Annabelle sits in her room looking in her mother’s diary. She squints at something. It was difficult to break the code. She knew that it had to do with some sort of formula. Her mother had mentioned before that Annabelle was special…much different from the rest of the billions of humans on the earth. Annabelle had no idea what it meant though.
Scarlett had made mention of a special formula…something had powerful effects on humans. It could make life much better for humans…one day at least. Her mother had felt it necessary to hide it because the world was not ready for it yet.
She looked at the time. She saw that she was late. She quickly runs to her closet and grabs a dress out of it and changes into the pretty brown dress with abstract art patterned on the dress with its wondrous spirals and spins.
She hides the diary into a secret compartment in her bedframe. She then leaves her room to catch up with her friends.
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Joseph was sitting dressed up with Tony, Madison, and Natalia. Natalia had volunteered to be his date to the big day for Tony. She knew that he wasn’t going to ask Annabelle, so she just jumped on him, more so to taunt him that he was afraid.
“Fluffy Bottoms says Annabelle approaches.” Natalia whispers to Joseph. He looks at the bunny pointing at the wall instead of towards the window. He blinked a few times wondering why in the world did she use that bunny to do and say everything.
Annabelle enters the restaurant in cute golden topped, wine colored belted, brown torso, dress. It had one strap across the shoulder. In her hand was a small light golden purse to match.
She sits at the table with all of them. Tony throws his hand up to get the waiter’s attention. He comes to take their orders from them. He quickly got their orders.
“Thank you for inviting me to dinner. It’s been a bit quiet in the house since dad kicked the wicked witch of the east out.” Annabelle said. “No problem. Plus, I couldn’t really leave you out if I brought little Natalia.” He said looking at her.
“I’m dangerous.” Natalia said with a smile. She in fact kind of blackmailed her way in telling Tony she knew his little secret, what he was going to do tonight. So, in order to keep her mouth shut, per Joseph’s request, she was brought to the dinner. He knew Natalia did something to make him pay…Tony only had to wait and see what she had done.
“I heard about the little thing between you and your step-mother the other day. What happened?” Tony asked. “Nothing that I really want to talk about. She was unkind as usual and my father had enough.” Annabelle said. “You’re mother’s painting is alright isn’t it?” Madison asked.
“Yeah. I fixed it.” “I got to look out into the sea… It was surreal. Something about that ocean is just…dreamlike.” Joseph said looking into his memories. “I imagine so. From what Madison has told me, this town holds a lot of secrets.” Tony said.
“You don’t know the half of it. My mother was always trying to find something new. This town has secrets that defy logic. Sometimes, I wish I had her mind…it was…genius.” Annabelle said.
“Your mom was a genius? Huh. I would have thought she was just crazy.” Natalia said eating a breadstick. “Uh-huh. You can keep you demeaning comments to yourself princess.” Joseph told her. “Fluffy Bottoms wanted me to say it. He knew Annabelle’s mom.” Natalia said.
“That’s impossible. You little bunny wasn’t around when Annabelle’s mother was.” Joseph said. “But it’s true!” “No. Put that thing in the bag. This is a proper meal and we’re going to act civilized. Put it away.”
Natalia muttered something putting the bunny into her little bag. She folded her arms and slumped into the chair.
“Anyhow. I’ve got the money, and all of my grandfather’s estate. I don’t really know what I’m going to do with it all. That house…ugh.” Joseph said. “You could rent it to the royal family.” Tony suggested. “They want to rent that giant place?” “For their balls and such. It’s a fine palace.”
“You own a palace?” Annabelle said looking at Joseph. “We own a palace. I get the west wing.” Natalia said. “When you’re eighteen. Yes, I have a palace.” “Wow. That’s…that’s actually interesting.”
They continue their small talk until the food arrives. They devour their meal. The only uncivilized looking creature at the table was Natalia. She ate her lobster, calamari, caviar, and soufflé voraciously. Joseph tried to slow her down only to get jabbed with her fork and he just let her go ahead and do what she wanted. She’d only pay for it later.
Finally, desert came. A large bowl of chocolate covered strawberries was placed before the all. The high said was turned towards Madison, a lover of strawberries. She grabbed a few of them placing them on her plate. As she grabs for one more, she sees a glint in her eye. She removes the final one she was going for and sees the ring that Tony had bought her.
She takes it out and stares at it. As she turns to her side, she sees the all classic tale of a proposal. Tony as on his knee, nervous but smiling at the woman he wanted to take as his wife.
“Madison, we have known each other for some time. And a few months ago, we became more than friends. As time went on for me…I just fell more in love with you. You’re real…true to yourself. You love life, you love food, and you love your friends. Life is easy and happy for you and it’s infectious.
So…I want to spend the rest of my life in your presence…to be happy with you. Madison Parks, will you marry me?” Tony said with a nervous smile on his features.
Madison stared at him with a dropped mouth. She was completely surprised, blindsided. She didn’t think he ask this soon…rather, at all. But she gained her bearings and found herself to be in tears.
