“C-Cayo..? What do you mean Murderer??” Wait. No. That’s not right. She’s…innocent…? I mentally shake my head with vigour. It’s a hoax. She’s lying. “Where are they?” Keiko looked as if her oceanic eyes were about to blow from their sockets, “Don’t play dumb with me Keiko. Where. Are. THEY?!” A silent tear slipped down her blood red cheek. She inhaled sharply, her voice strikingly more broken and crackly than I’ve ever heard, “WHO ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!” She wailed, hot streams on clear brine washing down her face.
Fine. If she wants to play that way then so be it.
“Never mind. I’m sorry Keiko. Don’t cry.” If she wants to try emotional bullying, I’ll do her one better. She can’t fool me. Never. She sniffed, her tone gone back to the soft, sweet serenade that I’m used to. “I-it’s fine..I-I have to g-go..” and with that, she scurried off in the other direction.
<Few weeks later>
Keiko and I have gotten closer, good thing too. I’ve already devised Plan A—and if that fails I’ve got B and C all ready—so now I just have to get her where I want her.
“Kei? You got time to spare during Lunch?” I watched her curious blue eyes focus on me, mischief riddled within them. “Mm..” she contemplated, “Yeah, I think so. Should I go tell Sam–“ “No, that won’t be necessary, I just need to show you something is all!” She beamed and nodded, heading off to her next class.
Now to play the waiting game.
-Keiko’s P.O.V-
Hm, I wonder what Cayo wants to show me? Oh. I snigger lightly at the thought and let it pass like my failing grades. Science class huh. I wonder if Ms.Arachnid is here today; maybe she lost one of the three glasses she had and broke her stick legs trying to find them.
I look into the class and sigh.
This is gonna be a longgg class.
The time of feasting!
I silently nod to myself, packing up and heading to the hall. “Cayo? You here?” A small, unripe cabbage-head poked out of one of the classes, beckoning me forward.
Like a moth drawn to a flame.
I step foot into the class, the air is cold and the room dark, maybe it IS what I was thinking about..? Nahh. “Kei, mind locking the door please? I don’t want any teachers entering, especially Ms.Amy.” His voice floats light and airily like a vape-cloud in the room.
”Ms.Arachnid? Yeah got it.” I giggled, what was she gonna do anyways? Wrap us in her webs and send us to the principal? Yeah right. I turn my back to lock the door without a second thought.
“Okie dokie, door locked, now what?” I spun around, passing him a faux innocent look. Then I noticed it. He changed. My eyes rake over the petite boy dressed in a white undershirt and orange flannel–which contrasted nicely with his blonde bush–, ending it with black leggings and black shoes. His once bright blue eyes darkened, reduced to a soft glow. Woah..he look good. I heard an Alto-ranged chuckle, “Like what you see, do you?” “Oh shush!” I spat, already feeling myself get drawn to him.
Like a moth drawn to a flame.
“You said it’ll be quick, what do you wanna show me?” “Right this way Mi’ Lady.” He grinned impishly, a dark aura surrounding it, as lead me the one of the shelves in the back of the room. “Step closer, it’s really small so it’s difficult to see.” I spared him a light laugh, “Like something else?” A low, dark chocolaty–cause I don’t like those whites–hum resonated through my ears.
So close..
“Yeah, it’ll be inside you in a moment too.” He breathed slowly, as if he was plugged to life-support. Oh Lord. My mind was smoking a whole new type of drug, not even Flakka could make me feel so…mindless. It was like my mind went to Pompeii’s volcano for vacation and now it was wrapped in ash too. I couldn’t focus, as if he was dragging me here and there like a marionette. Drawing me in like a moth to a…to a…what was it again..? “Well? What are you waiting for..?” I whispered, hopefully, listening another sinfully satisfying sound, “Indeed.” (I thought it didn’t do this anymore 😫)
Then I felt it.
Cold metal jabbed itself at the back of my head like a tongue on an icy pole. Another baritone whisper cascaded down my flesh, giving me goosebumps. “Don’t try to run.” I didn’t know what to endure first; the lightheadedness from the lack of blood flowing through my stoned mind, the rush of adrenaline singing in my useless arteries or the cold shivers running down my back in fear.
“You think I fell for your trick did you? You can’t fool me. Keiko Shi.” The barrel pushed harder in the back of my head, I focused on it, wondering whether he’d kill me by drilling a bloody hole through my skull with it instead of shooting me.
“I know you murdered her. Aleena. Wouldn’t you like to tell me the story.” A tremor racked through my body, shaking out every single feeling other than numbness. He has the upper hand and he isn’t going to step down.
Well guess what.
Neither am I.