Thursday, April 8th, 50XX143Please respect copyright.PENANA0aXsbooqLM
Elliot slowly hears the sound of the town his in bustling. Opening his eyes, he winces from the sunlight even though it's not that strong out today.
His lightly soaked as well. The sky looking grey despite bits of sunlight peeking through. It must have rained last night, he passed out.
Sitting up, he groans with pain. Right, he needs to get home from where ever here is. Hobbling back into the main street from the alleyway he slept in last night, the plaza is very busy with people.
Some of them being the people from the earlier that he was sent to investigate. "Oh, this isn't good..."
He needs to find a safe place and a way out, preferably a car. But is he even in any state to drive? He looks around for a safe place and sees a sign for an urgent care clinic
Well, that will do. It would have doctors; they can help him and give him directions out of here or lend him a phone. Struggling to sneak his way over, he manages after a while.
Slipping in through the main doors of the urgent care centre, there are staff standing around, not doing much of anything.
"Hey, are you okay?" Calls out one of them, starting to approach Elliot when he faceplants into the floor, the world going dark.
He wakes up a moment later to see his on a gurney being pushed down the corridor by a few staff members. "Who we got?" Someone asks.
"Uh, John Doe. He walked in here and collapsed. We're an urgent care centre, but it might be best call an ambulance and he actually get transferred to a hospital's ER in the next city, just over yonder."
And then Elliot starts screaming for a moment, but bites his lip. "Hey, I know you're in pain, okay? And we're going to help you.
But we need a name for you and we need to know what happened to you." Says a different staff member.
"I can't believe this. What is with the sudden number of unknown individuals walking into this place in the past 24 hours, bruised and with no ID?" Someone else complains.
"Jake, shut up. It's obvious they're all Military. They're literally protecting our country." Someone else shushes Jake who just took a jab at Elliot.
"Others? Like me?" Elliot says, trying to sit up, but his pushed down again. "Uh, yeah." Someone responds.
"Vincent and Kiera are here? Ah, ah, ah-" Elliot says again, feeling the pain in his legs get worse. Next thing he remembers is coming out of a tunnel with glowing lights in a room, his clothing missing, replaced by a patient gown.
"Was an ambulance called?"
"Yeah, one is on the way. He needs to get transferred. While it's a miracle his legs are not broken, there is some serious bruising, he has a concussion and is at a risk for hypothermia."
"E-excuse me?" He whispers, and hears a door open, two people approaching him. A man and a woman. He flinches when he realizes one of them is the older woman, he bumped into outside the bakery last night.
She has a pair of black framed glasses sitting on the bridge of her nose and her side plait up in a bun.
"You're a doctor?" He says, looking at her badge. "Yes, I'm Dr Kaylee V. Now, what's your name?" She questions briskly.
"Uh, Elliot..." He responds, unable to think of his last name. "Last name?" Says the man.
"I-I- Uh..."
"That's okay if you can't remember. Now, Elliot. We're actually transferring you to a hospital. An ambulance is on the way so we're going to set you up in a triage room till then.
Dr Kaylee here is going to stay with you, I have other patients I need to check on." Says the other doctor, leaving.
"Okay, let's get you a triage room then. You've had a scan so we know nothing is immediately broken and there are no brain bleeds." She says, helping him off the scanning bed into a wheel chair.
She pushes him down the hall into a room off the side. Every so often, he needs to cover his eyes with his elbow, the artificial lights hurting. "Are the lights hurting?" She questions, as she helps him out of the wheelchair and onto a bed.
"Do you mind if I do a further exam if that is okay? Just so I can get some further information about your symptoms and we can pass that into the paramedics so you get the best of care?"
Elliot nods weakly and she begins. When done, she takes a seat beside him.
"So, Elliot. We still have not gotten the full story on where you have come from. Can you tell us what happened to you?"
"One of your colleagues said my friend's we're here. Is that true?"
"Uh, I can't divulge anyone else's identity without their consent."
"But we would all be wearing the same uniform!"
"As true as that may or may not be, I still require their consent if they are here."
Elliot gently slaps his face, frustrated. "Is their anything else I can do for you? Would you like a glass of water? Maybe something small to eat?"
"Uh, yeah. Both of those, I guess." Elliot responds, feeling his throat is dry and scratching, stomach rumbling.
