A few months passed since the last incidence from the IOSTA. It was May, late spring. Everyone had drawn closer, since they had time to breathe. This time, they could be found at a beautiful venue.
Joseph was dressed in a tux. There were many people around him dressed up. The decorations around indicated a wedding.
Madison was definitely talented with glamour. She had tried to keep it all modest though. The colors ranged from peach to a really soft, light pink. The bridesmaid dresses were peach colored to go with the colors.
There were celebrities, other friends, and Madison’s closest friends attending the wedding she planned oh so perfectly. She of coursed had called Joseph to her.
He entered her dressing room. He would have expected her to be in something completely flamboyant but she was not. She was in a white dress. It was strapless white light gold stones across the top of her busts down the middle stopping just above her belly button. Towards the bottom of the dress, it had this silky, flowing feeling.
She turned to him with a smile on her face. Joseph smiled pleasantly surprised.
“Surprised?” she asked him. “Yes I am.” “I thought you might be. I know that I like to dress up, but, I felt like I had to be a little bit more real today, then I can go back to glamour and chic.” “Sounds like a smart plan. You look beautiful. So, you requested me?”
“Yes I did. I know this is silly and cliché, but am I doing the right thing?” “You’re asking me if you should get married.” “I guess.” “Well, I can’t answer that for you. I’m not you and I don’t know how you feel. I’m your friend. I know who you are from what I see. I also know where you come from.” “So, what do you think? What are your thoughts on the matter?”
“Well, I know that you can be a tad bit skeptical. I also know that you’re afraid of divorce. You parents divorced and you don’t want to end up like that. You hadn’t had a good example of a good marriage. That scares you doesn’t it?”700Please respect copyright.PENANAsm9gBzyTSn
“A little bit. I don’t know if I’m truly ready.” “Who is? Who is every truly ready for sickness, death, happiness, sadness, children, marriage… We can try all we want, but we never know what is going on around the corner.” “I guess you’re right. But what about Tony? Do you think he is all in?” “I think Tony is on for the ride. Tony is many things and one of those is loyal. He loves you, adores you. You couldn’t really find anything better Maddie. You have a real future ahead of you. I wish you the best of happiness. It’s up to you though. You give the word, I destroy everything.”700Please respect copyright.PENANAr95dfoMqFu
“Jas…” “Yeah, Maddie?” “Thanks for being my best friend.” She hugs him tightly. “You never judged me and you’ve been there through thick and thin, supporting me. It’s my turn to support you Jas.”700Please respect copyright.PENANA8WG1gWem00
She pulls away from him with a smile on her face. “What do you mean by that?” “One last time Jas. It’s time to you face you feelings. It’s the only way I can see you truly being happy. Stop avoiding Annabelle.” “I don’t see why people keep saying that.” “Maybe because we happen to notice you? Just take my advice.”
Joseph shakes his head slightly. She punches him in the arm then kicks him out. Joseph waits outside the door for a while. It was about 30 minutes later and then it was show time.
Madison came out. Joseph takes her arm to walk her down the aisle. “I can’t believe I’m going to give you away.” Joseph said as they walk down the aisle. “I can. Thanks.” “Like you said, I’m always here.” Joseph tells her.
The ceremony begins. Joseph stands on Tony’s side. He was however wearing a peach shirt. Annabelle looked knowing that he was both the best man and head bridesmaid. Natalia was talking to her bunny again during the entire event. Her mother snatched it away, telling her to show some respect.
(I don’t quite remember if it is rings then vows or vows then rings… but they were exchanged in whatever order and blah, blah, blah. You know the rest of the story.)700Please respect copyright.PENANArFJX4K6SjX
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Joseph sits at a table alone. He watches Madison dance with Tony with a beaming smile on her face. That is all he ever wanted for her. Since he first met her, she was always in a false state of happiness. He knew the difference for a boy and man who had to force smile himself.
He was happy that she and Tony were happy. Annabelle sits with him. He looks to her.
“You’re the wedding type are you?” she asks him. “Hmm. Happy people and I don’t mix. As you’ve probably guessed, I like to brood.” “I’ve noticed. You know, I know that you talked to Madison. What did you tell her?” “I told her the truth. It’s her day.” “You’re a good friend. No, you’re a good man Joseph. I know you don’t like to think it but you are. You’ve done a lot for everyone.” “I try Annabelle. I try.”700Please respect copyright.PENANA7DYmVR1h9M
Annabelle places her mother’s diary on the table. She looks at Joseph. “You deserve some happiness in life too Jas. I can tell you about the beast formula.” “What about it?” “My mom, she was the one who solved the equation for them. She put the formula together for them. She however ensured that they would never good full power over the world. So she put a flaw in it. She has the cure in here. I only need to decode one more word. It’s the cure.”
“Really?!” Joseph said beaming. She smiled at his beaming face. “Yes.” “That’s great.” “But there is something else though. My mom, she wasn’t just involved in that project. She was involved with an IOSTA project called forever. She called the formula the Forever Potion. Basically, for the years that you would live on this earth, say 84 years can be translated into 8400. That is 100 years for every year that you would live.
I’m part of the project. In fact, I was her test subject. She injected the only formula that exists on the earth into me. That’s what Paul is looking for, the formula.”
“Well, we won’t let him get it. As long as we’re the only people that know, then you’re safe.” He tells her.
“Sad…I know now.” Paul said clapping his hands. “Kill them all.” He orders. He looks at Joseph. “This is the final time we will meet Arlington. Thank you for your assistance.” He tells him.
Joseph gets up. An arrow goes right through him. Joseph falls down and Annabelle screams. She tries to help him only to be grabbed by Paul O’Connor. “You’re coming with me dear. It’s about time that I get paid for all my troubles.” He said.
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Joseph wakes up about 2 hours later. He groans. He looks around and the reception was in literal flames. He looks to see Madison, Tony, and others looking ragged. Madison looked like a warrior princess not afraid to get dirty. Natalia was covered in brown. She blinked a few times as she saw Joseph rise up in pain.
Beverly and Dan run to their son. “You were right son!” they both said. “I’m sorry I didn’t believe you.” Dan said to Joseph. Joseph ignores them. He hobbles over to Madison who drops her chair leg on the ground.
“There were so many…and we thought you were dead…” she said in shock. “I had to…” “Shhhh. Where’s Annie?” Joseph said coldly. “You’re hurt.” “I’ll be fine. Where is she?” “They went north.” Tony tells him, “but don’t go man. They’ll kill you.” “They’ll try.” Joseph said looking stoic.
“Natalia, watch after mom and dad in case I don’t come back. This is the final time I’ll deal with Paul and Marcia.” He said in finality. Everyone opened their mouth to speak but Joseph threw his hands in the air turning away from them.
He passes his table which was caught in light flames. He lifts up his staff and twists it. It comes out to its full length. He grabs the other and does the same.
Joseph frowns his face up trailing north, climbing over the unconscious bodies of IOSTA agents that happened to be going very soft on the town….700Please respect copyright.PENANAyy637ZaU4U