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Joseph pulls up in his new red 2008 Honda Civic. He gets out of the car and looks at the home he grew up in. The memories of happiness ran through his mind. He quickly switched the thought to Ron to test himself and there was a blank as far as his emotional attachment went.
Joseph couldn’t even get angry about not having emotions. He let it go and entered the house with his bag on his back. He feels something ram into his six pack. He falls on the floor and laughs. He then lifts up the little girl into the air.
“Princess!” Joseph said. “Jas, where you been?” Natalia said quickly and excitedly. Joseph puts her back on the floor. His mother came around the corner. She smiles at her son and takes him into her arms.
“Jas…what are you doing home? You’re not supposed to be back until fall, son.” Beverly said to her son. “They didn’t need me this year. They have more than enough counselors this year.” Joseph said softly.
“How’s Ron doing? Is he well?” his mother asked of him. Joseph went completely blank. His face was as cold as ice. He looked at his mother with a glare that scared her into thinking he was not even human. “He’s dead mom.” Joseph said, “I’m going to my room. If no one needs me, don’t bother me.”
Joseph takes his bag and carries it on his back. Natalia watches as her brother walks away to his room. She looks at her mother. “What’s his problem?” She asks. “Who’s knows. Teens are a mystery. Now this thing about Ron being dead? How?” Her mother said more so to herself than to Natalia.
The evening passed. Everyone was very worried about Joseph. The week passed…and they were even more worried. He seemed completely different. He was not himself. He scared everyone. At the end of the week his mother and father decided it was time to talk.
So they sat in the family room, with Natalia put to sleep. Joseph sat in front of his parents as stalwart as ever.
“Son, we need to have a little talk about your recent attitude. Is something wrong? You can talk to us about it.” Dan said to Joseph. Joseph looks at his father with the same inhuman glare that was now common on his face. He quickly shakes his head and puts on as best a smile as he could.
“Nothing is wrong.” Joseph said. “Now you’re lying. My intuition is telling me that something is wrong with you and you are not willing to give it up to us. What’s wrong my baby? Why are you acting like this? You’re so terse and cold.” Beverly said with eyes full of complete and utter motherly worry.
“Fine, you want to know? The problem is what I tried to tell you all those years ago about “camp” and what it really was. Camp was a training ground for little boys like me to become world class killers. But, you both didn’t listen, you didn’t believe, so every year I went back…and I came back less you child.
They did something to me…different. They took away piece of your son and you won’t believe it.” Joseph said.
“Well, all the evidence is to the contrary. We’ve been giving no proof that you’re a killer, that these people are killers, and that camp is really a secret organization that operates beyond the government. Son, all nice stories, but you’ve been trying not to go to camp for years. I thought Ron fixed that.” Dan said to Joseph.
“Ron fixed nothing. He made things better, but he didn’t fix a thing. I keep telling you I didn’t go to a camp but you don’t believe me.” Joseph said.
“Because it is kind of impossible Jas. Everything you’ve told us is…completely different from what we’ve seen with our own eyes.” Beverly said.
“They said I didn’t know how Ron died didn’t they? They sent you a letter about it did they not? Let me guess, the letter said he died in a kayaking accident and to inform me.” Joseph said tensed up.
“How did you know that? You read the letter didn’t you?” Beverly said.
“No mother, you know that I didn’t because it was delivered today, while I was out, by hand, by a “camp counselor”. I know this because I know how they operate.” Joseph said trying very hard to get them to see what he was saying.
“Yes. But that proves nothing Joseph.” Beverly said trying to keep him calm.
“It’s an impressive trick I’ll admit son, but, it’s very thinly based. We need more evidence. True or not, you need to fix this attitude of yours. I and your mother won’t stand for it in our house. You hear me?” Dan told Joseph
“I hear you. Is there anything I can do about? No, because you both aren’t listening to me. You keep going around the edges. No matter what I say, or do, you keep going around the truth. It’s right in front of you.” Joseph yelled.
“Look, boy, you get ahold of yourself in my house. I won’t have you running around here screaming and scaring your mother and little sister, you hear me? Now, you’re going to calm down, and you’re going to reign in that attitude of yours.” Dan said with finality in his voice.
“I’ll…do so. I need you to do something for me. “Joseph said calming his temper.
“What?” Beverly said. “We need to move. We need to get as far away from here as we can. Please, I can’t stay here anymore.” Joseph said.
“Are you kidding? We can’t just pack up and leave our home. You grew up here. You have friends in school. You’ll be uprooting your sister leaving everything you know and we know and care about behind.” Beverly said with a slight chuckle.
“He’s right, we need to leave.” Dan said. “What?” Beverly said.
“There’s nothing here for us anymore Bev. We’ve needed to move for a long time. Now is as good a time as any. Joseph has no problem with it and Natalia is young. She will quickly get over moving away.
I hadn’t told you yet but the research facility that I am working for is shutting down in a few weeks and I will be out of a job soon enough. I’ve been offered a job in Virginia.” Dan said.
“You can’t just uproot us from our home Dan! This is our home!” Beverly said to him. “No Bev, this is your home. You like it here. I never have. You son has never liked it here. You daughter does not like it here. So there must be something to this place that makes it not so pleasant to your family. I’m sorry that you’re going to have to give it up but it’s better for all of us if we just leave now before things get worse for us and before our daughter actually begins to like it here.” Dan said.
Beverly throws her hands in the air and walks out of the room. Dan turns to Joseph.
