A young child walks to his mother. She smiles at his face and grabs him up. She spins him in the air and he yells with giddiness. She places him on the ground and she looks around the corner as motion catches her attention. A man comes around the corner with a letter in his hand she notices. She waits for him to enter the room.
He walks to her and kisses her. He picks up the boy and holds him in his strong arms. The child looks at the letter in his father’s hand.
“What is that Dan?” Beverly asked her husband. He opens the letter and sits at the table. His eyes scan it quickly. He looks at his son.
“It seems that our boy is being invited to a camp. They want us to send him off to it.” Dan told her. “We never applied for him to go to a camp. I don’t like the idea of trusting something that we never sent for.” Beverly said.
“No we didn’t. But I do want to check it out. I think that is might be good for him. He has no siblings and he hardly plays with any of the other children. A little time in a camp might do him some good Bev.” Dan said to her. “You think that I’m going to send my son there, then you’re brain dead.” She said quickly.
“I get it. I understand that you’re protective of him. I’ll check it out and see if it is respectable. I agree with you on this. I don’t think that we should send our son off somewhere and we don’t know a thing about it.” He said looking at his son. “Joseph’s something too great to lose.” He said looking at his wife this time.
He got up and left his wife to her work in the kitchen. The matter was left at that for the next few days. Then Dan came back home a few days later with a smile on his face. He walks into the kitchen to his wife and she is cooking him dinner.
She looks back to him. She raises her eyebrow at his excited attitude and wonders what he was so happy about. He was somewhat jumpy. She knew it had nothing to do with her by his giddiness, almost boyish, so she assumed it involved their son.
“What’s got you so happy?” Beverly asked her husband. He looked at his wife and stuck his lips out with a smile. “The camp is real. Our son is going to the camp sweetie.” “That’s what’s got you so excited; our son is going to camp? Really?” she asked. “Come on, it’s a rite of passage sweetie. You go in a boy and come out a man, one that has braved the elements and learned to survive on wits and sticks.” He said. “Men are so simple. If all it takes to please you is a camping trip, then women would take you more often so you can be…preoccupied. But…you want to watch the game.” She said with a sarcastic tone stuck to the statement. He shook his head at her and looked at his son walking in from the commotion.
“You’re home daddy!” Joseph said running to his father. His father catches him and holds him tightly.
“I got some news for you son.” He said to the youngling. “What?” “I and your mom thought that it is time for you to start doing things on your own. So she and I have decided to send you to a camp. You’re going to camp son.” His father said with the biggest smile.
The smile on Joseph’s face dropped off the face of the earth. He blinked a few times and pulled himself away from his father. Dan raised his eyebrow up.
“I don’t want to go to a camp.” Joseph said to his father. “Why not? It’s a good experience. You don’t know it but you’ll be talking about camp way into your future life. I think it’ll be good for you. Besides, whether you like it or not, you’re going and there is nothing you can do to change that.”
“I don’t want to go because I don’t trust that face.” Joseph said. His father looks at the picture that was lying on the table of the camp counselor. His father looks at it then at his son.
“This man is not going to hurt you. I doubt that you’ll even see him. Usually the paper is completely different from the reality. So son, you really don’t have to worry about this man being your counselor.” Dan told his son.
“I guess so. When do I leave?” Joseph asked with a hint of sadness in his voice. “As soon as school is let out for the summer, you’ll leave. Soon, you will have yourself a summer of fun.” His father said with smile.
Summer soon came for the young child. He found himself brought to a location and he watched his parents drive away. His mother stared out of the back window at her child.
Many would not know but she conceived her only child with great difficulty. She was informed that the chances of her having another child was extremely slim. So, she cherished her son very much. Letting go was exceptionally hard for her.
But he was there. As they drove away, she felt that she had done the right thing. Her son was where he needed to be. Then she became worried when she saw the face of the man on the paper take her son’s arm. She looked away and then at her husband.
The man led Joseph back into the camping area. He lined the boys up and stood before them all.
“My name is Paul O’Connor, and there is something that you boys should know about this camp. THIS AIN’T NO CAMP! WELCOME TO BOOTCAMP MAGGOTS! Get you bags and get ready to leave.” Paul screamed at the children. They started to cry and pick up their things. Joseph was quiet and squinted at the man.
“You got a problem with my face boy?” Paul said looking at Joseph. Joseph kept a straight face. “Yes.” “Well that’s just too bad! Get your bag before I beat you with my boot. Let’s move!”