"Of course, I'll get right on that for you. In the meantime, is there anyone you want me to call for you? You are Military... You're General?"
"Uh, I don't know..."
"Okay, umm... I'll be back in five minutes." And she leaves the room. Elliot hears the door click weirdly and he leaves the bed, gently edges over to it, trying the doorhandle.
Locked. Why would she lock him in? He stands on his tippy toes, wincing from the pain.
Dr Kaylee V is talking to the other Doctor from before he can see through a small window. "Can you go give them a call again and let them know their final missing jigsaw puzzle has come in and that he is on the list for transfer.
They can come in and take them all and be out of our hair before an ambulance arrives. You know how I don't like law enforcement hanging around when we have special guests in town as it is."
"Of course, I'll go phone them again now."
"Thank you, Luke. Now, I need to get Elliot something small to eat and drink.
Does the kitchen have anything in stock?"
"Okay, cool. You wanna pop back over to Mr Lopez when you can? I don't have time to see him. Need to finish up with, Elliot and Miss Bailey.
"Sure, and, I'll come with you to the kitchen. Get something for Lopez as his tetchy and about to bite someone's head off.
They walk off. Elliot lowers himself back to the floor. They're calling the143Please respect copyright.PENANABRcaRfBMz8
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Military and lying to him? Trust doesn't come easily to Elliot from his dark past and people lying to him, let alone doctors lying, sets off some anxiety.
Elliot looks around nervously for a way out, not thinking about the fact he is concussed. Nope, nope, nope, he needs to escape! Dr V is acting like she has never met him the day before, the wallet he had on him vanished.
As he is poking around the room, he sees a pair of keys beside the computer.
They're not clinic ones, but they are car keys. "Perfect!" He smiles, snagging them up. He heads towards the window and gulps when he sees it's at-least two stories. If his legs aren't broken now, they would be then. Jumping is not an option...
But going along the side of the building is. Not too far along is a balcony to what looks like another room, preferably empty...
He tries to keep calm as he scales the side of the building, finally making it to the balcony. He climbs into that room and stops short seeing it is occupied.
But lying on the bed in the room, eyes closed is his teammate, Vincent Lopez who opens his eyes when he hears movement. Clearly, he was just resting them and not actually asleep.
"Where the fuck have you been man? The mission was a failure! What is going on? Did you have anything to do with this? God, I have a lot of questions for you right now!" Vincent says, climbing out of bed.
"It all went wrong, I'm sorry! I did not set out for this mission to be a failure. It was just a accident and then it all went downhill from there!"
"What happened, Elliot! I don't want nonsensical babbling; I just want the truth! The last few hours have been hell for me, man and I just want the facts.
Agh, I have the worst stomach pain." He says, clutching his uncovered torso, that has a thick bandage wrapped around it.
"Where's Kiera?"
"Why's Allie dead? That's what I wanna know! Her body was hauled in by a farmer last night. She has a fractured pelvis and spine from a fall without her parachute being deployed, but there is also a stab wound in her.
That is the cause of death that was ruled, not the fall. The coroner picked her body up hours ago."
"I don't know! Why would you think I know?"
"Because I don't know what happened, Kiera is claiming she's innocent and you have been missing, then I see you climb in here after scaling the edge of this building.
You seem pretty SUS to me, bro."143Please respect copyright.PENANAyDIuCdWYyY
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Elliot starts to cry and he gulps a bit feeling flowers tickling his throat.
"Ah, hey. I didn't mean to make you cry. I'm sorry. Just tell me the truth and we'll go from there. We can go home.
General Peterson and Maxis are on their way to get us."
"The General and Maxis are coming?"
"Yeah, they are. Mate, come sit beside me and we'll talk." Vincent pleas, trying give Elliot a hug and walk him to sit down on the bed when he hears an alarm go off.
He quickly pulls away from Vincent
"Oh, no you don't! As a member of the Military, I'm not letting you leave. I won't stand for this.
You owe me the damn truth, Elliot! My life has been one big train wreck since I first met you!"
"I'm sorry, Vincent!" Elliot cries, unable to get Vincent's hands off of him when he can't suppress a gag and flowers flutter all over Vincent, a bit of blood also.