“I expect you to keep your end of the stick. Don’t be scaring your momma and little sister, you hear me boy?” Dan said looking Joseph in both his eyes with a dead seriousness that made Joseph doubt that he could win in fight with his father.
“Yes sir. I do have one question though.” Joseph said. “Spit it out.” “Would you have moved if I had asked outside the context that there is an actual need to move?” “Yes, yes I would have. You just do as I said though.”
Dan steps away from his son. Joseph smiles and walks back to his room. He looks at the paper he made. It had a plan on it. The very first portion was to become completely unpredictable to the IOSTA. As soon as they saw that there as a factor they did not expect then they would back off.
The next part was to find a way to cure himself of his little inhumanness. Things were falling in place for him just as he wanted. The move would be just what he needed to set up a defense against the IOSTA should they ever decide to try and capture him.
Meanwhile back at the IOSTA headquarters, Chang Fo was having his dinner for the evening so he could get to bed and rest. His chambers were burst into by Paul O’Connor. Chang Fo got up from his seat and frowned at Paul. He threw his hands up in anger.
“What manner of idiocy is this O’Connor? I was about to turn in for the night. This should be important for you to impose on my evening of sleep.” Chang Fo said.
“Oh, but this is important master. You see you’ve become outmoded. It is time that we get you replaced like an old knee cap.” Paul said taking out his sword.
“My student bested you and you believe that you can beat the master?” Chang Fo said unsheathing the sword from underneath his table.
“No I don’t. That’s why I cheated. I poisoned your meal. I think you’ll find you hand is not quite so useful Chang Fo.” Paul said swinging his blade. Chang Fo blocked but found it difficult to hold him back.
Chang Fo fell on the ground holding his heart. He looked at O’Connor. O’Connor laughs as the old man dies on the floor. But in one final move, Chang Fo runs at O’Connor with his blade and swings. Chang Fo is blocked and falls on the ground. He perishes there on his face.
O’Connor sits and begins to eat Chang Fo’s food. He looks at the floor. “This is pretty good by the way. I’m taking your chef too. Oh no…don’t get up. Sit there and rest you head a bit.” Paul cracks his side and continues to eat.
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The next morning came. Paul gathered thousands of the agents to the main auditorium. They sat in the seats and Paul stood on a balcony with a woman near him. She sat down beside him on throne made of pure silver. She had a haughty look about her and a dangerous smile.
The people sat attentively looking at Paul. Paul threw his hands in the air and stayed looking at them for a few moments.
“I have news about Chang Fo. He was assassinated last night.” Paul told them. The crowd all gasped and looked at one another. They assumed the culprit was in the room sitting beside them. Paul continues to hold his puffed-up stance.
“You are all wondering who killed him no doubt. Then look no further. The man who killed Chang Fo, my beloved master, you beloved leader was Spy 1,200,948…Joseph Arlington.” Paul said.
The crowd all looked at each other in disbelief. Joseph did not always agree with his master, but hated him was extremely incorrect. Joseph did not kill a fly…he would kill no one if he didn’t have to. Such an accusation was too hard to believe. But not a soul amongst them all rose up to speak against it.
“Wrong.” Spy 4,110,710 said. Paul stopped smiling and looked below at the woman standing up. She stared at Paul angrily.784Please respect copyright.PENANAXHfacNaD0F
“You lie. Joseph did not kill the master. In fact, Joseph was nowhere near here. He ran off a few weeks ago, because you made him kill Ron.” Syntyke said bluntly.
“Syntyke Russell…should have known you would speak out against me.” Paul said out loud. “You all believe him? We all know that Joseph didn’t do it. He ran away, how much sense would it make that he come back to seek revenge on the Master when it was Paul’s fault that Ron died?
Joseph is many things and we all know that if he knows the source, he’s going after it. Paul should be the one dead if Joseph truly assassinated anyone.
If anyone might have murdered the master is was Paul himself. Look at him…he’s just evil enough to do it.”
“I did no such thing. But she makes a good point. Joseph has not been seen since his disappearance. Since this is the case, then the culprit is amongst these ranks. So Assassin…who did?” Paul said looking at Syntyke. She is a problem that I have to ensure is dead… I will get Marcia on that. Paul thought to himself. Syntyke just stared at Paul. She had no answer but she was not backing down.
“O’Connor, if you really so concerned, then how come you don’t have a team investigating the case? I don’t know, yes, but I know who was not involved and that’s me, dead Ron, and Joseph Arlington. Everyone else is easy pickings.” Syntyke said with dark confidence behind her.
This child is power playing me. If I do not give in it will look badly on my part. Should I give in, the people might think that my power is not absolute. This time…this time I shall listen…I must put on show. Paul said to himself. He holds his hands in the air. “Very well. You have spoken wisdom like our master would have. I will get our best team on this investigation immediately. Everyone is dismissed.” Paul said.
The room cleared out quickly. Paul turns to Marcia Roterez. She looks him in his eyes.
“There is no evidence is there?” Paul asked of her. “Not a single shred of evidence. We can frame whoever you’d like. I suggest we frame Spy 4,110,710. She’s…sassy.” Marcia said.784Please respect copyright.PENANA5bsETJZ05s
“No. No one would believe that she has done it. She gets away with it this time, but she will pay in due time for her incompetence towards me. Find someone and do it quickly. I will be in my new office.” Paul said turning away from Maria. She gets out of her throne and disappears into the vents.784Please respect copyright.PENANAGTEHFRCDo1