Syntyke arrives to Paris a day later. She steps off the plane and scans the area. She knew that there were operatives all over the world. If they were looking for her they would find her. There were over 1 Billion IOSTA operatives in the world. She only could call up about 4 million to her own mind, the ones that she learned.
So she was in true danger in Paris, where she knew not a single soul that was an IOSTA operative. No one was looking at her or trying to get to her. She looked around her back to double check and continues forward into the airport.
She was able to get a Taxi to drive her to the exact center of Paris. She paid the man and gets out of the car. It was a small little building in the middle of Paris. It was insignificant to say the least.
She knocks on the one door of the no window building and it creaks open. She slips into the building quietly and removes her blades. She swings them knowing that she cut something that was moving fast. She then fell forward and felt as if she were falling into a pit.
She lands on a something soft and rolls right off of it. She gets up and sees hundreds of men surrounding her. She looks at her blades behind her and was about to go get them when another man snatches them off the floor.
“What are you doing here?” the man in the golden robe asked lifting his hood off his head. “I’m here to see Hans Settin.” She answered. The man tilts his head to the left. “I know not of you. How could you know me?” he asks her. “Joseph Arlington.” She tells him.
Hans raises an eyebrow. He hands Syntyke her blades. “He must be fond of you to tell you about me. Very few know the way to escaping an all-powerful organization. What have you ever done for him?” Hans requests. “Been a friend for some time. We have some of the same…morals.” She replies.
Hans nods to her. He then motions her to follow him as he walks between the opening line of monk like men and women.
“You wish to escape that with which is said to be the mouth of a roaring tiger…cold and unforgiving. Henceforth, you must face the cold and unforgiving. It is the only way you can leave. Then you will be safe…by legality, from assassination, unless someone has a personal bone to pick with you.” Hans tells her.
“What is this thing I must face?” Syntyke asks. “A creature that descended from the heavens. It is a dark and evil creature.” Hans tells her. “An alien?” Syntyke questions. “Yes. It is an alien animal, of the most vile ferocity. Few have seen it, even fewer have survived it. I’m very afraid for you.” He tells Syntyke.
“Why so?” she asks of him. “Because, you don’t have the necessary skill to face it but if you urgently need to get out, then I will let you through the gates of pure wickedness.” He says to her.
“I’m more than ready to face the beast.” Syntyke says to him. He nods to her approvingly. He then points his hand towards black gates made of pure onyx stone and reinforced steel.
“Enter at your own peril.” He warns the woman. “Have you ever faced it?” she asks him. “Yes… With scars.” Hans says turning away. He activates a forcefield and disappears from her sight. Syntyke turns her attention to the gates.
She looks at the floor and sees an assortment of slits in the ground to fit weapons in. She sticks her swords into two slits in the floor and twists. The gate begins to open into pure darkness. She walks in slowly…holding her blades tightly.
In the inner sanctum of what was called evil, there was nothing but quiet. She spun her blades around impatient, wanting to face the creature of so-called malice.
She got her wish. The monster rises from the ground shaking the arena with its immense size. She read the Latin carved in its stomach…she had to slaughter the beast. Should she fail…well…she was dead.
She gripped her swords tighter and leaps in the air. She starts flipping up the black, slimy, and grotesque monster. She sticks her blades in it and leaps off of them getting higher and higher.
She gets to the top of the monster’s head and slashes it in the core that was sitting on its head. It shrieked and slung her off. She flew across the arena and slams into the wall. She gets up slowly and weakly.
The monster slides at her tearing the ground to bits. She hurries up the wall and it slams into the wall. She flips off the wall and on the back of the beast. She sticks her blades in its back and it rises in the air.
It moves wildly and Syntyke holds on for dear life. She keeps her eyes closed as the beast tears the wind and nearly blows her off. The beast’s tail comes down on its back. By this time, she had leaped off and ran across the stadium towards a weapons cache.
The thing was horrible. It was stronger than…anything she had ever seen before. It was possible that it was the strongest thing on the planet. She looks back, sensing the danger coming in and runs to the side.
She just is missed by the tail that is slammed down. The weapons cache is destroyed. She looks at the tail and leaps on it. She starts climbing up the tail that is slung wildly in the air. She holds on, knowing the next time she hit the wall, she wasn’t going to get up.
The tail stops slinging wildly and eyes come out of the tail. They fire heat vision at her and she keeps climbing to avoid the dangerous beams of light. She makes it to the middle of the back and it oozes acid out at her. She hand stands on her acid proof blades and it rolls on by.
When it is done, she flips back to her feet and continues the climb to the head. She jumps and slashes the core on its head. She keeps slashing and it screeches in pain and slings her off.
She flies towards the wall. She flips in the air and slams against the wall. She didn’t hit it that hard this time, because she used a flip to slow her speed. She gets up in pain and it fires its eye beams at her.