"Agh, what is this?! Help, somebody help!" Vincent cries, falling to the floor and writhing around. Elliot profusely apologizes and starts sprinting out the door and down the hallway towards the exit with Dr V's car keys still in his hand.
He sees an emergency exit, but as he runs there, someone comes out of a room with a bed and IV pole.
"Watch out!" That person snaps, then their expression turns to shock. "Elliot?"
It's Maxis and Kiera the one on the bed, unconsciousness and strapped down for transport.
"Maxis, keep moving. We don't have all day. Wait, Elliot?!" Says another voice. General Peterson from inside the room.
Elliot skirts around Maxis and Kiera's bed. Maxis doesn't even try to stop him, as he is trying to not tilt the IV pole going from Kiera's arm.
Elliot pushes a door open, setting off an alarm and sprints out into the parking lot. He sees several military vehicles outside and a few members.
The main ones he notices are the Donovan twins.
"Coleman, ay! Over here, did they discharge you already?" One of them calls out. He can't go with them, it's not safe.
Vincent knows he murdered Allie. He quickly presses the unlock button on Dr V's car keys in his hands.
A cream-coloured van lights up and sprints over to it, pulling open the driver's door, locking it behind him as the Donovan twins bang on the passenger's door.
He inserts the keys, hits reverse, slams the gas and quickly drives off, out onto the main street, leaving everyone behind and he sees a furious Dr V with them now.
After some time of driving and having made it onto the open road out of shady the town he was in, he pulls over so he can quickly clear the rest of the flowers inside and compose himself, his head throbbing.
So, he committed murder, assaulted Vincent, grand thefted a vehicle and deserted the Military. He is so going to jail again later for a very long time, he tells himself.
Elliot jumps in his seat, spooked and sees a window latch for the back of the van has opened. "Who are you?!" He says seeing a man a few years younger than himself and has scruffy blonde hair and pale blue eyes.
"Can you let me out of here? It's quite hot in the back."
"Uh, sure." Elliot says, unlocking the full door as there is a latch for the full door on this side and the boy climbs out, into the passenger seat. His pretty roughed up and on one of his arms is a padded leather, medical grade restraint that has been damaged or something. His other hand is free but he can see a nasty bruise.
"So, how's your day?" Asks the boy.
"Oh, fine. I just committed grand theft auto; you know. The usual."
"Well, I'm glad you did. I've been in the back of there for I think, six hours so far? I'm not sure to be honest. She did give me water, but..."
"Did the owner of this van kidnap you?" Elliot asks, worried, looking at the keys in the ignition. A chromosome charm is hanging off it upon closer inspection.
"Uh, something like that." Responds the young man. "So, uh, can we drive? Just drop me off the nearest town, I have somewhere to be."
"You sure?"
"Yes, I don't want to press charges. Just want to get as far away as I can from here."
'Me too, buddy. Me too."
"What's your name?"
"Elliot. Elliot... Coleman."
"No last name?"
"Just Kade for now."
"Okay, Just Kade. It's nice to meet you." Elliot snickers, shakes Kade's hand. He winces in pain.
"Can... I take this off for you?" Elliot asks gently. Kade nods and Elliot undoes the buckle, removing it and quickly throws it through the window, daring not to look through there.
He starts driving and Kade rummages through the glove-box. "Please don't. I'm already scared enough as it is. You can totally have this van and I'll walk if you want." Kade begs.
"I don't know how to drive, sorry. Never learnt."
"Of course, you don't know how to drive... None the less, stop touching stuff. I stole this van, remember? Let's not put our fingerprints on more stuff then needed.
How far is the next town or city, Kade?"
"About 9 hours I think?"
"Fuck, you serious? No, actually. Helicopter is faster. Well, we're in for a long drive then... And this van only has so much gas. We'll have to steal some.
This van would have been reported stolen anyway by now so I might as well add the theft of gas to my charge list."
"Helicopter- I, nevermind. Are you a professional criminal?" Kade asks. "I was. Turned over a new leaf, but that's all down the drain I guess now. All my hard work gone."
"You're still you. If you've truly moved on from it and want to get on the right road and stay on it, that will be examined in court, you know?"
"Who said I'm going to court?"
"Me. It's better to turn yourself in, Elliot. Do you want to spend the 20 years of your life, running?"