She nodded as soon as she knew she was smiling. Tony let out a breath of relief, because Madison didn’t notice, but a few minutes passed before she answered. He was sure she was going to say no or let me think about it.
Joseph smiles at Madison. “Congratulations.” He said. “Thanks you Jas. Wait a minute…did you ask for Joseph’s permission first?” She said looking at Tony. “Yeah. I made sure.” “Okay, just wanted to be sure.” “Gave him my blessing.” Joseph told her.
They continue to chatter about the proposal and Madison shows off her ring that Tony put on her finger. Meanwhile…
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Paul was eating dinner with Marcia. She looked at him expectantly. He had told her to dress up. He had something for her. She was hoping it was him finally wanting to settle down and forget the IOSTA.
“So, you said something earlier about…” she said then she was cut off. “I know what I said. I said I needed you to do something. I think you will be very happy about this. You see, I have been doing some thinking. It will take time for me to locate the formula I am looking for and to create the perfect beast formula.
Joseph Arlington is the key to perhaps both of them. At the moment, the beast formula is what we need to focus on. So how too we capture a man who doesn’t want to be captured and cannot be captured?” Paul said placing his fork to the side.
“I don’t know. How?” Marcia said annoyed. She had gotten dressed up for no other reason than Paul’s obsession for power and conquering his enemies.
“How, we take the flag Marcia. We take the flag and he will come to us. Now what do I mean by that? Well, it’s simple. People do whatever it takes to save their loved ones. Money…giving up their lives, whatever is necessary. Now, all I have to do is bargain the freedom of someone he cares about for his return to our custody.”
“Annabelle? You’re going after her sir? I was wondering when you were going to get to it.” Marcia said now a little interested.691Please respect copyright.PENANA98uIJi2XxO
“No Marcia, not Annabelle. A man like him won’t submit for Annabelle…now we need something deeper, a love he has already admitted to.” Paul said.
“Madison? She is his closet friend. I’m sure he’d give his life for hers.” Marcia said kind of hoping he was going to say someone else. She didn’t want to miss out on the new show Madison was supposed to be starring in.
“No…not a friendship Marcia…no, something deeper. I’m talking about familial love. Marcia, we’re going to kidnap the brat. We’re going to use her as a bargaining tool to get what we need and want…the beast formula. We won’t have to stop for anything as soon as I have my hands on that beast formula. And you, dear Marcia, you’re the person I’ve chosen to kidnap Natalia Arlington. Do you think you can do it?” Paul asked.
“With my hands tied behind my back sir.” She said still annoyed she dressed up for no reason. She at least felt good that she would be causing problems for someone and that she might be able to get the better on Joseph Arlington. The only issue was getting into town.
“How will I get into New Heights?” She asked Paul. “That’s for you to figure out on your own. I don’t have all the answers. Take all the time you need, but I want you to grab her tonight.” Paul said.
“I’ll think of something Paul.” She told him. They continue their meal…she was mostly quiet, still upset, dressing up for no reason.
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Later that night, in the Arlington home everyone was asleep. Joseph was still out for the night. He had brought Natalia back.
During the night, there was a knock on the door. Beverly shuffled in the bed. She put her head under the pillow. “Get the door Dan.” Beverly said. Dan mumbled to himself as he forces himself out of the bed.
He walks to the door groggily. He thought it was Joseph, that he had left his key at the house. He opens the door to see Marcia. He was shocked into full alertness.691Please respect copyright.PENANAVNpoVst7xg
“Who are you?” Dan asked. “Someone you won’t remember…” Marcia says pushing the man away from her. The man fell on the ground dead. Dan leaps back. He looks at Marcia and Marcia smiles. She flicks her wrist and needles fly at Dan. Dan rolls out of the way of the needles.
She looks at him surprised. “Military training?” she asked to herself. Dan swings his elbow at her as she slides out of the way. She grabs his arm and twists it. Dan moans and she yanks. She pulls his shoulder out of socket.
She strikes him in the back of his leg. He falls to one knee. She then grabs a book, swinging it into his face. Dan falls down in defeat. When Marcia looks up, she see Natalia looking at her.
“Fluffy Bottoms warned me about you…Marcia Roterez.” Natalia said. “How do you know my…never mind. You’re coming with me child.” Marcia said trying to snatch her up. Natalia rolls out of the way.
She then kicks Marcia in the back. Marcia spins around watching the girl run out of the door. Marcia chases after her but Natalia was nowhere to be seen. Natalia flips from the roof head-butting Marcia in the head.
Marcia flies back into the house from Natalia Iron head-butt maneuver. Marcia flips back to her feet and Natalia stabs her in the leg with her short blade. Dan opens his eyes dazed by the potent needles that had a short-effect.
Natalia slides under Marcia as she grabs her leg. Natalia stabs her again in the leg. She then wraps her arm around her leg and pulls. Marcia screams in pain. She points her hand at her and fires her needles into her flesh. Natalia goes down like a sack of potatoes. Marcia lifts her up.
“Brat.” Marcia says as she shuts the door behind her. Dan whispers no as he falls down on his face again.691Please respect copyright.PENANAvgWErQVSsC