They arrive to Sentry City after another 2 days of driving. They decided to stop at the park…since it was critically acclaimed by many who had been to the city. Joseph wanted to split up though. He wanted to keep to himself, to think to himself. So he took princess with him, since he was the only person that would be able to control that with which is uncontrollable.
Joseph kept her in front of him. She did not dare move to the left or to the right. He was very strict about keeping her safe, though he wanted to stay within the realms of his mind for the most part.
He stops in his tracks sensing a man following them. He turns around and sees the man after him. He runs at Joseph who stops in his tracks and spins to the man quickly. The man runs into Joseph’s iron grip and Joseph slams him on the ground.
Joseph looks up and sees other men running at him. Joseph looks at Natalia who wasn’t paying any attention. She was far up ahead. Joseph runs after her. She is snatched up by a man that runs across the grass out of nowhere and Joseph runs even faster. He flies across the park after the man.
A woman was jogging on the path with earphones. She sees the man fly by. She keeps running wondering why in the world there was a little girl in his arms. She doesn’t see Joseph coming. He leaps over her entire body in an amazing feat of power.
She looks up and watches him soar over her head. She knew then something was wrong. She takes the earphones out of her ears and balls them into her pocket. She places her mp3 player in her pocket too and disappears in plain sight.
The man slides behind a statue out of Joseph’s line of sight. He smiles and looks at the little girl kicking her legs spitting out words that he didn’t really understand.
“Hello.” The woman said. The man was stunned by her talking to him and she stuck her Sais in him. The man fell down. She bent down and smiled. “You’re not going to die…if you get medical attention within 30 minutes that is. You shouldn’t kidnap someone in the middle of broad daylight. Think about that next time.”
She senses a man behind her and he swings straight over her back. Her leg comes out and strikes him in the gut while she was still in her bent position. He flies back and she leaps in the air and spins around, her legs coming out. He is kicked in the face and he flies back. She lands on the ground and he tries to run at her. She moves to the side and he crashes into the statue.
He slides down. He looks up fighting unconsciousness and her foot smashes his face knocking him out. She shook her head at him. “Shame. You people really suck.” The woman said.
Joseph runs to the statue after hearing a smacking sound. He sees Natalia alright and looks up at the woman ready to pounce on him. “Who are you?” she asked cautiously. “Her brother. Who are you?” he asked back.
“Is he telling the truth little one?” the woman asked her. “Yes. He is my brother. Thank you for your aid but it was not needed. I was going to do him in.” Natalia said dead serious. The woman almost bursts out laughing until she looks at Joseph’s face.
“She’s not kidding.” He said looking at her. “Oh. Well I’m sorry. Trouble with the IOSTA?” she asked. “How…who are you?” Joseph asked the woman. “Jocelyn Lessa sweetie. You watch your back kid. You don’t want to make them too angry.” She said. The woman put her earphones back in and started jogging again.
Joseph looks down to his little sister. “How in the world did they find us?” he asked himself in all truthfulness. “Don’t know. You suck at covering your trail maybe?” Natalia said skipping along again.
“We need to get what I want done now. Come on little girl. Let’s get the girls and get them to come along. I don’t think Sentry City is particularly the best place for me to be right about now. It’s too high profile and out of my protective realm.” Joseph said.
“Lame.” Natalia said. She continues to skip until she is grabbed up by Joseph. She is carried off into the distance back to Madison and Annabelle looking at the handsome men walking around. Sentry City was full of eye candy.
“What are you two doing?” Joseph asked. They looked at him from eating the bag of chips and broken out of the concentration. He raises his eyebrow at them.
“Nothing Jas. You ready to go?” Madison said brushing her hands of the salt and chip dust. Joseph nods to them both and they both get up. Joseph keeps the squirming girl in his arm. He bends over just a little to her ear.
“You can stop struggling now. You can’t win in a fight against me.” Joseph said to her. She stopped squirming and started to pout. The people walking by kept their laughs in only smiling at the little girl with eyes of steel and currently…meanness.
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They arrived to the University of Sentry City in about 30 minutes after driving only a mile or two up the road. The traffic was pretty bad in the city. The car parks and the doors open. Madison steps out in some very high heels and a nice looking outfit.