"So, turn yourself in."
"Have we met before, Kade?"
"No, never. Why?"
"Just got a feeling."
"And it's just a feeling. Like how I'm thirsty AF from dehydration." Kade says, unscrewing a bottle of water and drinking the last drop.
"I'll get you some energy drinks and some bags of chips when we need fuel. Don't worry..."
"You mean steal it."
"I have $5 on me."
"Great, we have $5. But that doesn't cover the fuel too."
"Okay, we're adding theft to my record too, Elliot." Kade says, unimpressed and nudging Elliot, albeit playfully though.
"Yes, we are, Kade. If you're going to have to turn to a life of petty crime, might as well learn it from a pro..."
"And you're a pro?"
"...Yes. I went to jail some years ago."
Then it's silent between them. As Elliot drives, he can't take his eyes off Kade every so often who keeps dozing in out of sleep. The bruises, some injection sight marks and a few band aides and bandages covering obvious wounds.
What did Dr V do to him? Why did she have him locked up in her van? Is it sound-proof back there?
Doctors aren't usually torturous kidnappers... He gulps, realizing he has stumbled into something bigger than what he was going through. Her reaction before too...
Getting back to Kiera and going home to Maxis, his vomiting of flowers and hurting legs is the least of his worries and problems now.
He has to help this young man get to safety.
Elliot pulls Dr V's van into a parking lot for the park in the nearest town from where they came from. It's exactly 11 hours later, was a long drive for him on account Kade doesn't know how to drive.
Luckily no police car ever pulled them over as Elliot doesn't have his license on him.
They stopped to nap at one point as Elliot couldn't keep his eyes open along the way. Elliot leans back in the driver's seat, turning off the ignition. He lets out a yawn, but also a sigh.
Kade leans back too in the passenger's seat. "Man, you still look worse for wear." Elliot tells him.
"You look like shit too, thanks." Kade responds, not in a chirpy mood as much as he was before, delighted Elliot stole Dr V's van.
"So. Do you want to tell me about what happened to you back there, Kade?" Elliot asks.
"Not really, no."
"Are you going to be okay though when we part ways? What if that Doctor back there finds you again? What if she hurts you worse than last time, or even kills you?"
"She won't, I'll be more careful."
"And how do you know that, Kade? Nothing is absolute in life... That's what a friend of mine tells me."
"What was their name?"
"Maximillian. But we called him Maxis for short."
"Uh, her name was Kiera. She's one of my other best friends. Well, one of my only. Other than her and Maxis, I don't really have anyone else...
My enemy's list is longer than my friend list ever will be."
Kade is sitting very stiffly, un-moving. "Dude, you, okay? I can walk you up the ER for the hospital in this town if you want?"
"No! No doctors!" Kade cries, tears flowing down his cheeks. "Okay, okay. I'm sorry, no doctors." Elliot apologizes.
"Understandable your run in with one has traumatized you. Just, what are you going to do if you need medical help in the future?"
"I'll go to a pharmacy and just take my chances."
"Okay." And Elliot apologizes again.
"Thanks for the several packets of potato chips and energy drinks before."
"Don't mention it. You we're really worse for wear."
"I hate that we stole it though..."
Elliot sighs. "I do too. If I ever get to go back to my normal life, I'll make a donation to a homeless charity or something so someone can have a meal."
"That sounds like a good idea. A way to pay it back for the bad deed we just did."
"Kade, stop. It was more me than it was you."
"But I distracted the gas station attendant so you could shoplift, then we ran of there and took off in the van full of gas we didn't pay for either."
"I did leave the $5 on the counter under a magazine."
"...That was something, I guess."
"I know, I'm justifying my actions really badly right now."
"What are you going to do now, Elliot? Why we're you even running in the first place really?"
"Why should I tell you? You're not telling me much about yourself. You're somewhat radio silent."
"Okay. After our little exchange here, and we part ways. I'll go into the nearest bank and access my bank account.
When I rummaged through the glove box earlier, I wanted my wallet and phone back.
My ID is in there and you know. And then I'll get a hotel room for the night and go from there."
"What are you out for here?"
"I'm... trying to locate someone. I ended up locating the wrong person, I got it wrong."
"How did you get it wrong and end up with a sociopathic doctor?"
