Joseph was up early one morning putting on his leather jacket. He looks at Madison still sleeping keeping in mind to be as quiet as possible. He came out of his room with a light foot. He was cut off however by his mother before he could leave.
“Where are you going?” Beverly asked her son. “To go get some breakfast for Madison mom. I promise I’m not going to get into anything.” Joseph tells her. “I’m worried about you and until you tell me what is going on, I’m going to dog you out. You hear me?” “Okay mom. I hear you just fine. Please, keep it down.”
Beverly moves out of Joseph’s way. Joseph hugs his mom and runs out of the house. She shook her head. She was tired of his little secrets.
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Joseph enters Big Lucy’s café. She looks up at Joseph with a smile. Mr. Johnston turns around to him and smiles at him also.
“You’re the kid from the park aren’t you?” Mr. Johnston asks. “Uh, I suppose so sir. Joseph Arlington.” Joseph says holding his hand out. Mr. Johnston shakes it.
“That was some fancy spinning action you were doing in the park a few weeks ago. Where’d you learn to do that?” Mr. Johnston asks him. “Oh that…uh…camp.” “And the acrobatics?” “Camp.” “And your Latin?” “Camp?” “What kind of a camp is this?” “The kind I don’t recommend parents send their children, trust me on that. So, Mr. Johnston, from what I’ve heard, you’re pretty well connected to the town.”
“Yep. I used to be the sheriff of our fair little town. I watched most of these people grow up. I even helped raise some of them.” He tells Joseph. “I’m his niece. He raised me in my late teen years.” Big Lucy says. “Now she’s caring for her old uncle sheriff. I think that’s annoying though…always on me about my blood and what not. Can’t stand it.” “Who’d keep you alive anyhow old man?” “Bah.”
“So what can I get you child?” Big Lucy asks giving her attention to Joseph. “Anything for breakfast? Just a small platter please, no cinnamon.” “For you little actor friend?” “Yep.” “I’ll have it ready soon enough.” Big Lucy said walking into her little kitchen.
“So, Mr. Johnston, I’ve found out that Annabelle’s mother burned the library down. I was wondering if you had any idea why she would burn the library down.” Joseph asks Mr. Johnston.
“Well, I couldn’t tell you. I’m ashamed to say this but when she did it, I really thought she was crazy. She always was an oddball, but you know, I don’t judge. Took every bit of power I had to get her out of the mess.
I asked her why she did it and she only smiled at me. She said I would live a longer because of what she had done. That’s all she ever told me.” Mr. Johnston says looking at his coffee as if staring into old memory.
“And that has spilled over into Annie’s life…” Joseph said. Mr. Johnston looks at Joseph wide eyed.
“Son…watch that tongue of yours. It’s just Annabelle. She hadn’t let a soul call her that since her mother passed away. She’s adamant about letting anyone call her that. Just Annabelle son.” Mr. Johnston says. “Sorry.” “But, you’re right about that. Her mother was kind of a fiasco before then but since then, that’s all the people remember and care to linger on.
The mother suffered for her mistakes and inadvertently passed it on to the person she loved most in the world. Poor Annabelle has had to deal with the cruelty of her peers since she’s been in school. Her mom pulled her out when it got too bad for her to handle it.
Didn’t stop them though. I have to say that since her mother has been gone, she has lived her life gracefully, letting their venom just slide off. I know it must hurt but…she doesn’t show it.” Mr. Johnston says looking at his coffee again.
“Yeah…she’s pretty strong.” Joseph said. “That she is son. That she is.” Mr. Johnston says taking a sip of his coffee. Big Lucy walks to the counter and places a bag in front of Joseph. Joseph pays her for the small meal.
“So, what’s got you so interested in Annabelle’s life?” Big Lucy asked nosily. “I don’t really know. She was telling me a little bit, thought I might get a little insight. Hey, you know what, I’ve been wondering why everyone calls you Big Lucy. You don’t look like you a day over 31.”
“One little thing you learn about me is I do everything big. But in truth, I told everyone to call me that.” she answers.
Joseph chuckles as he grabs the bag. He waves bye to them. He gets in his car leaving the café.
“You think he likes her?” Mr. Johnston asks her. “Oh, there’s no doubt about it old man.” Big Lucy said with a heavy Texan accent. She spins around return to her kitchen. The old man continues to sip his hot coffee.
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Later on that day, Joseph pulls into the Lightman yard. He gets out of the car and opens the door for Madison. She was not as glamorous as normal. She seemed to be a little better though.