She rolls out of the way and runs at the beast. It runs at her. She calls on the training to push her body to the next level. She leaps in the air just as it was about to hit her. She reached the top of its head and runs her swords clean into the core of the head. She carves her way in to the brain.
She tumbles into the cavity of the head. She lands on the brain and leaps down with her sword in the brain cutting it down. The monster roars and falls down to its death. Syntyke flips off, cuts her way out of the eyes, and rolls out of the monster.
Men run in and grab her. The monster begins to heal and they shut the gate behind them.
Syntyke looks at herself in disgust. She was covered in the slime of the beast of evil. Hans claps to her and smiles. “You’re a free woman ma’am. You’re free to go wherever you want.” Hans informs her.
“That easy?” She asks him. “Was it easy to kill the beast?” he asks her. “No.” “Then not that easy. Only if you consider it easy, is it easy. You may leave any time you like.” Hans says waving his hand to the left. A light fires into the ground and she starts walking towards it. She is enveloped by the light and pulled upwards, like a tractor beam.
“Au revoir Madame!” Hans yells out…. He turns to his men. “Inform Paul O’Connor to stay away from Agent 4,110,710. Tell him if he does not, he will face the Inner Clan.” Hans commands them.
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Miqueas Trent sits non-chalant at a Bistro. He looks over a menu at a man he was watching. The man was Miguel Arson. Miqueas was really looking at the facts on Miguel Arson on the menu.
The following info was on the menu. Miguel was from Guadalajara, Mexico. He was a drug king and assassin for hire. He often went by the name Jugular because of his preference for killing a person by slitting their throat.
For a man as young as Miqueas himself, he had quite the kill streak, over 1250 men died by his hand since he turned 18. He was on the top priority list for every agency in the world, amongst others. Miqueas was going to bag the man himself.
Miqueas watches him leave and get into his rented car. Miqueas gets on a moped and chases after the car. The car turns into a street and Miguel gets out. He looks at his target, young man with an ugly face. Miguel flicks his dagger in the air. The man turns to Miguel.
“You know, you should never run to your favorite place to hide. Zimbabwe sends their regards by the way.” Miguel tells him. The man looks at Miguel and frowns. “You don’t know who I am. I am the prince of…” he said with a heavy African accent. Miguel had slung his knife into his throat before he could finish. Miguel rolls his eyes.
“I really hate the ones that talk before I finish. Another successful.” Miguel says pulling his knife out and putting it away. He frowns and holds the knife in hand. He turns slowly with his hands in the air.
“Agent…” Miguel said knowingly. “You’re under arrest by the U.S government for the murder of U.S Senator Amygdala.” Miqueas said holding his gun on point with Miguel’s heart.
“Oh, you think I’m afraid of you? You think you can shoot me before I get you?” Miguel said with a smile creasing on his face. He moved slowly to the right and the gun followed his movement. “I’m the world’s greatest assassin.” “Not according to reports. There’s another out there…just disappeared a while ago.”
“Let me rephrase that. I’m the world’s greatest known assassin. There are those out there who would surprise you. You should, really spend your time looking for those type of folks you know. I’m really in consequential.” Miguel tells him. “That’s enough. Turn around.” Miqueas says.
“How about…no.” Miguel’s knife flies at Miqueas and clips his throat. Miqueas places his hand on his neck and then looks at it. There was a mild amount of blood. He looks up and Miguel was running at him.
He and Miguel punch each other. Miqueas grabs Miguel and hits him in the stomach with his knee. Miqueas is elbowed in the gut and he stumbles back. Miguel takes out a knife and runs at his throat.
Miqueas rolls against the wall out of the way. He spin kicks him in the face. Miqueas then beats him to the ground. Miguel lies there holding his hands in the air. “I give man!” Miguel says. “I don’t believe you.” Miqueas says taking his other gun out.
Miguel smiles and kicks the gun out of his hand. It falls into Miguel’s hand and he fires. Miqueas runs around the corner and Miguel just keeps shooting. Miqueas looks around the corner and Miguel was getting into his car.
He takes off running at the car. He slams into someone smaller than he and they flip in the air. The car’s tires spin and takes off. Miguel laughs madly out the window saying something in Spanish that was not understood.
Miqueas looks at the person he had run into. He was shocked to see it was Syntyke. He had lost one mark and gotten another. She gets up rubbing her head and looks at him.
“You again?” She says quickly. “Sorry. You following me?” “No.” “What are you doing here?” they both asked. “On business.” They both answered. Syntyke quickly figured out he was an Agent. He wondered if she was an agent herself. He just had never seen her face anywhere before…not in the FBI, MI7, or CIA. There were others sure, but she was far too calm, as if she was truly on business.
“Well, uh, you know, since we’re both here, how about that coffee. I know a great place.” Miqueas said with a smile. “ Sure.” She told him.688Please respect copyright.PENANAhgfaXJnf1Q