"Wrong DNA link."
"I'm sorry, what?"
"No, you can tell me. Bud, I'm here for you. I'm concerned about you. If you want, you can come with me? I don't know where I'm going, but you're more than welcome.
I'm in the Military. I can... Protect you from anyone who might try to hurt you."
"I appreciate the offer, thank you. But this is a journey I need to undertake alone, Elliot."
And he begins to hop out the van. "Kade, wait!" Elliot pleads, grasping Kade's hand. He hisses in pain.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"
"It's fine... Just sore still. I'll get cream for it later and some bandages."
"Can I?" Elliot asks, picking up a black perm marker from in the glove box. Kade nods and he writes down his phone number on Kade's arm.
"If you ever just wanna have a chat, call me. I'll listen. And if you ever wanna come by for somewhere to stay, even for a night. Call me." And Elliot explains roughly where he lives.
"I see. Thank you... I appreciate your generosity, Mr Coleman and your bravery for what you've done for me.
Just, you're not there and you don't have your phone.
You don't have much of anything."
"It's back home with Maxis. We don't take our wallets or phones on missions with us."
"Ah, true. That makes sense, Elliot..."
"Can I say it once more?"
"Knock yourself out."
"You should go home to Maxis, and Kiera... They'd be missing you badly."
"They would, I'd love nothing more, and to sleep in my own bed again, a proper bed at that. Have warm food on the table every night.
Before I joined the Military, I was between homeless or extremely poor. I made many mistakes, got sent to jail as you know.
When I got out, I enrolled in university and met Maxis. He helped me fix things, get my life on track. And anything I needed, he helped me get it in the beginning. Paid for it all, everything.
And then he asked me to live with him, I served a while and then we we're joined by Kiera.
She was bought in by the Military, found hiding near our base. I don't know her story, but they did let her stay on base on the condition she enlisted.
She did. Maxis let her stay in our apartment, made her a warm meal, leant her clean clothes, and tucked her into bed for the night. The exact same thing he did for me once.
She's clearly broken, but she performs the job. I only wish I knew more about her though.
"Sounds like she is indeed troubled..."
"Now, I feel overwhelmed. She doesn't like the dark and neither I or Maxis we're with her last night. Shit... We have to leave a few lights on at night. I know she has a night light in her room too.
I hope she spoke up and told the Doctors. She is mute most of the time."
"Tell me more."
"Umm no, bro. Sorry, I'm saying too much. If you ever end up meeting her, it's best you know as little as possible and don't bring up anything I've said.
She'll whoop both our asses if she finds out I blabbed. Our girl's a fighter even if she doesn't talk much..."
"I'll say nothing." And Kade pretends to zip his mouth and throw away a invisible key over his shoulder.
"Good." Elliot says, nodding.
"So, are you going to go home, Elliot?"
"I don't know. I've really screwed my life up badly again. I should have waited for my General to collect me.
"Why didn't you?"
"I think you should. It might not be as bad as you think."
"No, I think it's worse than I could think. I've done things I'm not proud of and one of them I can never undo.
There's no going back on it. No going back now."
"You should still make amends. The longer you're missing, the worser the punishment will be if you're ever caught."
"You really are an upstanding, law-abiding citizen."
"Yes, I am. So, go home, Elliot. Face the past... Or..."
"You can always slit your throat. Suicide is always a Plan B."
"I- what-" Elliot is speechless. That was a tad dark coming from Kade. Okay, very dark. "You okay in the head?"
"Are you?"
"Never better. Now, I have to go. Want to get some proper sleep in a room with a door I can lock and unlock. Need to find a hotel. I also really want a juicy burger and a milkshake right now, yum."
Elliot nods slowly and he and Kade climb out of the van, Kade tossing the keys onto the dashboard. Elliot takes one final look at the chromosome charm hanging off the keys, then shuts the door.
He and Jacob make their way to a ATM. Kade spots him $200 - It's generous.
Way too generous, but Elliot needs it and thanks Kade profusely. Kade asks him to promise he won't commit anymore crimes. He promises and they share a quick bro hug, pats on each other's backs, then part ways.
Kade leaving him to head towards a hotel he sees, so he can catch some shut eye. Elliot's alone now and begins to wander along, finding his way into a spacious park.