Annabelle looks from above the tree top that she was in. She smiles, packs her sketchpad away, and pushes off the branch she was sitting on. She grabs it and drops down to the next branch, continuing to do so until she reaches the bottom.
She smiles at Madison and Joseph. “Hey Madison. I’m so glad to see you.” She says to her. “Really?” Madison said a bit surprised. “Well of course I am. I’m, Joseph is decent company but he’s not a girl. I can’t talk girl with him. He’s…how do I put it?” “All man?” Madison said with a small smile on her face.
“Yeah.” “I can be sensitive.” Joseph says to them. Madison stifles a snicker. Joseph gives them both a confused look that makes them both almost start laughing their pants off. “Okay…we’ll leave it at all man Joseph.” Madison says.
“Okay, I guess.” Joseph says. “Annabelle, I need to talk to your for a second.” “I know you said Annie…I don’t when or where, but you did.” “Yeah. It was an accident. Come here.”
He takes he to the side. She thought she was going to get an apology. That was not about to happen though. “Look, Madison has had a little family tragedy. I need you to try and be understanding for me. I brought here because…well, you’re the most feeling person I know. I knew her mother, but, in my current state, I’m a little cold at the mention of her name. I need you to be what I can’t be, a true and understanding friend.” Joseph tells her.
Annabelle looks at him with large eyes. She blinks quickly a few times as the information finally registers. “You’re asking me to be her best friend? Joseph, I don’t know her like you know her. I can’t give her the kind of comfort you know how to give.” “I…I…” “What? You know what to do.” “I can’t! I can’t even tell you about Ron. I remember everything but there is nothing there. I have no need to or want to speak about a dead person. Annabelle…they took part of me that cares. I want to, I really, really want to care, but it’s not there. Every time I tell her sorry about her mother’s death, she tells me that I sound like a robot trying to learn how to laugh. It hurts me that I can’t be there in her time of need.” Joseph says running his hand through his hair in frustration.
“Okay Jas. I’ll…I’ll talk to her. Just, give us some time alone, huh? Sit in the car and think about what I told you.” Annabelle said. “What’s that?” “Feel everything around you. Just do it.” Annabelle tells him.
She pulls away from him. She motions Madison to follow her inside and they walk into the house. Joseph gets back into the car, lets the window down, and closes his eyes.
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The time seems to slow down around him. Joseph listens to everything around him. Even in the civil portion of New Heights, that is where humans live, there was an affinity with nature. The birds chirped, the sun shone, the wind blew, and the smell of grass and dead leaves permeated the air. The animals were nearby making their little noises.
It had a calming effect on him. He fell asleep in the car…falling into a dream.
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Joseph finds himself in the arena once again. He looks around seeing not a soul around him. He takes a look at his hand finding his staff in it. He looks up and sees Ron standing before him.
“RON!” Joseph said quickly. “When there is a will there is a way old friend. You’re not inhuman just lost. There’s a cure for it.” Ron says to him. “You’re my subconscious, if you know the cure, then tell me what it is.” Joseph demands coldly.
“That may be so, but I can’t give you the answer. You know well that the subconscious is where all the secrets lie in wait. It’s up to the conscious mind to decipher them. So wake up and figure it out. WAKE UP! WAKE UP!” Ron keeps saying to him.
Joseph’s eyes open up and he sees Annabelle smiling at him. She grins even larger when he blinks quickly at her. “You okay?” “Uh-huh. Madison?” “Didn’t want to talk about her mom really. She’s more worried about you Joseph. She thinks you’re too hard on yourself. But she did talk a bit.” “I’m too hard on myself?” “You are. You don’t seem to get that it’s not your fault. She knows what you wish and that’s enough for her.” “Well, it’s not for me.” “Joseph… My mom told me when I was very young that situations at times make you do things you don’t want to do. The best way to be happy, is to deal with it. Live with it and be proud of your problem…or, whatever the issue is, just, don’t let it get you down. You got to do the same.” She tells him. “Alright, I’ll try.” “Good.”
“We’re meeting up tomorrow. I’m going to take you all somewhere. So…have some swimming trunks on.” She tells him as Madison gets in the car.
“Uh, why?” “Why else? We’re going swimming.” Annabelle tells him with a slight laugh. “I’ll see you later Jas.”
She walks back into the house. Madison looks at Joseph.
“Feel better?” he asks her. “Joseph…you’re too kind to me. I’m fine. Can we pick me up a bagel?” “Carbs…is that all you ever think about?” “I love food just like you like your little staff.” “It’s not little…it’s quite big.” Joseph said a little offended.
The car pulls away from the Lightman house. 819Please respect copyright.PENANAIWiDW8oVgZ