Annabelle however was a lot more modest in her outfit. It was modest, but made her look impressive to the wandering eye. Joseph gets off and pulls off the only distinctive things on him…his shades. They were the ugliest red color and everyone tried to get him to get rid of them. He just refused to do so however.
Natalia got out of the car. Joseph had her changed into a cute dress. She didn’t want to wear it, preferring jeans to the dress. That meant that she couldn’t get dirty, at least on Joseph’s watch.
Joseph opens the door for the women and they walk in. The people at the front all looked up at the people that were clearly not from Texas. It was obvious from their look. Madison was surprised that not a soul even got up and tried to get in her face.
“Wonder why they didn’t get up to meet me.” Madison said. “Contrary to what you think, not everyone likes you. You stole the award from critically acclaimed, Texas Actress May Daughtry. They hate you here. Ignorance is perhaps the kindest thing you’re going to get from the Texans.” Joseph told her.
“This is a nice facility on the other hand. They must get some very…big money.” Annabelle commented. “We do.” A scientist said walking up to them. Annabelle turns to the man talking to her and she raises an eyebrow cautiously.
“The Sentry’s donate a good bit of change to us to keep this lab running well on the campus. They believe in the future. You can’t blame them. The future is bright.” The scientist said to her.
“That’s good to hear. Hello, my name is Annabelle Lightman.” She told him. “Leonard Bries. A pleasure to meet you Ms. Lightman. Howdy to all your friends here. What can I do for you folks?”
“I’m here, Doctor Bries, for the brain scan.” Joseph said speaking up. The doctor lays his eyes on Joseph. He gives a questioning look to him.
“Why son…you don’t seem like the type we’re looking for.” Doctor Bries said. “Trust me, you want to scan my brain. Besides, are you really going to turn us away? I drove all the way from Virginia to get here. “
The Doctor takes in a breath of air. He was not going to just send them off without at least scanning them. They did make an effort to get there. He nods to them defeated and motions them to follow him.
They cross a number of hallways before they enter a large room. The ceiling was high up and there were a number of pipes hanging from it. In the middle of it all was a simple chair and surrounding it plating that stood up like walls spread apart. On the floor were small indents. If one looked, they’d realize under it was tracks.
“This is where it happens. We’re trying to get better technology for scanning the brain. I designed this all myself. One day it will be condensed down but until then, this will serve as our main test bed for new technologies.” Doctor Bries says.
“Impressive.” Annabelle said to him. The doctor looks at Joseph and turns his head towards the chair. “I know it can be a bit intimidating but I can assure you myself that it is very safe.” The doctor told him.
“Don’t mistake my standing here for fear. I’m not afraid of anything.” Joseph said sitting down. The Doctor looks at him. He then places his hands on the keyboard near him.
“Now who died?” the doctor asked of Joseph. “Ron.” Joseph said back. “Alright. Concentrate on the man. Keep all your thoughts on him and well see what we get?” the doctor said turning the machine on.
The plating that stood like walls started to spin around follow the tracks in the indents. Lights lit up the room and blinded the girls watching. The doctor, now used to them, simply looks on squinting just a little to keep the light from hurting his eyes too much. Joseph’s mind stayed on the man that was once his friend. There was nothing there as far as emotions went. There was no feeling and he found it impossible to force even a single emotion for him. Joseph gave up in defeat…his mind started to wander away from Ron. The machine was stopped just in time though.
The doctor looks at the slowing plating. He looks at Joseph, who was still looked the same as when he sat down. Everyone that he had ever met was in shock when it finished its scan. Joseph got up and he had not lost his balance either. Even the people on the outside of the machine were a little shaky and wobbly.
“Is that it Doc?” Joseph asked him. “Yes it is. Thank you?” the doctor told him. “I would like to see your results if you don’t mind sir.” Joseph said to him. The doctor nodded to him.
“It’ll take me all night to beat the facts out. I hope you have a place to stay in the city. I can meet you tomorrow.” The doctor informed him.
“That’s fine.” Joseph said. He walks to the girls and motions them to come with him. The doctor copied over the data and left to his office.745Please respect copyright.PENANA0TPh74cZ3g