Kids are everywhere playing, people are walking dogs, having picnics despite it heading into the afternoon. There is benches and a centre fountain. Tons of pigeons when Elliot trips over something.
"Oh god, I am so sorry!" A voice apologizes, someone extending their hand out to help Elliot up. He accepts and as he rises, he come face to face with someone from his past he never forgot.
He helped them burglarize a house when he was younger and stares in awe. "Got the sneaky beggar!" Says another voice, one more gruff and he impales the soda can, Elliot tripped over.
"You too?!" Elliot says.
"Elliot. Name's Lance Strong, remember? We never really talked." He responds. "Oh, that's your real name..." Elliot says.
"Well, duh. You think my name was Pennies?
"No, of course not!"
"I hope not."
"Uh- I never thought I'd see you two again after you're arrest. I was also sentenced."
"Anyway, it's nice to see you, Elliot... You remember my name? What are you doing out this way?"
"You're Jerry?"
"Yeah. Never thought we'd both see you again. Heck, now I am asking myself how well we actually knew eachother.
We pretty much didn't...
"Oh my god, you're a thief again. It's written all over your face." Lance says, his finger shaking. 'Not so loud!" Elliot shushes. "I don't want to be. Things just went wrong. I want to-"
"You want to what? Spit it out, lad." Lance snaps.
"I want to go home, stand before a judge."
"Okay? Then go home?" Lance responds.
"I don't have a phone."
"I'll call you a taxi. I have coins on me, I can use a payphone."
"Thank you." Elliot replies. "Can I ask, what are you both doing out here? You're not from here either."
He looks them over. "Community Service Order. We we're released from prison here, this is where we got transferred to about 6 months ago, but we're still goanna be on probation for the next few years.
We got longer than you, you we're a kid and we all took advantage of you." Jerry states, gesturing to his and Lance's legs. Elliot looks down and sees ankle tracking monitors.
"How long you both been out?"
"A week." Jerry answers.
"That's not a long time."
"Nah, it ain't, kiddo." Lance interjects again. "We trying to think of something to do so we can integrate back into society'..."
"Do you want me to throw a random idea out?"
"Sure, throw us your best. We turning up nothing." Reginald smiles.
"You could be dairy farmers."
"I'm sorry, what?" Jerry responds.
"Dairy farmers. You both never shut up about cows, get yourselves a plot of land. Get a couple cows of all flavours. Chocolate ones, strawberry ones, blueberry ones. And the list goes on."
"You're joking about other flavoured cows, right?" Lance demands. "Uh?" Says Elliot, clutching his head a little. Come to think of it, it's throbbing...
"Ay, that not a bad idea. The milk industry is very profitable! Lance, we need to search the innerwebs. We DO love cows!"
"Hmm, alright. Let's look into it." Lance states. "Elliot, thank you. But we have to go. We have limited time to finish cleaning up this park." Jerry says, shaking Elliot's hands profusely.
Lance nods, gives Elliot's back one hard slap and he heads off, but not before going to a payphone and calling Elliot a taxi. When it pulls up, they gently help Elliot slide into the back seat.
His legs are starting to ache again after driving hours, then Lance closes the door and thumps on it, taking a step back. Jerry has his head through the front window, talking to the driver, then he pulls it out.
"We wish you luck, Elliot on whatever your life is now..." Jerry says, him and Lance waving goodbye and as the taxi slowly pulls away.
"Elliot, was it?" The driver says from the front.
"Uh, yes?"
"They paid you're first two miles actually. That was nice of them. Those couple of bums didn't look like they had money on them."
"They aren't bad people, you don't them like I do."
"Oh, so ye friends?"
"Something like that. I'm guessing they don't have much money probably due the state garnishing it, but that was nice of them to pay for two miles."
"Yeah, it was. So, you got cash for the rest of the way? Where we headed?"
Elliot hands over the $200 Kade gave him. "That's all I have."
"It'll do." Says the driver, taking it. "Thanks."
"You're welcome." And Elliot slumps back in the backseat, feeling his body relax. But he feels something lodge in his throat a bit, petals.
However, he managed to not cough for nine hours and not scare the living daylights out of Kade was a miracle.143Please respect copyright.PENANACZXurWFLl9
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