Joseph picked up his bag and followed the line of children. They boarded a boat. Paul took the wheel and the boat took off. Joseph stayed awake while everyone else was sleeping soundly.
He watched the scene change until they arrived to a large building on the river. They docked at the building and Paul woke everyone up.
“It’s time to go inside children. We have some work to do and so little time to do it with. Get up and leave your junk on the boat.” Paul said. The children filed out into the building. Paul followed behind them. Joseph looked around at everything. Men and women were in uniform working the building. They didn’t even pay attention to the children.
The children entered a room. There were weapons all over the room. The children looked at them and Paul centered himself in the room. He looked at all of them with a stern face.
“You’re all dumb, but in three months’ time, you’ll be smart. We’re going to teach you some…”lessons in camping”. Before we begin, it is ceremonial that all the children choose a weapon out of this room. So…have at it.” Paul said.
The kids started to walk around the room. Videos of the weapons being used were played. The most popular was the long sword. Then there was the Katanas, Rapiers, Cutlass, Machete, Saber, Scimitar, and other blades. There were also the knives, bow and arrow, poisoned needles, and ninja stars. Joseph looked at each of them but was dissatisfied. The other children were quick to choose their weapons.
Joseph was slow about his choice. He studied each of the weapons placed before him as a choice. He then came upon a case in the back. He stopped there and looked at the weapon in the case. He studied carefully; up and down his eyes went over the case. He turned back to Paul.
“This one. This is the weapon I want.” Joseph said. He knew not what he would use it for, but he was sure that whatever the case, this was the weapon that he wanted to wield.
“This one? Kid, get something else. No one wants to learn about the staff. Look at the things the others are getting. See all the pointy, shiny, weapons over there? You can even train with guns. See the guns? Go over there and pick something from over there kid. You’ll be making a mistake with this one.” Paul said.
Joseph looked at Paul. He squinted his eyes at Paul. He knew something was off about this man. He was now more determined to stick with what he liked. Paul was up to something to his childish eyes.
“I want the staff.” He said. “No you don’t. I’m getting you a rapier.” Paul said walking towards the blades. A cane was placed before his foot. Paul looked down at the man who had stopped him from moving any further. Joseph looked at the old man.
“This one is interesting.” The old man said, “This one wishes to get a staff, while all his peers look at the blades and guns. He was the only one to be attracted to the lesser weapon. Why would you tell this one to look at what is considered greater when he has chosen the lesser?”
“There is no one to train him. They all died after World War II. You know that as well as I do. Plus, everyone has chosen a blade or gun. Why should he be any different?” Paul asked.
“But it is clear that he is different. This one looked before he chose. This one has been watching quietly. The others are not quite as attuned and astute as this one. This is what I find valuable. He will train with the Staff.” The old man said.
“Chang Fo! You can’t let him train in a dead art. There is no one to teach him. All of our masters are swordsmen and gun maestros.” Paul yelled at the old man.
“I am the master am I not? I have learned how to use all the weapons. I will teach this one personally. He has my attention.” Chang Fo told O’Connor.
“You haven’t trained a soul since 1957…the same year you changed the name to the I.O.S.T.A. I don’t think that you’re ready to return to teaching others.” Paul said.
“There has been none deserving. It takes a humble and kind heart to choose the lesser over the greater. The other weapons are more potent no doubt…but they have their weaknesses. He has chosen well Paul. I trust you will find him suitable lodging here?” Chang Fo asked.
“It will be done master. I hope that it will go well with the new one sir. He seems…odd.” Paul said.
“You were once odd O’Connor. Do not forget that you were once his age. I trained you did I not?” Chang Fo said hobbling away.
Little did the old man know that the last man he had trained was truly undeserving. He was told what was needed to earn the old man’s attention. He did as he was told and was trained because he had followed what was said about grabbing the old man’s attention.
Paul O’Connor was perhaps the most undeserving to learn. Yet, he knew secret arts that no one else did and was handy with most weapons because he was under Chang Fo’s training.
He also was mad. He ended the lives of all those who were trained. He was now the only living trained individual of Chang Fo. He did not need another to join the ranks and he would ensure that he would not.
Your days are numbered child…I will stand for no rival in this organization. Chang Fo sees you as a potential. Potentiality must be destroyed. I will find a way to do such to you. You wait you little brat. Paul thought to himself with a dark smile on his face.
Joseph was given a small staff according to his size by Chang Fo. Chang Fo looked at Paul and Paul nodded. Joseph swung the staff and smirked. He knew what was for him…and the staff…it was just for him. It was…in a two words…perfectly natural.