Once the two had gone off on separate paths, the healer sprinted down the hallways to where she and Samael always hid when things got rough. “Sammy…?” She whistled, peeking round the abandoned corner to see the large hunched figure.
Sulking… she sighed, her relieved sigh passing through the air; at least he was safe. Fearlessly, she scooted her way over to him, sitting down by his side. “Hoi…” A sharp poke to his stomach caused the boy to jolt slightly, groaning. “Go away Keiko…” She huffed, ignoring him and grabbing his hands, yanking them towards her. There’s no bandages? Where did… her gaze floated forward to see the bloody strips stretched out by the wall.
She smiled, at least she wouldn’t have to chase after him to change those filthy tapes. Digging through her supplies she patted his hand with saline soaked cotton and dried it like till it burned slightly. Then she encased the palms leaving the other fingers and the stub so they were mobile.
-Samael’s P.O.V-
She bandaged me again. Why did she bandage me again? Why is she down here? She went after Azhar didn’t she. I hate him. I hate him. She helped you. Say something. “…thanks…” “It’s okay Sammy.” She’s so nice. I don’t want to hurt her. “…Az—“ Why did you say that? You idiot.
“—He’s okay, I have no idea where he is but I don’t think he’ll hurt us.” He won’t hurt us… He’ll hurt her… She can’t defend herself. I can’t defend her. “Keiko…?” “Mhm.” I’m going to ask her. I’m going to ask her.
“Hit me.”
-Keiko’s P.O.V-
“Hit me.”
”Sammy I—“ “Keiko please.” He begged like a dog, tucking my hand between his own and his cheek. “Slap me as hard as you can. Just once.” I shook my head. I’m not gonna pull a ‘high functioning sociopath’ on an innocent!
Instead this twat wants me to slap him like a chapati (ok that’s an inside joke so err 😂). “Keikoooo—“ “Why do you want me to slap you so badly?” Eesh, he’s like a toddler asking for candy,–instead the candy this time is getting those juicy cheeks slapped– “I…want…I want to focus.” Focus? Focus on what? That blissful burning sensation that embedded itself into your cheeks?
Okay, here’s the thing. Which is worse, the fact I don’t mind the pain or the fact that I like it? Eh who cares, whatever it is, I don’t like harming innocents. Even if it’s just smacking them like a roti canai. “Keiko just d—!” “Fine!!!”
It wasn’t a hard smack, no cheek jiggling, but enough to make it sting a bit, reddish bumps forming on the chocolate skin. “…thanks…” I let a strangling breath loose. At least he seemed calmer. The bell chimed it’s hauntingly sleep hymn again and we headed out of the hide away.