I bid Sammy farewell and slowly made my way back to the main lunch hall, –aka nausea, constipation and/or diarrhoea central. Seriously, the food is terrifying, and I thought those oldies were supposed to know how to cook at least. Yuck.
Already looking at those stiff murky sewage blobs we named ‘mash’ was already putting me off my non-existent appetite. I’ll just grab a snack on the way back since there’s that little old, rickety 7-11 nearby. I scrolled on my phone, clicking on the photo app and looking at the two beautiful portraits.
”Huh…they both got drilled in by the arms…” I noted to myself, perhaps that alluringly madman had the mental storage to deal with two murders. Not an amateur then. It’s got some experience alright. Just then a cheery voice broke me out of my intense stare. “Hi Liz!” I smiled warmly, watching her fiddle with her short sleeves before smiling back brightly.
“Hey Keiko!” Her next action was off the charts. Normally Liz–short for Elizabeth cause I’m lazy to address her by her full first name even–is shy and kept to herself, which was sadly why she fell victim to the idiots of the world. I don’t think I need to address who. But now however, she was rubbing up all over me like Marilyn Monroe.
I was shushed to Krampus for a short second before I whispered back, “Liz. What are you doing.” She pulled back, her eyes shining like she had put contacts or water directly in them; “You didn’t tell me you spent these two days with the year’s genius.”
”Wha—huh?? Who?” “Mr.Cayo L. Azhar.” Oh. Link from the Legend of Zelda is the school’s Jimmy Neutron apparently. “Oh, yeah. I did.” I chuckled, she seemed ecstatic, demanding about how we met and stuff. I answered her interrogation with what I could remember. “Oh so you chased after him? How cu—MPPH!” I exhaled, letting go of the hand slapped across her mouth like duct tape.
“Liz, we’re…” I paused, was he a friend? Or was he one of those back-stabbing sardines you see squished together in Spongebob? Well; only one way to find out. “…friends.”
“Good to know.”
”CAYO!” I jumped forward, nearly using the floor as a potato peeler for my skin. “Don’t do that you idiot!” He laughed solemnly, reaching out a Skellington arm for me to grab at. Looking about, I frowned, where’d that crazy woman go? “Food, she said she was hungry.” Albert Einstein clarified. I let out a brief: ‘oh’ before focusing on him.
“Why’re you here? How’s your neck?” I prodded, listening intently to him. “I came to say thanks. And my neck is movable now.” I laughed, surely he couldn’t be serious? A stab like that could’ve seriously damaged his jugular vein, causing him to literally drink his own wine and choke on the intensity of it like it were food. “No Keiko. I can! Look!” My watery eyes cleared over as I saw him trying to tilt his neck like a slinky.
-Cayo’s P.O.V-
“Okay you moron, you’re loosening the bandages.” She noted, stepping closer and reaching around; feeling for the knot. Friends…huh. A part of me still wants to end her, it’s like an urge. Truth is, I’m actually here to see if she had found out anything about Lyra and the other dude’s–I couldn’t be bothered to remember his name–‘mysterious’ deaths.
A loud clap brought me back to the present as I stared at her ocean blue eyes, cloudy, not with the previous tears but with questions unanswered. She was thinking. “S-sorry, what was it?” “I said I’m done, and then I asked you if you were actually as intelligent as they say.” As who say? There’s rumours regarding my fast thinking?? “Liz stated, and she’s not the type to lie.” I coughed.
Why did she care whether I was as intelligent as they think?
Then it hit me.
She wants me to help her with the murders.
-Third Person P.O.V-
The blonde nodded slowly, caution overriding his senses as every cell told him to just run. A friendly grin etched its way onto Keiko’s face, the girl shining with joy as she showed him her phone. Both murders photoshopped side by side.
”Both murders were aimed at the arms, so maybe there’s a connection there.” She pointed out, zooming in on the obvious wounds and dents. “The dents on this moron’s wrists are much deeper than Lyra’s, like something was drilled or stabbed into them. But unless they were straws I have no idea what could made that kind of shape.”
The Egyptian was impressed, she had noticed those marks rather quickly even under the deep red colour. However, he hadn’t meant to slash Lyra’s arms, she just kind of…let him? He didn’t know how to explain it. “Cayo?” He let out an audible hum, encouraging her to go on.
“Do you know why the killer aimed for the arms? They could’ve aimed for the face, it would’ve been faster.” He froze, trying not to seem too entranced by that question, he shrugged; “The veins in the arms are very visible and vulnerable. One such cut would leave the person ending up in a morgue almost instantly.”
The blue-nette nodded briskly, eyes never leaving the bodies. “Also, the creature’s whole body was stretch out, leaving no sign of struggle. But…” she zoomed into the damage area, pointing at the second victim’s hands. “His hands were still moving, that’s why they’re both facing opposite ways. He was trying, but the person was stronger…also shorter.”
Astonished as her quick piece together, the boy stood silent, nodding as she unravelled his well hidden deed. I must kill her then. He concluded numbly, she knows too much, and I haven’t even told her anything.
”Why shorter?” He probed, maybe she was just messing with him. She had to be. “Shorter because if you look at his hands……” she shushed herself, wearily looking about, hitting Cayo on the back playfully twice, and walking away. Suddenly, she looked back, over her shoulder.
”I’ll see you some other time.” She diverted at a slightly louder volume, plastering a fake beam on her lips, then abruptly dropping her voice into a quiet whisper. “Not now. Aleena around the corner. Go.” She told him and skipped off without letting him reply. Cayo nodded to himself, turning on his heel before spotting Aleena rushing down the corridor.
She HAS to be the murderer.
I have to get rid of her soon.
Cayo is hiding something.