moment. While the General talks to someone, someone else comes barreling towards Vincent.
"Vincent, Vincent, Vincent!"
His shocked to see his old work colleague from years ago, they stopped keeping in contact. Levi was no longer returning texts. "Levi, what are you doing here?" Vincent asks as he hugs his friend back.
"Listen to me, I didn't mean to ghost you. T-they kidnapped me! I ended up here a-and I was on the harvest list, but got it off and no one bought me so t-they just kept me around."
"Oh my god, you're okay though now?"
"Now, that we've been reached. Can I go back to the U.S?"
"Absolutely, we'll get you back home. Don't worry, buddy."
"I heard you we're Military..."
"Oh, yes. I am..."
"Bold career path change."
"I guess you could say that."
"Listen, I'm really sorry, Levi. But I have alot to process before the end of the day. I want to make sure you're okay and keep in contact. We'll hang soon, we'll go to dinner. I promise.
You see her over there? That's my friend, Thea. Go see her and she will look after you and find you a bed somewhere till we can all ship out again.
You're going to be okay, I promise."
"She's hurting herself! Somebody, help!"
"Somebody, do something!"
"V-Vincent, w-what's happening?!" Levi panics.
"Thea, take Levi here. You're in good hands, I have to go!" Vincent rushing off as Levi hugs Thea close. Vincent rushes past General Peterson, seeing him hang up his mobile.
"Lopez, what's happening?" He says. "I'm not sure!" He responds, running back to the interview room, Nadine May's still in, his General following him.
When they arrive back, they see her through the window slamming her already broken arm against the table hard despite the handcuffs and smashing her face into the table too.
"Stop! Stop, you're hurting yourself!" Vincent says, rushing up to her, trying to hold her back, restraining her a little, but it's hard as he doesn't want to break another bone of hers somewhere.
"Hey, we need some help in here! Can someone grab Rohypnol, please." The General calls outside the room, while watching Nadine fight with Vincent.
He pulls her back, him falling into the chair, her landing on his lap and he wraps his arms around her, holding her in place.
"Let me go!"
"You're hurting yourself, I can't do that! We have a duty of care to you, Nadine!"
"What's going on?" Says a Doctor coming in. "She was self-harming, we only left her for a moment." The General explains.
"I have some Rohypnol." 121Please respect copyright.PENANAVNsxdrF4vu
121Please respect copyright.PENANAwrkHnicISf
And the Doctors approaches them. "No, no, no! Please!" She cries, tears forming.
"Don't worry, everything's going to be okay." The Doctor says, injecting the needle while Vincent holds her. It's in and out quick.
"There we go, it's all done. You'll soon feel better."
"Thank you, Doctor." Says General Peterson.
"Of course." And he leaves.
"Um, I'll find a secluded room for her away from much visual and audio stimuli. Can you just stay with her? I'll be five minutes." The General says, leaving and Vincent nods, Nadine blinking in and out of consciousness and silent, not saying a word. He gently sits up with her, undoing her handcuffs from the table.
She's... really pretty actually. Does he... like her? His... always thought he was into guys. It's times like this he wish he could talk to Allie... She was always there to listen and with advice.
She looks alot like Allie. Allie deserved better than what she went through. But at-least she was safe and she is now in a way... Even though she's dead. No one will ever harm her again.
Vincent stands watching from outside the room through an observation room, they placed Nadine in. She's strapped down and they had to remove her cast.
She's asleep and likely will be for hours. "This feels wrong." Levi whispers, next to Vincent. "You feel so?" He responds.
"Yeah, I mean, she's not a good person... But she's sad. How does this help anyone? Let alone her."
"You're right, it doesn't. But short-term, things like this keep people safe and long-term, Doctors can work out something out to help them.
The drugs will wear off in a few hours and they'll remove the restraints when they're sure she won't harm herself again."
"Can we go? Being here is creeping me out."
"Sure, you want some Terrayaki chicken and rice? I still remember you're favorite, my shout." Vincent smiles.
"Oh, that sounds good. I haven't had a proper meal in ages." Levi smiles back, taking Vincents hand.
"I'm sorry, but you can't actually go."
"Oh, hi Thea..." Vincent says, hearing Thea behind them.
"Why not?"
"Maximillian's made contact."
"He prefers to be called Maxis, Thea. Do not say his full name to his face."
"Whatever, I know. Anyway, General Peterson wants you and some others to go out and pick him up. Elliot, Kiera... and someone else unaccountered for named Kade Beckett are with him."
"Levi, I'm sorry-"
"It's okay. You gotta do what you gotta do. Just please promise you'll make time for me later."
"I promise, I sware on my life I will."
"...Thank you." Levi says, hugging him tight, then let's him go. Vincent leaves with Thea and Levi turns back around, hands on the glass, watching a still, unconscious Nadine May.
"This is wrong... So wrong..." 121Please respect copyright.PENANAuELMgzejV5
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A nurse passes by and Levi tugs on their sleeve.
"Oh, hello. Are you okay? Is their anything I can do for you?"
"When she will wake up?"
"Uh, let me see." The Nurse says, bringing up a clipboard and adjusting their glasses. "In maybe an hour or three? She's on Rohyponol, that's stronger than Valiumn."
"Are you family? I can get a social worker for you to talk too?"
"No, that's okay. I don't wanna talk to anyone."
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah, I'm sure."
"You can go sit in there, dear. She's restrained so she can't hurt you."
"I know."
And the Nurse leaves. Levi slips inside and takes a seat not too close to her, but not too far away.
"Nadine... Why did you do the things you did? Why did you hurt me, hurt us?"
She groans in her drug induced asleep, rolling over a little, but she can't.
"Why? Just... Why? 121Please respect copyright.PENANARGyWfT7s1U
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I hope you explain why one day."
Oblivious to General Peterson standing behind him, ready to tell him he can't be in here and to come and have a talk with him, a bottle of water, a juice box and a sandwich alongside cookies in hand for Levi Preston.121Please respect copyright.PENANAEtkXmaQQtv
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