Joseph and Madison sat in his room looking at the computer. Madison was typing quickly as Joseph looked over her shoulder.
“You know, everyone says that changing the chemicals in the brain is both hard and easy. Genetic mutations make it easy but science can’t really pinpoint the reason why we know things are right and wrong.” Madison told him.
“I don’t have a problem with what’s wrong and what’s right. I have a problem with death. I have no reaction to it. Memories of life become useless to me and I don’t have any feelings towards you. That is the problem.” Joseph said looking at the screen.
“Well I’m trying. There is a lot on death you do realize. The reaction of humans is one of the most studied. Yet I can’t find one scientist that’s just a specialist.” She said looking on another tab.
“I’m sure there is one specialist. Maybe all we really need is a brain specialist. See if there is one.” Joseph said.
“They don’t just advertise themselves. The search engine will probably think you have brain cancer.” She told him.
“I think that if we try really…really, really hard we can find what we are looking for. Google is the answer to every problem there is you know.” “Your confidence in google appalls me you realize.”
“Huh. Wait…scroll back up.” Joseph said as something caught his eye.
She scrolls back up. There was a name to a saying.
“The human mind is the most amazing object in perhaps the entire universe. How we can search for myths such as the fountain of youth though? Because we fear death. We all have a reaction to death, some more noticeable others less noticeable. Tears, feelings of abandonment, feelings of sadness, feelings of anger, all reactions to death that we understand as humans but yet we do not understand.
Why does loss affect us so deeply? We are studying that fact now at the University in Sentry City. We encourage ones who has lost loved ones to come and visit us so we can get a brain scan. You will be furthering our research.
We are truly sorry for your loss. Perhaps your sacrifice may help others to be better be able to tolerate the pain one day. Our doors are always open and we will compensate you for your time as best we can.” Joseph read off. He looks at Madison with a smile.
“Jas, you’re not serious are you? You’re going to fly all the way to Sentry City just to get a brain scan?”
“Um, yeah. Only one kink in that plan though. I’ll be driving Ms. Parks. You care to join me on a road trip? It’s the least I can treat you to because we didn’t get to do much up here.”
“I’m off for the rest of the year. It won’t matter if we do nothing for some time Jas. I’m in though. You’re driving. I’m going to have to pack though.” Madison said looking at the screen. She stared into the eyes of the doctor. She didn’t like him at all. “Something is not right with him.” “Yeah, it isn’t. This guy is obsessed with avoiding death…just like the rest of the 7 Billion humans on this earth. Café?” “Sure.”
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Madison and Joseph walk into the café. Big Lucy smiles as they enter her shop. Joseph and she have a seat at the window. Big Lucy walks up to them.
“What’ll have?” she asked in that big country voice. “Apple Juice please.” Joseph said. “A latte, no cinnamon, heavy with the foam, a light amount of chocolate, and it’d be very nice if there was a cherry on the foam. “ Madison said quickly.
“Okay? You’re something else little girl. And what about her?” Big Lucy said looking at Natalia. She was playing with sugar packets quietly.
“She’ll…” “I can order for myself. One brownie with no nuts, a coffee with cream and sugar, and a strawberry Danish with lots of icing. Thank you.” Natalia said.
“She’s got some moxy in her.” Big Lucy said writing it down. She walks off.
“So when are we going to leave Jas?” Madison asked. “Well I was planning to leave tomorrow and knowing you, you will be ready at the last minute. So I beg of you to have your things ready Madison. It looks like Natalia is coming with us…to ruin our fun. Isn’t that right Princess?” Joseph said looking at her. “I’m to watch you two! Yay! You’re both ugly!” Natalia said kicking her feet.765Please respect copyright.PENANAaGTDrTnesR
“You’re right with us Princess.” He said messing her hair up. She slapped his hand out and tried to fix her hair.
“You know, messing with a girl’s hair is probably the worst thing you could do.” Someone said. Madison, Joseph, and Natalia looked up. Annabelle stood there smiling at them with a book in her arms.
“Annie, right?” Joseph said. “Annabelle, call me Annabelle please. Nice to see you all out and about. Who is this little cutie? Annabelle asked.
“This is…” “I’m perfectly capable of introducing myself! I’m Natalia Arlington, little sister of the best brother in the world!” Natalia said throwing her arms in the air dramatically.
“Well, it’s very nice to meet you Natalia.” Annabelle told her. “Call me Nats! I like Nats…it sounds like biting bugs.” Natalia said pretending to chomp down on something.
“I’ll keep that in mind. So what is this deadly trio up to in the corner?” Annabelle asked placing her book on the table and sitting with them.
“We were talking about leaving New Heights.” Madison said. “Leaving New Heights so soon? You’ve barely been here at all. You don’t know what you’re missing.” Annabelle said surprised.
“Well, we have some business in Sentry City that we’re going to attend to.” Joseph said.765Please respect copyright.PENANAxmLR0Ev8AD
“Right, that’s what you’re doing. I’ve noticed that you both have something to hide. So, whatever you’re doing, I want in.” Annabelle said.
“You want in? Okay, our little trio is having auditions and we barely know you. You can’t just intrude.” Madison quickly. “I’m not intruding; I’m telling you that I’m in because you want me to be in the group. You know, I’m very useful.”
“And what about us is so interesting?” Joseph asked. “You don’t judge someone. Believe it or not, people in this town all treat me different. Most, like an outcast. There are the occasional few that are kind to me, Mr. Johnson and Big Lucy here. They’re about as close to friends as I have.
I need something to do…I need to get my mind off some things. I was just hoping that you’d be kind enough to let me in on whatever it is that you’re doing.” She said looking at them all.
“Give us a minute.” Joseph said. Joseph and Madison leave the table to a corner. “I don’t know Jas. We don’t know her at all. Introducing the IOSTA to someone’s world that we barely know is cruel. She’s intrusive…I can see it.” “Well, Madison, we both are short on friends in this world these days, it can’t hurt to try and see if one offering friendship is actually worth it.” “I suppose your right as always Jas. We just need to be careful.” “We will. You know, there is something about her…some kind of spirit…” “Guess you’ll figure it out soon enough. Shall we tell her good sir?” she says doing the curtsy. “I believe we shall Ms. Parks.” He bows slightly. They laugh and walk back.765Please respect copyright.PENANAlHWsMsTwTF
Natalia was eating her snacks and drinking her coffee. She looks at Madison. “You’re totally in Annabelle.” She continues to eat. “Really?” Annabelle asked excitedly. “Really.” Madison said. “So what are we doing?” “We, we are going to Texas tomorrow so I can get a brain scan.” Joseph said.
“Why? Are you dying?” “No, not that kind of brain. I think that we’ll wait a minute before we tell you that.” Joseph said. “Yeah, it’s totally creepy.” Natalia says sipping on her coffee. “I want milk with this.” She says looking at Joseph.
“Then ask Big Lucy. Annie, we’re leaving tomorrow. So everyone needs to be ready and lightly packed. I’m an early bird so I’ll be by to pick everyone up at 6:30. Madison?” Joseph said looking at her.
“I’ll be up. He’s so annoying with his punctuality. Actors are never early…lateness is an art.” Madison said more to herself than anyone.
“Good. 6:30, remember that everyone…” he said once more.765Please respect copyright.PENANAXX1BoLiobR